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Realistic or Modern Not Your Average Neighborhood cs



Senior Member
Full Name:


Gender pronouns:


Optional sexuality?


Clothing style:

Personality traits:

quirks and flaws:

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:


Favorite food?

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):


How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?



Other things not stated:
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Name: Karen Perra
Nickname: Just Karen
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 35
Sexuality; straight
Appearance: 65A9AA40-DD96-45E2-B5D3-9A86CD7AC285.jpeg
Clothing: anything a middle aged entitled mother would wear
Personality traits: Annoying, entitled anything else a middle aged entitled mother is
Quirk and flaw: li(K)es to (A)sk fo(R) th(E) ma(N)ager
Background: was married 12 years ago, divorced and married again. Got custody of the children, (Karen took the kids)
Family: her husband and children
Health issues: does annoying count?
Hobbies: li(K)es to (A)sk fo(R) th(E) ma(N)ager
opinion on the whatever word that is neighbors: Too loud, children are annoying, THAT BOY is a little piece of shiz
Favorite food: when the makers make it right and don’t put mayonnaise in her burger when she specifically told them no mayonnaise
Fears: No one, not even the manager
How do they feel: like She have to speak to the manager
Career: full time entitled mother
Likes: li(K)es to (A)sk fo(R) th(E) ma(N)ager
Dislikes: ‘disrespectful‘ employees
Other: calls people a bitch and justifies it by saying: The kids can’t hear me because they’re listening to Kidz Bop
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Full Name: Cayden Wolsky

Nickname: "Cay"

Gender pronouns: He/Him/His

Age: 15

Optional sexuality: Heterosexual

His wolf traits are lupine like ears (as in their pricked, but otherwise look human) , a lot of hair for his air, and much more prominent and numerous canine teeth.

Clothing style:
Very, very plain. He isn't one for dressing fashionably, so expect a lot of plain T-Shirts and hoodies.

Personality traits: Quiet, shy, meek, introspective

quirks and flaws:
Hates water, and refuses to swim.
Really, really likes meat.

Extremely moody
Has the social appitude of a potato at times
Had trouble expressing his emotions
Struggles with his more animalistic tendencies

Background: Cayden and his twin were of course raised by their biological father and mother, both being wolves. Cayden was never very close to his real father, and was always more attached with his mother. As such, he had no problem when she filed for divorce and remarried to a husky. Even then, Cayden was a bit hesitant. He already had problems with a father figure, and he was slow to trust his new step-father, though he did quickly bond with his step-siblings, especially the triplets.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:

Reading, sleeping, and eating. The holy trifecta of a wallflower

Favorite food: Uhhh... probably burgers. He would kill someone for a good burger.

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): He's generally shy around them, not really sure what to think of them.

Fears?: Being abandoned, and enclosed spaces

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: very, very angry and defensive.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: Wants to become a veterinarian

Likes: Quiet, his family, etc.

Dislikes: Water, tight, enclosed spaces, and loud noises

Other things not stated: N/A
Full Name: Dylan Blossom

Nickname: Dilly, Pickle, Dill Pickle, Often called THAT BOY by Karen

Gender pronouns: He/him/his

Age: 15 1/2

Optional sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: I can’t think so I’m basically basing him off of Nagisa from free 83D4FEE4-964E-4DD0-A283-99387C740F15.png
has mountain lion ears and canines are pointier than regular humans

Clothing style: Usually wears a black hoodie and black shorts or jeans

Personality traits: quiet, funny,

quirks and flaws:
I can’t think of anything

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): Dylan was a firehouse baby and the reindeer lady adopted him

Family relations(can be done later): The reindeer lady and all the kids

Health issues: Asthma

Hobbies: Drawing, painting, reading, writing

Favorite food: chicken, beef any meat really except pizza

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): Karen is a bitch

Fears: KAREN

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members: really protective over his younger siblings and his mother

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: He doesn’t really know yet

Likes: Painting, drawing, reading, writing EATING


Other things not stated: idk
Minor wip.

Full Name: Aspen Wolsky

Nickname: Aspi

Gender pronouns: She/her

Age: 4

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Other features?: Aspen does have some canine teeth but they’re not fully in and were a bit delayed in coming in.

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Clothing style: She likes wearing frilly clothes, bows, and of course pajamas. If she could she’d just wear pajamas all day cause they’re comfy.

Personality traits: Now Aspi is kind of a weirdo especially for her age. For one she always seems a bit more distant to her other triplet siblings, often separating herself from the two when they're not roughhousing. While going and playing by herself Aspi the habit of taking walks by herself to scope out the neighborhood. Often keeping a close eye on the human neighbors. The young pup doesn't exactly trust them, so she's making it her little goal in life to keep them away. Her appetite is rather gluttonous often eating most things that would not be considered edible, from random sticks she finds in the yard, to clothing, bugs Aspen will try to eat. Aspi often also brings up questions that don't exactly seem reasonable, so its often easier to ignore her questions rather than trying to find worthy answers.

Quirks and flaws: Aspen tends to have some rather bad tantrums, which often comes with a lot of stuff being shredded or biting until she passes out.

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Family relations(can be done later): Tbr

Health issues: N/A

Hobbies: Currently playing, and taking things from Karen’s yard to torment her and burying them.

Favorite food?: bacon, and chips.

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): Aspen has only met a few personally but from the run-ins she has with Karen, she’s not too keen on them.

Fears?: Karen

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: She has trouble telling, but when she knows someone is upsetting her siblings or parents, Aspen will go and bite the culprit. Then will try to help her family members feel better.

Career path: N/A

Likes: Food, snow, pajamas, some kinds of toys, blankets, naps, her family, her bunny plush if someone messes it with she will become very upset.

Dislikes: Storms, getting scolded, spicy foods and being woken up from a nap.

Other things not stated:
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(Just gonna put both in one message here lol)

Full Name: Elijah Blossom.

Nickname: Eli.

Gender pronouns: He/him/his.

Age: 10, the perfect age to be an Absolute Terror.

Appearance: (His ears aren’t blue, they’re gray, but you get the idea lol) download20200106194635.png

Clothing style: I cannot stress this enough: LEGO brand shirts. He likes bright colors above all else.

Personality traits: Inquisitive, stubborn, fun-loving. If something’s boring, he’s no longer within a fifteen foot radius of it. Not a personality trait exactly, but he has combination ADHD and hasn’t exactly learned the coping mechanisms he needs yet.

Quirks and flaws: He’s a little guilty about his habits of taking stuff that doesn’t belong to him, mostly random bits of food.

Background: He’s not technically old enough for the background requirement, but I’ll put one anyway. He was adopted young, but is starting to realize that his momma doesn’t exactly get all his more raccoon-centered instincts yet. He already hates school and how difficult it is to sit still in class when the window’s right there.

Family relations:

Health issues: I guess ADHD would count? Otherwise, he’s healthy!

Hobbies: Building things! Out of LEGOS, on in Minecraft, or mud, or snow, the material doesn’t matter. He wants to be an architect when he grows up. Or maybe whoever makes those tiny building models. He hasn’t decided yet.

Favorite food: Give him a can of coke and he’ll chill out for a good half-hour. He loved the stuff. Plus, fun fact, caffeine and sugar, both being stimulants, help folks with ADHD focus slightly more!

Opinions on those humans: He doesn’t like how reclusive they are. When they moved in, he was excited for potential new friends, but the grown-ups don’t seem very friendly.

Fears: He’s got this reoccurring nightmare that one day he’ll go to school and the clock will never tick around to when it’s time to go home. Filling out worksheets and reading the most boring stuff until the end of time, oh horror!

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members: Confused, mostly. He idolatrizes them and doesn’t understand why someone wouldn’t like them.

Likes: Soda, LEGOS, his backyard.

Dislikes: People with monotone voices, the fact that his siblings aren’t in his class.

Full Name: Jessica McLean.

Nickname: Jess or Jessa.

Gender pronouns: She/her/hers.

Age: 35.

Optional sexuality: Bisexual.

Appearance: download20200106195901.png

Clothing style: She likes clean silhouettes and nice fabrics, especially anything with the color red.

Personality traits: Kind, steadfast, assertive, has a bad sense of humor.

Quirks and flaws: She’s almost too ready to go to bat for her kids. Mess with them and you’re messing with everything she stands for, essentially.

Background: She grew up in a small town which was good in that she essentially had the run of the library the second she got a card and was bad in that the people she pissed off stayed pissed off for a long, long while. For that reason, she’s not all that keen on making any new enemies in her new home. She met her wife after travelling to the city to work at the larger library there and was smitten from the start, but she had already become engaged by that time, to a tomcat who she figured she could tolerate. It wasn’t a good partnership at all, but considering they’d already had one kitten with another on the way, she didn’t see a way out until after the second was born. After splitting up with the tomcat, she and her wife dated for barely a year before they got hitched and moved.

Family relations:

Health issues: None.

Hobbies: She hosts three small book clubs in the community: one for kids, one for teens, and one for adults.

Favorite food: Anything with shrimp.

Opinions on those humans: She’s nervous about them. Her other neighbors understand her family’s odd tendency to pick up whatever neat objects they see and carry them to their own house before realizing what they’ve done, but she doubts the humans will.

Fears: Not being able to be there for her kids.

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members: Furious, of course!

Career: She’s the head librarian for the local library.

Likes: A good story, interesting earrings, family dinners.

Dislikes: Snap judgements, having to hold her tongue.
Full Name: Nilo

Nickname: Nilo

Gender pronouns: he/him

Age: 13

Optional sexuality? kleptomaniac

Clothing style: see above

Personality traits: overly friendly, adorable, curious

quirks and flaws: kleptomaniac

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): WIP

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: kleptomaniac

Hobbies: stealing

Favorite food?
not his food

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):
more free stuff


How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
he would think its kinda funny... then steal thier stuff

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?
he doesn't know

the shiny things, being a sneeky boi

having stuff taken back form him

Other things not stated:
knocks stuff off ledges
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Full Name: Luna Wolfsky
Nickname: LuLu, Lu
Gender pronouns: She/her
Age: 15
Optional sexuality: Bisexual
Clothing style: Luna loves darker colors her favorite and most commonly wore being shades of purple and black. She often is wearing skirts or dress paired with the same pair of black tennis shoes.

Personality traits:
+Extremely Friendly
quirks and flaws:
+Will always complete hopscoch if she come across it.
-Does not know how to shut up, ever.

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):

Being a twin has it's up and downs especially when you are polar oppisites. She is a lot like her dad and as a result was a lot closer to him something her twin wasn't. While she was heartbroken by their parents divorce he got along rather fine. Wanting to get away from the new family that she felt was forced upon her she joined the newspaper club at school and instantly fell in love with it.

While she isn't really very close with her family, she does care for them. Though she still blames her mother for divorcing her biological dad creating tension between the two.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: Has pretty bad seasonal allergies.
~Pretending their is a mystery that she needs to solve.
~Online Shopping
~Being in other peoples business 24/7
Favorite food?: Pepperoni Pizza
Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): She thinks they are rather funny, especially Karen.
Fears?: Loud alarms and ringing.
How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: She gets rather annoyed. She would maybe tell them to knock it off and or tell her brother about it.
Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?: Journalist
+Tea sandwiches
-Sweet Food


Full Name: Vanessa Perra
Nickname: Nessa
Gender pronouns: She/her
Age: 16
Optional sexuality: Heterosexual
Clothing style: Due to her active lifestyle she tends to wear casual athletic clothing.

Personality traits:
-Quick to judge
quirks and flaws:
+She will always follow through with a dare.
-Gets the sleaves of her sweater wet and doesn't care.
Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):

Venessa learned young to cry and scream and you'll get your way. She adores her mother finds her father to be rather annoying, unless he's sending her on a shopping trip, and doesn't care for any of her siblings. Always being a healthy young child she found that sports where a great way to prove you are better than everyone. She made it a goal to "master" at least two sports by the end of highschool.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: N/a
~Spending money
Favorite food?: Sugar Cookies
Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans): She thinks they are all rather odd and feels rather uncomfortable around them.
Fears?: Dogs
How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: She takes after her mother, quick to anger and makes you wish you didn't wake up that morning.
Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?: Famous Dancer or swimmer or track star. Anything that allows her to be famous.
+Being a brat.
+Getting people in trouble for no reason.
-Being told "no"
Other things not stated:


Full Name: Quinn McLean
Gender pronouns: They/them
Age: 33
Optional sexuality: Pansexual
Clothing style:

Personality traits:
quirks and flaws:
Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:
Favorite food?
Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):
How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?
Other things not stated:
human child number 3
Full Name: Karlie Karen Perra

Nickname: Usually called Lili by everyone, Called Kare Bear by father, Honey by Karen

Gender pronouns: she/her

Age: 5

Optional sexuality: she’s 5

Appearance: B15B4A23-A57A-473A-852D-E4225B2D4C06.png

Clothing style: usually wears flower dresses, Karen’s old heels and sunglasses. She is always carrying around an old flip phone

Personality traits: a brat, thinks she’s better than everyone

quirks and flaws:
Annoying, like mother like daughter

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): she was born

Family relations(can be done later): Karen, her dad, Vanessa, other siblings

Health issues: none

Hobbies: being a mini Karen

Favorite food: chicken nuggets doused in essential oils

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans): she doesn’t know anything about them, so she says what her mom says

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):

Fears?: Spiders

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: like she has use her little flip phone and snap it shut on the situation

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up? A Karen

Likes: Karen, family,

Dislikes: the other kids because they ‘bully’ her

Other things not stated: Catch phrase: It’s my business now
Full Name: Frank Wolsky

Nickname: "The Tank"

Gender pronouns: He/Him/His

Age: 40

Optional sexuality: Heterosexual

Has striking blue eyes, and his features are similar to Cayden's in terms of how subtle they are, though more like a husky than a wolf.

Clothing style:
Very, very dad clothes. So jeans, loafers, and T-Shirts.

Personality traits: The apitome of a cool dad. Lots of bad jokes, always outside, very active. Always camping with the kids. Pretty lax, but knows when to put his foot down. Extremely empathetic towards children.

quirks and flaws:
-Gets very agitated if he's inside for too long

-Can have a bad temper due to his husky side

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): Frank was stuck in an unhappy marriage his parents forced on him. Even so, he loved his kids. A lot. He was more than happy to remarry, and very quickly took his step children under his care, making them victims to his constant jokes as well.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: N/A

Hobbies: Drinking, being in the great outdoors, running (a little bit, he's getting old)

Favorite food: A well cooked steak.

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): Frank prefers to be around his fellow Kemonomimi, and absolutely despises Karen.

Fears?: Thunder, vacuums, and losing one of his pups

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: Very angry dad. Lots of cussing.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: Office accountant (Somehow)

Likes: Beer, steak, football, being with his family

Dislikes: Indoors, Karen, Karen's brood

Other things not stated:
Full Name:
Marshall Eric Blossom


Gender pronouns:
But he gets confused for a girl all the time


Clothing style:
Comfy clothes, but his older siblings try to put him in dresses a lot

Personality traits:

Quirks and flaws:
He can be a crybaby sometimes

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:
Allergic to chocolate

Playing outside

Favorite food?

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):
He doesn't care as long as they're nice and don't bother him

Vacuums (from instinct)
Loud noises

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
He gets upset and tries to tell them off, but he gets emotional and starts crying

What do they want to be when they grow up?
He wants to be an author

His siblings
His mom
Playing in the dirt

Cats (but he gets along fine with cat/human hybrids)
The dark

Full Name:
Lacy Eloise Blossom

Coco Puff (by her friends)
Puff Bear (by her mom)

Gender pronouns:


Clothing style:
Sometimes she'll wear cute dresses but she's most often seen in shorts and tshirts with scuffs on her knees

Personality traits:

Quirks and flaws:
She gets in over her head a lot

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:
Probably just ADHD

Playing outside
Bugging her older siblings
Playing pretend
Putting makeup on her siblings

Favorite food?

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):
They fun! And funny!

Losing her family

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
She gets very protective and defends her family (she calls it her "little mama bear" mode)

What do they want to be when they grow up?
A makeup artist

The cold
Soft things
Playing around
Hot chocolate

Sitting still
Long waits

Other things not stated:
She has a little tail​
Full Name:
Maria Louise Perra

Dirty little thief (by almost everybody)
Sticky fingers (by her few friends)

Gender pronouns:


Clothing style:
Fancy dresses and clothes her mommy buys her

Personality traits:
Extroverted just like her mommy

Quirks and flaws:
Pretty serious kleptomaniac for an ankle biter
She's taken on her mother's personality already

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:
Probably Bipolar but her mother would never admit it because she's one of her little angels

Dressing up
Swiping stuff from stores or neighbors
Messing with employees
Playing house

Favorite food?
Happy meals

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families?:
She just listens to what her mommy says about them

Being lower class
Really bugs of any kind
This includes snakes

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
She gets protective and will kick them in the shins

What do they want to be when they grow up?
Fashion designer

Stealing things
Messing with people
Hanging out with her mommy
Dragging her little sister everywhere she goes

Being told no
Poor people
Getting dirty

Other things not stated:
She has an iPad with a baby blue case on it that she takes everywhere. If it goes missing she will throw a tantrum.​
Full Name:
Seban Yan Wolsky

"None thank you very much"

Gender pronouns:
"He/him, why does anyone care"


Optional sexuality?
"None of ya business"


Clothing style:
"I wear what I find on my closet, dont judge me, I'm still a kid."

Personality traits:
"My parents call me sweet but I'm far from that. Think whatever you want but I'm a little devil behind that sweet smile.

quirks and flaws:
"Wanna know my f**king flaw, I cuss too much. Blame those adults and kids that surround me, I just only repeat the words that I like, so piss off."

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:
"My only health issue is that I'm not an adult yet."

Following adults and the older kids just to eavesdrop on them, tends to repeat any cuss word that comes of their mouth.

Favorite food?

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): "I like human Karen."

"I dont know, maybe clowns, they too colorful and thunder."

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: "calling older brother."

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up? "No idea, havent though that far."

- Cussing
- the Karen's (Its where I can learn alot of those interesting words)

- Veggies

Other things not stated:
- Wears an eyepatch cause he finds them cool and cause why the hell not.
Full Name: Amira Wolsky

Nickname: Amira, Ami

Gender pronouns: She/Her

Age: 14

Optional sexuality? Bi


Clothing style: Darker aesthetic colored clothing, usually worn with some neutral colors and a choker.

Personality traits:
-total weeb
-likes video games
-very, very defensive
-mess with her and you’re gonna regret the day you were born
-Likes fanfiction
-likes to come up with stories but never actually write them bc she’s too busy doing nothing
-cosplay fan

Quirks and flaws:
-swears a lot
-addicted to the Internet (But she still spends time with actual people though, thankfully)
-has a bad temper
-gets injured by playing Pokémon Go frequently, usually by banging into a post or something
-easily offended

Background: She had a small group of friends through elementary school and has since changed her friend group to other weebs like herself.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: Injured frequently by playing Pokémon Go (as stated above), and she has anxiety.

-complaining about how a member of the cat family took her Nintendo Switch again

Favorite food? “Uhh... Pocky! No, probably bubble tea. Ooh, what about Shrimp Chips? Ahh, I can’t choose! All Japanese food is so good!”

Opinions on those humans: “I think I should stay away from Karen. And ALL OF THE GIRLS ARE COMPLETELY SPOILED LIKE WHAT THE F***!”

-Nobody liking her

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: “If you lay a finger on any of them you’re gonna know the true meaning of pain”

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?
-Storyboard writer

-video games
-YT animation
-being lazy

-siblings being annoying
-Human kids (I mean like they’re all f***ing spoiled and really unpleasant to be around)
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Full Name:
Akiri Blossom

Kira, Kia

Gender pronouns:


Bisexual (still working it out)

(Has dyed white hair, yellow ears and a spotted tail.)

Clothing style:
/ (as featured)

Personality traits:
Stubborn, Tough, Short-Tempered, Quick to lash out, Easily on edge, Untrusting, Optimsitic, Kind-hearted, a big softie really.

quirks and flaws:
-Is scared of sudden touches.
-Doesn't like strong scents or loud noises.

Akiri.... Came from a bad place. Abused and neglected in her original home by her parents she was quickly taken into the foster system, though with her violent outbursts and fear of touch was bounced around from house to house often without a place to really call home. That all changed when she arrived at Avalon's. For the first time they didn't care when she lashed out, she was still nice to her, they understood her fear of contact and she even enjoyed her foster siblings (all fellow predators) she found a place to belong. And although that was only two years ago, she's still settling in slowly, now adopted by the kind woman and having taken her last name.

Family relations:
Biological Mother (Out of picture since 5, Neglectful)
Biological Father (Out of picture since 7, Abusive drunk)
Adoptive Mother Avalon Cherish Blossom.
Many foster and adoptive siblings under Avalons care.

Health issues:
Due to her carnivore nature of her animal kin she gets sick if she doesn't eat meat for too long a period. She also has scaring along her back and chest from back at her fathers abusive household. (TRIGGER WARNING)
She occasionally still has a habit of self harm, in the form of scratching at her arms and thighs with her claws. She tried to hide it

-None yet.

Favorite food:
Steak and mash potatoes.

Opinions on the human family:
"I hate them. They look at us funny."

Her father or mother reclaiming custody or finding her.
Suddenly being grabbed or hit.
Scaring off her new family.

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members:
"I will DESTROY them."

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up:
Like Avalon, a foster carer.

-Warm places
-Pillow forts (secretively)

-Being around too many people.
-Loud noises
-Being cold.
-Strong smells/scents
-New things

Other things not stated:
Has a habit of hissing when scared or angry.

Full Name:
Rose McLean


Gender pronouns:



Clothing style:
Baggy, cutesy clothing.

Personality traits:
Innocent, curious, kleptomaniac, shy, easily scared, optimistic, adorable.

quirks and flaws:
Will cry easily, Clingy to those she likes.

Born and raised in the McLean family Ru was always a timid baby, it was only when she reached age two and still wouldn't speak they suspected something may be wrong. It turned out the girl had a rare developmental condition slowing her progress in things like reading, writing, speaking and other learning fields. Though it luckily wasn't too severe she still struggles to keep up with her age range and still talks in a rather younger manner.

Family relations(can be done later):
Quinn McLean
Jessica McLean
Older brother

Health issues:
Developmental disorder slowing her learning abilities and speech.
Allergies in spring.

None yet.

Favorite food:

Opinions on the humans:
"I wike em!"

Most things to be honest.

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members:
"Wh-Why? Mweanie!"

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up:

-Collecting shiny things

-Scary things
-Long car trips
-When she can't do something because of her disorder or age.

Other things not stated:
Has a snuggly rabbit toy named mr sniffles.

Full Name: Evander Hirsch

Nickname: N/A

Species: Lynx

Gender pronouns: He/him

Age: 16

Optional sexuality: questioning

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: He doesn't like it but he isn't an impulsive person so he can hold himself and think logically about how to handle the situation before he acts. Sometimes he may not deal with it right on the spot but later or when he finds an opportunity to screw them over or catch them off guard. He's the kind of person who'll do something when your back is turned.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up? He doesn't know.

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): He finds it interesting that they're living in the neighborhood and wants to get to know them. Something about them intrigues him. Maybe because they're a bit odd to him.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: N/A


Personality traits: Open to adventure, honest, disorganized, messy, curious

quirks and flaws: Doesn't share well



Likes: Animals, snow, people


Other things not stated: He likes his own space but he does enjoy being around other.


He lived with his parents but they weren't great parents in any regard. They were neglectful and never paid any attention to him and he eventually got taken away from them and was put into foster care. It's not that he didn't get along with the other kids he just didn't feel a connection with any of them. He thought they were dull and boring. He wanted to be around people he considered family and it just never clicked with anyone there. When he was adopted had had a large family, which he enjoys and loves being around them.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum auctor neque eget ante lobortis, et semper quam euismod. Aenean facilisis ipsum porttitor, maximus nunc sed, pharetra dolor. Ut congue massa in ipsum eleifend, et euismod tortor cursus. Mauris eget euismod enim. Suspendisse rhoncus consectetur dignissim. Ut porta pellentesque gravida. Suspendisse potenti. Donec vitae sapien sed nunc dignissim sodales. Vivamus turpis augue, aliquam at auctor sit amet, varius vel augue. Sed id felis tellus. Suspendisse eget arcu ac nibh iaculis cursus sit amet quis risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec ut dictum ligula. Vestibulum a accumsan lorem.

Praesent pulvinar, enim in fringilla tempor, enim leo mollis justo, sed iaculis dolor ligula nec ex. Quisque dapibus condimentum tortor. Cras malesuada rutrum sollicitudin. Nullam ut diam non lacus cursus posuere. Nam ultricies augue est, sed malesuada lectus consequat in. Maecenas semper augue neque, a efficitur mauris ornare ac. Curabitur sed interdum purus. Integer fermentum arcu vel enim luctus luctus. Mauris egestas lorem vitae nibh tristique, nec bibendum turpis pretium. Ut tortor quam, venenatis condimentum blandit non, mattis sit amet nisl. Phasellus et nisl at risus suscipit maximus.

Aenean et quam fringilla, hendrerit mauris eu, semper ipsum. Praesent a ligula risus. Sed vestibulum augue turpis, eu ornare ante consectetur nec. Etiam pretium maximus leo et imperdiet. Ut bibendum dui vitae ligula lacinia, id commodo velit auctor. Praesent volutpat mattis lacus, sed iaculis dolor efficitur quis. Etiam laoreet rhoncus arcu, ac fermentum massa lobortis nec. Vestibulum sed ex vitae odio laoreet feugiat et id quam. Sed consectetur lacus elit, vel mollis nibh suscipit in. Donec vel purus elit. Curabitur ultricies at libero luctus venenatis. Duis porta justo sit amet viverra efficitur. Suspendisse elementum, nunc quis tempus ornare, libero ante ultrices sem, id vestibulum nulla dolor ut nunc. Nam tristique elementum est in varius. Nulla non dui sodales, pretium mi sit amet, facilisis nisi.

Donec sit amet nisl sodales, commodo augue id, pharetra magna. Praesent varius elit vel mi laoreet, et dictum mauris venenatis. Suspendisse viverra dapibus sodales. Maecenas condimentum hendrerit aliquet. Donec vehicula elementum justo. In iaculis nisl tellus, et malesuada magna tristique at. Nunc ut placerat urna. Vestibulum in metus odio. Praesent et mauris tellus. Vivamus a augue nunc. Curabitur facilisis sed justo a congue. Vestibulum nec ex eget tortor lobortis semper a sed ex. Nam leo tortor, tempor vel auctor quis, ultricies sed mi. Nullam sit amet sapien vehicula, volutpat libero ut, posuere diam.

Vivamus vel nisl auctor, vehicula lectus a, dignissim ante. Etiam at velit id massa scelerisque finibus. Sed purus tortor, dapibus vel eros eu, pretium posuere risus. Nulla vehicula ante a elementum condimentum. Donec nec massa aliquam, ornare dui ac, malesuada justo. Vivamus sed pretium sapien. Nulla scelerisque mauris sapien, et vulputate nisl faucibus a.

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Full Name:


Gender pronouns:


Optional sexuality?


Clothing style:
(Casual clothes)
(Work Clothes)

Personality traits:
Always tends to keep his emotion in check( has to because of his wife), Is always productive when he isn't working, Able to adapt to changes. He is a perfectionist but at the same time doesnt let tiny stuff bother.

quirks and flaws:

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):
Sawyer got married to Karen, what else is there to know.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:
- Some people believe that he is lamentable unstable, you wanna know why? Because of who his wife is.

- Writing
- Reading
- Gardening

Favorite food?
Cassoulet (look it up)

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):
He really doesnt care about them, but often becomes annoy with those animal that tried to eat from his garden

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):

- Ophidiophobia

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: Better be ready for a fight, cause he will mess you up.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up? He works as a lawyer.

- French food
- Smoking

- Those pesky animals that tend to go after his garden.

Other things not stated:
- Has a strong distaste for his wife last name, a last name he won't ever use.
- is both a Civil rights and Criminal defense attorney
Full Name: Evalyn Blossom

Nickname: Eva

Gender pronouns: She/her

Age: 8

(Optional) Sexuality: “What’s a... sexuality?”

Appearance:1579661795303.jpeg she has short, medium brown colored horns

Clothing style: Cute & Kawaii

Personality traits:
-Your local cinnamon bun
-Can’t sit still
-Shifts blame onto everyone else
-Says everyone’s name with the suffixes “-chan” “-kun” And “-human” (learned those terms from Amira)

Quirks and flaws:
-Some anger issues
-overly competitive

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): She’s 8.

Family relations(can be done later):
-Avalon (adopted mom)
-The other adopted kids (adopted siblings)

Health issues:

-Being annoying
-sticking her nose in other people’s business

Favorite food: Sweets

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): “They seem okay, maybe I should make friends! Also, why does Karen-Human say all of those words? What does B**ch mean?”

Fears: The monster in the closet

How they feel when someone messes with their family members: “What’s going on?”

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: “I wanna be a princess!!!”

-playing outside, until she trips on a snail

-sitting in the corner

Other things not stated: She acts way younger than her age. She also has this egg-shaped unicorn stuffed animal that she can’t go to sleep without.
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I forgot to post Avalon

Full Name: Avalon Cherish Blossom

Nickname: Ava, Cherry

Gender pronouns: She/her

Age: 32

Optional sexuality: Asexual

Appearance: She trims her horns on a regular basis compared to most reindeer girls as they get in the way of door frames.

(Picture being decided still)

Clothing style: Dresses like a typical school teacher year-round.

Personality traits: Kind-heated, very motherly, doesn’t take one’s shit period about how she raises her many kids on her own, caring, sassy.

quirks and flaws: She is rather awkward when it comes to people showing romance intentions towards one as to be real she’s never dated, anyone.

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): Avalon came from a rather normal home life it was always her, her mother and her grandfather. No other family members were really in the picture. They didn’t have a’lot of money and her mother worked two jobs just to support them. So Avalon would go to school just like every other young person, but she always took to volunteer in younger classes which she really loved to do, and began volunteering everywhere. This is where she grew in love with teaching and younger children, she was never really interested in a significant other so after Ava had graduated and achieved a job. She began helping other children and began fostering, which quickly lead to many adoptions.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: She has PCOS.

Hobbies: Volunteering Avalon is very into helping others and encourages her children to do the same in group outings.

Favorite food? Cherries

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): She knows how to deal with Karens as she has dealt with many being an elementary school teacher.

Fears?: Something happening to her children.

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: She will very much hoist them into the air with her horns.

Career: School teacher. Yes, she supports 7 children on a teacher’s salary.

Likes: Rain, helping out shelters and soup kitchens, going camping, spending time with her family.

Dislikes: Dealing with the entitled school parents.

Other things not stated:
Full Name: Ashton Wooly Wolsky

Nickname: ash, wooly, wolfen

Gender pronouns: he/ him

Age: 4

Optional sexuality? hetersexual


Clothing style: white ripped jeans, a white t shirt, with a oversize hoodie

Personality traits: quiet, trusting, sweet, caring, protective

quirks and flaws: tends to let people walk over him, sensitive

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: diabetes type 1

Hobbies: art, soccer, writing,

Favorite food? mm chicken!

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):

Fears?: dying, having his other two siblings that are the same age dying or getting hurt, being weak

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: he will attack you, he wont hesitate to hurt you, yes he's quiet, and he's small, but he loves his family dearly, especially his parents

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up? hopefully either a soccer player, or a writer

Likes: soccer, writing, playing with his siblings, his siblings, his parents, other people, rain, swimming, all the seasons, snow, ice

Dislikes: mean people, being yelled at, being called soft, or sensitive

Other things not stated: Wolf/Husky Hybrid Triplet
Full Name: Nickolas

Nickname: nicky, nick, cola, las

Gender pronouns: he/him

Age: 12

Optional sexuality? heterosexual


Clothing style: black dress suit, with white dress shirt, a black tie, and black shoes along with black shorts

Personality traits: flirty, bossy, demanding, bipolar,

quirks and flaws: he tends to like to touch girls chins, to make them look at him

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): he was abandoned at a very young ag, maybe like 2 or three, and than went into foster homes sense than

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: none

Hobbies: working, construction

Favorite food? squirrel

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):

Fears?: big animals, being rejected

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: eh, he doesnt really care, he hasnt known them for very long anyway

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up? construction

Likes: construction, making things, destroying things to make things, work

Dislikes: cleaning

Other things not stated: he has a friend raccoon Aketa, she stays by his side always48106a540b212f5b4228cccab6617880.jpg
Foster Raccoon Child

(i hope adding the raccoon was alright? if not ill delete her)

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