Not Quite Heroes


A Sad Remnant of a Forgotten Time


Species/Home Planet:




Skills: (like 2 or 3)

History: (Include what they did to land themselves in jail, and why they have a strong hatred of the Authority)

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Name: Deci Amberson

Age: 20

Species/Home Planet: Xalious/ Depetion

Xalious are humanoid creatures with hightened senses and reflexes. They have thick skin and heal slightly faster then normal.

Gender: female




Deci is as hard core bad ass. She is tough with a sharp eye and sharper mind. She doesn't trust easily but is loyal toward those she does trust. She can sometimes come off cold but underneath that she has a warm side.


Deci is a skilled fighter and thief. She is also a skilled manipulator.


Growing up on Depetion wasn't easy. It was a harsh planet with little supplies and with a harsh climate. Yet, somehow she managed. Her family lived in a cave with little food and Her mother died birthing her younger sibling. With a younger sibling and only her father to depend on Deci learned to be dependent. Her father who used to be part of Depetions army before the government fell taught her to fight and she learned to steal from an early age. When she was ten tragedy struck. The galaxy authority sent men to patrol the planet to try to reign in the crime and caught her father stealing. They beat him to death. This left her and her sister alone but luckily her father's best friend from the army learned of his death and took them in. He was better off then they had been with a real home. Him and his wife instantly bonded with her sister but Deci didn't allow them to get close to her. She couldn't afford it. Deci kept up to her old ways though was more careful and expanded it. She Soon set up a system of spies within the street rats who watched the galaxy authorities especially the ones responsible for her father's death. When she was fifteen a new law was passed to eredicate everyone left from the war. This included her new guardian. They tried fighting back but all it resulted in was the death of her guardian his wife and her sister. Grief stricken she ran and snuck onto a ship leaving for another planet. For years she traveled perfecting her skills and a month before Turning 20 she let herself be caught thieving from a member of the galaxy authorities and was thrown into jail. Here she hopes to forge connections and find allies to eradicate the galaxy authorities.

Name: Diocletian Solomon Uri Nekoda (Will refer to him as Uri)

Age: 37

Home Planet/Species: Ourias is a barren and frozen planet, devoid of any life or natural resources, save for ice, on the surface. The only reason it's hospitable and the Terahn species has survived is because of the many cave systems underground. Many of them have things like algae in hidden lakes, small animals that feed on the fish that live in aforementioned lakes and, of course, the Terahn people, whom then hunt/gather everything they can get their hands on. It's very sustainable, as more and more ice from the surface melts everyday, providing more water underground. It does take a longer time for water to reach the lower levels; both the level and the time of water delivery progress collectively, and therefore the rich people live closer to the surface.

Almost every portion of these caves are pitch black, meaning things most likely couldn't be seen by normal eyes, so the Terahn people evolved so as to be able to absorb more light, and be able to see better in the dark. Their pupils cover their entire eye to soak up as much light as possible, which has also made them very sensitive to brightness and made them virtually blind when it is bright. They look almost identical to humans, but they're, on average, shorter and bulkier. They're built to withstand a face full of rock after a clumsy trip, and to squeeze into smaller tunnels.

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13e9156d_KevinMitchell.JPG.c90231d3cf5db1cc26dba53e85ff4ee0.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13e9156d_KevinMitchell.JPG.c90231d3cf5db1cc26dba53e85ff4ee0.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Ignore the tattoos and the shirtlessness ... I couldn't find anything better)

Personality: Uri loves fighting for what he believes in and what he thinks is true. He gets a thrill out of arguing and very happy when he wins. This causes him to be quite passionate about what he argues and for him to use more rhetoric than most people would use, just to prove a point. He's known for being a bit of an attention-seeker, liking to do the unique thing rather than the mainstream thing, in hopes of getting a reaction from someone, whether it be positive, humorous or admiration. He's also quite a social guy, preferring to be around people in general than being alone, which made dark, damp caves a bad idea for him. He always felt trapped from the start. He's extremely confident in himself and in his ability, but if push came to shove, he would prefer not to fight. While he does think that he would defend himself or someone else, it's an illusion created by his own ego. He's a bit of a coward at heart, hating the fact that he was born virtually blind.

Skills: (like 2 or 3) He gets the basic premise of talking to people (regarding public speaking, not like personally) and how to structure an argument so as to make a large impact on people. He's convinced people of things before, and he could do it in certain situations now, for example if someone agreed with him, but just needed motivation to do something (they both like hockey, the other person needs motivation to sign up for hockey).

He also has a innate nimbleness from his ancestors spending centuries tripping on rocks and crevices. He's able to navigate terrain better than most and has a good sense of direction from finding his ways in the caves.

History: Uri loved his father, Ovadyah Solomon Jairus Zevedyah, very much and admired him, for he was always very outspoken and a lot of people liked him. Jairus would always share his opinion when the conversation concerned it, and, surprisingly, most people would agree with him after hearing him talk. Uri felt his father had a lot of power in social situations, and he aspired to be like that. The person that everyone knows and has a good opinion of, even if they don't really know them. A lot of his traits and personality developed off his desire to be his dad, since he influenced him so much. There was also another major thing that he agreed with his father with: the caves were detrimental to their ability. While it's true that their bodies adapted to fit the environment, they both just didn't feel at home in the darkness. They wanted to experience sunlight and daytime, like they've heard in the stories from travelers. So, one day, they decided to just leave, and fly to a planet where they could live the rest of their lives, enjoying the light. They set off, spending most of their life savings on a spaceship and a temporary pilot.

Unfortunately, Jairus did make one enemy, and also quite unfortunately, that enemy was driving the ship and therefore had their lives in his hands. The woman pilot hated both The Authority and Uri's father, and concocted a plan that would strike at The Authority but not at her own name. She hid a bomb into the spaceship under the premise of an inspection, to see if she would accept the job of flying to a different planet. Once they were well out of orbit, she called The Authority, and informed them that he was being held captive and forced to fly a spaceship for Credit smugglers, trying to get large amounts of Credits (I don't know what the universal currency is, so I'm putting Credits as a placeholder, and I can edit it with a proper name later) to paying families across a planet's border. They came immediately, and stopped the ship. They boarded it, and arrested Uri and Jairus. Not knowing what was going on due to the bright flashlights from the police (again, another placeholder), they kept quiet and cooperated by lying down in a corner. They first transported the pilot off the ship to secure her safety, and to get a full recount of what happened, of which she had already thought of before they had set off, and then Uri because they could only bring one person at a time. As soon as Uri had set foot into the Authority's spaceship, he was forced to watch his own ship, his father and some people still trying to get him off, explode into countless little shards, flying outwards, slowly, almost as if it was in a bubble that was still being blown up. There was no sign of the corpses. He was immediately and permanently blinded by the explosion, his already sensitive vision not being able to handle the sudden and drastic change in lighting. Uri was brought in for questioning and a trial, him being held responsible for the murder of those few innocent workers. He pleaded and explained, but this wasn't an argument that he would win. He knew in his heart of hearts that this was an unfair trial, and that this was all completely and unfairly biased. He also wasn't aware of who actually set off the bomb, and assumed that the police were tampering with something on the ship and it resulted in the death of his beloved father. So he was sent off to The Corner with a vow to enact vengeance for Jairus and his conviction.

Other: He does, indeed, wear a shirt.



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Can I reserve a spot? :) Im going to make my CS now but who knows how long it might take if I want it to be good


Name: Tuamsus Xyx

Age: Her galaxy has a much slower time than that of planet earths. So she looks 24 but add her time and she is around 64

Species/Home Planet: She comes from an inner star of the galaxy called Alpha Canopus, the species has no name. But have taken to being called Vatinians

Gender: Female

Appearance: Vatinians have two forms for water and land. In both forms their skin as a smooth pale whitish blue, but on land it is almost transparent o the point where veins are noticed in areas where the skin is thinner. In water they have fins along the backs of their arms and horn type crests on their foreheads. Their hands clawed and sharp with webbing in between the fingers and their lower bodies are serpent like with fin like spines that run to the tip of their tails and emerald like scales. Their eyes are an all white that seem to glow in the light that breaches the waves and are made for better visibility. Their land eyes then change to a more blackish red to protect them form the suns rays. Each warrior is also brandished with a mark on their heads for simple ranking purposes.





Personality: Tua is a brave and kind woman with the need for justice in her veins. She is head strong and unmerciful to those that threaten her and her kind, trained to be able to clear her mind of any emotional thoughts. Her underlying blood lust can be a problem though if shes to in tuned with her thoughts during battle. But she is generally like many of her people..wanting peace and to be left alone.

Skills: Trained in land and water battle skills and can make armor for any body type from any material (Though dont assume plastic makes good armor because it doesnt)

History: Tua was raised like every other young hatchling (Yes they do come from eggs as do most sea creatures) She grew into her tail and was taught the dangers of living in water and to fight those which seek to harm them but to also not try to be a hero and let the guardians do their job. She was loved and she was taught well. After she got a bit older she met some of the guardians she was taught about when she was younger and watched as they defended their home with glowing spears and glorious armor and how they were the most magnificent things she had ever seen. So from that day forward she started to learn to make armor from anything and everything around her, to prove to the clan leaders that she was worthy of being a guardian. Her father (After much convincing) started to teach her self defense, to more advanced attack techniques. She finished her armor and only needed to wait two more years to apply for guardianship. Their clan was very thick when it came to rules..because breaking a rule either led to death or imprisonment. She had seen a fair share of her people being taken away to the prisons for law breaking and the leaders always gave them up willingly to show they did not want to defy the system. It angered her seeing this..the rules they followed were so confining. When she applied two years later she was accept with open arms, especially by the few female warriors in the guardian program. She was taught by the best and she became one of their best warriors. After many years of service she never did one thing to betray her clan or he law makers. Not until one day where she noticed a captain swimming furiously to the surface. They were not usually aloud on land alone, even the guardians went in pairs. She sometimes wonders why she followed him that day and if it was worth it, but she feels she would have done it again if she had the chance. Once on the surface she followed him deep into the woods where she noticed a terrifying sight. Eggs were scattered all around with no females protecting them and many had already dried up and died. There were even corpses of young ones put in a pile where the captain stood over them crying. When Tua confronted him he attacked her repeating over and over how their kind belonged on land and that the leaders wanted them to be slaves to their ocean under false rules. And she had noticed this before..a sickness that happened now and then within their species where the males lost all knowing of right or wrong. And when he tried to pry away her armor and tie her to a tree..she killed him. But when she was found the system didnt care..she was convicted for the murder of a "Sick man" and stripped of her guardianship.


Hehe puns


TabbyHere said:
I would like to reserve a position as well, if possible.

Name: Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg (Often called Bob (the blob) )

Pronounced: Char-gawg-uh-gawg-man-chaw-gag-awg-chow-boona-gung-mog

Species/Home Planet:

Blobs, Oceania 7


? Often referred to as he.


He consists of water, ergo he can take any appearance. Usually he takes the appearance of a humanoid (made of water). A waterproof sticker floats inside of him which reads "Hello, my name is Bob"


Loyal, Brave, (extremely) quiet

Skills: (like 2 or 3)

Quick Reflexes



Bob was a peaceful inhabitant of Oceania 7, a water planet. His planet was colonized for it's endless supply of fresh water, little did anyone know, the water was sentient. A few weeks after the colony was set up, the water made it's reveal as sentient, though being mute those colonizing saw the blobs as threats. Sterilization chemicals were dumped into the water in mass and many died. However, for scientific purposes Bob was abducted and experimented upon. When the scientists were finished with Bob he was incarcerated to monitor his condition.


Bob is mute

After Tabby's CS we'll be starting.

Name: Fate de Lancier

Age: 25

Species/Home Planet: Planet Loraine - Kauskle closely resemble angels and are often called rules of the stars. They have adept memory which helps them memorize the position of the stars and the sun. They know an immensely large amount of knowledge about the constellations and the space in which the stars are held. As long as the sky or the sun is present, they will never get lost.

Gender: Female




Fate bears a cold, unapproachable aura around her, keeping others at least five feet away from her and her icy glare. Although she has an innocent-like face (more or less), her personality is one that bothers most. She keeps her emotions hidden beneath harsh words and a chilly mask and wishes not to expose them for fear of being vulnerable. Fate does not hesitate when using her sharp tongue and those who know her stay well away.


- Memory. Her mind is able to memorize large amounts of information.

- Navigation. Although her planet's people are born with this natural talent, she has a stronger 'dose' of it. Her ability to navigate through mazes and learn a building's structure and map from a few glances sets her apart from the rest.


At the age of 17, Fate was sent away from her home planet because of the raging war that was happening. Her parents entrusted her in the hands of people they thought to be good and pure. However, several days after her capture the people who were supposedly in charge of her brought her to the authority. Because of her strikingly similar appearances to the galaxy's most wanted criminal, Fate was given to the Authority. The people who her parents had given her to only took her to protect their criminal leader. She began to despise the Authority and the people and internally sought revenge.


She's able to make her wings disappear and appear at will.



Kynniara Olimarton



Species/Home Planet:

The Cyobeara, more commonly referred to as Cybernauts, reside on the planet of Wiratrix. It is a culture built on technological advancement. The residents are humanoid but hold a vast intelligence and understanding of the cybernetic world. Many of them have even incorporated the technology they work with into their own bodies.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.c47f5c1c87a3c83905a0e10d5fa55f0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.c47f5c1c87a3c83905a0e10d5fa55f0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Rough, tough, and tumble, Kynniara isn't a girl to mess with. She trusts no one, listens to no one, makes bonds with no one. Viewing her past as one large act of betrayal, she guards her thoughts and emotions closely, often cloaking them in a snarky and edgy demeanor. In truth, no one has known the true Kynn for a very long time.


• Technology-The Cyobeara have a natural knack for all things electrical and mechanical. Kynniara specifically has a talent for hacking. Computer systems of any sort, Kynn will look at them as a challenge.

• Street Sense-Growing up in an urban metropolis, Kynniara knows how to look after herself. Pickpocketing and the like are not foreign to her. She knows what she needs to survive, she knows how to get her hands on it, and she knows how to watch her back.

• Agility-A combination of Kynniara's past and her bionic arm have made it extremely easy for her to navigate the back alleys and isolated rooftops of her home city for years. She's quick and nimble, even without the added mechanical strength of her artificial limb.


Kynniara was born a mother who would do anything for her husband and a father who would do anything for wealth. His income was sizable, even when Kynn was a small child, but Mr. Olimarton always had his eyes set on the next big prize. He was a programmer at a corporation in the planet's capitol, responsible for developing and manufacturing bionic material. All of Wiratrix was built, and still thrives, on cybernetics, mechanical and electrical. Its capitol of Trezmeh, however, takes this resource to another level entirely.

Cyborgs, beings with functioning mechanical limbs or body parts, are hardly uncommon among the Cyobeara. Over the years, highly advanced prosthetics have come into play, as well as mechanical organs. Both are used primarily for medical purposes, although, black market "cosmetic" operations are not unheard of. Celebrities on Wiratrix, especially in large cities such as Trezmeh, find it aesthetically appealing and unique to have perhaps one eye replaced with a mechanical one, or even a few fingers. Lynn's father fell in with these sorts of customers, designing and programming such devices in his overtime in order to charge a ridiculous amount of Credits. Unfortunately, things didn't take very long to topple over on him.

Long story short, he screwed up a job. One specific bionic limb had electrical defects, badly burning and maiming its host body. The host happened to be the daughter of a very powerful underground crime king and, well, "an eye for an eye". Kynniara was seventeen at the time of the incident. While walking home from meeting a few friends from Academy, she was run down by a hovercraft. By the time she'd been rushed to a medical facility, the acid burns were so far set in that there was no hope of saving the right arm and a small portion of her upper torso. She was released two weeks later, her body full of a little less flesh and a lot more metal. Of course, her father hated himself for letting things get that far and her mother was a wreck, but Kynn didn't feel their sympathy. She had grown up with parents who answered any question or problem with wealth, and look what it had gotten her.

She took to the streets, living on her own for several years, committing petty crimes that got her in a few tight spots with the Authority but nothing she couldn't squeeze out of. That is, until she wound up in the wrong place and the worst of times. Kynn walked into a shop in the midst of a robbery. The clerk was already on the floor, his neck broken, and the suspect was rifling through the counter with his back to her. With honest intentions, she drew her weapon, a firearm she kept for self defense, but the Authority didn't see things her way. A robbery and two deaths, one requiring a reasonable amount of strength? A street rat and a cyborg? In their eyes, they had their woman. In the end, they "linked" her to several thefts and home invasions in the same district, none of which she was responsible for.




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I mean, in a few hours I mean like eight. Even if you don't get a post in right away you won't miss much.

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