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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Plague Chronology

August 2015 During this month a new virus hit with pandemic proportions. By the end of the first month 10% of the world's population is dead or infected and dying.

Sept 2015 thru Nov 2015 Fall. The Hell months. During this time the world becomes nearly apocalyptic as 75% of the population dies.

Dec 2015 thru Mar 2016 Winter. The death toll is staggering as the last 15% of humanity perishes. A few scattered remaining humans remain - less than 0.01% world wide. Those old enough to lack any hope of immunity hide from all others for fear of contagion.

Only those conceived in 1998 or later have a chance of immunity. Those born with immunity have a common origin, though noone knows what that is. It transcends race, nationality, and gender.

Aug 27, 2016 RP Start date

Babette and Tamara arrive in Albuquerque.

Sep 3, 2016 Jerry arrives in Albuquerque

Loading begins for the trip to Florida

Sep 5, 2016 Military makes contact with Duncan

Khloe arrives in Albuquerque

Sep 6, 2016 Group departs for Florida

Sep 10, 2016 Group arrives in Crestview, FL (20 mi from Eglin AFB)

Sep 12, 2016 Lia and Casey meet the group

Sep 18, 2016 Babette and Duncan breakup

Sep 19, 2016 Khloe confronted by Military

Sep 20, 2016 Duncan falls Ill, Casey gets to close. Quarantine.

Biohazard Team Alpha

Erica J. Hickman

USAF Reserves, Captain, Medical Doctor

Birthday November 9, 1984

Age 31 years old


Height 5' 7" (171 centimeters)

Blood type O+

Christina T. Horton

USAF Cybersecurity and Communications, TSgt

Birthday March 23, 1983

Age 32 years old


Height 5' 8" (172 centimeters)

Blood type A+

John A. Reese

USMC Gunnery Sergeant

Birthday September 17, 1982

Age 33 years old


Height 6' 0" (183 centimeters)

Blood type B+

Joseph E. Casteel


Birthday December 28, 1981

Age 34 years old


Height 5' 7" (169 centimeters)

Blood type O+

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Hey! I'm super interested. I was wondering what the post minimum will be? and will you be expecting daily posts?
Well, I'd love daily posts. But I am realistic enough to know not to expect that of everyone. Even I have days where I simply lack any time. I find that a week between posts is way too long as people lose interest. I purposely waited for school to restart before posting this RP to avoid all those folks who bite off more than they can chew, then realize they can't stay because school takes up too much time.

Length. I'd say .. at least a few paragraphs. Main thing is that a post should add content to the story. There should be imagery, thoughts or behavior that gives an idea what the person is thinking, stuff like that. IE .. I am looking for the sort of content like you'd get reading a book - just not the whole book in one sitting. I would rather have a short to medium length post than a long boring one.

Way too many pics. Pic one.

Clean, simple format. Please no fancy fonts, colors etc. A few to highlight is one thing,but not the whole resume.
Going to give a little time for others to join. I ran this originally as a solo. It was inspired by a TV series Last Man on Earth - which was really a comedy / drama. Hilarious show. This is, a more serious approach. But the thing about the show was that it started up with the guy alone when a "coyote ugly" woman shows up. She prods him into agreeing to marry her. In less than an hour after their marriage a supermodel beauty shows up ... and then the fun begins. The guy is a real idiot in that show - his own worst enemy.
Sorry, I'm still trying to decide if I have the time for this. If you'd let me get away with not posting Mondays and Wednesdays (I have to be on campus like, all day...), I think I can swing it. If not, that's fine!
I saw the first episode of the show you're talking about. Interesting concept, but I just never really got into it! It'll be fun to see how people their age navigate their way through without guidance from adults, no one really steering them in the right direction, or even helping them make the right decisions. I'm totally hoping more people will join because I really want to roleplay this story out. And while I wait! I'm just going to go ahead and attempt to watch a few more episodes to get an idea of how a vacant world looks (as if I haven't gotten idea from all the infected/zombie movies out there :P ).
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@aergie You'll probably be okay. I just find that one post a week is too slow. Most people lose interest. Heck, consider the responses here once people start to create characters. Tends to be daily or every other day. Actual posts tend to be a little slower as those take more thought to create.

I do remember college life. I used to spend time of 0600 to 2300 Mon - Fri class / working or commuting. I was lucky to get 5-6 hours of sleep a night.

Currently I work 14 hrs a day, but with no commute. Many days are shorter but not predictable. I am essentially on call 24/7/365. Some days get stretched to 16-17 hrs. As you can imagine I don't have much energy left on those days.


As this RP is designed to have inter-character relationships I would just plan to team up a bit with a member who writes at a similar speed. It is NOT necessary for everyone to start at once. Much like the TV show, new characters can get added in as we go.

Duncan is homesteading in preparation for the winter. If you look at a map (Google maps would work) he routinely makes runs from Kirtland AFB to University of New Mexico. He is also scavenging off the whole city, but on an industrial level. (He doesn't have a few cans of food. He has truckloads .... And he has managed to maintain a working supply of fuel.)


Oh ... for those wondering why anyone would need guns ... well a lot of zoo animals were let loose rather than allowing them to starve. Plus larger dogs have begun to turn feral and form packs.
I figured that even in a world where there are no big threats (think zombies, infected, etc), there would still be threats, and therefore reason enough to create a character that can (even if not expertly) protect themselves from anything they come across.

@Mitheral I do have Babette heading toward your character. Perhaps they will run into each other when we finally start.
Not sure if I have to make a character without asking but I don't want to step on any toes so is it alright if I make a character? maybe a male and female if we don't get enough?
@sodeviousxo I noticed Babette's location. I even have a general intro written up that assumes spotting "movement" on the interstate between his bases. The movement could be someone walking, someone broke down, or whatever. (He knows the position of every vehicle broke down. (There really aren't any. He cleared the interstate of cars from west of the Rio Grande to Sandia Pass (about a 50 miles stretch. He'd notice a new vehicle immediately.) I may go ahead and get us started. Like I said, this RP is designed to add in new members.

Also, regarding guns, Duncan has stuff the likes of which could scare just about anyone ... like a 50 call turret with guided bullets. Yes ... guided. They were invented at Sandia Labs ... where his father works. (8 inch spread at half a mile on full auto).

@Nate is not on fire I prefer one character per member. LOL, I did consider an RP where there is Duncan and 7 hot girls. Hey, a guy can dream ... right? Yes, if you are going to join us you do need to do up a CS. I prefer that a CS be complete when posted. I hate having to go back and check, re-check, and recheck when I get a partial and gthe person takes forever to finish - or never does. (I plan to delete the partial one tonight if it hasn't been worked on.)
Went ahead and made the intro post. For those who start up later, they can either wait and pair up elsewhere ... or wander into the area. Duncan has considered moving to the southeast - largely for the arable land.
Almost forgot, Duncan would be on westbound side. Odds are that Babette would be on eastbound side.
Of course, that assumes she hopped on on the right side of the interstate. Not exactly a lot of traffic.
@Nate is not on fire If you could, maybe just a brief note of where she was staying in America before the Plague. As a minor she'd need a legal guardian ... and a location. Gives me an idea of how far she might have traveled since the Plague. Also, please note that manipulating member characters is strictly up to them. You'll have to roleplay it unless they specifically mention being gullible. If this were a dice-based RP, I might treat that differently. Some characters tend to react poorly to attempts to manipulate them. And unfortunately ALL the characters in this RP will belong to members.
Mitheral said:
@Nate is not on fire If you could, maybe just a brief note of where she was staying in America before the Plague. As a minor she'd need a legal guardian ... and a location. Gives me an idea of how far she might have traveled since the Plague. Also, please note that manipulating member characters is strictly up to them. You'll have to roleplay it unless they specifically mention being gullible. If this were a dice-based RP, I might treat that differently. Some characters tend to react poorly to attempts to manipulate them. And unfortunately ALL the characters in this RP will belong to members.
I'll edit that, but was that last part just for me or for everyone? Because I'm a little confused, I don't think I did control anyone's characters till now. I may havE misunderstood you though which is why I ask.
Just saw the last line of Other Stuff, the part about manipulating. Like most RP's I don't allow Bunnying (writing the actions of others' characters). Just trying to avoid problems from cropping up.
Oh, no she can be manipulative but she doesn't have like that supernatural power. She can't make poeple do anything. She can try and twist words around but ultimately its up to the other character what to do.
All good then. Was just something I was being cautious about. Yes, I have had some members think that just because they wrote something like that into their character that others ought to fall prey to their manipulation all the time. It was driving some of the others to quit. Oh ... yes, the character was approved overall. Just wanted a little something in there about life just before the Plague.

I do plan to add a brief chronology of the Plague to help people figure out When and What was happening. The Plague hit pretty fast and hard. It left a lot of resources untouched if one knew where to look.
@aergie Excellent character. Approved.

LOL ... all girls, save for Duncan ... Hmmm .... I am almost wondering if it wouldn't be safer if the girls met up first ... and prevent WW III.
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Oh okay. I don't think my character will be interested in Duncan that way, so that helps I guess

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