North-Wood Palm High

"Your welcome." Logan said. He carried his and Alissa's stuff to the car and drove her home. "Here you are. I guess I will see you tomorrow at school. Bye." he said then leaned over and gave Alissa a kiss.
"Bye" Alissa said as she kissed him back and smiled "Don't miss me too much" she joked as she got out of his car, she giggled and opened her front door to her house and waited for Logan's response before going inside
"Yeah yeah, it's fine," Mae said giving Mason a light smile. "I just don't want to jump the gun to quickly as they say, and progress to quickly. We JUST started going out and stuff, and I'm not exactly used to being in a relationship."

She stood up and walked over to Mason, wrapping her arms around his waist and gave him a long hug. She let him go and grabbed her own towel.

"I guess I should probably change now, damp clothes feel awful!"
Mason nodded "I agree my dear" he said as he hugged her back "Yes, I'll go help you find some clothes out of Jess and my clothes" he said with a smile "I can lend you a shirt, and you can take some pants, and other girl items." he said as he opened the sliding door for her "After you" mason insisted with a smile

((I hope you stay safe!! I absolutely hate hurricanes and tornados.)
((Thanks, it was seriously the stupidest Hurricane I've ever experienced. It was practically a bad thunderstorm by the time it hit us because it stayed idle for like 12 hours. So New Orleans got messed up a bit but my area hardly got anything worth freaking out over. I could have gone to class in it and survived.))

Macey smiled softly and stepped through the door, only to roll her eyes after she was clearly past him.

Other girl items, she thought to herself, what is he? Five?

She waited in the hallway for Mason to catch up so that she could pick out something to wear.
((Well I'm glad you're ok :) )

Maaon walked behind Mae and put his arm around her shoulder softly "Alright what of mine of you want to wear?" he asked as he turned his closet light on. She led her in and waited for her answer, something didn't feel right; Mae seemed mad at him, and he figured that she was mad about what he had said earlier. He really didn't want to loose her and their relationship.
Mae chose a simple grey-blue V-neck from his closet, that she knew would still be too big for her tiny frame and turned to Mason. "Okay, now I need shorts, or sweatpants or something," she said with a smile. She headed to his drawers and found a pair of charcoal grey sweatpants that looked small enough for her waist, besides her could adjust it if she needed.
Mason smiled at what she had picked out "That is one of my favorite shirts" he told her as be leaned down and kissed her. Mason looked at her "Alright babe, I need to get dressed, and you should probably get the underwear and bra, and an undershirt if tou want one from Jess's room now" he said as he pulled a blue and white striped v-neck short from a hanger and put it over his arm. Next he started to walk over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of grey athletic shorts.
((Is Jess his sister or something, I'm assuming sister, correct me if I'm wrong))

"Aright haha, hopefully Jess has the cup size as me...and as for underwear, I'm taking some of your boxers. Girls don't share underwear, that's gross," Macey said snatching a pair of navy plaid boxers from Mason's drawer. She gave him a light kiss on the lips before heading out of his room and stepped into Jess's. She went through her drawers and noticed the his sister obviously had more to give in the boob department, so her bras wouldn't fit Mae. Being a dancer and also remaining slim, Mae was gratefully placed at a 34 B cup. She luckily found a sports bra at the bottom of the drawer and changed quickly. She took a look in the mirror and sighed. She looked ridiculous, but it would have to do. She ruffled her long hair, that had started to dry in kinky waves, and stepped back out of the room, heading towards the kitchen.
((Yes she was the one that died.... :P )

Mason smiled and watched her walk into Jess's room. He smiled and closed his door, then changed into his clothes and dried his hair a little. Mason opened his door and started to walk out of his room. He saw Mae a few feet infront of him, and he walked up behind her "Hey babe" he said as he put his hands on her waist and smiled. "So what do you want do do now?" he asked as he walked with Mae downstairs and sat on the couch on piled Mae down next to him.
"Hm I don't know," Mae said lightly. She rested her head on Mason's chest and sighed softly. "What is there to do around your house on a sunday besides swim and do nothing?"

She laughed a bit and looked back up at him.
Alissa chuckled "Ill text you after practice!!" she yelled as she walked inside of her house and ran to her room. She quickly got changed into athletic shorts and a neon tanktop. Next she got her socks and her grey, coral, and neon green tennis shoes on and put a water her phone and a few other things into her duffle bag and slipped into her car; then drove to cheer. She Arrivd, and she started her hour practice.

Mason thought for a minute "Would you like to watch a movie?" he asked as he put his hand on her shoulder and rubbed her shoulder with his thumb
Mason took his phone out; It was a text from Logan. "Mae is at my house, and we're going to watch a movie, you?" he texted Logan

After an hour of practice, Alissa drove herself home, changed into a light green v-neck, blue jean shorts, flip flops, and a few squirts of perfume. She sat on her couch and thought for a minute I have to text Logan!! She thought to herself, she stood up and ran to her phone. "Hey! I'm done with cheer! Would you like to come over? No one but me is at my house" she texted to Logan, then set her phone on the wooden table
"Nothin... just bored. Alissa is at cheer practice." Logan replied to Mason.

As soon as he messaged Mason, Logan got Alissa's message.

"Sure, I will be right over." He responded to Alissa.
"Mhh yeah, that would be nice," Mae said leaning into Mason. She loved when she got massages, especially because her muscles were always so tight from dancing. Hell she was positive that she had knots in her calves too. "That feels soooo good," Mae said softly. She wondered what movie they were going to watch. "So what movies do you have?" She asked as he continued to rub her shoulder, "I really up for anything."
Alissa smiled "Ok :) " she texted to Logan. She ran up to her room and put some perfume on. Then she ran back down stairs an started to make some popcorn.

Mason smiled a little and rubbed her shoulders, then her legs. He kissed her neck softly and put his arms. Around her for a higz "Those two cupboards" he said pointing to the cupboards closest to the tv "Pick what ever you want" he said with a smile
Alissa smiled as she heard the door. She giggled "it's open!!" she called as she duck behind the door, waiting for Logan to walk in. She knew there was no way he could have saw her duck behind the door, she was smiling as she waited
Logan walked in and noticed Alissa ducked down out of the corner of his eye. He picked her up and swung her around, and then kissed. "Hey" he said. "I missed you."
Alissa laughed as he swung her around. She hugged him "I missed you too" she replied. Alissa Lisa's him back, and took his hand; she led him to her couch and sat down pulling him next to her "What would you like to do?" she asked "We could watch a movie, go to the basement and play some of the arcade games, we could also chill in my room, or we could cuddle" she said with a small smile. Alissa put her head on his shoulder an looked up at him.
"Well I guess I know which one of those choices you want to do." Logan said with a smile looking down at Alissa who was resting her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her.
Alissa giggled, she smiled and scooched closer to Logan,"I don't kknow about you, but I want to watch a movie" she said as she looked at him and took the movie bin from under the table "You choose the movie!! I don't care what I watch as long as I'm in your arms" she said as she kissed his cheek softl

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