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^Pale with freckles on on cheeks 

N a m e   Constance Shraizer

N i c k - N a m e  - Connie

A g e -  [SIZE=11.9px]16[/SIZE]

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual but leans more towards men

  R a c e  Elemental

  R o l e  Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  Fire

S p e c i a l t i e s - Fire manipulation and flame solidification 

D o r m  R o o m - Tba

─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  5'6

B u i l d Average, but on the flimsier side

  H a i r  Black

  E y e s  Pale green

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Connie treats everyone the same no matter the race.  She doesn't like to initiate conversations in fear of making a fool out of herself, but she is gradually getting better.


- Calm






Negative :



-easily irritated



H i s t o r y - Connie comes from a middle class family, that includes her mom and older brother. Her father left when she was young,leaving her mother with a full time job to financially support Connie and her brother. Since her mother was gone most of the day and night, Connie's brother took it in as his responsibility to take care of her. She looks up to both her mother and especially her brother. Her family is well connected.

L i k e s -

-laying in the sun


-Classic Rock


-Watching television



-small spaces

-being bossed around


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s Tapping her foot, but not in an obnoxious manner

Q u o t e: "Guess you can say I'm really bringing the fire power...I'll stop talking." 
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I can't get the picture to load....

N a m e  -  Lucius Betsalel
N a m e  M e a n i n g - Lucius means "light" and Betsalel means "in the shadow," so put together his whole name would be: "light in the shadow"
N i c k - N a m e  - Luc, Lucy (only by close friends) 
A g e -  17
G e n d e r  -  Male
O r i e n t a t i o n - Demiromantic Pansexual
R a c e  - Elemental
R o l e  - Student (second year)
E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Light/Shadows
S p e c i a l t i e s - Absorbing energy from the day and night, merging in with shadows
D o r m  R o o m - TBA
─────── ─────── ──────
H e i g h t  - 5' 8"
B u i l d - Lean, skinny, 134lbs
H a i r  - Natural redhead, dyed black. He takes extremely good care of his hair, and it is quite soft and shiny
E y e s  - Can shine silver in daylight, but become almost black by night as there is less light to take in

─────── ─────── ──────
P e r s o n a l i t y
A bit brash
Lucius is generally a pretty outgoing guy. He likes to know people and he likes people to know about him, so he has no issue talking to anyone. To some, he's a bit brash and bordering on arrogant, but he doesn't always understand the difference between confidence and conceit.
Lucius is also quite the flirt, but has never been in a serious relationship. The truth is, he doesn't want to feel vulnerable in front of anyone, so he'd rather not get invested in anyone. Usually he tends to break it off with someone once he actually starts to feel like he likes them because of this fear of his, so most know him as being noncommittal. 
Those who know him well know that Lucius tends to freak out over things a lot and that he likes to be in control. He has a certain obsession with the outdoors and requires at least an hour every morning and every night alone outside so he can just sit out there. If someone interrupts him, he can get extremely angry very fast and tends to say things he doesn't mean. As such, he'll feel even worse afterwards but is typically too stubborn to say anything about it unless they bring it up.

H i s t o r y - Lucius's family wasn't particularly wealthy or poor, but he grew up to not care all too much about status. His mother and father were the "as long as you're happy" kind of people and tried to teach that logic to their children as well. For a long time Lucius never even knew that elementals discriminated against people because his family never talked about it, and as such he never had any bad thoughts about them — he has an odd fascination with them at the most. As he got older though, he started realizing strange things about his parents, like how they never allowed him to talk to humans, telling him to "stop staring, it's rude" whenever he would pass by one and was practically forced to keep them as far out of his life as possible. When he asked though, they told him they were simply trying to protect him, which he took their word for.

That is, until The Incident (as he likes to refer to it as).

When he was thirteen, Lucien came home to find his parents and his older sister Talia screaming at each other. They all usually got along splendidly, so he was confused as to why they were arguing. So, overcome by some overpowering curiousness, he used his shadow power to blend with the darkness of the corner of the rooms before they noticed he was home. His eavesdropping let him hear that they were arguing over their parents finding out that Talia was secretly dating a human boy, and they were demanding that she cut ties with him. She kept telling them that she loved him, but they kept replying that it was "for her best" and that she "would understand when she was older." 

The argument ended with her packing a suitcase and leaving the house. When Lucien knew the coast was clear, he sneaked into his room to find a note from Talia, telling him where and how he could contact her if he wanted to. She never came back home, and she never spoke with their parents again. When he asked his parents why they were so mad, weeks after she left, they yelled at him and told him that he would understand when he was older. And he did, years later.

Ever since The Incident, his parents became more closed off with their children, especially wit Lucien. They grew a hatred for Talia, and apparently he reminded them of her. Lucien became more distant with the family as well, preferring to stay the night at a friend's house or with someone he was "dating" at the time than staying with his parents. His younger siblings seemed to grow something against humans, claiming that "they took Talia away," and Lucien still loved his family, but he couldn't stand it anymore.

So, after not having spoken to her in three years, he called her in the middle of the night to say that he'd be staying with her for a while. He left his parents' house, not even bothering to say goodbye, and she picked him up a block down the road. Ever since then, he's lived with her at her house (it turned out that she had been doing quite well for herself ever since she left, and had broken up with her boyfriend a year prior). She helped gather the money to send him to the Academy, and his parents only texted him once to make sure he was okay and not dead or something. He was slightly ticked off that they didn't care more, but he knew they had changed and weren't the same people he used to know. 
L i k e s
arcade games
clear skies
D i s l i k e s
talking about touchy subjects (like The Incident)
staying inside for too long
dogs (well, he enjoys looking at them from afar. dogs scare him, so he'd rather not get close to one)
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Lucius tends to freak out if he doesn't feel like he's gotten outside long enough — his light energy comes from getting the sun's rays and his shadow energy comes from being out under the moon

He also has a habit of saying text talk words in actual conversations, mainly tbh and omg. It's a habit he picked up from his sister and he's tried to stop, but sometimes he still slips up and says it, usually when he's feeling tired or lazy

T h e m e  - https://youtu.be/CHk5SWVO4p8
Q u o t e - "tbh just fuck me up" - Lucius, on multiple occasions 

E x t r a - he's absolutely in love with his cat, Vesper. His sister adopted her for him a month after he moved in with her, and he's been trying to see if the Academy will let him bring her into the dorm.
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N a m e  -  Luka Arnett
N i c k - N a m e  - Lu 
A g e - 15 
G e n d e r  -  Female
O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual
  R a c e  - Human 
  R o l e  - Student

Luka is fully deaf in her left ear and partially deaf in her right ear so people will have to make sure that they stand in front of her to talk to her or she'll freak 

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]

─────── ─────── ──────
  H e i g h t  - 5"4
B u i l d - 40 kg and slim 
  H a i r  - pure snowy white
  E y e s  - Olive green 
─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

- Socially withdrawn 
- Melancholy
- Artistic
- Well read
H i s t o r y - As a human Luka's disability was left alone, her parents teaching her to write themselves as they could not afford the surgery to correct her lack of hearing.

This left Luka very isolated in her childhood as she couldn't hear what was going on around her. She also has no awareness of danger and will, if left unsupervised walk into traffic. She does have a voice recorder that she can use to record her lessons and play them back through headphones at a louder volume later.
L i k e s - Peace and quiet, mangoes, pineapples, expensive cheeses 
D i s l i k e s - Thunderstorms. Fireworks, Loud noises, apple pie, toffee apples, anything with apples. 
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Luka speaks very loudly so she can hear what she's saying. She also prefers to sit at the front of the class so she can hear the teacher 
T h e m e  - 

Q u o t e - "I'm sorry, can you say that"


N a m e  -  Luka Arnett
N i c k - N a m e  - Lu 
A g e - 15 
G e n d e r  -  Female
O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual
  R a c e  - Human 
  R o l e  - Student

Luka is fully deaf in her left ear and partially deaf in her right ear so people will have to make sure that they stand in front of her to talk to her or she'll freak 

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]

─────── ─────── ──────
  H e i g h t  - 5"4
B u i l d - 40 kg and slim 
  H a i r  - pure snowy white
  E y e s  - Olive green 
─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - 

- Socially withdrawn 
- Melancholy
- Artistic
- Well read
H i s t o r y - As a human Luka's disability was left alone, her parents teaching her to write themselves as they could not afford the surgery to correct her lack of hearing.

This left Luka very isolated in her childhood as she couldn't hear what was going on around her. She also has no awareness of danger and will, if left unsupervised walk into traffic. She does have a voice recorder that she can use to record her lessons and play them back through headphones at a louder volume later.
L i k e s - Peace and quiet, mangoes, pineapples, expensive cheeses 
D i s l i k e s - Thunderstorms. Fireworks, Loud noises, apple pie, toffee apples, anything with apples. 
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Luka speaks very loudly so she can hear what she's saying. She also prefers to sit at the front of the class so she can hear the teacher 
T h e m e  - 

Q u o t e - "I'm sorry, can you say that"

what is it with people and short chars lol but over all nice profile


N a m e  - Maddy Banner


N i c k - N a m e  - Bonker

A g e - 17

G e n d e r  - Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bi

  R a c e  - Nekomimi

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Nature/Floral

S p e c i a l t i e s - Shape shifting

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  -5'5

B u i l d - Skinny

  H a i r  - Black hair with /white streak

  E y e s  - Violet

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P e r s o n a l i t y - Clumsy, vibrant (bright), Joyful, Energetic 

H i s t o r y - Maddy was once part of a circus but with goals set high and years of working hard she made her way into a good home and enrollment.

L i k e s - Sweets, Books, Video games, Cooking, Crafting, Being overall lazy

D i s l i k e s - Fighting, drama, sour food

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - has a habit of not thinking things through

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