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Realistic or Modern Not-So-Human High School


meme god

In NSHHS, there are two rivaling groups in the senior class: The Average and The Porcelains.

The Porcelains are straight A students, all unrealistically beautiful, teachers' favorites, and super rich. Their one flaw is that they're so condescending, nobody likes them except themselves.

The Average are smart kids, yeah, but they're not overly-studious in their classes. With decently attractive looks and middle-class families, they're not too special. That doesn't mean they're less than anyone else, because everyone likes The Average. They're nice to everyone.

When the Prom of NSHHS is coming along, the student body must vote on who gets to arrange the prom.

The Porcelains are trying to bully everyone into voting for them, and The Averages need some motivation to run. Who will be the Prom Committee, and will it flop?



played by @youngin

Savannah Taylor

Savannah is petite, standing at around 5'1 and a half. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and like to think that her eyebrows are on "fleek".

Savannah is generally, an all around good person. She is able to stay very calm under pressure, and doesn't like to stress over the tiniest things. Although she is kind, do not take that for a weakness. When she is in one of her "moods" she tends to be very short and blunt to everyone she talks to. Sav gets angry pretty easily.

Species: Vampire

Gender: Female



Played by @MaddyRoleplayGirl Madison Seabreeze

She is a girl who has lightly tanned skin, she has sea blue eyes and s
he has brown hair with purple and pink streaks running throughout it that falls to her back. She is quite small given that she is anorexic.

She is an eccentric girl who knows some of the Porcelain aren't really mean, it's just their status. She always sees the good in everyone and gives her best advice to anyone who needs it. She hangs out with her friends often but when they go to restaurants she never gets anything to eat. Her friends don't know anything about her disorder and she plans to keep it that way.

  • Species: Mermaid
  • Gender/Pronouns: Female


played by @IndianaJones

Kelly Everette Casey

Medium brown skin; large, dark brown eyes; average height and broad build; short, curly, dark brown hair.

Kelly is actually extremely wealthy and an easy candidate for The Porcelains. However, he has chosen to be a part of The Averages. First of all, his appearance is far from Porcelain. Secondly, he has a kind and gentle soul - and he likes others who also have kind and gentle souls.

Species: Werewolf

Gender: Male


Played by @Elizabeth Schuyler

  • Name - Eliza (short for Elizabeth)
  • Social Group - Average
  • Basic Physical Description - Long straight brown hair, soft brown eyes, hollywood lips, eyebrows on fleek, about 5''4, curvy
  • Personality - Slightly clingy, strong, bold, independant very compassionate, and theatrical
  • Species - Vampire
  • Gender/Pronouns - Female She/Her



played by @ghoul

Maude Monroe

Literal white skin; one purple eye; small nose; small, pink lips; tall and thin; pastel pink curly hair; light blue freckles on her nose

Maude is one to hold a grudge. However, if you've never done anything bad to her, she can be nice. She wants to be friends with everyone, but her social status won't allow it. Secretly she hates being a Porcelain but nobody else would like her because all they know is her cold front.

Species: Cyclops

Gender: Female


played by @Milus


Pale, green-tinted complexion and short, black hair. His eyes are a shade of dark red, and have no visible pupils.

Observant of others in the room, and tends to stay quiet. He enjoys the fact that a group of students divide themselves so eagerly, and therefore mixes with the Average, who see him as one of the antagonists for the prom. Though he doesn't have an outward mean streak, he enjoys the failure of others if it allows him reward.






Played by @Musicomar4

  • Hazel Parker
  • Ice blue eyes, wavy reddish blonde hair, generally in a ponytail, pale complexion. Short but strong build, narrow eyes, cupids bow mouth and an upturned nose.
  • Creatively inspired, very stubborn and stagnant yet has a peaceful nature.
  • Kitsune
  • Demigirl she/her


Played by @MaddyRoleplayGirl

  • Olivia Finn
  • Porcelain
  • Liv has pale skin, sea green eyes and is a redhead with orange streaks running throughout, she tends to keep it in a ponytail thought she occasionally lets it down. She is fairly slim but average height
  • She is an uptight girl who strives for perfection at all costs. She never wants anything less than perection and wants everyone to do things her way or not at all. all. She gets angered easily but can be calmed down by looking at herself in the mirror. She is very vain on the outside but inside she doesn't really like the idea of having two groups and wants to reunite with her younger sister. That would be challenging seeing as how Olivia's one of the meanest girls in school and Madison's a nice girl who is an Average. She feels that her sister is beautiful both inside and out and hopes to be like her. She is mad at herself for not being perfect and takes it out on other people.
  • mermaid
  • Female
  • Other: Madison or Maddie as she is most known is her younger sister who was given up for adoption when Olivia was 4 and Madison was only 1.

Comment/PM your character's

  • Name
  • Social Group
  • Basic Physical Description
  • Personality
  • Species
  • Gender/Pronouns

you'll automatically be added


For species, they can be anything EXCEPT human.

Once all slots have been filled, the Roleplay will begin in a forum. I will message all the players to let them know that the RP has begun. :)


thank you, everyone that has joined!

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  • Name: Madison Seabreeze
  • Social Group: Average
  • Basic Physical Description: She is a girl who has lightly tanned skin, she has sea blue eyes and she has brown hair with purple and pink streaks running throughout it that falls to her back. She is quite small given that she is anorexic.
  • Personality: She is an eccentric girl who knows some of the Porcelain aren't really mean, it's just their status. She always sees the good in everyone and gives her best advice to anyone who needs it. She hangs out with her friends often but when they go to restaurants she never gets anything to eat. Her friends don't know anything about her disorder and she plans to keep it that way.
  • Species: Mermaid
  • Gender/Pronouns: Female
MaddyRoleplayGirl said:
  • Name: Madison Seabreeze
  • Social Group: Average
  • Basic Physical Description: She is a girl who has lightly tanned skin, she has sea blue eyes and she has brown hair with purple and pink streaks running throughout it that falls to her back. She is quite small given that she is anorexic.
  • Personality: She is an eccentric girl who knows some of the Porcelain aren't really mean, it's just their status. She always sees the good in everyone and gives her best advice to anyone who needs it. She hangs out with her friends often but when they go to restaurants she never gets anything to eat. Her friends don't know anything about her disorder and she plans to keep it that way.
  • Species: Mermaid
  • Gender/Pronouns: Female
I added you :)


Social Group:


Basic Physical Description:

Pale, green-tinted complexion and short, black hair. His eyes are a shade of dark red, and have no visible pupils.


Observant of others in the room, and tends to stay quiet. He enjoys the fact that a group of students divide themselves so eagerly, and therefore mixes with the Average, who see him as one of the antagonists for the prom. Though he doesn't have an outward mean streak, he enjoys the failure of others if it allows him reward.





Name: Kelly Everette Casey

Social Group: The Averages

Basic Physical Description: Medium brown skin; large, dark brown eyes; average height and broad build; short, curly, dark brown hair.

Personality: Kelly is actually extremely wealthy and an easy candidate for The Porcelains. However, he has chosen to be a part of The Averages. First of all, his appearance is far from Porcelain. Secondly, he has a kind and gentle soul - and he likes others who also have kind and gentle souls.

Species: Werewolf

Gender: Male

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IndianaJones said:

Name: Kelly Everette Casey

Social Group: The Averages

Basic Physical Description: Medium brown skin; large, dark brown eyes; average height and broad build; short, curly, dark brown hair.

Personality: Kelly is actually extremely wealthy and an easy candidate for The Porcelains. However, he has chosen to be a part of The Averages. First of all, his appearance is far from Porcelain. Secondly, he has a kind and gentle soul - and he likes others who also have kind and gentle souls.

Species: Werewolf

Gender: Male

Milus said:

Social Group:


Basic Physical Description:

Pale, green-tinted complexion and short, black hair. His eyes are a shade of dark red, and have no visible pupils.


Observant of others in the room, and tends to stay quiet. He enjoys the fact that a group of students divide themselves so eagerly, and therefore mixes with the Average, who see him as one of the antagonists for the prom. Though he doesn't have an outward mean streak, he enjoys the failure of others if it allows him reward.




I'm adding you two :)
  • Hazel Parker
  • Average
  • Ice blue eyes, wavy reddish blonde hair, generally in a ponytail, pale complexion. Short but strong build, narrow eyes, cupids bow mouth and an upturned nose.
  • Creatively inspired, very stubborn and stagnant yet has a peaceful nature.
  • Kitsune
  • Demigirl
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Name - Eliza (short for Elizabeth)

Social Group - Average

Basic Physical Description - Long straight brown hair, soft brown eyes, hollywood lips, eyebrows on fleek, about 5''4, curvy

Personality - Slightly clingy, strong, bold, independant very compassionate, and theatrical

Species - Vampire

Gender/Pronouns - Female She/Her

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[QUOTE="Elizabeth Schuyler]

  • Name - Eliza (short for Elizabeth)
  • Social Group - Average
  • Basic Physical Description - Long straight brown hair, soft brown eyes, hollywood lips, eyebrows on fleek, about 5''4, curvy
  • Personality - Slightly clingy, strong, bold, independant very compassionate, and theatrical
  • Species - Vampire
  • Gender/Pronouns - Female She/Her

Musicomar4 said:
  • Hazel Parker
  • Average
  • Ice blue eyes, wavy reddish blonde hair, generally in a ponytail, pale complexion. Short but strong build, narrow eyes, cupids bow mouth and an upturned nose.
  • Creatively inspired, very stubborn and stagnant yet has a peaceful nature.
  • Kitsune
  • Demigirl
I'm adding you two, thank you for joining :)
Musicomar4 said:
  • Hazel Parker
  • Average
  • Ice blue eyes, wavy reddish blonde hair, generally in a ponytail, pale complexion. Short but strong build, narrow eyes, cupids bow mouth and an upturned nose.
  • Creatively inspired, very stubborn and stagnant yet has a peaceful nature.
  • Kitsune
  • Demigirl
Does Hazel use she/her pronouns?
  • Olivia Finn
  • Porcelain
  • Liv has pale skin, sea green eyes and is a redhead with orange streaks running throughout, she tends to keep it in a ponytail thought she occasionally lets it down. She is fairly slim but average height
  • She is an uptight girl who strives for perfection at all costs. She never wants anything less than perection and wants everyone to do things her way or not at all. all. She gets angered easily but can be calmed down by looking at herself in the mirror. She is very vain on the outside but inside she doesn't really like the idea of having two groups and wants to reunite with her younger sister. That would be challenging seeing as how Olivia's one of the meanest girls in school and Madison's a nice girl who is an Average. She feels that her sister is beautiful both inside and out and hopes to be like her. She is mad at herself for not being perfect and takes it out on other people.
  • mermaid
  • Female
  • Other: Madison or Maddie as she is most known is her younger sister who was given up for adoption when Olivia was 4 and Madison was only 1.

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