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Futuristic Nuclear Fallout

Feral smiled as he went over to talked to a men and payed him. He soon brought out a car, he shoved Aston inside and smiled "You coming, or do you want to stay in NNYC," he said with a smile. The raccoon grabbed her hand and placed it on her chest.

"It's a seemingly nice little town, but I don't plan on sticking around long enough to find out." Aslyn grinned, and hopped into the car. She the raccoon gently as she hurried to buckle herself. "Well then, we ready to go?" She asked, drumming the fingers of her free hand against the door of the car.
Feral activated the car and started to drive out of the city. He smiled "So where were you going before you met us, I want to go to the city of the waste," he said driving through the desert, soon they were on solid dirt, the dust moving past the car. He changed stations and started listening to 'Big Iron'.


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"Nowhere fast." She replied. "I wasn't going anywhere in particular, mines a nomadic life." She explained, stroking the raccoons stomach. "But I guess I was looking for something, maybe a home, it would be nice to stay in one place for a bit." She added, almost dreamily.
Feral smiled "The city of the wasteland may be perfect for you. It is the only place where radiation hasn't hit, I heard they have something called a cat, I thought those were a myth." He said as storm clouds where above "Crap, acid rain," he said as the acid rain fell. The raccoon yawned and climbed her head, she curled up around her neck.

((Figure I'll provide a short conclusion to my intro post to put myself in a position where I'm available to be encountered in the field))

Thirty minutes later, Blowout’s raid on the outpost has gone off without a hitch. Well, almost without a hitch. The charges worked as intended, and the potassium perchlorate was there for the taking along with some other unexpected prizes like a canister of aluminum powder and a gallon-sized plastic bag filled to the brim with dextroamphetamine tablets, but he could have fared better on the escape. One of the jars of potassium perchlorate slipped out of his saddlebag as he was descending down the mountain face. The resulting explosion wasn’t big enough to take down any trees or start a fire, but noticeable enough to hint the militia fighters towards the general direction of his escape, provided they haven’t had enough of Blowout’s tricks up until this point.

At the base of the mountain, Blowout greedily inspects the takings from his haul. The potassium perchlorate alone had made the job worth it, but the aluminum powder and bag of pharmaceutical-grade stimulants were a nice bonus too. Deciding that the night is young and that he would be better off spreading the loot across some of his underground dead drops, Blowout downs a small handful of the pills with a deep swig from his canteen and rides off into the night. The stims should give him enough of an edge to make easy work of the digging. After that, he hoped he would still have enough energy to pedal himself far away from here…
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/bcff02b0e27a652b196ad12bc9a7d7bd.jpg.c276f2a87523e0b21d6adeb4e2a8e8c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/bcff02b0e27a652b196ad12bc9a7d7bd.jpg.c276f2a87523e0b21d6adeb4e2a8e8c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Modified_by_UdonNodu.jpg.c5b9fb32bfe6bc6dbf84c061b3ada2db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Modified_by_UdonNodu.jpg.c5b9fb32bfe6bc6dbf84c061b3ada2db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Miya rode infront of her group, looking back every few seconds to make sure no one ditched them. She smirked sped up down the baren road. She pulled out her gun at the sight of a strange looking creature crawling by the side of the road about 500 feet infront of her. As soon as she got close she shot, blowing it's head off. She heard some cheers behind her which made her laugh happily. She finally came to a stop infront of a gas station where the rest of the group pulled in. "Hey, Shi get over here." She called out to a man in the group.

The black haired man approached her, hands shoved in his pocket. "Yeah?" He asked in a shy voice. He had allways had a crush on Miya but knew that he wouldn't have a chance with her. He was allways very protective for her and would do anything to make sure she stayed alive.

Miya smiled and removed her helmet, holding it under her arm. "Hey, would you mind scouting out the station while I pick up some gas? You can bring Harmony with you if you want."

A younger girl, the youngest of the group with short light brown hair jumped off her bike and ran over next to Shi. She hugged him even though he didn't like it and giggles. "Let's do this!" She said happily and ran inside, holding Shi's hand and dragging him in.

Miya shook her head and began to break through the pumps and extracting as much gas as she could. She eventually got about 3 containers full with the help of some of the other group. After they were finished they filled up what they needed and threw the rest in the side cart of Blues bike. She was called diamond because of her unnaturally blue eyes. She was also the only other of the group that was named after a color.

Blue smiled and jumped on her bike. "Hurry up you two! We don't have all day." She yelled and started up her bike. She watched as the two ran out with bags full of whatever food they could find, drinks, and of course scavenged metals. They tossed the bag in her side cart and got on their own bikes.

Miya placed her helmet back on and waved for the group then took off on her bike down the road.

@Shammy the Shamrock @TavvyDenai @HeyGayzelle



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At the location of his last dead drop, Blowout finds that the container is fuller than he remembers leaving it. While a cunning enemy in the field, Blowout saw keeping precise records on his surplus inventory as far more trouble than it’s worth. The alloy container mostly held necessities such as medical supplies, preserved foodstuffs, a few ready-made pipe bombs, and a slew of common materials for building bombs and traps. But amidst these supplies, a conspicuous velvet bag rests in the corner.

Blowout reaches for the bag and takes it. He does not even need to open it before he remembers what’s inside. The pouch contains some pieces of jewelry that Blowout had “found” during his raids. It’s no surprise that Blowout had forgotten all about it, as he is a man with zero appreciation for vanity. He saw no reason whatsoever why any sane person would want to festoon themselves in pretty little ornaments for an enemy to pick off their dead corpse. But being a pragmatist at heart, Blowout also saw no reason why he should turn down these small prizes so long as there are others foolish enough to accept them in exchange for anything that’s actually useful.

With the dextroamphetamine tablets wearing off and his body feeling the strain of the night’s work, Blowout decides that this day would be better spent taking some time to relax and unwind. Blowout remembers that the nearest settlement is only about a five mile ride away. He grins a bit as he recalls the town has a bar called “The Downspout” that makes some of the best red ale in the wastes. Blowout figures if he can trade the small bag of treasure for a long round of drinks, a bed to sleep in, and maybe a few bowls of some herb to burn through as he rides out the comedown from the stimulants, then he would consider that more than a fair trade.

Setting off once again, Blowout makes his way towards The Downspout.

@Shammy the Shamrock @TavvyDenai @Mira1
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Tri got up. He was camping on near the road. He heard some sort of engine nearby. He quickly hid behind a burnt out car. He had his hand on his 357 Magnum. He was ready for anything. He started to get nervous as he heard a motor out in the distance. What if he died? No one would know. He peeked his head around the car.
Feral drove across the bairn wasteland, he hit the top of the roof as he drove. He looked around and whistled for scraps who hid inside his hoodie. He saw a gas station and stopped, he found one of the pumps worked and used it. He had his gun to the his side, he went inside looking for food, scavenging for anything that could help.
Tri sees someone near the Gas station. He silently moves towards a trash can, His hand is holding the handle of the magnum. He creeps past the trash can and hides behind an old building. Peering round it, watching the car.
A very haggard-looking Blowout eventually arrives at The Downspout. The bartender is apprehensive until she sees the velvet bag that Blowout is prepared to offer her. The atmosphere lightens as the bartender invites Blowout to "help himself" to the drinks, food, and a cot in a small room no larger than a storage closet. Blowout settles in with a few new companions at a large bench table as he breaks into a heady mug of beer along with a bowl of some thick brown soup and a hard wheat roll. A discussion about the efficacy of purpose-made steel shrapnel versus improvised glass shrapnel breaks out and Blowout is able to chime in with an anecdote that makes the table roar with laughter. A large mutant in soldier's apparel nudges Blowout as he produces a small pipe and invites him to partake. As a thick plume of acrid-sweet smoke flows from Blowout's lips, the fatigue from his nighttime expedition and the heavy dose of stimulants is drowned in a sense of inebriated glee that warms his twisted heart. A good time is being had by all.
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