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Realistic or Modern Northville High School

a z u l a

these violent delights have violent ends.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Welcome to Northville High School, proud home of the Northville Timberwolves!

We 've just started a new year here at Northville High, Homecoming is in three weeks and everyone is excited. Will you make friends, enemies, find a new crush? Will you make honor roll, get detention, or maybe even change cliques?

Rules: Please post with at least a paragraph and try to use proper grammar. Be active, and if you must be inactive just give myself and anyone you are interacting with a heads-up, maybe have your character go on vacation or something.


Enrolled Students:



Arabella Adams

Jason Grey

Kairi Jay Rain

Keith Sellers

Mariah Renee Smith

Winifred “Winnie” Quinn



Pheonix Franta

Sam Grey

Jade Lockwood

Ryder Lockwood

Wesley Quinn 

Noah Renford 

Jay Smith

Justin Tanner

Amelia Winston

Character Info:









Which "Clique" Would They Be In?:




My Characters

Name: Jade Lockwood

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Female














Personality: Jade is very friendly although she can be quite sassy. She is the opposite of her brother being outgoing, adventurous, kind, and patient. She is always looking for something to do after school, spending her time on the volleyball court or with her friends. 

Likes: Coffee, Sports, Friends, Sleep, Going out.

Dislikes: Math, Fake friends, Homework.

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Popular

Sports/Clubs: Volleyball.

Relationship/Crush: None yet

Other: Ryder is her twin brother

Name: Ryder Lockwood

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male


Cody Christian.gif














Personality: From a young age people always compared Ryder and Jade and by age eleven Ryder was acting out so that his parents would stop expecting him to do just as well in school as Jade. He's rude to almost everyone except his sister, whom he is extremely protective of. He loves to joke around, though sometimes he takes it too far. 

Likes: Causing trouble, teasing his sister, flirting with girls.

Dislikes: Homework, school, other people.

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Self-proclaimed "Bad Boy".

Sports/Clubs: Hockey.

Relationship/Crush: None.

Other: Jade is his twin sister.
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I'll give this a crack. Do I post my characters here...? I've done nothing by 1x1 RPs on here over message! 
[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: [/SIZE]Wesley Quinn       [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: [/SIZE]17[SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Grade:[/SIZE] Junior      [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Gender: [/SIZE]Male [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Appearance: [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Personality:[/SIZE] Wesley takes things very seriously and is on the fast track to an Ivy League school as well as valedictorian. He hasn’t done much with his high school career as far as social events go. He’s shy, determined, and awkward. [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Likes: [/SIZE]The smell of new books, the quiet of a library, sitting with someone in a comfortable silence and winter. [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dislikes: [/SIZE]His sister, large crowds, people who aren’t on his intelligence level.[SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Nerds[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Sports/Clubs: [/SIZE]President of NHS[SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Relationship/Crush: [/SIZE]None[SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Other: [/SIZE]His sister is Winifred and he thinks she’s ridiculous and flighty.


[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: [/SIZE]Winifred “Winnie” Quinn                  [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: [/SIZE]18[SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Grade:[/SIZE] Senior      [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Gender: [/SIZE]Female[SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Personality:[/SIZE] Winnie is gentle and searching for peace within herself and with the world around her. She accepts anyone thrown towards her, despite any flaws they may have and tries her best not to judge. [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Likes: [/SIZE]Trying to wake up for yoga at sunrise, waking up for yoga at noon, intense sun that soaks through your clothes, movies that make her cry , playing music and fresh brewed coffee. [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dislikes: [/SIZE]Meanness, judgment, chilly rooms, and watching others suffer. [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Hippies [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Sports/Clubs: [/SIZE]Art club, even though she sucks[SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Relationship/Crush: [/SIZE]Ryder…also a dislike of hers. [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Other: [/SIZE]Wesley is her brother who she desperately tries to get to like her. [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]
(Edited character, my last character wasn't very good.)

Name: Mariah Renee Smith

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Female



Personality: Mariah is very compassionate for others, she is very gentle towards people and tries to stir up conversation to avoid awkward situations. She is an extrovert, but she also enjoys being alone for the remainder of her day, as she reads her books in silence.

Likes: she loves R&B music, and she enjoys reading books like Divergent, Maze Runner, etc. 

Dislikes: Horror movies, rumors, yelling, loud crowds

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: The "Popular Girls"

Sports/Clubs: Drama Club

Relationship/Crush: No one yet, maybe she might develop a crush on someone..?

Other: She is only negative towards the people who belittle her.
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Noah Renford








Noah Renford - 1.jpg


Noah is very outgoing and confident, he loves to have fun and create memories with those he cares about. Noah can be incredibly stubborn and does not like to lose in any situation, this often results in a snarky comment or two. Additionally, Noah is a perfectionist, he will put his all in to something he has ardour for and won't settle until he believes it is up to his standard; this can sometimes result in sleepless nights and shutting himself off from his friends for a while. Noah can appear to be a narcissist at times, however in reality, it's all just a joke and he refuses to take himself too seriously. Noah is obsessed with anything to do with the theatre, he enjoys singing and dancing but above all else his greatest passion is acting. He has been in school performances from a very young age and has been in a few professional productions thus far.



Spicy food

Teasing people


Reading (especially pre-1900 English Literature)

Being spontaneous



Getting up early



Attention Seekers


Which "Clique" Would They Be In?:





Name: Amelia Winston

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Female



Personality: Amelia is quite a snob, but it was how she was raised. She was born into a wealthy and vain family, so it would make sense she would be the same. She is a conceited girl, caring about herself very much. Surprisingly, she is very loving, but only to her friends. She's stubborn and quite whiny, since she isn't adaptable to many situations. She's more of an introvert, preferring not to raise her voice or cause drama, but she does enjoy to watch that. Amelia judges others easily since there are many people different from her, but it was because she was sent to a prep school her whole life until high school.

Likes: Red, Heels, Fruit, Jewelry

Dislikes: Reading, Rap music, Slowness, Rain

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: The Preps

Sports/Clubs: Volleyball

Relationship/Crush: N/A


Keith Sellers




[SIZE= 18px]Senior[/SIZE]




Keith is an overall calm person. He is kind to most people and will protect his loved ones until his dying breath. Keith is often humorous, but knows when to be serious. Though, if you do provoke him in anyway, expect to feel some sort of physical pain. 


+ Football

+ Basketball

+ Rap

+ His friends

+ Being in a relationship


- Soccer

- Jail

- Heavy metal music

[SIZE= 18px]clique:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]The Jock[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]sports/clubs:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Football Runningback[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]relationship/crush:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]PM me[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]other:[/SIZE]
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{All are accepted, we can start now}

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Ryder and Jade were already bickering five minutes after the former had finally rolled out of bed. Jade leaned against the counter eating cereal as Ryder descended the stairs, grumbling something that sounded like a greeting as he opened the fridge. Jade finished chewing before turning to look at her brother, hazel eyes narrowed in a glare. 

"I heard what happened with Clara" She accused as her brother turned to roll his eyes at her. He had been hooking up with one of her team-mates and as usual, it blew up in his face.

"Her boyfriend's the one with a black-eye, not me" He shrugged, returning his attention back to his toast. Jade rolled her eyes, retreating upstairs and huffing in annoyance. Her brother was such a tool sometimes, she could barely believe they were related.

Once the twins arrived at school they separated, Ryder going to flirt with some girl he barely knew in his Algebra class and Jade going to talk to her teammates. 

{Sorry for the short post y'all}
After staying up all night reading her book, Mariah realizes that it's time to get ready. She grunts as she gets up, becoming fed up with doing this routine for 5 days a week. Mariah refuses to change into clean clothes, so she lazily decides to walk to school in the dirty clothes she wore yesterday. She grabs a cereal bar, her backpack, and her textbooks, slamming the door on her way out.

Mariah sighs, she may look like a mess with her broken nail, messy hair, and smudged makeup, but she's going to try to make her day better...

She checks her watch, realizes she's late, and rushes towards the gate of the school.

As she walks through the entrance, Mariah begins to devour her cereal bar.

(I'm literally braindead right now but happy holidays!)
Winnie had finally succeeded in waking up for sunrise yoga and was sitting at the table when her brother walked down the stairs, ready for school. She grinned at him. "I finally did it!" She told him. Her smile faded when Wesley gave her a half hearted "That's great." She offered him a plate of pancakes, which he silently took. Once they were both done, they walked out the door.

Wesley headed straight to the library before class. It wasn't so much because he needed to study but because he enjoyed the quiet and lack of people there in the morning. He took a seat at a table and pulled out a book. He sighed, content with his morning routine as he opened the book and began to read. There were only a few people in the library that morning and they were the usuals. People who saved their homework until the morning and were silently rushing to finish it. 

Winnie watched her brother walk into the library and sighed. She looked down at her colorfully patterned joggers and her grey, baggy shirt. She hadn't changed out of her yoga clothes. Oh well. She walked to her locker to get everything she needed for class. Her locker was decorated with drawings and designs of hers. She pushed her glasses up onto her nose and looked around, making eye contact with Ryder. She had only spoken to him a few times. Her stomach flipped and she looked away, angry at herself for even finding interest in someone like him. 
Noah had awoke at the same exact time he did everyday, although he hated getting up at anytime before 10am, he had a set routine that allowed him to endure the early start to every school day. As he got up and walked to the bathroom to prepare himself for school he always looked in his full-length mirror, he looked like death in the mornings and it was a constant struggle to build up the effort to even look halfway decent. However, being an aspiring actor required him to present himself in a confident manner and dress in a way that conveyed he took pride and care in his appearance, so he did it for his futures sake. After spending 30 minutes cleaning himself up and getting changed, Noah lazily strolled down the stairs and ate the pancakes his mother left him every morning before she hurried off to work. He hardly ever saw her since she started work early and ended work late, whenever she was home she spent that time passed out due to exhaustion.

Grabbing the necessary books and other essentials for the day, Noah placed them in his backpack and slung it over one of his shoulders. He started the short walk to school, admiring his fathers broad and beautiful garden on the way out of his front gate. Noah placed his headphones in his ears and started to listen to music; partly because he enjoyed it and partly because he needed further assistance to fully wake himself up. As a person who thrived on spontaneity, Noah had a deep-rooted hope that something intriguing would occur today to break up the dullness of regular classes. "Just please let this day be bearable...", he mumbled to himself. Noah wasn't a negative person generally but mornings are the bane of his existence.

Noah walked up to the school entrance and through towards his locker calmly, having gotten to school at what he thought was a reasonable time. He sauntered while looking down at his phone, skipping through countless songs he hadn't listened to in ages but never cared to delete. His lack of attention to where he was going caused him to collide with a girl, not knocking her over but forcibly pushing her to the side, she appeared a bit flamboyant which matched the design of her locker. "Oh shi-crap," he exclaimed, correcting himself mid-sentence. Noah was trying to cut down on his impulsive swearing but it was a habit that was proving incredibly hard to break. After a brief self-scolding, he realised he needed to apologise for nearly steam-rolling the girl so he paused his music, unplugged his headphones, pulled them from his ears, and inserted them in one of his trouser pockets. "I'm so sorry, I got a little side-tracked by my phone and wasn't paying attention to where I was walking...", he let out a soft laugh, "a bit stupid of me but I'm the complete opposite of a morning person so I'm basically a zombie at this time" he finished with a smile.

Winnie was silently scolding herself for making such obvious eye contact with Ryder. Why was she so awkward? As she was staring off into space, a guy nearly plowed her over like she wasn't there. She watched him struggle with his words then take out his headphones to apologize. She stabled herself and looked up at him. "Oh no, you're fine." She gave him a friendly smile, "You didn't hurt me". She grabbed a book from her colorful locker and closed the door to it. "Most people aren't morning people anyways, so I don't apologize for that!" She smiled. "I'm Winifred by the way. Don't think i've met you," Her eyes flicked past his shoulder to Ryder again and she swallowed, focusing on the guy in front of her. C'mon Winnie, why can't you like someone like this? He's so handsome and fit! 

@Bowa @queenofeverything 
Mariah slowly opens her locker, as she proceeds to take her notebooks from her extremely organized locker that took her half the semester to perfect, she hears chatter and glares at the students behind her. She takes out her phone and continues to put on her headphones and listen to music, trying to drown out the conversations irrelevant to her. Mariah was grumpy, tired, and all over the place, as she didn't want anyone to notice her and her messy figure. After closing her locker, she struts lazily down the hallway in her fuzzy slippers and towards the library.

After opening the doors to the library, Mariah sits down at a table and takes out her own book. In the library, everything was still and peaceful, out of thick chatter and crowds of friends. Although she was part of the "Popular Girls" clique, Mariah also enjoyed being alone at her own free will. She then proceeds to stand up and skim through the bookcases crowded with stories. Bored and tired, Mariah gives up looking for a good book and sits in the corner of the library looking up things on Instagram on her phone, hoping not to get caught by another student, or even worse, a librarian.
Wesley watched as another girl walked into the library. He had seen her around and did except her to be the kind of person to not be socializing with her friends in the morning. He pushed his glasses slightly up and went back to his book. He couldn't help but keep glancing up at the girl. He hadn't seen her in the library in the mornings. He caught her eyes. She looked like she didn't want to be bothered so he gave her a small smile and a nod almost as a passing hello. She looked too tired to have a conversations with anyone else anyways. He went back to the book in front of him. 

Mariah glares at the boy that watched her walk in, she stares at him with a straight face and looks back at her phone. Who would nod at a girl who looks awfully weary? I don't know who he is, but i wouldn't even smile or nod at myself, let alone look at myself in the mirror... 

She turns off her phone and scrambles out of the library in her loose slippers, struggling to keep her slippers from falling off and her bag from slipping off of her shoulder. 

Mariah checks her watch and wonders when class will start, avoiding human contact and waiting for the bell to ring. I wish I didn't stay up late, my morning wouldn't have been so disastrous...

After, shuffling through the slippery hallway, Mariah settles down near her first class and puts her hoodie over her head. Luckily, no one was near the classroom, so Mariah felt comfortable, but with her tired state, Mariah felt her eyelids fall.

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Keith Sellers

[SIZE= 16px]Keith pulled in the parking lot in his beat up muscle car. He opened the car door, stretching his arms and yawning loudly. The boy grabbed his backpack, walking over to his locker and stuffing all of his excess supplies in quite a messy fashion. He rubbed his eyes in exhaustion, grabbing his phone out of his left pocket and checking his social media. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Keith made his way to the football field, dropping his things and grabbing a nearby football. He eyed the goal in both awe and fear. He had a game tonight, and in every game, the post had looked so intimidating. Keith turned around to the large field, kicking the grass softly, then proceeding to sit down on a nearby bleacher. Him and his friends often practiced before school, but after waiting about ten minutes, Keith came to the conclusion that him and his friends were going to skip practice. He stood up, sighing and watching his icy breath float into the air. He grabbed his backpack, making his way back to the lockers.[/SIZE]
(If it's cool, here's her CS. If not, I'll hide this.)


Name: Scarlett Cearra Greene




Personality:Scar is slightly aggressive when it comes to her social life, you probably just want to stay out of her way. But when concerning people she actually likes, Scar is extremely loyal and honestly quite affectionate, tell anyone that and she'll slit your throat.


[SIZE= 14px]• Dogs[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]• Rainstorms[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]• Music[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]• Writing[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]• Chocolate[/SIZE]


• Loud noises

• Idiots 

• Cats

• The male species

• Really long words

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Rebels

Sports/Clubs: Does the "skipping class club count?" XP

Relationship/Crush: N/A (PM moi)

Other: Totally gay

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Noah brought a hand up to his chest and sighed in relief, "Ah, that's great to hear...if I hurt you I would have felt bad for the rest of the year", he laughed while scratching the back of his neck. Noah adjusted his backpack and then leaned against the one of the lockers next to him, "Nice to meet you Winifred, I'm Noah, the one and only". He says with a cheesy smile and a mock bow and then continues in a calm tone, "I'm glad to have met a fellow hater of mornings, but I can't believe we haven't met before. I mean, you certainly stand out". Noah looks Winifred up and down quickly while making a gesture to her attire, "No disrespect or mean intent meant, I'm just intrigued because it's so peculiar around here, but what causes you to dress the way you do?", he raised an eyebrow while a grin crept onto his face.

{ @Iskolde you're fine! You can start posting now, I think Scar x Jade might be interesting?  :) }

Cody Looking Away.gifCrystal.gif

Ryder noticed the redheaded Senior staring at him, trying to remember her name as he watched her from over his classmate's shoulder. Winona? Wendy? Winnie. He wondered why she was staring at him so intently, though it wasn't anything unusual for him, it just generally wasn't her type who wasted their time on him. He didn't particularly have a type, he dated anything with legs, but she was definitely different from his normal catch. He figured she was probably just staring at him in disapproval, as most did.

Jade looked up as the bell rang, separating from her teammates and trudging to her English class. She settled into her seat in the back and pulled out her notebook, doodling aimlessly as her peers filed in the door. She continued doodling once her teacher started lecturing, only paying attention when he mentioned a group project. Jade despised group projects because she usually ended up doing all of the work.

{ @SophisticatedTruffle do I sense a love triangle?}
( @queenofeverything @Bowa I was hoping so! It should be interesting, especially since it's so unlike Ryder and Winnie and Noah are so perfect) 

Winnie noticed Ryder looking back at her. She caught his eye and smiled a bit before looking back to Noah. "You can call my Winnie" She grinned, "No no that's a perfectly good question. I was up this morning before school to do some yoga. I usually never make it out of bed but this morning I did. And never changed out of the clothes" She looked down at herself and shrugged before pushing her curly red hair behind an ear. "I also just like the patterns. I think they're interesting to look at. So why wouldn't I want to be interesting to look at?" She gave him a playful smirk before turning to walk to her class.

Wesley frowned as the girl glared at him. What was her problem? He was just acknowledging her with a smile. He shrugged and closed his book to put back into his backpack. He stood up and walked out into the crowded hall to get to class. He walked into his advanced calculus class and sat down with a small sigh. He always found it too early for this class.

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