Nothing Fancy Really (( AbyssHarlequin, Scrypt, and TroubledNovelist private rp ))

Alex's lips turned down in a frown, and she reached forward for the male's hand. "I insist. Both of you. I'm certain my friends won't be too upset by your presence, I mean, honestly. In a world like ours, it pays to trust people." She heaved a deep sigh. "Okay, so... We don't have much. Not at all. But we have enough." In all honesty, it was likely they had just barely enough to feed the four people back at the camp and two more would thin out rations. Oh well. More scrapping for Alex. "We're stronger in numbers, you know, all of us together can do so much. There's only four of us.. you two would be wanted and welcomed, I promise. And I know nowadays promises don't mean jack apples, but.. what could it hurt? What do we have to lose? And my name is Alex, by the way. Since we're sharing our names and all that great jazzy stuff."
Sabeji jerked back from the feline-like female's hand, his own turning defensively in case he saw it as a threat. "No, I can't. You see, there is a reason I'm in this situation. You see, um, I am a devourer of the flesh of homo sapiens and you see, um, I really shouldn't. You see, um. I really should just go. I will be okay." He laughed nervously as he backed up more, about ready to turn and run the other direction. "You see, I don't want to accidentally hurt one of you. You see, um, I'm sorry. I really should go."
"Oh, um, I'm Faun," Faun said as an afterthought as she tried to process what Sabeji had just said. " layman's terms, you're a cannibal," she said, allowing a proper amount of silence to accumulate before doing so. "Or are you alien or something in which case you'd be a man-eater?" she said, the words occurring as an afterthought. It was a common mistake, differentiating between the two flesh-eaters. And then of course the meaning of the word cannibal had changed over time to become the synonym of man-eater because of this mistake. Nonetheless, to Faun cannibal meant whatever gnawed on it's very distant relatives every once in a while. Honestly she wasn't entirely frightened by Sabeji, what with her ability to regenerate flesh. Lost a hand? Just tap a person on the shoulder and you're good as new. That was Faun's reality anyway. This revelation of his nature even comforted her, explaining why he acted so strangely.
He flinched slightly at the reality of it all. He wasn't an alien, no. He was human, just with some defects is all. "Ah, a cannibal is the proper term I suppose...and you see, I'm awfully hungry and I, um, am rather like a savage dog, so you see, it isn't good for me to be around y'all." He laughed nervously, running his tongue over sharpened teeth as he spoke, swallowing slightly. "Ah, Faun, thank you for the coat. You go have a nice meal with Miss Alex...I'll just, um, hunt at the outskirts." He smiled weakly before turning on his heel and fleeing. He couldn't do it. They were nice people and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he game into primal instinct and his view mutated them from beings to converse with into his next meal.  
(( I kinda want to throw another character into the fray.

Istabene knows how I am with having multiple characters--

but who to use tho-- ))
Alex's eyebrow raised at the confession, and she let go of his hand. "Oh. Well. Huh." Her thoughts wandered for a bit, assessing the pros and cons of having a cannibal as a friend. She sighed a bit, watching Sabeji. "Sabeji, wait. What if.. we had special meals made for you? I mean, you know, wouldn't be too difficult, right?" She shrugged as she glanced between the two. "But, it's your choices, and if you'd rather not, I mean, that isn't a big deal. But don't you think friends would be helpful?" Her attention turned to Faun. "You said you had a place?" 
(( Ooh, another character. Should be fun. We should all have a few characters in this, I think. ))
(( I usually end up with 839725389674065043786257432564275675943560743251573-1384657438925624 characters--






fsjdklfsjfsidjfskldjfsiejfskldjfskldf ))

"No, that is okay. I don't think anyone would be comfortable with that. You know. I might, um, accidentally go after others anyway. You see. Um. I'm sorry." He paled slightly at the thought of being shunned even more, actually taking off in a sprint that time and turning to corner of the buildings.
I'm sorry. He hated turning the offer down since it was the kindest thing that had happened to him in such a long time. He just did not feel that he could trust himself though.
Heaving a heavy sigh, Alex looked back toward the direction Sabeji ran, before glancing back toward Faun. "...Well, what do you think, stranger?" Her head cocked to the side slightly as she rested a hand on her own hip, "Poor guy..." her tail flicked a bit as her mind began the initiation process of the next step. Whatever that would be.

(( I

I rather like


Aside from the character himself, his name sounds bad ass--


Oliver Kvale sounds awesome too-- ))

I dunno

Someone outgoing maybe? That seems like that would fit.

And yes multiple characters is always nice /butittakestimewhichIdon'thave yeah.)

"Well, that was interesting," Faun sighed, stretching her arms above her head to relieve a sudden tension in her shoulders. Her face scrunched naturally in the position, though any movement in her face never looked particularly natural. When she had satisfied the need to stretch, she dropped her arms and opened her eyes to look at Alex. "So, do you really have food? Or should I just get to walking now that I'm only 'miss fugly jacket' without her intriguing blue haired...friend?" she asked, no remorse in her tone though it seemed like it would belong. She hesitated on the word friend, finding it would fit in the sentence but not as a description of the relationship. She would have preferred to have described her acquaintance with Sabeji as a charity or a why-not? That seemed to be the only type of relationship we had with others anymore. But what had been said was done and she couldn't reverse time to change it.
(( Abisso mean abyss in Italian laughs cause I got lazy with that name

He is the tar beast with gateways to the abyss and stuff.

Kaja looks into the human mind and draws on their fears to generate an illusion made entirely of their fears.

So if I used her y'all would list your character's fears.

Oliver is just a basic human. He would probably be middle class type--

Fame is a good outgoing one. but he is meh.

Yesei, the lioness beast tamer is outgoing too.

AND PICOLO IS TOO. Size changing. Hahaha he entertains me with his lollipop hammer prop. Ahaha--

gonna go iron that stuff now I guess))
(( So y'all just pick a character from those if you want or I can list more

continue rping or whatever.

I'm actually gonna shower too so-- ))
Finding the weight bearing down on her left leg from her position a bit uncomfortable, she shifted her hips to relieve the pressure and put it on her right. "Nah, I was just sayin' that because there's nothing better to do." Her voice practically oozed with sarcasm. "Kidding, yes, we really do have lots'a grub. Speaking of which.. it's almost ration time. If you're comin' with me, you'd better haul cauliflower soon, Faunny." Uttering a soft chuckle at her moniker for the other, the feline focused solely on the other.  
(( Lollipop hammer prop omfg-- ))
Abisso nervously peeked out from behind the door to the tiny abode he just barely scraped enough money together to rent monthly along with other living expenses. Okay. Okay. He could do this. He would be okay. It was going to be fine. Just like every day. People are not scary. No. It is the things that happen to them that make them scary. And he just had to avoid them. Yes. He would be okay. Taking a deep breath, the male closed the door again, though reappeared after a moment, actually stepping outside of the little apartment with the large case of an instrument strapped to his back. He closed the door, locking it and dropping the key, suspended on a silver chain, back into his shirt. Abisso inhaled deeply, biting his lip for a second before turning and walking down the stairs from the third floor apartment, keeping his head lowered as to not look anyone in the eye as he walked. Just down the street two blocks. Then right. I can do this. Probably.

(( Okay.

I'm done for now.

Bluh ))

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