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Fandom Now Thats Some Creepy Pasta (Creepypasta) Psyche and Revenant

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Tap tap tap
The sound of Maryjanes climbing up the steps of the mansion came out as two figures hand in hand reached the top step and onto the top platform. The older of the two a young albino woman released the hand of the child in her care to knock on the door as her other hand was occupied with her doctor's bag. It was decided that it would be better for her to meet the others at their home rather then her clinic although sneaking the dark blue boy through the city was quite difficult in itself. The white fabric of her gloves brushed against the wood of the door as she gently rapped her knuckles against it. She stepped back the red skirt of her dress swishing as she did so and gave her young companion a bright assuring smile as he tucked his hands into his sweatshirt narrowing his eyes at the building skeptically as they waited for the door to open.
(I absolutely love the name 😂😂) also the way you described psych 💅🏽✨ absolute goddess!!!)

After a moment someone opens the door, a loud yet silent creak sang as the Harvey door opened. The sound of the old wood clear by each small snap and crack in the process of opening it.

What seems to be a tall man stood by the door, seemingly the one who had opened it. His stance was rather tense. His eyes a bright crimson red, going well with his skin which has peaked a bit due to the lack of life. His teeth were as clear as day dude to the lack of a mouth and cheeks as they seemed to have been torn off and left to scar, connecting to his eyes. He has mid sized wings made out of human flesh that displayed behind him, his tail moved smoothly, swaying side to side, the end seemingly like one of a scorpion.
His body seemed off at least from what could be shown by the deep scar across his neck, and lower right calf. An explosion scar on his left calf and his left arm completely inhumane at least by the looks of his fingers. "Ready?"He spoke, his tone holding a smokers rasp but seemed firm
Pffft why thank you!!! I love how you describe Ziggy yourself! His entire appearance is so cool and brb as I look at your Insta to find him//

The phantom like woman flashed him a smile as the black eyed boy grabbed onto her hand again glaring at the man silently as he ducked behind her trying to pull her back a bit.
"We are-re thank you!...ummm was there n-not one more person?" She asked her a tone light and airy tilting her head curiously before glancing down at the young boy gently removing her hand so she could ruffle his black curls calmingly, before glancing back at the man adjusting her wide brim hat to better shade her face and the back of neck as she took a glance inside looking for the second.
(sry, for some reason I just got the reply 😭) and thank you!!!🩵🩵)

"She's-"The man was cut off as a calm yet exhausted sounding voice spoke "Here, had to grab something real quick"

Calmly another figure came up, much shorter than the demonic man but not shorter than the average height atleast for a lady at least that's what one can assume from the tone of voice of the proxy. Unlike the demonic man her stance was more intimating due to the fact there seem to be a lack of casualty or emotion. Their figure was rather muscular and from the skin that showed on her right shoulder seemed ruined and scarred deeply from an explosion as well. She wore a desaturated blue bulletproof vest, black long sleeve fingerless gloves... probably hiding the scar on her arm. She wore a sleeveless turtleneck shirt under the vest and some baggy cargo pants that held up with her utility belt. There were decently big bags on each of her side holding only god knows what that consisted the same color of her vest. She also wore a gas mask somewhat representing a skull, expect for teeth there were lines representing a mad smile. Her hair was messy and short, very short and wavy.
You're okay!!!!//

The woman smiled giving her a small wave as she adjusted her own backpack with her free hand. Before offering her gloved hand out to shake in introduction. Glancing the two over curiously with her pale blue pupiless eyes.

"Fantastic! I don't think-think that we've properly met before. I'm Psyche, of S-Sanctuary, and this is Onyx m-my little brother. You two are Z-zigeth and Revenant correct? It's nice to meet you both-th." She asked gesturing at the child behind her as she mentioned him. By no means making him interact with the others. She paused letting her hand lower slightly watching him as he rapidly signed to her causing her to tilt her head and give a silent nod and soft smile back to him before turning back to the other two adults as he hopped down the steps staying in sight but putting some distrustful distance between him and the relative strangers.
He wore his own backpack over the contrasting red sweatshirt with little Spidermans embroidered across it. He kicked a small pebble keeping the dark eyes from which he got his name trained on the others. He shoved his hands back into his pocket pouting ever so slightly.
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"Ziggy....I prefer Ziggy for short"Ziggy spoke, reaching his hand out to shake her hand because he did hold some respect

Revenant didn't make effort to do such, not one for physical touch. "Yeah....you sure you want the child to come? Zalgo's realm isn't really....child friendly"
She frowned ever so slightly before moving to head down the stairs, taking them one at a time once she finished shaking Ziggy's hand.

"Alright! Ziggy it is! And..Nobody from S-Sanctuary was able to make if over-r to watch him, and he's t-too young to be left alone for th-that long." She explained squinting her eyes at the sunlight and once more adjusting her hat before glancing back at the others shifting her grip on her medical bag to her other hand stretching out the fingers in the hand of the one that had previously been carrying it. She returned her focus to the demonoid who was now picking up and sorting through sticks although still very much so watching the adults.
Both Rev and Ziggy, Ziggy by his expression and Rev by her small silence seemed to give the sense of confusion still. Probably because both couldn't understand kids were not able to care for themselves at that age.

Revenant sighed shrugging after moment of silence before speaking "alright then, do your best to watch em"She spoke calmly walking out of the mansion "best get going as soon as possible hm?"
Psyche glanced over at her with a nod already on the move to the old van that would serve as their transport. Careful to stick in the shade where she could. Oblivious to the two's confusion on the matter.
"I will!" She promised confidently waving Onyx over. To which he hesitantly did shooting a little glare at Revenant and Ziggy as he did so keeping hold of one of the longer sticks as stuck to Psyche's left side. He held the stick defensively as if he planned to use it as a weapon if the two tried anything.
(Aweeeee!!!! The child 🥺 that's so cute!!😂)

Ziggy furrowed his brows confused by the child's behavior sighing as he shook his head following the group "The portal shouldn't be too far from the Forest"he announced
He likes sticks cuz they’re easily flammable meaning that he can use it as a forbidden sword if needed.//

Psyche glanced back at him and nodded.
"Th-thank you for letting us know. One of you two should lead-d! I'm not very f-familiar with the way to." She admitted slowing down to let one of them pass causing Onyx to slow down with her moving more towards the side for some extra distance and grabbing onto her arm to try and get her to do the same.
(ohhhh okay, smart kid 😌)

Ziggy nodded passing the two, Revenant already ahead to find which specific one they needed to use.

Ziggy glanced at the two guests "it shouldn't be a extremely long trip, we'll be able to return pretty soon"He mumbled sounding a bit firm but glad
Psyche nodded hurrying after the two with Onyx staying close to her side albeit reluctantly holding his new-found stick in the front. He was still quite wary about the two strangers and where they were headed so he clung close to his Guardian.

"I'm a-aware, the Operator a-assured me of it when he called in the favor-r from us." She said as she looked around to memorize the route they were taking, the pale blues of her eyes dancing around the path occasionally flickering red when the light hit them just the right way.
Revenant came to a stop, Infront of a big old dead looking tree. It's leaves long gone, the bark a pale grey. In the middle of the tree was what seemed to be a big whole, big enough to fit a person if they slid on their back-but you couldn't really see inside....it looked to be a dark void "I'll go in first, if it's safe I'll toss something like a stick through"she spoke calmly
Sitting on the ground, before carefully pulling herself to slide into the darkness.

Ziggy rolled his eyes shaking his head as he sighed "of course she'd use that plan instead of a fucking camera"he muttered under his breathe

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