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Realistic or Modern Not Alive

While Shero spoke to Keon, Endo soon ran up the stairs, and barked and yipped at the door scratching at it, as he would bark over and over and over, trying to get the door open, it was a bark of excitement, it was a bark that showed that something happened, that was good for once, as he would poke his nose under the door letting out multiple whines before barking loudly again as he scratched multiple times.

SavingStar SavingStar

As this occurred, Guren, who had followed them upstairs, jumped up from the bed. She ran over to the door and whined, pawing at the door. She laid down and stuck her nuzzle under the crack between the floor and the door. She let out a quick bark and stuck her paw under as well, trying to get to him.
Endo, was trying to get them to go downstairs, before footsteps could be heard, sadly though as Jason walked up the stairs, he looked like the Terminator with his stiff movements, as he knocked on the door a few times, speaking softly "Hello? Anyone in here?" They ended up in his room, that's why he was asking, he was going to grab some new clothes, "If someone is I will walk away its fine, its just my shirt is bloody and stuff.. also there is like.. a muscle relaxant under the bed, my legs are pretty damn stiff." He rubbed the back of his head, as he would wait patiently for a response, as Endo would manage to lick Guren's paw his paw touching hers.

SavingStar SavingStar
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