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Now We Got Bad Blood.

Keyana Veronica

New Member

Sweat dripped off of her forehead as Charlotte stood up from her downward dog position. The pink foam mat squished under her knees as her hands helped her up. The TV was playing a generalized yoga work out that she picked up two days earlier for 99cents at the Salvation Army. With one hand on each knee, Char took deep inhaling breaths before she completly rose. Reaching blindly to her left for her neon blue water bottle, Char knocked a crystal vase to the floor. Dark,thick blood dripped from the side of her hand,as she pranced around on one foot.

"Fuck.God dammit." she exclaimed as her lips pressed to her hand, trying to stop the blood from gushing out. Her making it barley to the sink, she through her hand under cold water,as she helplessly reached for the first aid kit. Finally obtaining the bandages, she wrapped gauze around her flesh before securing it with medical tape. Charlotte wandered to her bedroom, leaving the medical supplies laid all over the kitchen counter.

Each hand grabbed a side of her tight, black tank top and pulled it over her head, leaving her clad only in yoga shorts and a bright purple sports bra. Her hand reached for the knob of her on-suite shower, turning the tempurature to a perfect warmth. The steam rose, fogging the mirror as Charlotte qucikly left the bathroom. She entered the living room on her way to the kitchen where the over look of her small town caught her eye.The small mainstreet was livley on this Saturday night with all the college youth home for a football game. Young adults crowded the streets hollaring as Char passed the window. On her counter was a half drank bottle of dark red wine. Contemplating a glass, she ignored her better judgement and took the bottle in her hand. Pressing the stem to her lips, she passed the window once more.

The crowded streets reminded her of her and her ex, spending time in the bars after games. It was an exciting life they lived before the two of them had split. Shaking her head, Char proceeded to the bathroom, where her shorts joined her tanktop on the floor. Taking the half bottle with her, she removed her bra and got into the steamy shower. Her dark hair stuck to her skin with easy as it became damp from the flowing water. Shamelessly, Char began belting out every song that was crammed in her tiny little head. They where all the wrong words, in the wrong order and even worse; in the wrong tone.




Darrien had stood stock still for a good hour and hadn't even noticed. He was just beyond reach of the illumination of the porch light, hearing the faint electric buzz that it always had made. They'd changed the bulb multiple times, attempting to quiet it, but it was apparently in the wiring and the issue was left unresolved. Now, the din of it was hypnotizing if not maddening and he kept absentmindedly wishing he had fixed it once and for all.

He knew she still lived here. He wasn't sure at first but her car was there, and through the lighted window he had glimpsed her familiar silhouette. Still, he couldn't bring himself to walk up those steps and ring the doorbell. How stupid he'd feel if she slammed the door in his face or refused to open it all together. What would he even say? 'I've changed.' ? Sounded sappy and desperate, when in reality he literally has changed into something so completely inhuman. He supposed he'd be deemed just as stupid or even crazy if he attempted to explain this to Charlotte as well.

Quit some time passed since that last quarrel. He couldn't remember the cause of it, but he spat untrue things at her then left with the intention to spend the night away from her at a dingy, shabby motel close by where he would stare at the blank walls and brood with a tall can of beer in his hand until he was drunk enough to slumber. However, when he reached the motel and had gotten a room, he noticed a strange woman was leaning against the wall close by. She wasn't properly dressed for the cold weather. Hell, she wasn't properly dressed at all. 'A hooker' he thought to himself, but just as quickly her eyes flashed towards him. A smile reached her mouth and she descended towards him. Darrien continued his walk to his room a bit quickly. He'd never intend to cheat on Charlotte, no matter how furious he was, but something about this woman made him nervous and unsure. She caught up to him, grabbed his shoulder to turn him around, and before Darrien could tell her he had no interest, she bit down on his neck and began to feed. He woke up the next night weak and dizzy, but he wasn't at the motel. He was slumped beneath a tree in some unknown woods completely alone. From there, he learned what he was and what he must do.

He was torn from his trance when he heard the crash of glass from inside. He took a couple steps forward then relaxed, realizing from her curses, that she just broke something. She passed by the window again and a dull sadness swept him. Then after a moment, he heard the familiar melody that could only come from her. He smiled as she sang, remembering everything he loved about her and more. The fights were unimportant. The acidic insults they threw at each other were forgotten, at least by him. Finally the last of the singing died down. She was out of the shower. With a shaky deep breathe he bounded up the steps and knocked on the door, pushing back the cowardly urge to flee as best he could.

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The tap locked right into it's off position,with out any trouble. The last few drops of water escaped the pipe, and chimed against against the marble sidings. Charlotte traced her fingers along the fogged glass, doodling hearts, stars and other lame middle school things. Pressing her bare hip to the door, she pushed it open with ease. Water was sprinkled across the tile floor,making it slippery to walk on. Charlotte tossed the towel she intended to use for her wet hair onto the ground , swishing it around with one foot. A purple towel remained on the hanger, and she grabbed it quickly from it's place. Wrapping it around her exsposed body, she was in a warm fabric hug. Before exiting the bathroom completly, her memory stuck to take the now empty wine bottle with her.

Cold air crept up her spine as she entered her bedroom. The white walls lead to the blackened room in the corner. Her closet was left open from that morning. Tossing the wine bottle into a pile of dirty laundry that had formed in the corner, she walked into the walk in closet her ex had once renovated for her. Each time she entered this space, all the memories of blood and sweat came back. He put so much effort into making this her dream vanity,that to this day, she could not bare to change a thing. Flicking the light on with her purple laqured finger, Charlotte caught eye of a small stuffed bear on the back shelving unit. It was white, and wore a chliche I (<3) NY sweater. Darrien bought it for her on their anniversary trip to New York City. "Why'd you have to turn out to be such an ass?"

Grabbing the first pair of boy shorts she saw, Char slid the black lace up her legs. Following with a oversized white t-shirt, she made her way to the living room. Charlotte kicked the yoga mat to the side as she used her toe to turn on the television. Before curling up to bindge watch Suits, she stopped by the pantry where she proceeded to grab another bottle of wine and some Oreos. This was a guilty pleasure she devleoped to cope with the break up. It had been so long since they split, that the details had begun to fade. All that stuck in her mind, was saying some nasty things to one another and Darrien storming out. That night she put all his things on the lawn, and she hadn't heard from him since.

There was a loud, intrusive knock at the front door. Charlotte looked down at her attire, knowing it was not the most appropriet thing to answer the door in. Bottle of wine in hand, she wandered in a sloth like pace to the door. Her fingers grasped the lock as she turned it counter clock wise. Opening the door,she saw the familiar figure she had just been thinking about.
"You have got to be kidding me." Her eyes rolled in a mixture of sock and disgust. Quickly, she brought the bottle of wine to her lips and took a long drink.


Darrien stood in front of the door waiting for her to answer, and somewhat hoping she wouldn't. Before he could call off the whole thing and leave, the door opened, and he wished he had. She gave him a completely revolted look, and now he felt stupider than ever. He shouldn't have come.

"You have got to be kidding me."

She had with her a bottle of wine, and she seemed a bit tipsy already. It wasn't a Charlotte he was used to, and was unsure if she would be more or less reasonable in this state. He put his hand on the door and finally spoke so as not to have it slammed in his face.

"Char, listen, please." He said quickly, then took a short pause to gather his thoughts. He didn't want to sound cliché and lame. He also didn't like the fact that he was having the discussion on her front porch, where any nosy neighbor could have a great view for the show, but he didn't want to put her off from talking to him all together. So he let out a long sigh and began.

"Charlotte, I didn't mean to leave. I mean, I know I left and all, but I didn't mean to leave for so long..." Darrien brought his palm to his face in frustration. He hadn't realized how at a loss for words he was until now. He avoided eye contact, not wanting to see her reaction " It's not my fault I left for so long, and it wasn't my intention to. I know I've been gone for such a long time and it excuse any of that but if we could please talk about this inside I will tell everything that happened and why I didn't come back earlier."

It wasn't a proposition to let him live with her again. He didn't know Charlotte had thrown his stuff out on the lawn but he expected just as much. Probably stolen by some passerby. He didn't care. He only wanted to feel less exposed. He wanted it be more personal. He looked at her pleadingly.

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