• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • Fourms (Reboot)


The Swiftest Shot In The West

Main  Forums  OOC


[SIZE= 28px]•  •  •  [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 28px] •  •  •[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Here's the choice of characters types that you can choose from:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]The Elites, the reg. Elemental students, & the Humans.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px](Get ready to read a butt load of text...)[/SIZE]





[SIZE= 20px]101 : [/SIZE]Caspian De Sol , Clair O'Reilly , Luka Arnett


[SIZE= 20px]102 : [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Adrian H. Vivien [/SIZE], Homura Hayashi , Nathaniel Reed


[SIZE= 20px]103 : [/SIZE].Arcus Knight , Reno Artorias  ,[SIZE= 14px]Isaac emptoris [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]104 : [/SIZE]Raiven Alessetria Darktower , Ruby , [SIZE= 14px]Hazel Valarie[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]105 : [/SIZE]Luna Lotus ,[SIZE= 14px]Constance Shraizer , [/SIZE]Karoline


[SIZE= 20px]106 : [/SIZE] Rina Xem , Raphael Moreau , Jason Theyrill


[SIZE= 20px]107 :[/SIZE] [SIZE= 14px]Trinity Rovick , [/SIZE]Miakori Hanako , 


[SIZE= 20px]108 : [/SIZE]Dmitri Gardenia , Joseph Walker


[SIZE= 20px]109 : [/SIZE]Akira Adhern , Victoria Laynes , Ritsu Miyabi


[SIZE= 20px]110 : [/SIZE]Nobuyuki Raku ,







Captain: Caspian De Sol

Vice Captain: [SIZE= 14px]Adrian H. Vivien [/SIZE]


1.Caspian De Sol ( @VenomSlayer )

2.Arcus Knight ( @Anyone Online )

3.Homura Hayashi ( @GreyGremory )

4.  Raiven Alessetria Darktower ( @Eternal Dragonchild )

5. [SIZE= 14px]Adrian H. Vivien [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]( @eero-prince )[/SIZE]

6.Reno Artorias ( @ShadowSaber331 )

7. Dmitri Gardenia ( @DialgaMatthewa )

8.Victoria Laynes ( @TheQueenofHearts )


[SIZE= 12px]The Elites are the group of eight Elemental Witches, who are pretty much the 'celebrities' of the
school. Half of them are pretty rich, and their looks combined with their status sort of make them
superior. (In their minds, anyways.) They pretty much do what they want, when they want, & are the
ones most other Elemental Witches/Wizards are either admired or hated by. They can do a lot, like

[SIZE= 12px]somehow they're the ones who get to plan all the school's events, get away with throwing parties in the [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]gym, breaking the rules while most of the staff will turn a blind eye, & one or two are even members [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px] on the Student Council. Therefore, the Elites get some kinda say in everything, pretty much. Some try [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]extremely hard to be apart of the 'Elites', while others go out of their ways to hate them. But whether[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]you love them or don't, it's best not to be hated or too noticed by them because some of these Elite's [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]will set your life aflame. Literally. [/SIZE]







1. Clair O'Reilly ( @Mr Swiftshots )

2.Luna Lotus ( @Zeldafangirl )

3.Ruby ( @Leo Radomir )

4. Rina Xem ( @Catnapper)

5. [SIZE= 14px]Constance Shraizer ( @Karen )[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]6. [/SIZE]Raphael Moreau ( @XxCharColexX )

7. Miakori Hanako ( @Eternal Dragonchild )

8. [SIZE= 14px]Trinity Rovick ( @demnkiller )[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]9. Akira Adhern ( @KuroBara )[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]10. [/SIZE]Joseph Walker ( @LoneSniper87 )

11. Nobuyuki Raku ( @Kyon )

[SIZE= 12px]The Elemental Witches are obviously the higher populated species, not only in the Academy, but on Earth [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]in general. Outside the Academy, in the 'real' world, elemental witches are basically the ones in higher powers, and [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]are treat each other much better than they do humans. Anyone and everyone in the outside world who is in power over a [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]country or nation, or is a celebrity, or some rich business owner is pretty much bound to be an Elemental witch. The[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Equality scale in this world is super unbalanced, so Elemental Witches (since, well, they have amazing abilities & powers)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]are pretty much the dominant and more successful species, and most elemental witches don't treat humans humanely.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px](How ironic is that lol?) [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]But anyways, none of that 'discrimination' against gross magic-less humans is going to happen[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]here at Sakura Academy, right? Since there is that new program that's supposed to help spread and teach [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]'Equality' among humans and witches, after all.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]But onto other things, like cool magic stuff. Elemental witches are basically people with special abilities [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]revolving around a certain element of Earth, which for this role-play will include: [/SIZE]


  • [SIZE= 12px]Fire - specializes in heat and flame related magic (common)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 12px]Water - specializes in ice, and other water related magic (common)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 12px]Plants - specializes in growing, controlling, or destroying living plant based organisms; [/SIZE][SIZE= 10px]usually good at herb related potions[/SIZE][SIZE= 8px] [/SIZE][SIZE= 11px](common)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 12px]Animals - specializes in animal communications, shape-shifting, or insect related magic (uncommon)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 12px]Air/Wind - specializes in air, atmosphere, or wind related magic (uncommon)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 12px]Light/Shadows - specializes in shadows, lights, & a few have some visual related abilities (uncommon)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 12px]Electrical currents/Lightening - specializes in electrical currents & technology related magic (rare)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 12px]Metals - specializes in metallic metals, bending them or crushing them, making metallic based potions (rare)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 12px]Spiritual - specializes in ghost communications, meditating, summoning, or other related magic (v. rare)[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px](If there's another Elemental based magic you're dying to have, j[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]ust lemme know first [/SIZE][SIZE= 12px])[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Now before you get all excited, lemme explain one or two things:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]#1 - Just because you happen to be a Plant based witch or a Water based witch or whatever, does not mean you can [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]just grow a freaking oak tree w/ just a blink of an eye, or freeze the entire school with just a whisper.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Yeah, sure there are probably witches OUTSIDE of the Academy that can do crazy stuff like that, but you[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]as a student, cannot do stuff like that. You have to learn & in each element based magic, you can specialize[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]in different things. Like in water, for example: Maybe you are good at dehydrating certain things (like fruit or vegetables)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]or maybe you specialize in freezing things, or maybe you're good at moving other liquids that happen to have water [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]in them. So there's different things each wizard with the same elemental based magic can be good at, and you can[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]come up with whatever it is that each witch is really good at in that certain category.[/SIZE]





1.[SIZE= 14px]Isaac emptoris [/SIZE]( @Leo Radomir )

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]2.*deaf* Luka Arnett ( @Eternal Dragonchild )[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]3.[/COLOR] Nathaniel Reed ( @JayEmperor7 )

[SIZE= 14px]4. *deaf* Hazel Valarie ( @Zeldafangirl )[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]5. Karoline ( @CandidFox )[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]6. Jason Theyrill ( @KuroBara )[/SIZE]

7. Ritsu Miyabi ( @Impysh )

[SIZE= 12px]Oh, right - there's also these unmagical potatoes, known as the humans. In the outside world, as I said above,[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]humans have sort of the short end of the stick when it comes to... pretty much everything. The odds of a human becoming[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]poor, jobless, and treated unfairly because of their race is all too common in this modern world. They are always in last[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]place when it comes to the Elemental witches, & compared to the witches, they aren't nearly as strong or as privileged.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Humans have to go to separate schools from the witches, and even separate colleges - there are some colleges that[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]accept humans and witches, but you better believe that they'd be more inclined to accept the Elemental witch, simply[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]because they're an elemental, and you're not.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]But not here, at Sakura Academy! The new program is targeted not only to help teach young elementals about equality,[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]but to also help humans learn to be more successful in an environment where they don't have to feel like they're being[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]over-shadowed by the magical ones. At least, that's the goal anyways.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]But I'm sure some of you are probably not looking forward to rooming w/ snotty nosed magical jerks, right? Or maybe[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]a few of you are scared outta your pants by them, since well, someone could set your hair on fire with just a wave of a wand, if they[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]felt a need to.[/SIZE]



1. Belvedere Graham ( @demnkiller )

2.Zenith Firestone ( @Leo Radomir )

3. Balthazar Dáinsleif ( @Azer1on )


[COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][SIZE= 20px]Battle Register[/COLOR][/SIZE]


Arcus Knight vs Raphael Moreau

Homura Hayashi vs Adrian H. Vivien

Reno Artorias vs Rina Xem

Dmitri Gardenia vs Joseph Walker

[COLOR= black]Nobuyuki Raku vs[/COLOR]

Caspian De Sol  vs Clair O'Reilly

Raiven Alessetria Darktower vs Trinity Rovick

Constance Shraizer vs Akira Adhern

Miakori Hanako vs Luna Lotus

Ruby vs Victoria Laynes vs Yves Bartram
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So here's the basics that you'll need to include on your form:


(You can add colors, more details, or design the form however you want, but just make sure you get the

basics of what's on the form)




[INSERT anime/digital art IMAGE HERE or anywhere actually lol; just make sure not to forget to add your characters picture]


N a m e  [Insert 1st & last name]

N i c k - N a m e  - [Whatever it is they go by]

A g e -  [For students: ages 15 - 18] [For faculty/teachers: ages 21 - 80 or something]

G e n d e r  -  [Insert here]

O r i e n t a t i o n - [Insert sexuality here]

  R a c e  - [Human or Elemental]

  R o l e  - [Student, Teacher, Janitor etc.] [If they're a student that's part of the Elite group, say so here; or

if they're a teacher or something, include the subject here too]

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - [The Element their powers stem from][If human, delete this]

S p e c i a l t i e s - [What they specialize in, within their Elemental base power.

If you need ideas for this, just message me or go on the occ thread.][If human delete this too]

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - [How tall they are]

B u i l d - [Body type, like flimsy, chubby, ripped - however you wanna describe it] [you can skip this if it

makes you uncomfortable, or you just add their weight number instead

  H a i r  - [Describe/Restate color or something]

  E y e s  - [Describe]

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - [Explain or add a list of traits - Just don't be too perfect; cause even the most perfect people are seriously unperfect]

H i s t o r y - [Optional;  you could elaborate on what their parents do, how their home-life was, rich or poor etc. etc.]

L i k e s - [Make a little list of what they're interested in or like; could be candied apples or could be explosive stink potions - whatever toots their horns]

D i s l i k e s - [Make a list of crud they hate or don't like; stuff that doesn't toot their horns]

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - [Optional; but you could put what sort of weird little thing they do or have a habit of doing]

T h e m e  - [Optional; can insert their theme song or whatever]

Q u o t e - [Optional; insert a quote you think fits them or relates to them]

─────── ─────── ──────

[Delete all the brackets, & if you want, you're allowed to add more than one picture or gif or whatever;

add whatever else you want to the form & design it how you want.]




N a m e  Clair O'Reilly

N i c k - N a m e  - The Voidwalker

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  -  female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student Council President and former member of the Elite


E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Space

S p e c i a l t i e s -

Clair Specialises in both teleportation and barrier creation. However this is not to say she hasn't got an ace up her sleeve.


D o r m  R o o m - TBA



─────── ─────── ──────


  H e i g h t  - 5'7


─────── ─────── ──────


P e r s o n a l i t y -

Clair is generous with her time, wisdom, and resources. She is a woman of her word and follows through with her commitments, whatever the cost. She willingly extends a hand to those in need and manages her priorities and time well – understanding that she can only serve others after she has taken care of herself.  Clair possesses a positive outlook on life.  Her humour, wisdom, and consistent encouragement attract others to her.


Clair maintains a teachable posture and embraces change for the better. She does not compare herself to others, but embraces her strengths and accepts her weaknesses. Clair models civility in how she treats others. She demonstrates respect, restraint, and personal responsibility in her appearance, behaviour, and communication. She is honourable, and values and respects others.Clair is well-mannered and knows what is appropriate. She is able to navigate various social and professional settings with ease and proficiency. She embraces all people – those from other cultures, as well as individuals from various social and economic backgrounds. Be they human or elemental !



H i s t o r y - Clair is the sole living member of the O'Reilly family , an only child to her deceased parents whom both passed away when she was young. The O'Reilly family was a key player in the world of economics  and as a result Clair is extremely wealthy and well versed in said world.  However that isn't really relevant to her school life.


You see Clair has always excelled in school , acing every exam she has ever been given. Clair's element is extremely rare as well  which only adds to her previous prestige  , oh yes the element of space. An element sought after by many a country for military means , unparalleled in adaptability and damage  ( when used right). You see the element of space may be powerful and adaptable but by no means is it easy to use  , heck it's almost terrifying how difficult it is. One miss calculation of power and the user could end up dead or worse !


This element gives the saying 'with great power comes great responsibility' a whole new level of meaning.

Clair counters this terrifying down side by only using her magic when needed , or using her magic in short organised packages. It keeps both her and the school safe.


Finally I think you should know about why Clair is a former member of the elite. Well to be honest it's quite simple , Clair doesn't share the viewpoint those barbarians do. 1. she doesn't abuse her powers , 2. she doesn't discriminate , 3. she's responsible , and well you get the point. In truth Clair got fed up with the group and left without word.


L i k e s -





.student council duties


D i s l i k e s

.People who act spoilt





Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Clair has a habit of going silent when angered.


T h e m e  -


Q u o t e - this school hopes to see humans and elementals treat each other equally  , as the student body president It is my duty to see that this hope becomes a reality.


─────── ─────── ──────


Extra : Clair is narcoleptic , in other words she can fall into a deep sleep at any moment without warning. Doctors assume this is a result of her elements sheer power taking a tool on her body.
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]N a m e  [SIZE= 18px]- Luna [/COLOR] [/SIZE]lotus

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]N i c k - N a m e   [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR] N/A[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]A g e [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR]  15[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]G e n d e r  [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR] female[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]O r i e n t a t i o n [SIZE= 10px]Straight[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  R a c e  - Elemental[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  R o l e  - Student[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Nature[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]S p e c i a l t i e s [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR]  [/SIZE]She can make health and healing potions out of herbs from different types of plant bases, and is practiced in reviving certain flowers or small sized trees back to full health.


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]D o r m  R o o m - N/A[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  H e i g h t  [SIZE= 18px]- 4,9[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]B u i l d - Short, skinny, athletic [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  H a i r  -  Above [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  E y e s  - Above [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]P e r s o n a l i t y - Kind, loving, hyperactive, shy, playful towards her sister and brother, a bit clumbsy [/COLOR]

H i s t o r y - She had a mother but she died from a curse when she was 10 her dad remarried she had about 5 sisters she is the younges out of all her sisters she never thought she had a brother or sister her older sister ruby trains with her she just train with her brother and sister she trains to get stronger than her stepmother she was abused when she was youger she never told anyone she was afraid to get in more trouble when she moved in with her brother and sisters she was scared that she would get hurt from them she always used to go to the forest and just be with her plants and the trees she have trouble staying with her other sisters since she was always scared now she likes her sisters before her real mother died she was given a necklace that is really special to her she won't take her eyes of it the necklace is a moon from her name she also learn sign language her real mother were deaf so she had to learn sign language she were born with a slightly deafness in her right ear 

 L i k e s - 



being with her brother and sister 

being with friends 

training with her siblings

Learning about diffrent langauges

D i s l i k e s -

her father 

her stepmother 


waking up early 

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - when she is angry she tends to have a accent, she have a habbit of bitting her nails 

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]T h e m e  - [/COLOR]
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N a m e  - Katalina Rosen

N i c k - N a m e  - Kat

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Demisexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student; Elite

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Water

S p e c i a l t i e s - Turning water into ice, manipulating water to her will, can use water from living organisms such as plants and people, and can create clones out of water

D o r m  R o o m - 101


  H e i g h t  - 5'11"

B u i l d - 175 lbs

  H a i r  - Long red hair that she likes to put in ponytails

  E y e s  - Blueish purple


P e r s o n a l i t y - She is a strong female who doesn't have a filter. She will tell you like it is and if she doesn't like you, you'll know. Kat doesn't like new people for she doesn't trust easily and for that prefers to push others away. If, however, her trust is gained she will support her friends in their endeavors to the best of her ability. 

H i s t o r y - TBR

L i k e s -

  • Being to herself
  • Gardenias
  • Festivals
  • Strong willed people
  • Animals
  • Apples
  • Blankets

D i s l i k e s -

  • Hot days
  • Bad smells
  • Roses
  • People she sees as weak

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - If something is bothering her, she'll rub her hands together and play with them without realizing it unless someone points it out to her.

T h e m e  -

Q u o t e - N/A




N a m e  -  Belvedere Graham

N i c k - N a m e  - N/A

A g e -  22

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Teacher

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Animal

S p e c i a l t i e s - Shape shifting, being able to talk to animals, controlling animals

D o r m  R o o m - N/A


  H e i g h t  - 6'2"

B u i l d - Quite average. Not muscular, but not fat or skinny.

  H a i r  - Long and blonde

  E y e s  -  Turquoise


P e r s o n a l i t y - He's very conceited and loves to flirt with others except those he doesn't find suitable to be potentially his. If that is the case, he will be bland and blunt as well as not wanting to do anything with that person. However, due to him being a teacher he can be reliable in academics and helping with elemental prowess.

H i s t o r y - N/A

L i k e s -

  • Flirting
  • Relaxing
  • Sunny days
  • Candy

D i s l i k e s -

  • Sour foods
  • Rude people
  • Fighting
  • Having to work

Q u I r k s/H a b I t s - Prefers to be in animal form and for that it's not easy to find him if he were to shift into animals that live in the area

T h e m e  -

Q u o t e -  "If you cannot love yourself, how can you love anyone else?"
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N a m e   Arcus Knight

N i c k - N a m e Arc

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bi-Sexual but leans towards girls

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  New Elite Transfer Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  Electric/Lightning

S p e c i a l t i e s - Using electricity, and lightning to power his body for attacks

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 74"

B u i l d Arcus has the build of a swimmer. He has muscle, that is toned, but his strength you cant really tell.

  H a i r  Arcus has messy black hair with silver, and gold randomly through out it. He was born like this because of his his mom controlled, metal, and his dad lightning

  E y e s  Arcus' eyes are a prett cool thing. Like his hair they are a mix of two colors. They are a swirl of silver and gold, but the darkness, and the lightness of the color depend on his emotions.

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Caring, Shy, Active, Quiet, Athletic, Awkward, Easily Flustered

H i s t o r y - This is a sore spot for Arcus

L i k e s Thunder Storms, The Beach, Rain, Being Active

D i s l i k e s - Sitting Still, Bullies, Really up front people(Scares him a little), country music

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Always plays with his lip ring, and tugs on his sleeves when nervous.
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N a m e   Homura Hayashi

N i c k - N a m e  - Flame Lord

A g e -  [SIZE=11.9px]17[/SIZE]

G e n d e r  -  male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - Elemantal

  R o l e  Student, Elite

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  Flames

S p e c i a l t i e s - He can change the intensity and heat of his flame based on his state of mind and amount of focus used. Can also use his flames to fly for short periods of time and generate a heat shield to melt away oncoming projectiles. He also can generate a black flame but has very little control so tries to avoid using it.

D o r m  R o o m - 102


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  5'10"

B u i l d - slightly more built with a tone rather than ripped physique and is a fair bit athletic.

  H a i r  - Almost as bright as the fire he creates, its a vibrant red. His hair always glows when his powers are being used

  E y e s  His eyes like his hair are a vibrant red and glow with the same intensity of his flames

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y He is generally a very kind person and will; lend a hand to those who need it. If you manage yo make him mad he will do an almost 180 degree with his mood and become a near emotionless man with a much to calm demeanor that scares most of the other students. He tends to go back and forth between the two states almost to smoothly.

H i s t o r y - His parents were burned alive in a house fire when he was young so a family friend had taken him and taught him how to control his abilities to a more basic state for him to be able to blend in with humans. While living with the man he would always undergo training to develop his abilities and try and find a much better use for them than just burning things. The man who had taken him in was part of a human lab that experimented on Elementals but had instead used the data from other Elementals to further help in his development. Homura now waits and trains for the day when his brother who had been responsible for his house burning down with his parents inside to appear so that he can avenge his family.

L i k e s Helping others, Rock music and Jpop as well as watching anime, beautiful women, and Baking

D i s l i k e s - Fighting, Conflict, Bullies, Shameless women, Water, Blue flames

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s He is always using his abilities to bake instead of using a normal oven and his teacher always got mad at him for it, but he made delicious cakes. He always yells before attacking with his abilities. He also always has small fire extinguisher to put out the fires he sets after a fight or battle or training exercise. 

T h e m e  

Q u o t e - "No one ever hurts my friends and gets away with it! Prepare to burn!"

─────── ─────── ──────

(Will make edits to this character as I go)
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@Mr Swiftshots here's my elite please readd her

N a m e  -  Raiven Alessetria Darktower

N i c k - N a m e  - Queen of the Storm.
A g e - 17
G e n d e r  - Female
O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual 
  R a c e  - Elemental
  R o l e  - Student, Elite
E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Lightning 
S p e c i a l t i e s -

- Casting lightning bolts.

- summoning thunderstorms. 

- making thunderclaps to scare people.

- Control of small electrical appliances such as lamps. If she gets angry she can easily blow their fuses or bulbs.

-  Static abilities. 
D o r m  R o o m - 104

─────── ─────── ──────
  H e i g h t  - 6"8
B u i l d - Slim and waif like
  H a i r  - Rich chestnut brown 
  E y e s  -  Deep sapphire blue
─────── ─────── ──────
P e r s o n a l i t y - Cute, spoilt, immature, hardworking. Raiven tries to get along with people but if she dislikes someone they better watch out as she will attempt to fry them with lightning bolts/ blow up their lamps/ generally cause them pain.
H i s t o r y - Raiven grew up with whatever she could have wanted, all she had to do was point and give her father puppy dog eyes. As her father owns a large business Raiven grew up popular and well-admired because of her lightning-based powers. She had a private tutor before she came to the academy, her parents not wanting her to mix with poorer elemental witches or having to deal with humans on her way to school.

She convinced her parents to let her come to the academy as it was well respected it teaching elemental witches how to harness their powers, something which she was sorely lacking. 
L i k e s - Chocolate biscuits, hot chocolate, candy, puppies, cute clothes and flowers 
D i s l i k e s - Dust, filth, mud, cats , birds, people who don't respect elemental witches 
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - always has a chocolate bar
Quote  - "I'm here to cause a storm of excitement so you better pay attention to me" 


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[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)][SIZE= 22px]W.I.P[/COLOR][/SIZE]


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N a m e  -  Luka Arnett
N i c k - N a m e  - Lu 
A g e - 15 
G e n d e r  -  Female
O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual
  R a c e  - Human 
  R o l e  - Student

Luka is fully deaf in her left ear and partially deaf in her right ear so people will have to make sure that they stand in front of her to talk to her or she'll freak 

D o r m  R o o m - 101

─────── ─────── ──────
  H e i g h t  - 5"4
B u i l d - 40 kg and slim 
  H a i r  - pure snowy white
  E y e s  - Olive green 
─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

- Socially withdrawn 
- Melancholy
- Artistic
- Well read
H i s t o r y - As a human Luka's disability was left alone, her parents teaching her to write themselves as they could not afford the surgery to correct her lack of hearing.

This left Luka very isolated in her childhood as she couldn't hear what was going on around her. She also has no awareness of danger and will, if left unsupervised walk into traffic. She does have a voice recorder that she can use to record her lessons and play them back through headphones at a louder volume later.
L i k e s - Peace and quiet, mangoes, pineapples, expensive cheeses 
D i s l i k e s - Thunderstorms. Fireworks, Loud noises, apple pie, toffee apples, anything with apples. 
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Luka speaks very loudly so she can hear what she's saying. She also prefers to sit at the front of the class so she can hear the teacher 
T h e m e  - 

Q u o t e - "I'm sorry, can you say that"
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N a m e  -  Nathaniel Reed

N i c k - N a m e  - Nathan or Nathaniel (He doesn't care)

View attachment 183658

A g e -  [SIZE=11.9px]Fifteen (going on sixteen)[/SIZE]

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual

  R a c e  Human

  R o l e  Student

D o r m  R o o m - Dorm 102


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  6'2 (always has been tall for his age)

B u i l d Tall, slim with slight muscle tone

E y e s  - Dark brown, almost black, silky shoulder-length neat, pulled-back thin dreadlocks

  E y e s  Round shiny chocolate brown eyes

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y 

Positive Traits

Kind - Slow to anger and can't stay angry for long/unable to hold a grudge (even if he wants to) - Forgiving - Trusting Intelligent Fast-learner Curious - Empathetic Generous  - Quiet, but Talkative when he gets to know you - Observant (of people) (actually maybe that's not necessarily good lol) Optimistic Hard-worker (when he does/has to work) Trustworthy Honest Usually has a neutral expression or smiling - Well-mannered Respectful Modest (although he doesn't show it, he LOVES praise and positive remarks about him) food-lover

Negative Traits

Narcissistic Forgetful Careless Lazy (as stated above, when forced to work or it is mandatory, he is a hard-worker) Procrastinator (ties into his lazy and forgetfulness) Inconsiderate

H i s t o r y - Nathaniel comes from a farm community after his dad, a gardener, spiritual leader and teacher of the community, left the military due to injury. He is the older siblings of a younger brother and sister. They lived off of military disability aid and any his mother makes moving from job to job and the profit from his father's agricultural goods. His dad always stressed the importance of wisdom and knowledge and instilled in him that from young, developing his curious, love of reading, learning, and history and his father always has a personal experience with a moral or wise proverb for any situation  while his loving mother has a song, who loves to sing and dance. Although his father does not like boarding schools, his parents believe this was going to be a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. 

L i k e s 



Any red or cherry-flavored

Food (especially salmon salad)




Video Games

Browsing the Internet

Family, Friends, and people in general

History and culture

Praise and positive remarks

D i s l i k e s 

Being disrupted while eating

Not eating for a "long" time

Touching or being close to anything nasty

Broken pieces of food

Snobbish behavior (not really the person)

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - When he eats, especially food he likes or after not eating, he unconsciously hums a song or tune he recently heard and was thinking about and sometimes tap his feet to tune and bobs her head to  the beat. He may also eat while works or reads. He when he has nothing to do, tying to his "Observant" trait, what this means is his watches people very closely, studying their behavior or picking up their conversations. When he thinks, he brushes or combs his hair with his fingers or twists two locks together and then untying them. When he is doing a presentation any sort, especially in front of many people, he gets extremely nervous, sweats profusely and it feels like his leg is shaking really badly, but he it not sure if it is visible, and tries to cover up his nervousness and to stay calm.

Q u o t e  "Happy is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and it's profit better than gold." (A quote he learned from his father)

─────── ─────── ──────
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NickName  -  The devil or spirit princess

A g e -  17 (going 18)

G e n d e r  - female

Orientation - bi but prefers men as a rule

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - S t u d e n t 


But with white silver and bronze hair and rose gold eyes with silver stars in the middle

H e i g h t  - 5'10"

B u i l d - Slim, Athletic

  H a i r - above

  E y e s  - above

Witch Power: Spiritual 

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba

Speciality; being able to cast spells with out words or items binding/commanding spirits closing portals and such

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

  • Sweet to those she cares about a total cow if you mess with the ones she cares about or her interest
  • Intelligent
  • Sporty
  • Loyal 
  • Hard work for those she likes or subjects she needs to pass
  • cold and merciless
  • the rest your find out

L i k e s -

  • Ramen Noodles
  • flowers
  • stars 
  • good food and drink
  • reading and more

D i s l i k e s - Idiots that don't admit their idiots

meat heads men that don't take a hint

people that don't make any real effort to get things done 

the rest you'll find out

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - 

  • tuts loudly when she can't shake something off her mind

T h e m e  - above

Q u o t e - 

i'm what you say i'm if i wasn't the why would i say i'm eminem 

History: Ruby comes from a long line of witches and mages and as the eldest daughter she is often told she must marry and have powerful off spring, The family use her to make it's money and though she hates it as the oldest of the daughters she has to suck it up and sometimes she's far more bitchy than she should be because she has to put on airs that she's like the rest of her family but only her brother knows the deeper truth and will sometimes let her take her anger out on him to spear others. The rest you'll find out in the rp.
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N a m e  -  Zenith Firestone

N i c k - N a m e  - shining flame dragon


A g e -  22

G e n d e r  -  male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - wizard/elemental

  R o l e  - ,teacher assistant

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Fire

S p e c i a l t i e s : Can use fire to heal himself, minic fire based creature, Absorb fire and more

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5'11

B u i l d -  well balanced and 

  H a i r  -  same as picture

  E y e s  -  as above

P e r s o n a l i t y -  Zenith is very good at putting on masks to please others but very rarely shows his true self he finds it troublesome, he's not afraid to stand alone to get things done no matter how dire they are, he likes to play games with people that's something about him that can be taken the wrong and right way the rest you'll find out

H i s t o r y - Zenith comes from a long line of fire adapts and fire dragon adapts mages and witches  which have never failed once in their tasks to either slay or make a fire based being their ally, some call them monster or crazy and at this point he's used to it and makes jokes about it when he can. rest you'll find out later

L i k e s - Cooking, singing/dancing, intelligent and hard working people leaning new things and when in the mood flirting

D i s l i k e s - ungraceful and overly loud women and men idiots and being referred to as charcoal man because he sometimes smells of sot

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s -  When people annoying him greatly he'll either withdraw in a way to make it clear that they are a bore or he'll start start singing to drown them out

Edited October 6 by Leo Radomir

N a m e  Adrian H. Vivien

N i c k - N a m e  - Ri, Vivi

A g e -  Fifteen (going sixteen)

G e n d e r  - Male

O r i e n t a t i o n Pansexual

  R a c e  e l e m e n t a l

  R o l e  S t u d e n t , E l i t e

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - W i n d / A i r

S p e c i a l t i e s - Manipulation of wind, absorption of oxygen

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  5'9"

B u i l d Lanky, Flexible

  H a i r - Originally blonde, now dyed in a sky like blue

  E y e s  Brilliant gold 

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

  • Snarky
  • Witty
  • Mischievous
  • Smart
  • Somewhat obnoxious yet funny 
  • Sassy at times
  • Flirt (Or playful, however you want to put it)
  • Manipulative

H i s t o r y - Adrian comes from a wealthy family who is involved in an unknown business. No one knows what exactly is the business,

well everyone except for Adrian of course. Though every time someone asks about his business he just answers with a 

smile, "secret." or "it's no fun to tell."

Due to his family being very busy he is very distant with them; he constantly distracts himself or stays quiet on the topic of


L i k e s -

  • Cats
  • Videogames
  • Fashion
  • Fast food
  • Soda
  • Candy
  • Gymnastics or anyway to show off his flexiblity

D i s l i k e s 

  • Healthy food
  • Awkward silences
  • Talking about his future career 
  • Being left out
  • Too much sunlight
  • Talking about his past or doing anything involving it
  • Pianos (Used to play the piano)

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s 

  • When bored, (especially in class) you can see Adrien closing his eyes, moving his fingers up and down in a graceful manner. Almost
  • as if he were to be playing a piano. 
  • He also tends to hum video game theme songs while walking around in the hallways when he's alone or zoning out.

T h e m e  - " W h y w o r r y " B y : S e t i t o f f

Q u o t e - 

"You're right.. if I choose to live as a hobo for the rest of my life I won't be 

able to afford McDonalds. That would be hell." Ri

N a m e  - Isaac emptoris 

N i c k - N a m e  -  The relentless 

A g e - 17

G e n d e r  - Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - normal human

  R o l e  - Student


D o r m  R o o m - 

  H e i g h t  - 5:9

B u i l d - Short, lean, athletic 

  H a i r  -  Above 

  E y e s  - Above 

P e r s o n a l i t y - Wise secretive sometimes hot blooded mysterious 

H i s t o r y - Isaac and his family of three sister and five other brothers are from a long line of alchemist and supernatural hunters that work along all kinds of people and sometimes even play the role of peace keepers when disputes between humans witch and elementals happen the rest you'll find out 

 L i k e s - 



creating his own weapons

getting the task done in the right way when possible

D i s l i k e s -

most witch and elementals

sloppy work

not being paid what he's owed 

when people treat him like he's stupid

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Likes cutting annoying people down some would say he has a sadistic side
Can my character (Adrian Vivien) be placed on the Elite list since he is an Elite at all,,,,Unless you are planning to add him there later,,  Sorry if I may sound a bit impatient,,! ^^ @Mr Swiftshots

N a m e  Rina Xem

N i c k - N a m e  - Rody calls him 'Ri'

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Pansexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student


E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Spiritual

S p e c i a l t i e s - Rina is able to talk to the recently deceased, or loved ones that have passed. In the town he used to live in, he got paid to talk to people's loved ones who had recently passed away. Often he wasn't able to do it, because they had died a while ago. Because of this, a lot of the townsfolk hated him.


D o r m  R o o m - 106



─────── ─────── ──────


  H e i g h t  - 5"4

B u i l d - Small and skinny, even though he eats like a hippo.

  H a i r  - Normally grey, but his hair turns black when he's talking to the dead.

  E y e s  - A deep, dark blue colour.


─────── ─────── ──────


P e r s o n a l i t y - Rina is a little peculiar, but tries his best to talk to people. He's used to living in his own head, or talking with Rody, his dead brother. Catch him on a good day and he'll be confident and excitable. But, on a bad day, he tends to prefer just listening to people. Rina tends not to have the best 'people skills', which explains why he usually doesn't keep friends for very long.


H i s t o r y - As stated, Rina was his town's psychic. Because of the money he earned, he lived in quite a large townhouse with his parents. He had a brother called Rody, who died when Rina was 3 years old. Rody is now Rina's best friend, and Rody is 'attached' to Rina.


L i k e s -

  • Doing his job (talking with the dead)
  • Progressive music (long songs that build up for a while)
  • Classic rock
  • Hamsters
  • Watching other elementals do tricks
  • His brother

D i s l i k e s -

  • Water elementals
  • Graves and coffins (if somebody's buried, their souls are locked in coffins. When Rina goes into graveyards, he hears the screams of the desperate souls locked in the coffins
  • Dogs


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Before Rody died, he was a 'class clown', of sorts. Since Rina's always talking with Rody, he picks up little catchphrases/jokes from him.


T h e m e  -

Q u o t e - [none]


Question: I haven't put a picture because I'm rubbish at finding good pictures for characters, is that okay?

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N a m e  -  Reno Artorias

N i c k - N a m e  - Zero

A g e -  18

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student, Elite

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e - Water

S p e c i a l t i e s - Forming ice based armor and weapons, shoots projectiles, uses water to heal himself and his allies

D o r m  R o o m - 103


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 6' 2"

B u i l d - Average

  H a i r - See Above

  E y e s - See Above

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - On the outside, he's blunt, cynical, and straight-forward, on the inside he's a big softy. Even though he's intelligent and a strong fighter, he can be lazy at times.

L i k e s - Training, relaxing, being to himself, studying

D i s l i k e s - Bullies, arrogant people, 

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - He has a habit of isolating himself, mostly because he likes to enjoy some peace and quiet once in a while

T h e m e  

Q u o t e - "If hell froze over, it's because of me."
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^Pale with freckles on on cheeks 

N a m e   Constance Shraizer

N i c k - N a m e  - Connie

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual

  R a c e  Elemental

  R o l e  Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  -  Fire

S p e c i a l t i e s - Fire manipulation and flame solidification 

D o r m  R o o m - Tba

─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  5'6

B u i l d Average, but on the flimsier side

  H a i r  Black

  E y e s  Pale green

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Connie treats everyone the same no matter the race.  She doesn't like to initiate conversations in fear of making a fool out of herself, but she is gradually getting better.


- Calm






Negative :



-easily irritated



H i s t o r y - Connie comes from a middle class family, that includes her mom and older brother. Her father left when she was young,leaving her mother with a full time job to financially support Connie and her brother. Since her mother was gone most of the day and night, Connie's brother took it in as his responsibility to take care of her. She looks up to both her mother and especially her brother. Her family is well connected.

L i k e s -

-laying in the sun


-Classic Rock


-Watching television



-small spaces

-being bossed around


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s Tapping her foot, but not in an obnoxious manner

Q u o t e: "Guess you can say I'm really bringing the fire power...I'll stop talking." 


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