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Realistic or Modern Novel Comics: Cinematic Universe (Timeline 1)

“Hey. Dial guy, are you in range to stun that *second* monster that just showed up?” Dark Matter asks.

“I will see…” Strange binding Dial holds his finger up to the wind after licking it. “Barely. I think if I use a net dial, I can deal some damage.” He takes out a large sling. And begins to load something on it with a weapon out of the sack on his back. Accounting for wind speed and distance, he begins to swing the sling around bouncing back and fourth before letting it release, sending a green orb with a shell-like pattern screaming through the air into the side of Mobius.

“Marilyn, once he hits his mark, I want you to bombard the kaiju.” Dr. Gunner says. “As much as I hate to do this sort of thing to such a helpful specimen, I can take solace in the fact that just being in our world is probably harming it more than is reasonable to continue allowing.”

“Affirmative.” White white shell unfolds the guns out of its back and fires off a hail of electromagnetic and artillery blasts onto Mobius from a distance.

A certain someone comes crashing in through the pre-existing hole in the Kraken headquarters. RRCH who had correctly predicted the location of the lightning gun’s trajectory, enters directly into the conflict.

Holding his breath, he brings his arm back and swings it forwards through the water, slamming it into one of the interior walls. Blowing a hole straight through it. Then, still following the trajectory signal, he charges through the wall, the debris unable to so much as scratch his skin, taking the brief portion before the room fills up again to relinquish his breathe and refresh himself. Before crashing through one more wall and slamming the side of his body into the lightning cannon. “That’s checkmate!” He says as the cannon is knocked off of its turret and launched into the wall

At 220 feet above the sea, the deck of the Golden Gate Bridge was far too high for Gula to reach. Instead, the shadow was indeed cast by clouds... but menacing, purple clouds that crackled with green lightning. A bolt struck Gadg8eer, illuminating his bones a rich green color as his Toon Force kept him alive.

"OW! What the frick was that?!"
“Damn. You okay, kid? That looked uh. Looked like it hurt.” Closed Casket says. “I’ve been struck by lightning before and uh. It’s not a fun thing to experience. Then again, my body gets all melted and burnt up when that happens. But you look uh… pretty okay right?”
“Hey. Dial guy, are you in range to stun that *second* monster that just showed up?” Dark Matter asks.

“I will see…” Strange binding Dial holds his finger up to the wind after licking it. “Barely. I think if I use a net dial, I can deal some damage.” He takes out a large sling. And begins to load something on it with a weapon out of the sack on his back. Accounting for wind speed and distance, he begins to swing the sling around bouncing back and fourth before letting it release, sending a green orb with a shell-like pattern screaming through the air into the side of Mobius.

“Marilyn, once he hits his mark, I want you to bombard the kaiju.” Dr. Gunner says. “As much as I hate to do this sort of thing to such a helpful specimen, I can take solace in the fact that just being in our world is probably harming it more than is reasonable to continue allowing.”

“Affirmative.” White white shell unfolds the guns out of its back and fires off a hail of electromagnetic and artillery blasts onto Mobius from a distance.

A certain someone comes crashing in through the pre-existing hole in the Kraken headquarters. RRCH who had correctly predicted the location of the lightning gun’s trajectory, enters directly into the conflict.

Holding his breath, he brings his arm back and swings it forwards through the water, slamming it into one of the interior walls. Blowing a hole straight through it. Then, still following the trajectory signal, he charges through the wall, the debris unable to so much as scratch his skin, taking the brief portion before the room fills up again to relinquish his breathe and refresh himself. Before crashing through one more wall and slamming the side of his body into the lightning cannon. “That’s checkmate!” He says as the cannon is knocked off of its turret and launched into the wall

“Damn. You okay, kid? That looked uh. Looked like it hurt.” Closed Casket says. “I’ve been struck by lightning before and uh. It’s not a fun thing to experience. Then again, my body gets all melted and burnt up when that happens. But you look uh… pretty okay right?”
Captain Crustacean, doing his best to hold Mobius watches as Mobius is bombarded with artillery and electromagnetic projectiles and a green orb, he recognized that the former was the work of White White shell and the green orb as one of Strange binding dial's net dials.

"IMPOSSIBLE! CHOCOLATE HARRY!?" Kraken Commander declared hammily "How did you learn of our lairs location?" He then turns to the other members of the League of aquatic villains "One of you must have ratted us out Which one of you ratted us out!?"
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"IMPOSSIBLE! CHOCOLATE HARRY!?" Kraken Commander declared hammily "How did you learn of our lairs location?" He then turns to the other members of the League of aquatic villains "One of you must have ratted us out Which one of you ratted us out!?"
“A directed energy weapon is always going to leave a trail. All I had to do was follow the trajectory of the cannon’s shots. After seeing it so many times, even a monkey could figure it out.” Harry says.

“I’ll commend you on putting teamwork first. But when you fight against good, you’ll always come up short of your goals and two steps behind your opponents. Whatever fate would side with you, is nothing compared to the shining Justice that’s presented itself.”
“A directed energy weapon is always going to leave a trail. All I had to do was follow the trajectory of the cannon’s shots. After seeing it so many times, even a monkey could figure it out.” Harry says.

“I’ll commend you on putting teamwork first. But when you fight against good, you’ll always come up short of your goals and two steps behind your opponents. Whatever fate would side with you, is nothing compared to the shining Justice that’s presented itself.”
"That may be, But know this! Mark my words! You may have beaten me now but I will destroy you in the future!" Commander kraken boasted angrily even if it was clear that he wouldn't be able to follow through on his threat.

"Face it, our plans gone belly-up and without that dynamically aquatic trio or their Pacific league allies getting involved this time." A mysterious voice who's origin point harry likely couldnt see said. "It wouldve gone much better if my Intellectual mind was leading this group" The voice said. "Anyways if you want the real mastermind it's that sorceress that's commanding that monster attacking san Francisco."

It's plankterror
"That may be, But know this! Mark my words! You may have beaten me now but I will destroy you in the future!" Commander kraken boasted angrily even if it was clear that he wouldn't be able to follow through on his threat.

"Face it, our plans gone belly-up and without that dynamically aquatic trio or their Pacific league allies getting involved this time." A mysterious voice who's origin point harry likely couldnt see said. "It wouldve gone much better if my Intellectual mind was leading this group" The voice said. "Anyways if you want the real mastermind it's that sorceress that's commanding that monster attacking san Francisco."

It's plankterror
"Is that so... Seems we have another player heading this situation.." He scratches his chin.

"Do you know where she's hiding out, in the grand scheme of this scenario?" He asks.
"Is that so... Seems we have another player heading this situation.." He scratches his chin.

"Do you know where she's hiding out, in the grand scheme of this scenario?" He asks.
"Yes an ally of ours." The Commander declared, refusing to concede that he may as well have been demoted to dragon.

"Likely close enough to that gluttonous Otter monster she used to secure our alliance." Plankterror said. "But far enough from the conflict that she wouldn't be seen."
"Yes an ally of ours." The Commander declared, refusing to concede that he may as well have been demoted to dragon.

"Likely close enough to that gluttonous Otter monster she used to secure our alliance." Plankterror said. "But far enough from the conflict that she wouldn't be seen."
"Do you need assistance bringing yourselves to the surface?" He offers. "You may be villains, but I'm not keen on letting anyone drown if I can help it. And there will definitely be more than enough heroes waiting to apprehend you once you get up there."
"Do you need assistance bringing yourselves to the surface?" He offers. "You may be villains, but I'm not keen on letting anyone drown if I can help it. And there will definitely be more than enough heroes waiting to apprehend you once you get up there."
"Trust us, we can get to the surface on our own. Now, TILL NEXT TIME!!!" Man-ray Declared as he moved to make his escape in the opposite direction of rowdy rowdy chocolate harry.

"I live underwater so no." Prince shark declared.

"I aint messing with ya mate." Sonic boom said to the hero.
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“Hey. Dial guy, are you in range to stun that *second* monster that just showed up?” Dark Matter asks.

“I will see…” Strange binding Dial holds his finger up to the wind after licking it. “Barely. I think if I use a net dial, I can deal some damage.” He takes out a large sling. And begins to load something on it with a weapon out of the sack on his back. Accounting for wind speed and distance, he begins to swing the sling around bouncing back and fourth before letting it release, sending a green orb with a shell-like pattern screaming through the air into the side of Mobius.

“Marilyn, once he hits his mark, I want you to bombard the kaiju.” Dr. Gunner says. “As much as I hate to do this sort of thing to such a helpful specimen, I can take solace in the fact that just being in our world is probably harming it more than is reasonable to continue allowing.”

“Affirmative.” White white shell unfolds the guns out of its back and fires off a hail of electromagnetic and artillery blasts onto Mobius from a distance.

The beast screeched horribly and lashed out with its long fins, mostly out of confusion at being limited to 3D space and not really knowing why it was suddenly feeling pain.

One of the fins struck a cargo container, ripping open the metal sheets and spilling a couple stolen black market luxury cars into the ocean.

“Damn. You okay, kid? That looked uh. Looked like it hurt.” Closed Casket says. “I’ve been struck by lightning before and uh. It’s not a fun thing to experience. Then again, my body gets all melted and burnt up when that happens. But you look uh… pretty okay right?”

"Yeah... Holy crap that hurt!" he said. "This is why I usually stay off the battlefield."

Gadg8eer looked over the ocean, and various augmented reality interfaces could be seen flickering over the water in analysis. "There he is!" Gadg8eer said, and one of the markers zero'd in on a shape under the water that made it visible to Closed Casket. "I don't get it. If Gula's headed here, why the bridge? The deck's so high that only the biggest kaiju can actually reach this far... he's not that big!"
The beast screeched horribly and lashed out with its long fins, mostly out of confusion at being limited to 3D space and not really knowing why it was suddenly feeling pain.
The green shell-like orb would break open and spread out into a series of long green cords, which tangled themselves around the kaiju, restricting its movements.

Meanwhile white-white shells electromagnetic artillery shots would individually blow large spherical holes into the kaiju, rending large chunks out of its limbs. Her firepower was significantly beyond the other members of the PLAH, thanks to the combined design efforts by both Dr. Gunner and Dimit Killjoy.

"Trust us, we can get to the surface on our own. Now, TILL NEXT TIME!!!" Man-ray Declared as he moved to make his escape in the opposite direction of rowdy rowdy chocolate harry.

"I live underwater so no." Prince shark declared.

"I aint messing with ya mate." Sonic boom said to the hero.
"No problems here, then. It's in my best interest to get back to the rest of the battlefront." Harry says, getting down to one knee and launching himself up, out the top of the HQ.

A large splash emerged from the water as Harry exited, having jumped with quite the force to break the unequal sense of density that would've been holding him back otherwise.

He would land quite a bit away on the bridge that Casket and Gadg8eer were standing on, at the other end of the bridge of course.

The deck's so high that only the biggest kaiju can actually reach this far... he's not that big!
"Biggest recorded kaiju you mean. Always expect bigger ones in the future, kid... Anyway... The suits said there'd be an issue if I didn't since you're a person of interest. And I don't feel like causing any more of a scene if they have something in mind. Maybe they want me to throw ya' into the ocean. Who knows. Promise ya' if it comes to that and they try to force me, I won't hesitate to make sure a couple o' spooks get the honor of a purple heart." Closed Casket says. Spitting out her cigarette butt and pulling out a new one from her pocket, lighting it with a match, before throwing the match down and stamping it out.
The green shell-like orb would break open and spread out into a series of long green cords, which tangled themselves around the kaiju, restricting its movements.

Meanwhile white-white shells electromagnetic artillery shots would individually blow large spherical holes into the kaiju, rending large chunks out of its limbs. Her firepower was significantly beyond the other members of the PLAH, thanks to the combined design efforts by both Dr. Gunner and Dimit Killjoy.

Mobius gave a long, mournful cry and then opened its mouth, swimming through water and air alike as if they were one and the same. She started to take a huge gaping bite out of the bow of the cargo ship, leaving the vessel creaking as the beast crushed and tore through tons upon tons of solid marine-grade steel.

"Biggest recorded kaiju you mean. Always expect bigger ones in the future, kid... Anyway... The suits said there'd be an issue if I didn't since you're a person of interest. And I don't feel like causing any more of a scene if they have something in mind. Maybe they want me to throw ya' into the ocean. Who knows. Promise ya' if it comes to that and they try to force me, I won't hesitate to make sure a couple o' spooks get the honor of a purple heart." Closed Casket says. Spitting out her cigarette butt and pulling out a new one from her pocket, lighting it with a match, before throwing the match down and stamping it out.

"No, nothing of the sort. We needed a fortifiable position." said one of the agents nearby.

"From Gula? From Ashen Witch?" Gadg8eer guessed.

"I'm not privileged to disclose that information. All I'm authorized to reveal is that it's a matter of international security unrelated to your own current voluntary efforts."

"No problems here, then. It's in my best interest to get back to the rest of the battlefront." Harry says, getting down to one knee and launching himself up, out the top of the HQ.

A large splash emerged from the water as Harry exited, having jumped with quite the force to break the unequal sense of density that would've been holding him back otherwise.

He would land quite a bit away on the bridge that Casket and Gadg8eer were standing on, at the other end of the bridge of course.

"Metapower! Identify yourself!" a voice said over a loudspeaker from one of the black SUVs.
"Metapower! Identify yourself!" a voice said over a loudspeaker from one of the black SUVs.
"ID code M-239, Metapower alias Rowdy Rowdy Chocolate Harry, sir." Harry called over.

[OST - Strike While the Iron is Wet]
Mobius gave a long, mournful cry and then opened its mouth, swimming through water and air alike as if they were one and the same. She started to take a huge gaping bite out of the bow of the cargo ship, leaving the vessel creaking as the beast crushed and tore through tons upon tons of solid marine-grade steel.
"LIKE HELL YOU WILL!" Armament managed to force Mobius back before it could fully chomp down by charging straight at it and striking it in the jaw with her "Seven Thousand Tile Roundhouse Kick" Deep Sea Martial Arts move. Dislodging more than a few of it's teeth. The knockback attack being fully completed and increased by several meters through Octoman charging in and shoulder-slamming the monster's head immediately following.

Simultaneously it's back would be bombarded yet again by White White Shell's continued ranged attacks. As Strange Binding Dial prepared his sling with a red shell-like orb and began to swing it around.

"You gonna do anything to help out with this, ribbit?" Rainyday asks Swim.

"Oh uh, I'm kinda new to my powers, and, the weapon that Dr. Gunner gave me doesn't really work the way its supposed to.." Swim says.

"Fine by me. I mostly deal with smaller scale stuff anyway, you know, the occasional illegal fishing operation or supervillain activity. Half the job is just the marketing and media presence, ribbit... I can't exactly move back a giant monster like the others can." Rainyday says. "Generally I just hang back for stuff like this, ribbit...."
"ID code M-239, Metapower alias Rowdy Rowdy Chocolate Harry, sir." Harry called over.
The agent tapped the side of his smartshades and nodded to the others. "Can you confirm your location earlier today, approximately 30 minutes ago?"

Gadg8eer had glanced over as well, though still trying to keep track of Gula. "I recognize his voice. That's the guy that was talking to the cop that pulled me over." he whispered to Closed Casket, and checking the time by mentally calling up a clock which was displayed in the corner of his HUD for a little less than a second before automatically disappearing again.

Thanks to technologies like variable-friction asphalt and AI-assisted driving, the motorcycle ride was one of traveling along a futuristic superhighway with glowy lights, flatscreen advertisements and augmented reality huds similar to a video game having replaced the street signage of time immemorial and car infotainment navigation systems of the late 1990s. Even normal cars like the Dumvee he'd stolen or the nearby SUVs could maintain a constant speed of 60 mph going around corners in a twisting and winding mountain valleys leading from Nevada to Northern California, and motorcycles often served as a cheaper and slightly slower alternative to travel by small aircraft. Especially custom vehicles often created for superheroes were constructed to take any limited-access motorway in the world at similar speeds to bullet trains.

As a result, it was just under 30 minutes since the encounter in Indian Springs.

[OST - Strike While the Iron is Wet]

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL!" Armament managed to force Mobius back before it could fully chomp down by charging straight at it and striking it in the jaw with her "Seven Thousand Tile Roundhouse Kick" Deep Sea Martial Arts move. Dislodging more than a few of it's teeth. The knockback attack being fully completed and increased by several meters through Octoman charging in and shoulder-slamming the monster's head immediately following.

Simultaneously it's back would be bombarded yet again by White White Shell's continued ranged attacks. As Strange Binding Dial prepared his sling with a red shell-like orb and began to swing it around.

"You gonna do anything to help out with this, ribbit?" Rainyday asks Swim.

"Oh uh, I'm kinda new to my powers, and, the weapon that Dr. Gunner gave me doesn't really work the way its supposed to.." Swim says.

"Fine by me. I mostly deal with smaller scale stuff anyway, you know, the occasional illegal fishing operation or supervillain activity. Half the job is just the marketing and media presence, ribbit... I can't exactly move back a giant monster like the others can." Rainyday says. "Generally I just hang back for stuff like this, ribbit...."
The beast reared back, even moaning in pain as her teeth were dislodged. For a moment it seemed to consider leaving, but then wailed a loud roar. For a moment it held it's ground before again roaring loudly.

"What are you doing?! EAT!" Ashen Witch's voice was heard, as if rumbling up from the waves themselves...
"Eat? Doesn't Mobius usually eat constructs? Oh no." Captain Crustacean pointed out and realized as at the same time Cephalopod commando would demonstrate his Deep sea martial arts skills on Mobius with the "Seven thousand tile Four Tentacled Machine gun punch"
(( Hey, guys. I need to pause the RP. Mr. 86 is having trouble posting because he's been super busy and is now 2 pages behind the latest post on what's been happening. Since he isn't involved with our other RP, let's just leave this where it is for now and focus on that one. ))
(( Hey, guys. I need to pause the RP. Mr. 86 is having trouble posting because he's been super busy and is now 2 pages behind the latest post on what's been happening. Since he isn't involved with our other RP, let's just leave this where it is for now and focus on that one. ))
It's Alright, this sort of thing can happen to the best of us.

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