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Futuristic Nuclear Fallout

Aslyn thought she saw shapes moving, slightly human shapes, and she took off running in their direction. She didn't need to pause to catch her breath, since she'd been doing endurance training for several years.
Ashton stopped and chuckled some. "Holly shit, it felt like we were running for months." He said looking own at Feral and the raccoon. He stepped back and tilted his head at the raccoon. "What a beautiful creature that isn't a mutant!"

(I didnt break the fourth wall in this post what are you talking about!)

@Shammy the Shamrock @TavvyDenai
Feral got up "This is my deer girl scraps, a albino raccoon I won in Vegas. She's not rabid so don't worry.....she may try and hump you face when you're sleeping." He saw someone running and tensed "We got company," he said taking out his gauntlets.

@Demon Slayer @TavvyDenai
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Aslyn began panting as she finally neared them, she kept her hand on her pistol the entire time she approached. When she finally arrived, she made no move to draw it, as she studied the two men before her. She simply watched them, and the small white raccoon.

@Demon Slayer @Shammy the Shamrock
Ashton looked at the woman and smirked. His crimson red eyes seemed to be glowing showing a slight sign of mutant, though he wasn't fully transformed. "Hello m' lady." He bowed politely and chuckled. "The names Ashton, that's Feral." He nudged feral and smirks. "Who might you be?"

~{ @Shammy the Shamrock @TavvyDenai }~
Feral gave a slight growl "Please tell me before I rip your spine out. I can do that," he said as he heard a buzzing in the back round. He went on all fours "SAND DUNES" He yelled running in the opposite direction with the raccoon. A giant robotic worm creature was being controlled by men with bags on their heads "KILL FOR THE THRILL OF LIVING" one yelled as the worm charged at them.

@Demon Slayer @TavvyDenai
"I'm Aslyn, Aslyn Renaldo." She greeted, holding out her left hand for either, or both of them to shake. She moved her hand from her weapon, seeing no reason to use it currently, and smiled politely. "Nice to mee-" She stopped mid sentence, and drew her rifle as she ran after Feral for the dunes.

@Demon Slayer @Shammy the Shamrock
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He happily shook her hand with a smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well." He said not noticing the worm right away. She and feral had ran leaving him alone. He turned and went to grab for his grenades. Remembering he had used the last one on the group chasing them before he gulped. "W-wait for me!" He yelled after he two and ran to the dunes close behind them.

@Shammy the Shamrock @TavvyDenai
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Aslyn slowed down just a bit for Ashton, but still kept a moderate pace not daring to slow down, especially since it wasn't just her life on the line if she got tripped up. She grumbled under her breath about how ridiculous it was to use giant mechanical worms, for anything really.
Feral panicked and curled up into a ball like a scared dog. The dunes laughed "LIVE FOR THE THRILL. Johnson bite there asses," he said as the mechanical, man powered worm went into the sand and rose right in front of them and flew right above them. Feral got his pistol out and shot one on top "Aim for the workers, they power that thing," he said getting into a fighting stance.

@Demon Slayer @TavvyDenai
Ashton caught up with her and ran next to her. He chuckled and looked at Aslyn. "Tremors all over again!" He said with a laugh, making sure to watch his steps so he wouldn't trip and get himself killed. He saw the worm dig into the ground then come up above them. He pulled out an assault rifle and shot twoards the people who seemed to be controlling the worm.

@TavvyDenai @Shammy the Shamrock }~
Aslyn laughed then let out a guttural growl, and aimed her rifle towards one of the men, and shot. She then quickly wiped the sweat from her brow, and shot again, just to be sure. If one of them were to fall, and not end up dead, she was sure to be ready. She felt a bit of rage boiling in the pit of her stomach.

@Demon Slayer @Shammy the Shamrock
A few of the men fell of the worm, the worm was face to face with Aston as it giant pincers were about to tear him to shreds. It was stopped by a bullet from feral. Feral smiled as the worm fell to the ground, he quickly started tearing it apart. "We can sell this thing in the next town, who knows how much this is worth," he said picking up the metal and moving away dead bodies "Damn dunes, rape your women and steal your drugs," he said with a laugh. Scraps climbed on top of Aslyn head on started sleeping.

@TavvyDenai @Demon Slayer
Aslyn smiled as the small creature rested on her head, she reached a hand up to stroke the raccoon fondly. "The next town eh? And how far would that be?" She asked, her interest suddenly piqued, as she slid her rifle back into it's holster.

((Sorry, my replies aren't the best, I'm super exhausted.))

@Demon Slayer @Shammy the Shamrock
Ashton's eyes widened as the worm closed in on his face. He turned away expecting to be torn to shreds when he saw it fall to the ground. He chuckled and watched as the worm was taken apart by Feral. He slung his assault rifle over his shoulder and tipped his head to him. "Thank for the save mate, thought I was dead." He said with a sheepish grin as he crossed his arms. "Yes, good question where is the next town." He asked and frowned some. "Please don't tell me its the one with that crazy cult. I sort of pissed them off..."

@Shammy the Shamrock @TavvyDenai }~
Feral laughed "Don't worry, they won't. It is new new york, a city that is suppose to be a new york in the desert come on," he said guiding Ashton and Aslyn towards a giant city. "Welcome to NNYC," he said walking through the gate to a destroyed, busy, place.

@Demon Slayer @TavvyDenai
Ashton tilted his head when they arrived at NNYC and laughed some. "You weren't kidding." He said thinking of some sort of comment to say about the place. "Hey Feral, I wonder if I can get a I (<3) NNYC shirt." He said with a sly tone in his voice.

@Shammy the Shamrock @TavvyDenai }~
((Sorry about that everyone, I fell asleep while waiting on replies.))

Aslyn let out a small snort at Ashton's comment "I'm sure you can somewhere." She replied, although the question hadn't been directed towards her. "Hell, I might buy one myself." She joked, taking in the sight of the NNYC.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" She asked, "Are we gonna sell that thing or not." She said, referring to the mechanical worm.
Feral looked around the giant city before going to small garage and chatting with a man. He came back with a bag of silver coins "We really got a hall from that, also hang on," he said running to the store besides it and coming out with 'I (</3) NNYC.' Shirts he smiled. "I have one myself," he went around and smile giving Aston a bag "You can by a new car if ya want," he said putting his hands in his pocket.

@Demon Slayer @TavvyDenai

(Gtg to school, just didn't want to leave you freezed on my part)
Ashton looked at the shirt and smirked. "Well shit, I was only joking." He said with a laugh and happily took the bag. He looked in and shrugged. "I could o so, but it probably wouldnt be like my old one." He said sadly with a sigh. "I'll never forget her." He said with a fake wipe of a tear. He looked around to where he would purchase a car and finally found the place. "So, what type of car should I purchase?" He asked them tilting his head at the small selection.

@Shammy the Shamrock @TavvyDenai
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Aslyn followed, and cocked her head at the selection, viewing what they had, wondering if she should make a purchase herself. God knows she had enough currency to be able to do so. For now, she decided not to, instead, she'd save it for more weapons, and supplies, including new clothing. She removed the raccoon from her head, and held it in her arms, tickling under its chin gently.

@Demon Slayer @Shammy the Shamrock
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Later that day...

As night begins to fall over the wastes, the notorious saboteur known as Blowout is stalking a small outpost through a pair of binoculars, lying prone amidst a mountainside bush. His findings corroborate with the information he collected two towns over; about a dozen or so militia personnel, only three or four of them making the rounds at any given time. Blowout typically only did jobs like this for pay, but the promise of securing enough potassium perchlorate to keep building bombs for the next few months was as appealing a prospect as any for a man of his predilections.

The job was meant to be a simple one for Blowout. All he had to do was slip past the guards on his bike, make it to the far end of the outpost where he would plant a collection of diversionary charges designed to mimic the sound of small caliber gunfire, and then make his way to the warehouse door where he would plant a breaching charge. After that, it was just a matter of hitting the diversionary charges to coax out the fighters, blowing the warehouse door off its hinges, packing the loot onto his bike, and escaping down the mountainside. If everything went according to plan, the militia fighters would have no chance of catching him by the time they realize that the first charges were decoys.

As he gives his equipment one last go-over to ensure that he isn’t missing anything, Blowout mounts his bike and quietly creeps across the trail of packed earth surrounding the outpost.

((Hey all, new player here. Feel free to give me cues in OOC chat if you feel like I'm going off the rails.))
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