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Fantasy Not Your Average Fantasy Schooling - Character Sign up


Within the Depths of a Dream

The "Academy"

Alright, here is the character sheet. Remember that even though this is listed as "Casual" I want thought-out characters. ONE PER PLAYER ONLY PLEASE!

Most of the races and abilities on the list below are not negotiable though I'll mark it with an asterisk(*) if there can be some leeway. A large majority are not allowed due to being overpowered though some are just overused and I feel that ya'll can be more creative. Also I should mention that all should either be humanoid or have such a form.

Banned Races and Powers:





Any type of draconian being


Sparkling Vampires


Shapeshifters that can shift into everything

The Embodiment of anything


Phoenixs or any other legendary creature



Blood Manipulation

Complete control over X element

Pain Manipulation

Creation of X*

Illusion Generation


Total Invisibility

Reality Manipulation

Time Travel/Manipulation



Supernova Manipulation



This next list is what has been taken. I will do reservations that are held for 3 days, just lemme know what race and or power you are considering playing. For less common, one per, and more popular gets one of each gender.

Taken Races and Powers:

Centaur -

Earth (Plants) Maniupation -

Vampire -

Preadator Physiology -

Half Elf -

Ice Manipulation -

I don't want a wall of messy text, I'm not going to supply a template but I want it readable and organized. Also, please note this is everyone's first year as the school literally just opened.


Name: (I won't accept any Emily Gemhearts or Raven Darkbloods)

Age: (18+)

Gender: (Anything and everything)

Pronouns: (I would prefer is its kept male or female so I know what dorm to place them in.)

Race: (Reaonable. Make sure it's not taken or banned.)

Sexuality: (Anything)

Height: (For both forms if eligible.)

Weight: (Ditto above though make sure to use a BMI calculator.)

General Appearance: (Both forms if eligible. At least a good paragraph.)

Ability: (Reaonable. Make sure it's not taken or banned.)

Personality: (At least 2 paragraphs)

History: (At least two paragraphs.)
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Modern Nosferatu

"Fangtastic, yet another vampire pun..."



Name: Vanessa Cassidy

Age: 20

Gender: female

Pronouns:She, her

Race: Vampire

Sexuality: Bisexual


Height: 5"11

Weight: 138 lbs

General appearance: Vanessa is a rather lanky and tall, being a bit taller than most of her peers. Her skin's got a somewhat pale, almost sickly grayish hue, stemming from her vampiric heritage.

Her hair's a raven black that's kept in a sidecut, leaving a spot of shaven hair on her left side while keeping the rest in a wild mess.

Her eyes are usually hidden behind sunglasses but in the rare occasion of her taking them off one might see her crimson ocular orbs with slit like pupils that may soften into gentler almond shapes if she doesn't want to scare others out of their wits.

Her facial features are somewhat sharp with her ears having matching pointy tips.

Her lips are rather thin and usually twisted into either a smile or an outright grin, the latter being more common as the vampire does find it amusing to showcase her pearly white teeth.

Speaking of teeth, Vanessa doesn't only possess two vampiric fangs but rather four main ones, all situated where normal canines would be.

Body Modifications: Several piercings and other small trinkets; One on her lip, two on her left eyebrow as well as one stud on her right ear and two rings on her left


Racial Attributes: Vampires are usually nocturnal hunters who feed on the blood of the living to sustain their bodily functions. Lack of sustenance might impact their well being and cause them to express their predatory urges in both the way they act and their bodies morphing into a more predatory like form.

Their bodies are outfitted to excel in dark spaces and be the apex nightly predators, sense of smell and night vision being some of their perks.

Their more predatory features become way more noticable when hungering for blood, their skin becoming even paler, nails reverting to claws and a pair of bat like wings sprouting from their lower backs, resulting in torn clothes and rather pissed off vampires.

Weaknesses: Sunlight, while not lethal to them can cause them great discomfort if not properly protected by sunscreen and shades. Younger vampires don't suffer from this as much as older ones though.

Being undead comes with their bodies being rather cool by design, making them detest hot climates.

Blood can accelerate their healing but wounds to their hearts are fatal and irreparable.


Personality: Vanessa's personality can be described with "unique", or that's the usual response one would get from asking those acquainted with the young blood sucker.

Her general demeanor is that of everyone's best friend, Vanessa being rather chummy with everyone of her friends.

Though it comes with a price, the Vampire having a rather twisted sense of humor and mixed with her rather sarcastic persona she may come off as rather blunt at times, usually messing with people and being painfully honest with them, though with no malicious intent (or so she'll tell them).

Her attitude can really change for the worse then if someone does manage to annoy her, usually resulting in her becoming rather grumpy and becoming even less polite, bordering at being rude, like milk gone sour.

Being a vampire makes her a bit more irritable in broad daylight but she'll try not to make it get to her.

One of her favorite past times being messing with people or simply fooling around does show just how little she seems to care about the rules of an orderly life, generally coming of as a bit nosy and her definitions of 'fun' may differ with those of other people.

History: Ah, the joys of a normal life, trying to come up with weird stories and indulging in the macabre and trying to scare your friends with horror stories.

It's all fun and games, as long as it's just that; stories!

Vanessa was born in Dublin, Ireland, as the daughter of a successful businesswoman, her having been the leftover of a shattered marriage. Her Mother always being on business travels made the young lass grow up with no real guidance, usually just getting by doing the bare minimum of chores and simply doing the things she enjoyed doing.

Music and the Macabre were always things she was very passionate about, often combining the two when trying her luck as an amateur composer.

With her mother abroad Vanessa sought some family of her own on form of a clique of likeminded teens with whom she shared her interests.

Be it those midnight meetings at the graveyard to tell spooky stories and dare each other to play pranks on the gravedigger, to attending concerts of aspiring punk and metal bands.

It was all just going great, no responsibility, being free..

Until one night Vanessa met one of the very boogeymen she always told stories about, the nigh prowler feeding on her during one especially intense concert and leaving her for dead.

Little did he knew that what he did was simply turn her into a creature of the night...

One that was freaked out of her wits about all those stories becoming a bitter reality, all due to her carelessness.

Her mother blamed herself for her daughter's fate and did all in her might to allow her to try and get back as much normality in her unlife as she possibly could.

The lack of any other bloodsucker made it a real pain in the neck to learn about what being a vampire entailed, the lust for blood even being one of the smaller issues, but somehow Vanessa managed to get used to her new state of being, trying to rationalize everything and seeing it as nothing more than a minor inconvenience in her already somewhat strange life.

Her mother on the other hand was desperate to try and find a future for her daughter, some place where she'd be safe, where she'd be able to live without having to fear for her safety, somewhere where she could learn to control her newfound powers.

And so it was that Vanessa enrolled at the Academy, the only place where she'd be surrounded by people just as freaky as herself, although she doubted that anyone could reach that level of crazy which she wore like a badge of honor.

Somehow this incident put her life back on track, the first time since forever she felt like she had a clear goal in sight, even if it was just to try and scare all the other weirdos at her school into becoming her friends.

CS courtesy of StoneWolf18

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Put. The saddle. Down.

no slide


8ft (3for the torso, 5 for her lower half)


850 lbs

General Appearance

Vera's torso holds a thin yet muscular build, angular features, long ebony hued hair, a pale complexion, and soft blue eyes. Her horse half is that of an American Quarter Horse, a solid brown coat with pale hooves and a tail similar to her hair color.


Ability Name

Earth (Specificly plant) Manipulation


Vera is able to control any plant matter around herself that is alive and healthy enough to be controled. The more she attempts to control, the more energy consumed. At the moment this level is quite low due to the lack of instruction.


Because she has such an ability, her body doesn't consume food for energy but rather preform photosynthesis, abzorbing the sun's energy and turning it into sugar for her body to use. Long periods without it can make her fatigued, dull her mood, etc.

Human Form

This was a spell provided by the school to make her and their life easier. Able to (painfully) shift from either form, though taking quite a bit out of her in the process. Vera looses much of her height, being only 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weighing in at around 140 pounds. It's extremely uncomfortable and note that pants aren't included in the process.



Vera's personality is a bit muddled. More often than not, she’s exceedingly intellectual. Having knowledge on subjects she can’t remember learning about yet wouldn’t think twice about correcting you. Not so much for the learning opportunity, yet for the pure humor of comical reactions. Vera is also quite serious, yet that doesn’t mean she hates sarcasm. Trust me, it’s used often.

Then we have a bit of a difference. Vera can be immature, having to making that joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, as mentioned above. Not often, but when needed she won’t hold back a retort in this manner. A tad antisocial. Not wanting to get involved with unnecessary social interactions. But, once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. This make Vera a bit harder to “get used to” than others. Learning how to deal with Vera is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.





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Rainie Andrews

"And don't you forget it."


Age: 19

"Although I've been told I look much younger..."

Gender: Female

"Well duh!"

Pronouns: Her, she

"What else would you call me?"


Sexuality: Pansexual

"Regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, your heart will fall for whoever is perfect for you."

Height: 5'2"

"Yeah I'm short. What's your point?"

Weight: 106 pounds

"As light as a feather I'm sure."

General Appearance: Rainie has that face of an angel look going for her, if only it matched her personality. She is short in stature, with slender pale limbs. Everything about her build is dainty and delicate. Couple this with her petite features and wave of blonde hair and she looks positively angelic. She has carefully shaped eyebrows, thick dark eyelashes that she likes to flutter and a cute bow shaped mouth that turns up at the corners. It gives her a naive and innocent look. However, her eyes let the whole facade down. They are dark grey in colour and seem to spark with mischief. The moment she gets that look on her face, you know you're in trouble.

On the back of her neck, Rainie has a small birthmark, which is little more than a smudge of brown. She also has several tattoos, which although hidden, do not add to the innocent, naive look that she gives off. As a joke, she had a small lightning bolt place on her left hip.

"Who says I'm not a little angel? Surely my face tells you differently?"

Ability: Electrokinesis / Electricity Manipulation

Rainie has the ability to control and create electricity. At first she could do no more than give a slightly static shock whilst she was touching something electrical. As she has grown older and begun to understand the dynamics and science behind her power, she has developed it further. She can charge particles around her to make them electrical, which is how she seemingly "creates" electricity as well as direct electricity that already exists. She believes she can use electricity to stun, freeze or even kill, in large enough doses, although she has never tested the latter. She can control electrical equipment, but only to the extent of turning it off or on with just a touch. Mostly she uses it to defend herself, or play practical jokes.

Whilst she has become inept at focusing existing electricity, she cannot control the electricity that she creates. It is wild and unruly and Rainie is almost scared to let it loose. She practices charging particles to make them electrical, but once they are charged, she dissipates the power again. It stems from early on when she created an electrical storm purely by mistake and was unable to control it. So at the moment, she has to be in contact with a source before she can direct her powers.

Also, having that amount of electrical power coursing through your body is a strain. Over usage has been known to fry her own brain and cause blackouts or loss of feeling in limbs as her nervous system simply cannot take it. Her own electrical impulses get short circuited and frazzled when she uses it too much and this could potentially be disastrous.

"So watch out or...ZAP!"


Personality: Rainie, like her power, is a bubble of energy. She has an insistent need to move or being occupied with something as she simply cannot sit still. She is chatty and full of life, with a naturally bubbly nature. Many have compared her to that of a child. It would seem that she never really truly grew up and some attributes that she possessed as a child are still present, such as her ability to speak to anyone and everyone, she has no qualms about it. These childlike features often encourage others to want to protect her, but although she looks innocent and naive, she has a willful and strong personality.

She also has a wicked sense of humour, which often leads to trouble. Rainie is mischievous in many ways and enjoys a practical joke, usually at the expense of someone else. Often she does not think before she speaks or acts, which can result in some sticky situations. But she does not mean to hurt anyone, in fact she is often devastated when her mouth opens and she says something out of order.

Also, like electricity, she can be unpredictable. Rainie has a temper that flicks like a switch. It only takes something she strongly believes in or against to trip it and it sparks her anger.

"Do you want to be my friend now?"


History: Rainie lived a fairly uneventful life, until she was seven years old. She was born to Lizzie and John Andrews, an unremarkable pair of teachers. John already had a son Harry from a previous marriage. Harry was seven when Rainie was born and lived full time with the family, as his own mother had passed away. Harry loved Rainie the moment that he laid eyes on the ultrasound. He vowed to protect her and look after her. And he did. For every milestone in her life, he was there. Until she reached seven.

At seven, Rainie was playing outside when it began to pour with rain. Gathering her toys, including her ride-a-long pony on a metal pole, she headed inside. But not before a bolt of lightning hit the pole and in turn her little body. As she lay in the mud, staring as the sky crackled and fizzed with thunder and lightning, she believed she was dying. Until she began to regain feeling. Her whole body felt alive with possibilities. New pathways to her brain opened with the surge of electricity and she could think and feel a multitude of different things. She understood electricity and what it had done to her mind and body. She felt ready to run a marathon.

It wasn't until her mother found her and rushed her to hospital that they realised Rainie had changed. Whilst hooked up to machines, she caused them to go haywire when she giggled or turn off when she was hurting. A special doctor was brought in and thus Rainie's new abilities were discovered. Both of her parents were shocked, but pleased that their special little girl was unusual. Harry was disgusted. At fourteen, he called her a freak. Rainie was devastated, lost was her kind and caring brother who looked after her and in his place stood a mean, cruel teenager who hated her. And so Rainie set about trying to turn him around. She learnt to control her powers and she used them mischievously. She tried desperately to show Harry the fun that could come from them. Slowly he began to see the fun, the potential that came with it. But their relationship was never truly the same. Rainie did not trust her brother not to turn on her again and as she grew older she longed to leave to attend a school that could help her.

In the end, she did

"Yawwwwn, it's a dull one."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb994c76b_dylangif3.gif.ab802d62f844d54a50cbe626c2fa62ee.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141796" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb994c76b_dylangif3.gif.ab802d62f844d54a50cbe626c2fa62ee.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jordan Evans






Him, He


Lycanthorpe (Teen Wolf style)




6'0 for both forms



General Appearance:

Human Form: Jordan stands around 6'0 with quite a muscular build. He has dark brown eyes that match his hair. On his left arm he has a full sleeve tattoo and another tattoo of a wolf and his chest. Clothing wise he would wear baggy t-shirts, jeans/chinos and a battered pair of vans.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb99500b5_Dylanpic1.jpg.9f6e7f877efce5f71ea07e9e0efe5a5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb99500b5_Dylanpic1.jpg.9f6e7f877efce5f71ea07e9e0efe5a5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Werewolf form: When in werewolf form Jordan bears large fangs and bright yellow eyes. His face contorts into a wolf like state with facial hair. He grows large, sharp claws and just seems scarier.

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Enhanced strength, eye sight, hearing and speed. He can run as fast as a wolf and he can lift up to five times his weight. He can see for up to a mile and hear for the same distance.


Jordan is a very laid back and chill guy. He likes to kick back and relax when possible but his werewolf side makes that slightly harder due to the aggressiveness that comes with it. He likes to joke around and has some pretty witty comebacks. If he has a bad day his werewolf side would really show through and he would have an explosive temper.

Jordan is also very kind and caring always going out of his way to help others. He really hates bullies and he will stand up to them no matter the consequences.

Jordan can also be a troublemaker. Mainly with pranks as he loves to pull them on friends and have a good time in general. To his friends he's a friendly joker just making the most of life.


Jordan grew up in Beacon Hills, California. His father was a police officer while his mother owned a small restaurant chain. His life was pretty dull for the first fifteen years. Wake up, go to school, come home. He always wished something fun and exciting would happen and well something not exactly fun happened. He was turned by an Alpha werewolf by the name of Astro. Although Astro had turned him, he didn't want Jordan in his pack so Jordan became an Omega/Lone wolf. This new found ability wasn't fun or exciting for the first few months but managed to live with it.

Most werewolves got stronger if they were apart of a pack but Jordan learned to become stronger without a pack. His life seemed to be going in the right direction but he always longed to be apart of some sort of pack and when the opportunity arose to well go to an almost 'special' school for people like him he jumped at the prospect.​



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Name: Claire Bennet

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She, her

Race: chymera (like in Jenna Moreci's book)

Sexuality: lesbian (will figure it out later in the story)

Height: 163cm (average height)

Weight: 57kg

General Appearance: Round eyes, prominent cheekbones, delineated jawline, pointy nose and full lips. Overall an harmonious and delicate face with gentle and smart expression. Claire keeps her voluminous dark brown hair short, about shoulder lenght.

Round eyes, prominent cheekbones, delineated jawline, pointy nose and full lips. Overall a delicate face with gentle and smart expression. Claire keeps her voluminous dark brown hair short, about shoulder lenght.

Claire is slim and has harmonious curves, no matter how sloppy she dresses she always look classy and elegant.



Ability: Telekenesis.

She considers her ability a curse, since evertime she feels frustrated, angry, sad or nervous it can get out of hand; so she only uses it as a last resource or just don't use it at all. The only reason Claire got into the Academy was to learn how to block her powers.

In training and combat, Claire is fiercy, determined, stubborn and has no quit in her. She has a inherent ability for hand-to-hand combat, unlike the usual "girly" fight style, Claire relies on her physical strenght to get the best over her oponents. Her resilience and strenght makes up for her lack of control over her powers. In a scale from one to ten, her agility and speed stand at five; she can have trouble facing speedy or very agile oponents.

Personality: At a first glance Claire can be see as a selfish, cocky, hot-headed jerk. She's a hard worker who strives for perfection in all aspects of her life, which can make her patience short towards sloppy people. She's a mature and independent woman who had to face the burdens of adulthood after she fled from her foster home at the age of 17. Although she can look indifferent and laid back, Claire is energetic and enthusiastic, always up to do something; can get easily bored in theoretic classes. Most of her decisions are driven by gut instinct and the heat of the moment, she doesn't usually thinks before acting.

Claire can be quiet, but she's not the socially awkward type, in fact she loves a good conversation and spending time with people she judges interesting. When hanging out she prefers closed places like pubs or cafes. She's usually harsh, sarcastic and has a dark sense of humor; Claire has a soft, loving and gentle side, but only shows it when a friend is in trouble and to people she loves (friends and love interest).


Claire was dumped on a trash can behind a restaurant when she was two weeks old, but was quickly adopted by the Ms. Bennet, the old lady who found her. Claire first discovered her powers when she was eight years old, trying to save Ms. Bennet from a car accident, the ancient woman was crossing a street and a drunk man was driving full speed towards her; Claire called for her and raised her hand, on that moment the car was hit by an invisible force, crashing on the building on the other side of the street, but Ms. Benet was also hit by Claire's powers and died a few days later in the hospital.

The young chymera was sent to a special orphanage and learned to hold back her powers by cruel punishments, from staying in a freezing bathub to being spanked with a spiked whip. When she was thirteen she was marked as "tamed" and put up for adoption; even though Claire tried hard to please the foster parents she never stood for more than six months in one home and was always returned to the orphanage, where she wold be punished for "bad behavior".

When Claire completed seventeen she fled from the last foster home and went out in the world to make her own life. She was lucky to find a job as a car washer, saved money and studied by herself to be admited into the Academy.
I accidentally hit the post button, but I'm not done. So I guess this is a WIP.

Name: Zaikar Rubina

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Salamander (Fire fairy)

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 9" in normal form, 6'3" in human form

Weight: A few ounces in his normal form, but in human form, his weight tends to be unstable, 'cause magic.

General appearance: As you may have guessed if you've read everything before this point on the sheet, Zaikar has two forms. In his standard form, he has a slim frame, as is standard with salamanders. His skin is tanned, and his hair is bright freakin' orange, long, and wavy. His irises change through various warm colors depending on the angle and lighting, and he has elaborate butterfly-looking wings with a fire-esque pattern.

Using basic glamour magic available to most inherently magical beings, Zaikar can use glamour to take on a human form. When he does this, he becomes considerably larger, as one would expect. His wings dissappear, his hair fades to black except for at the tips, and his eyes turn solid amber. He also usually wears his hair in a ponytail.

In terms of clothing, he usually dresses as if the temperature were 10 degrees colder than it actually is.

Ability: Zaikar can create fire. He has pretty good control over his power, but it tends to flare up when he's angry.
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  • Name: Elrith Zinmyar

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Pronouns: She, Her

    Race: Half-Elf

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbb6e469e_ChristopherHarris-Dennett.jpg.a1e306a43dc5521df055fbf3eac898b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbb6e469e_ChristopherHarris-Dennett.jpg.a1e306a43dc5521df055fbf3eac898b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Christopher Harris-Dennett

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He, Him, It

Race: Half-Lich (Has no Inhuman form)

Sexuality: If anything, Sapiosexual - with impossible standards

Height: 6'2

Weight: 182lbs

General Appearance: Taking care to present himself as a mild-mannered young man, Christopher Prefers his suits to be as precise as he is. His ginger hair, once a source of great personal ire, now a source of some personal irony - is always kept tailored into a well structured, yet not overtly gaudy style. These things, along with other smaller things like a clean-shaven face and manicured nails, give a reserved sort of dignity to his rather lanky build. There is almost always a crow that sits on his shoulder or horizontally outstretched forearm.

Never one for any sort of legwork if it could be avoided, he is - and remains at best - frail. what little fat there is does not draw any attention and if there is any sort of muscle to be found, it would be in his arms - the tombs he tends to lug about being the only source of exercise he gets.

his face tends to be set in a rather severe state of apathy - giving away nothing if not explicitly placed there for discovery. his eyes - which are pitch black, rarely vary from a dull, blank look - giving him the appearance of someone constantly daydreaming. when presented with something unusual or unexpected, they would sometimes glimmer - their shine giving away a fraction of the depths that lie beneath.

Abilities: The son of a Lich and a Necromancer - He has some natural skill in communing with the dead, beyond that he has a mastery over a few basic magics such as limited telekinesis and ignition of small flammable objects. He can communicate through his familiar (CROW) which amplifies his powers should it be near. Being half-lich allows him to, if needed place his soul into another host if - A) the host is an inanimate object which does not have a soul in already, or B) the formally animate object/person does not contain a soul at this time. His familiar needs to stay close to this form since it will serve as a conduit for his soul to return to his actual body, should A) He leave the new host willingly, or B) The host is destroyed.

(IDK if this is too vague - Best to call it Necromancy I guess)

Personality: He is a cool and reserved person, having learned very early on that blatant outbursts of emotion does not do anyone any good - least of all himself. His father having been a master manipulator and his mother a raging fangirl that served more as an acolyte for his father, than a mother to him - taught him from an early age to not depend on other people for either care of affection. Better yet, to learn to live without them entirely would serve you all the better.

While not prideful, he does think his skills are unique - seeing as he had mastered skills and gained attributes that some hundred-year-old necromancers could barely grasp. His unfortunate lethargic nature subverts him from actually mastering them completely - as using them would never really be necessary since evasion of problematic phenomena is easier and less fatalistic than facing it head on - and thus a theoretical framework is completely sufficient.

He is addicted to thinking though and it is the only thing that might get a rise out of him, either as arousal (in the case of brilliance) or disgust (in the case of idiocy). He likes to while away hours contemplating potential, while never actually wishing the put it into action.

History: Born in a stately manor - not amongst the fine bed linen in the master suite but rather beyond the wine cellar, beneath the hidden dungeons into the depths of the catacombs, which served both as the seat of his sire's immense power, and the pit where he would host his ritualistic orgies.

from one of these events - whereupon Gideon Harris-Bennett wished to impregnate at least one of his hosts, he succeeded after multiple sacrifices and other atrocities. The carrier who was called Magda, a powerful necromancer in her own right, was celebrated for seven months, before - seeing as it was a magical number - the infant was cut from her and left on a stone table in a pool of virgin blood - to fight for its own survival.

Gideon both admired and loathed the child - it being strong enough to survive and even thrive while being an utter disappointment in that it clearly would never be ageless or even immortal. Not one to waste anything, he was given to the lesser whores in the house to raise till he could read, after which he would be tutored by the other wives until his father would find a use for him.

While seventeen his father was killed by a grand cleric, and the house was abandoned - deemed unholy. While the sanctification (massacre) took place upstairs, he had been reading in the deepest part of the catacombs. When he finally went above a few days later the house was empty and quiet. The vast riches that were hidden and not claimed by the church were more than enough to pay someone to "sanctify" the home and buy it as is.

there he stayed for five years, in isolation - reading the innumerable books that lined the hallways, talking only now and then to his newfound familiar. Then he heard of the school and thought it best to preempt the inevitable insistence that he join, by attending as it opens. This is where he finds himself now.

- I am not sure if this is still open, and whether or not this would even work, but i shall leave that to you and your fine tooth comb -



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