[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.

Garrison Blake

Moving with purpose, Blake walks into the room, through the bookcase and into the Barracks. He pauses for a moment, trying to orient himself, and then heads down the hallway, looking for someone - anyone - who might assist...
Garrison Blake

Blake pauses, looking left and right, searching for clues....

Wits (3) + Investigation (2) = Results for 5 dice: 3 successes [ 0 1 6 0 8 ] (TN: 8 )

Two successes (No 10 Agains and the 1 takes away a success).
To Blake

Tracing down either path on the T-Junction should come out somewhere down here. You're not really sure how far the Barracks extends. Heading around the corner on the right, you'll trace round to a few of the janitorial closets for accidents and blood spillage and past one of the only labs down here. It's a quiet, dusty and solemn room. It's tubes and burners long since unused apparently. Another turn with yourself and Valentine and you'll come out into a hall with two things of interest. Many, many recessed oaken doors in the concrete walls and Mr. Gavin Cosgrave.

"Ahh, you're here - quite frankly, no. This place is like a maze and no one's answering the door." He demonstrates by knocking yet again, bellowing "Hello!?"

Valentine grimaces. "We're probably going to find some pretty horrible shit in there..."
Garrison Blake

"There's nothing for it. We're just going to have to start opening doors." Blake moves to a door and turns the handle.....

"Yes, that's right. She's such a lovely girl, and a good dancer too. I feel rather a bit sorry for her really." Annabelle shrugs an elegant shoulder and looks around the bar for Jack, watching him with feigned disinterest. "I'm surprised Gentleman Jack looks so relaxed," she said after a pause, "with business on the downturn all round and all." The tone in her voice was almost neutral, but held the slightest hiss of glee. Her dead eyes revealed nothing.

Peering over Blake's shoulder a tad expectantly, the historian can't help but be somewhat...disappointed, almost. "Well, now I just feel foolish," he grumbles, mentally kicking himself for not simply checking if the door was indeed locked in the first place...
Garrison Blake

"There's other rooms." Blake moves to the next door and opens that one. Then opens the next one, should it prove empty. And the next one after that, if the trend continues....
To Blake

Nothing but empty cells. Not shockingly, the Guardians aren't home.

You will however find some of the training grounds and a number of their lesser known facilities. Large rooms with large alchemical set ups and such. Not true scientific labs at all. More like ye olde alchemists lab while looking for the Philosopher's Stone. Within the largest you'll find etchings on the far wall...
Garrison Blake

Curiosity overcoming caution, Blake moves closer to the etchings to see what they say. Or what is drawn....
To Blake

Curiously enough, it's some sort of runic script, unfamiliar to your eyes, scrolling out in a very large arc maybe ten yards across on the wall, focusing on a single ideographic eye in the center.
Garrison Blake

"If only." Blake studies the script for a moment longer, then shrugs. "I have no clue what this says. Or means. I'm a warrior. Not a scholar. Does seem to focus on that eye, though. Can you make anything from this, Gavin?"

Annabelle eyes Kitten with a look caught between interest and amusement. "He's good at what he does I suppose. Though he's quite unnerved tonight, isn't he," she replies, her smile twisting into an almost knowing smirk. "Wonder why," she returns with a ironic raise of her eyebrow.
To Anna

Kitten eyes you for a few moments and then turns her green eyes back to the Harpy, who is now watching your little party with quite the wide smirk. Odd. He even waves.

Adulio tugs your sleeve, leaning in to whisper. "Perhaps we should leave...I don't like that grin."

"Indeed," she agrees quietly. "A shark smiles no wider than when he's about to attack."

She nods politely to the party of Kindred. "Well, I'm afraid I'll have to leave you to yourselves, we have to be off. I expect I'll see you around though." She smiles and departs on Adulio's arm. Her wide, dark eyes are fixed on Jack as they move away.

At a loss, Ourobouros hefts his bag of organs and heads for the labs, with intent to call upon anyone there at the moment - particularly the senior Dragons.
OOC: I'll keep track of Ouro, Grey. Just tell me when you can post again and I'll have a summation ready of what Ouro finds down there. :D

To Anna

That smile never leaves his face, and he starts singing softly to himself through those fleshless lips, "Got ti-i-ime on my side...got ti-i-ime on my side..." He parts with a wink.

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