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Fantasy Nox Luna Sanguinis

Werewolves reside in this world, hidden from humans in plain sight. Two packs, however, are the most prominent in the land. These two packs are called Vermiculus Sicarii and Et Domita Sunts.

Vermiculus Sicarii, however, is a pack that loathes the life of regular humans. They reside in a forest, hidden from others, and live a peaceful enough life there. Though they reside in the forest, they make their homes in a cavern in the mountainside that looms over their forest territory. Their regem, king, is a dangerous werewolf who will not hesitate to attack if provoked. His word is law...

Et Domita Sunts is a pack who had yearned to finally come together with humans, Regulars. Yet some dreams aren't kept forever. They had, however, succeeded in blending into the human society, yet they still could not let their identities as werewolves be revealed. They managed to survive like normal humans for several years, that is until a Regular spotted one of them shift to their wolf form...

Now the two packs have to become allies to defend themselves against the Regulars, whom have now taken to arms at the order of their own king to kill them.

Will you survive or will you perish at the hands of man?​

Vermiculus Sicarii Members

Viktor Morelli -Regem

Lucina Venus Gregory -Member

Asher Westrey -Member

Et Domita Sunt Members

Warden Aavik -Regem

Walter Vincent Loscalzo -Trainee

Lilliana Hollins -Member


Eyen Reuben Kenton -Leader

Katherine de Bellerose -Member

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@Zelda18 @CorruptedNotion @HikaruxKaoru @JustWhipIt @Sulfurlix (Thank you all for being patient, feel free to post!)

In the middle of a forest that bordered a mountainous range, birds sang and the forest critters moved about with their own business. A brook flowed nearby, it's water clear and cool as it was resting in the shade of the trees. In the distance, a mountain could be seen overlooking the forest. In that mountain were caverns, and in those caverns was a pack of wolves. But not any kind of wolf... No, these wolves were not regular wolves. These wolves were werewolves. A male stood at the edge of a ledge that led up to the cavern he resided in, ears pricked forward as he scanned his piercing gaze over the territory he ruled over. It would then soon flick over towards the direction of those... Regulars that resided in the city just outside his territory. His upper lip curled up to bare his fangs in a quiet growl, his hackles rising as he just gazed off in that direction with the utmost sense of hatred towards them. Yet the Regulars were not the only ones that earned his dissatisfaction and hatred.... Another pack was rumored to reside there with the Regulars in secret as well, a pack that had the idea to try and combine their societies. "What a idiotic thought..." He spoke in a low tone, a growl mixed in with it as he remained right where he was. The winds of change was coming, but even he did not know what it would bring to his land.

Lucina Gregory

Lucina was starving. She chewed her lip thoughtfully as she tried to recall the last time she'd eaten... and couldn't. Things like eating and sleeping seemed unimportant when you had better things to do. But the dull ache in her stomach was becoming annoying, so she'd figured she'd take the hour or so it took to hunt and put an end to that. She slouched against a large rock, braiding back her messy hair with impressive speed. It wouldn't matter what her hair looked like when she shifted, but it was habit by now. Soon there was a reddish-brown wolf in her place, it's head tilted to the side. If someone had walked by her, they might have thought she was a detailed statue by how still she held. After a long minute, she sped forward into the thick forest, having picked up the scent of a herd of deer. She took down a doe gracefully, eating quickly and then wiping her mouth clean on the grass.

Walter Loscalzo

Walter rubbed the side of his head in annoyance, trekking through the forest that bordered his home. He had a massive headache, and his wolf form was much better at handling the pain that his "human" form. What good were his abilities if he couldn't heal himself? I didn't mean that, he chided himself mentally. He was lucky to be able to heal others, even if it didn't work on himself. Maybe one day if he practice enough, he'd be able to use his powers on himself. But for now, shifting would have to do. Walt looked over his shoulder anxiously, seeing nothing but the thick coverage of trees. He had to make sure he was not seen shifting by anyone. After a moment of intense listening, he shifted, a black wolf in his place now. The canine whimpered quietly, curling up under a large tree. His headache was getting worse rather than better, it seemed. Well, he'd just sleep it off. He rested his head on his paws, his ears perked for any signs of incoming danger until he finally drifted off.
With her back against a tree's trunk, Alexia's eyes stared at the raven-coloured cat in the hands of the boy. A sigh escaped her lips as she retreated back into the forest and towards her home. If only she had walked faster, it would be her with the animal in her hands instead of the young male. It was definitely absurd for a werewolf to want a kitten in her palms, but her love for any living thing was strong in her heart. Her soft footfalls resonated across the forest, her mind wandering back to the kitten. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be, right? Perhaps soon, she would have a pet of her own - if they allowed her of course. Another sigh fell from her lips while her eyes struggled to scan every inch of the large area. Her heart raced at the thought of something or someone blending in with her surroundings and then surprising her with an ambush; she was beginning to rethink her decision of coming out in the first place. Cursing silently underneath her breath, her feet padded across the ground at a faster pace, hoping that if there were any predators lurking, they would not here the crunching of the leaves as she stepped on them.

Walter Loscalzo

Walter awoke abruptly. He'd been asleep long enough that the sun had traveled across the sky, though he still had a few hours of daylight. He yawned, scratching a place just below his ear, before hearing the sound that must have woken him in the first place. Someone was walking through the forest, far enough away to be hidden by the trees but close enough for his sensitive ears to hear perfectly. Walt considered running briefly, but decided against it. It was definitely a human, not anyone who could hurt him. So he shifted as quick as he could manage, running a hand through his hair to pick out the leaves and twigs that had gathered as he slept. He remained sitting on the grass, keeping his eyes trained on the spot the human was sure to enter.

A sigh of relief escaped him as she finally came into sight. It was a member of his own pack, someone he'd only seen around a few times. He doubted she'd recognize him; she was a member, he a trainee. Walter wrinkled his nose as he tried to remember her name. "You're... Ally? No, I think it's Lola..." He called this aloud, but it was almost like he was talking to himself rather than to her. Standing, he picked another leaf out of his hair, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Do you know my name?" he asked, amused. After all, he didn't expect her to remember her name when he wasn't even sure he'd gotten hers right.

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Warden watched from the shadows, eyes on the two members of his. He said nothing, only his eyes moved through the forest. Finally, he closed them, walking out a bit to lean against the tree he was behind. His mind moved to other things, such as where the humans were. Life would be tough with them knowing the existence of the werewolf, but like years before, they'd persevere. They always managed to. (@Frostine @Zelda18 )
Moving from the ledge, Viktor turned and walked into the cavern that was awaiting him. He shifted to his human form and listened to the echoes of his footfalls against the stone walls in this empty place. Hardly anyone other than him came here, but it wasn't like he cared in the first place. His throne and his own crown awaited him, and always would for as long as he would live, then it would await the next ruler of Vermiculus Sicarii, whether that be of his own flesh and blood or someone he chose. Approaching a throne made of bones, the regem slid a hand over the bleached surfaces of one of the items that displayed his power, his rank, in the pack. He would then turn to sit down on it, his crown hanging from a boney post at the back of the throne, and rested his elbow on the arm of it as he placed his cheek against his fist. And so Viktor sat there, silence filling the empty cavern as he thought to himself. Thinking over what his pack's next move would be in order to grow stronger and survive more.


Lucina didn't shift back immediately after eating. Instead she went for a long run, appreciating the weather. Despite having a fur coat when she needed it, she loathed the cold. She ran at a considerable pace, but speed wasn't her strong suit. She'd nearly completed a tight circle around the center of the forest when she caught a scent, skidding to a stop to investigate. Her ears flattened against her head as she recognized Viktor's scent, shifting back into human form and collecting herself for a moment before walking purposefully into the cavern he must have been in. She grinned as her eyes proved her nose right; Viktor was sitting on his throne with a stoic expression.

"Hey, boss," she greeted him easily, kneeling down at his feet for a moment in a half-bow. "There's nothing in the forest," she reported, playing absently with a strand of her hair. By "nothing," she meant there weren't any Regulars. Though she wouldn't have admitted it in a billion years, the Regulars kind of scared her. It was ridiculous; she could rip any one of them apart before they could even understand what was happening. Her irrational fear made her hate them all the more. "Need me for anything?" She hoped he had something for her to do, even if it was just running parole. She was dead bored, and having a task always put her in a better mood.
@Fynn de Remis

Viktor flicked his cold eyes towards a member of his pack, Lucina, as she approached him. He did nothing but watch her with his eyes as she knelt down at his feet for a moment in a half-bow. At the report, he straightened up some, pulling his head away from his hand, and just tapped his fingers against the bleached bones for a few moments before he leaned back slightly, his back brushing against the back of the throne. "No such things are to ever step foot into our territory and get out alive.." He spoke slowly in a low voice, a particular darkness lacing itself with his words.

He went quiet for a few moments as he drifted off into thought once more before he slowly rose from his thrown and looked down at Lucina. "Take two other pack members out with you and move about the territory. I want only our members to be moving about in our territory, not those Regulars or tamed werewolves. If you find any in our territory... Either chase them out with a physical warning, or capture them." He told her as he lifted his hands to crack his knuckles. "Anyone outside of our packs is to know not to cross our borders or underestimate us."
Lilliana widened her sapphire pools at the sight of her fellow pack member, almost letting a yelp escape her lips. Judging by the remaining foliage on his form and the slightly tired posture he took on, she could tell that he had just woken up. It wasn't unusual to find members sleeping on the forest floor. Especially after runs, some of them would be too lazy to change back into their human selves and make their way towards their homes - not many do though. They love living like a human. Even Lilliana liked being surrounded by the chirping of the birds and the gentle rustle of the leaves.

Clutching her arm to her chest, she trained her eyes on the ground as if suddenly taking a liking to dead leaves on the ground. "It's Lilliana," she whispered. She was used to people not exactly remembering her name; after all, she made it her mission to remain unnoticed when possible. She recognised him though, answering his question with a nod. It was more like she knew of him than anything else. "You're quite new to the pack, aren't you?" She asked in a hushed tone while fiddling her hands in front of her. "We don't get many new pack members so everyone knows about who's new and who isn't." Lilliana assumed that the pack was not that numerous in number. She never really wondered how big the pack was until now; she doubted finding out would be that easy, too. Living with humans tend to scatter any pack members in different directions. Some probably have jobs, some might be attending school; they made it their job to act, walk and talk like humans, despite there not being many differences in appearance and behaviour.

"What are you doing here?" She said after clearing her throat. "Don't you have any duties to attend to?" She inquired in a tone that was merely curious and not accusatory at all.

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Lucina chewed her lip as Viktor gave his orders, still twirling a strand of her dark hair around her finger. She looked up at him for a moment, surprised by how tall he was. Or maybe she was just short? She stood on her tip-toes as she nodded when he finished speaking, straightening out her shoulders.

"You got it," she muttered, pleased to have something to do. The mention of "tame" werewolves piqued her interest; she knew there were rumors that a pack actually lived secretly with the Regulars, but that couldn't be true. She'd keep her eyes peeled just in case...

She lowered into the same half-bow quickly out of respect, but she was eager to start her run. Lucina jogged out of the cavern, shifting as soon as she made it back into the forest. Now, to find the other members of her pack. She considered briefly who to hunt down... maybe Asher? She was pretty sure he was a higher rank than her; he'd be good help if she did run into trouble. Lowering her nose to the ground for a second, she bounded back into the forest. @Fynn de Remis @JustWhipIt


Walter winced as she corrected him. "Lilliana," he mumbled apologetically, repeating her name in hopes of actually remembering it in the future. He raised his eyebrows as he realized she actually did recognize him, which made him feel worse for forgetting her name. He tilted his head as she spoke, his expression slipping into a pout as she mentioned how new he was. "Yeah, I'm a trainee. Got any pointers for the new kid?" He joked, shaking his head at that thought. All he had to do was follow orders and he'd do fine. There wasn't really any help to give.

"I haven't received any orders today," he answered her question, his voice becoming slightly amused. "I should probably hunt down Warden, huh?" He paused a moment, stretching out his stiff limbs until his joints popped quietly. "What about you?" He questioned, looking down at her curiously. "Out hunting or somethin'?"

@Frostine @CorruptedNotion

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