Nyaaaaaa~!! Loki here.

Loki Laevatein

◐God of Fire◑
Yep, that's me. God of fire and Mischief and all that rot. :bigsmile: I hope to get some fun rp's started here, along with having a drama-free existence (but in role play, it can have all the drama we want~). I pretty much set stuff on fire. But I'm glad to get to know anyone who likes to rp, whether we're just chatting or hashing out a full-blown story. Even if our genres don't mesh, I can usually work something out. >;P

Awesomness! O_O

Welcome to RPN! Th' name's Cloudy - you'll probably find me around lurking somewhere. Check out this thread if you haven't already, it links some helpful places. Hope to see you 'round, and please don't set me on fire!

Hallo there Loki! Loki Lie-Smith, is it?

Loki Fire-Hair, Loki Scar-Lip, Loki Sky-Walker!

Welcome t' th' madhouse! Pop by th' chatbox and get t' know us!
Thanks, Cloudy. Feel free to lurk in my neck of the woods if ya feel like rping sometime. :cool:

Hehh...watchit, kiddo. I may be hell on heels, but I'm no girl.^^

Thanks, Pooka~ Looks like you're related, w/those horns. :wink: Also pagan, here...
Geez Para, real men fight with heels to make it more difficult. When you're a god everything is simply too easy without intentionally gimping yourself *^*

Welcome to the neighborhood Loki, feel free to check out the shoutbox and greet all the other ethereal/celestial/omniscient dieties/entities/beings of the society :P
Distantly related, I s'pose. You might call me a Wight, but we're diff'rent branches o' Vaettrfolk. Down in the British Isles, us're called fairies.
Thanks, Prizzy. You see the need for me to make my ever-presently-difficult life more difficult.^^ That's what I'm talking about. :bigsmile:
well... My love. is this not what I described.. this place can be our home.. this place has such a warm welcoming and such friendly and kind people. also... you do look very stunning with does heels.. wish you only wore does in special occasion such as our anniversary or something.. -pouts-
Welcome to the Nation! Just to be clear, if you try to burn me I will slice you like sushi (or ham..?) Yeah, ham. :>


Thank you, Markus-kun. You are my love and inspiration that calms me when I need it, or fires me up when I don't. >;D

And Endymion. Gracious thanks for your fond welcome, but if I wanna burn you, I'mma just burn you, k? lol Nah, I'm a certified *ss sometimes, but a pretty nice guy when it comes down to it.
Hai!!! I would really like to do a rp with you Loki! I am new as well so I would be a begginer on this site too! If I ever could rp with you let me know!! ^^

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