Nothing Fancy Really (( AbyssHarlequin, Scrypt, and TroubledNovelist private rp ))

(( I'm going to say that in this rp Sabeji has never been in a circus

so no straight jacket and/or gags and blindfolds so--

yey normal people clothes ))

It wasn't anything new to Sabeji to be in a situation like this. Kids had just dumped a bucket of water on him and ran away shrieking and calling him names, leaving the cannibal soaked to the bone. He was used to it by now. Where he came from it was okay to eat others. He didn't always but try to take a bite out of people at random. But if there was no other food, sure, he would opt to eat a human. And sadly, in a situation such as this where he was viewed as the lowest of low, as no better than dirt, it often left him without food. He didn't like having to go after other people necessarily, especially because of how they viewed him, and he tried not to usually but sometimes the hunger was just so painful that he
had to eat in order to continue living. Sometimes he wondered why he bothered, but then he also saw no reason to die to just to make the other people happy.

He shook himself gently, scattering water droplets from his filthy, torn clothes. No reason to get upset over it. Just kids doing what they had seen adults do. His clothes would dry eventually. Nothing to get angry about really. It was normal. Too bad they wasted perfectly good water like that.

(( wowowowowowowow bad starter

but like I think being in a position like this would really change Sabeji's usual nature.

you know ))
(( good luck to whoever replies first cause wow bad starter wow ))  
(( and Vel

you still owe a reply to our rp with Nakhti and Alex--

And Istabene


Faun heard the disturbingly familiar sounds of water splashing on the cobblestone streets, some part of her flinching as though to react to the treatment she suspected some poor soul was going through. She's gone through any punishment one could name really. Beaten? Happened when she was only seven. Burned? Well she was too scarred for it to make a a difference really. But it had happened. Age ten. Starved? She hadn't eaten in almost three days now. Starving was regular. The traditional 'being-soaked-with-water-from-the-roof', not abnormal. She'd even gone through such a thing with burning coals. She had to say, something about the water was more shaming though. Coals hurt. Water chilled you to your core on days like this. It was a deep sort of humiliation that went with walking around drenched because the only clothes you owned were the one's you were wearing. But Faun wasn't sensitive to that sort of thing anymore. Sure she wasn't happy about it, sure she'd do most anything to prevent it. But when she was disgraced, she didn't really care. She'd accepted the fact that she was a monster by societal standards. But she could do nothing about it. Would she change it if given the opportunity? Probably. All she wanted was an easier life. And the only way she could achieve that was to either hide or change. But changing wasn't something she could do.

She peered round the corner of the alley she had heard the splash coming from and studied the odd figure from her place in the shadows. He didn't look physically monstrous. He must have had committed some action disgraceful in society. That was an inescapable cage as well. Your actions stayed with you, whether you wished them to or not.

(Shhhhh, it wasn't bad

In fact, it was good.

As for making that OC

Well we can only hope ahahahahah...eheh)
(( I will just

reply in the morning

cause Im pretty tired actually


and yours was outstanding as usual

doitdoityouforthesakeofNakhtibeingrudecomeyouknowyouwantto ))
For Alex, this day was normal. Repetitive cycles, day in, day out of scrounging around for scraps. Be it technology from olden days or food.



Alex's mind drifted as she stepped down the trash-littered corridor, thinking of what it might be like to be at a higher caste. Daydreaming about a better life... she'd heard of people who got as many as three meals a day. To Alex, that was a feast. Food was scarce at such a low caste. The most she had had at one time was a rat--and that was a very good day in these conditions. But, hey. That was normal. It was normal to barely eat a crumb a day.

It was a common pastime for the young woman to simply daydream as she walked along her daily routes.Calming fancies of a life unknown. Food. Warmth. Shelter. Love...


What was it like to be loved... pleasant? Painful?

Her thoughts were snapped abruptly at the piercing sound of children screaming and shouting obscenities such as "FREAK" and "MONSTER". Alex had grown accustomed to such things.

With a 'brow perched curiously, she turned, ears adjusting to the direction of the racket. No more than thirty yards from her it sounded.

With a newly piqued interest, she turned on her heel, tail swaying as she stepped back down the alleyway, hand resting on the building corner as she poked her head around it. Her head cocked a bit before she stepped out, making her way over to the drenched individual tentatively.

(( Wow I wrote more than I intended-- ))  
(( Also, Quin, your starter was perfect, and... Scrypt? Istabene? Idon'tevenknowwhattocallyou

Your reply was also perfect. ))
(( Well, Istabene means maid and that is our little inside joke I suppose and I just call her that still so--

Just call her Scrypt. ))

The blue-haired cannibal rubbed his hands together, trying to generate any warmth to get over the fact that he was now soaked and that the sun was setting. He certainly wouldn't be able to scrape together any of the currency to find a warm room for the night now. It was too cold to go digging in the trash now that night was setting in. He would just have to hope he didn't freeze to death over night sleeping in the streets in damp clothes. Normally he would have stayed up all night having slept all day but he was weak from having refrained from feeding for a long while. Maybe he would find a blanket someone had thrown out or some half-rotten food if he was lucky. Anything would be nice. Being the lowest of the low at current even food stamped into the ground and tread on by other people was a delicacy when things got like this.
(I hated the name Istabene for a long time

But she forced me to tolerate it e-e

So yeah, just Scrypt is the usual.)

Faun had collected a wide variety of coats over her years on the streets. Men's coats, women's coats, winter coats, hoodies, trench coats, parkas, whatever form of outerwear (including vests) that you could think of, she had stored somewhere in the slums. She kept a network of little camps around town, just so she didn't have to exhaust herself going back and forth across the city every day doing her...'work'. Today, being a chillier day, she had piled on a vest, hoodie, and puffy winter coat. Her frail form didn't hold much heat after all. Lucky for her, she had one of these camps of her nearby. And the winter coat she happened to be wearing was just about the right size for this stranger. She easily slid the down filled outerwear off, gripping the worn cloth in her hand. It was frankly one of her uglier coats. It was this kind of puke like color. The fact that it was covered in red polka dots didn't help her see it as something besides the color of human bile, stomach acid, and partially digested food mixed into one. But this stranger would have to deal with it. And if he didn't want to, well then he wasn't very observant of his reality was he?

She silently walked over to this blue haired fellow, holding the coat out in front of her. She didn't make a noise, not even a splash came as her sneakers padded across the puddle of water left behind. She had that sort of ghost-like movement. Silent, but not in a threatening manner. She stopped when she was sure the stranger could accept her little offering and stared at him expectantly. She didn't feel words were necessary in the situation.
(( Ahahaha--


And you better not give me no lip about it again.

the description of the coat made me laugh and choke on my juice omfg ))

Sabeji lifted his eyes from the ground slowly to look over the female, flinching instinctively. He had certainly learned by then that even what seemed kind at first wasn't most of the time. He blinked his azure eyes a few times, glancing at the coat and then the girl a few times. The coat was hideous but...but it would be nice. It would be warm for the night, that was for sure. However, he was still wary of taking it from her. He wasn't really trusting of others for a good reason at that point. He supposed if she tried something she could be his next meal. Not much meat on the bones but certainly, if the chance arose, Sabeji would take it. Only if she tried something though. No reason to feed on someone just trying to actually be kind for once. No, certainly not reason to lash out at her if she meant no harm. Slowly, the flesh-eater reached out one ungroomed hand to take the jacket, eyes not leaving the female's form for a second.

Sure e-e

It was fun to write...and also kinda nauseating

But fun nevertheless.)

Faun returned the stare, her expression slowly changing from one of frank indifference to a raised brow that said, Really? "Okay no need to be melodramatic," she sighed, shoving the coat into his hand. "I try to be nice and you look at me like I'm an axe murderer," she grumbled, her eyes shifting to her feet. Sustained eye contact was not comforting. Not at all. Especially with a stranger. Who was, though only a little, more frightening than she felt he wanted to be. "And look, I know it's ugly but it's the only one I had on me. Unless you'd want a hoodie or something but that wouldn't help in your situation," she babbled, feeling the need to clarify that she wasn't being overtly generous. And that she had some sense of fashion if need be. She also felt suddenly aware of her scarring. She was just in an insecure mood, wasn't she? Idiot, stop caring, her mind scolded her. But something about the mismatch in her gritty appearance and generous behavior peeved her. Why are you pitying this guy in the first place? What the hell did he do for you? her mind continued, some guttural disgust being added to it's tone. But it was right, she had to admit. Why was she doing this? Oh well. Too late to back it back now.
(( Don't make me sassy z-snap you and then lecture you--

snorts ))

Sabeji flinched slightly, taking the coat entirely, careful to not let it touch the filthy ground. Then again, he wasn't much cleaner than the ground in the end. Actually, he was wet which was probably even worse. After a moment of silence in which he stared at the ground blankly he seemed to recall something , his head snapping up to look at the other. "Ah, thank you. For this. The coat." He tried smiling at her but quickly stopped that, recalling that he had recently sharpened his already dangerous teeth recently. He sometimes forgot that the reason people instinctively came to fear him and ostracize him was merely the air he gave off. He looked down again, bowing his head slightly as he clutched the vomit colored piece of cloth. "I have not received such kindness in a, um, well, a very long time. People don't like me very much and all. I am usually ran out of here to the outskirts, I'm sorry, I'm rambling about something you must not care about. You obviously have your own problems." The human-devourer bit his lip slightly at his inhaled. Past the dirt and grime, past the exhaust in the streets and the metal and chemicals, past all of that was something living. Something with blood pulsing through its veins steadily. He sank his teeth into his lips more, feeling the saliva increase in his mouth. Ah, this was no good. It seemed he really was just that hungry that just the thought of a meal within an arm's length. He just had to distract himself, not think of it. At least until he could get away. Hurting such a kind person would only make himself feel worse as well as his situation.
(Yeah, okai.)

"Yeah well...I get it. You have problems, I have problems. Why not solve a few I guess," she shrugged, glancing at him again. She dropped her arm after he took the coat, taking the time to observe him a little more. She noticed his meager attempt at a smile and as a sort of courtesy, returned it but without even half the heart. "So, enjoy it I guess. And it doesn't come scented just so you know. As far as I can tell, it has not been thrown up on anytime in it's past. Though the color is nauseating enough," she sighed, her nose scrunching as her eyes returned their gaze to the jacket. Maybe this was more of a blessing than she had originally thought. Now that the outerwear wasn't hers, she could she just how awful it appeared. No wonder people avoid me when I wear that...hah, yeah right. They always avoid me, she sighed mentally.
(( Good ))

He nodded a bit, swallowing as he focused his eyes on the jacket's print. "It isn't that bad... it is better than nothing right now." He gestured half-heartedly to his soaked rags covering his thin form. There was no need to stand around talking to her. He knew this, and yet here was, still flapping his jaw like a fool. He was a savage. He knew that much from what people yelled at him in passing. Scum. Lower than a cockroach.

I should just get out of here before I slip up. No reason eating a potential friend on accident or anything. He worried his lower lip a bit between his teeth, that warm, coppery fluid springing forth as the flesh of his lip gave into his fangs finally. Stupid primeval instincts.
(( Ah well, Scrypt it is then.

Apologies in advance for my pitiful reply.

Seriously, don't hurt yourselves. ))

Having watched the scene as it unfolded, Alex pulled herself back into an alley, avoiding attention and hiding herself as best as she could with her fair, slightly tanned skin-tone. Once more, she peered 'round the corner to observe the situation more progressively. Aww.. that's nice. She handed him a jacket. A... very... bold jacket. One that made her eyes burn.

After a few short moments of staring at the thing, she shook her head slightly, focusing on the male's face, when she noted the faintest bit of crimson in the corner of his lip. Her gaze shifted to his eyes. He looked hungry. Which, everyone she knew looked hungry, but this man.. there was something about him that her animal instincts just could not handle.

Danger. And as much as her animal instincts nagged her on, she could not just run up and tackle the poor fellow. She decided to take the intelligent approach.

Stepping from the shadows at long last, she wandered slowly to the other two, adjusting the goggles atop her head, before sliding her small hands down the rear pockets of her tattered blue jeans. "Ah, are you two having fun, standing about like a pair of loony birds?" To be frank, Alex had an odd way of speaking. "I hope I'm not intruding on any ceremonial courtship you two may or may not be having."
Sabeji tensed defensively, turning so that he could face both creatures now and still have room to escape if needed. He chewed on his lip more, getting a bit anxious at that point. He flicked his azure eyes to the ground, whining silently. Maybe this is why he had felt he shouldn't have stuck around. Maybe it was going to be an ambush. Plus, it made him realize just how absorbed he had been in the thought of food for a moment there. He hadn't even noticed another presence.

Get yourself together, Sabeji! He couldn't get too upset with himself though. It was only natural when he was that hungry to focus solely on the potential source of food rather than the smaller details of his surroundings.

", um, you see, um, I really should just go. I'm sorry." He started backing up a bit, glancing nervously between the two as he inhaled slowly. He glanced back at Faun again, flashing a quick, nervous smile at her. "Thank you for the coat again. I'll but be...going then."
Faun immediately froze at Alex's last words, her gaze slowly moving to rest on her. She stared intently at this strangers eyes at first, as thought to give the message, Yeah, heeeeeeell no. And then she observed the rest of the components that made up this being. She couldn't help but put up a defensive side when approached. It was just that people who usually had the intent of interacting with her usually meant harm. Then she returned her gaze to this other stranger. The more familiar one but only because of a few awkward words. He certainly acted oddly. He was overly nervous for someone who seemed to have been on the streets for a long while. Or maybe he was just on the flight side of human instinct. Faun couldn't particularly describe herself as the fight or flight type. If there was a neutral zone in between the two characteristics, that was where she would be. "Well, bye I suppose...? Not even polite enough to give a name?" she said, faking a scoff. Being rude was just easier than politely asking, Sir, could I please have your name. That just didn't fit. Not in the least. But at least she managed an honest smile to follow the words. But the scarring covering half of her face made her smile sag, as though it were tired of being abused. Faun didn't really like smiling. It seemed too fake. And it showed in her eyes that she wasn't comfortable doing it.

(I spelled my charrie's name wrong

...I'm so tired I can't even get four letters to fit together.)
Alex's simi-harsh glare softened at the behaviour of the other. Being at the caste she was she at least had a small camp of friends who stuck their necks out for each other. "I see no reason why you should shake a leaf like that." She sighed, glancing at the other female for a moment in slight disgust--solely due to the ugliness of the coat. "And you, the nerve of you throwing such a hodge-podge of sewn-together vomit on this poor soul, what, do you want him to get splashed again? Might as well paint a sign on his back that says 'splash me, I'm Irish.'". She turned back toward the male. "You look like you're two seconds away from having your stomach eat your spleen, how'd you like a nice bunch of food and a shelter for tonight?" Her mates likely wouldn't like it. Pulling food out of the stockpile to feed a total stranger. Luckily, being the primary scrapper, Alex was capable of pulling the strings to make sure someone had a place to stay and food to eat. "As for miss fugly jacket, you can come too, I suppose."

Sabeji quickly shook his head, shifting uneasily from one foot to the other. "Ah, no. I can't. I um, you see, there is a, uh, reason I'm treated as nothing more than dirt. You see um, I really shouldn't eat with y'all. I really shouldn't. " He pulled the jacket closer to his form as he backed up a bit, trying to refrain from drawing his lips back reflexively. They meant no harm. It would all be okay. No need to get so defensive and panicked, right? You know, other than the fact that Sabeji didn't trust himself to not lunge for someone's jugular at any moment.
Faun's smile immediately disappeared at the words of this female stranger. Did she not understand this entire concept of having absolutely nothing? Okay, offering food, good on her part. But when night was closing in and you were soaked to the bone, you'd take a coat that literally had vomit printed on it if you had any sense. Some sense told her she would not get along very well with this person. She could probably manage. And her stomach was definitely begging her to accept this offer. But she had an aversion to help. Any assistance she received came with a price. "I have a place to stay not far from here. I think I can manage there. And get you a nicer coat there as well if it annoys you so much," she shrugged, keeping a face of indifference, referring to stranger #1 with her final words.
Sabeji glanced a Faun again, swallowing as he tried to form more words again as he backed up more. "Ah, um, I forgot, um, right, thank you again. I'm Sabeji, but you really shouldn't stick around me." He glanced at Alex, biting his lip again for a moment. "Neither of you should. I'm just dirt. Ahaha, no need to dirty your hands and get in trouble with others for being nice to dirt." He shivered slightly, deciding to at least finally drape the warm coat around his shoulders as he continued to retreat backwards. He certainly didn't want anyone else getting picked on because of him. Oh goodness no.

tumbles off to bed ))

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