Local Ferrywoman
Good day fellow users of RpNation.
For too long now, we have allowed ourselves to wallow in the bleak darkness of darkmode. Too long have we faced the oppression of those who would shun us for using our preferred tone of forum. Too long have we slaved away, forced to write posts in light to dark to see in. NO MORE! I come to all of you, each and every one of you, with a proposal. I come bearing an invitation to join the Lightmode rebellion! Rescue yourselves from the darkness and join me in a new age!
Sincerely, SilentButJudgy
For too long now, we have allowed ourselves to wallow in the bleak darkness of darkmode. Too long have we faced the oppression of those who would shun us for using our preferred tone of forum. Too long have we slaved away, forced to write posts in light to dark to see in. NO MORE! I come to all of you, each and every one of you, with a proposal. I come bearing an invitation to join the Lightmode rebellion! Rescue yourselves from the darkness and join me in a new age!
Sincerely, SilentButJudgy