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Finished [Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 3 – An Ameowzing Job.

[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color, [Power Potential] - #0E0101

Elvario Elvario lanzandpine lanzandpine Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

With the limitations of Sprinkles' healing abilities not fully parsed on his mind, it would be only by sheer luck if Amilia didn't act upon the arson allowance, or perhaps if Marius ended up finding success in his own attempt. Whatever might be the case, Edgywin's mind was focused on one thing only...

The massive boulder which rolled towards him with crushing intent.

Through the eye slits of his horned helmet, the rolling boulder grew in size with each passing moment. It would grow so much that, at some point, it was the only thing that could be seen from the baronet's field of vision. The cruelty and intent in which the piece of mineral approached him was clear, leaving it no doubts about the deadly capabilities it possessed.

Luna's jumping up and down a few moments earlier, an innocent action of a pet who apparently just wanted to play was seen in a much different manner in Edwin's eyes.

The furred beast clearly was eager for combat, looking to splatter anyone who dared to try and breach into its domain. Only a small pool of crimson vitae would probably be left from those either brave and fool enough to approach the mangy pest, perched upon its self-proclaimed dominion. HAH!

That insignificant creature would come to know that none shall deny the baronet. The corrupted knight does as he pleases and resistance to his will is futile. If one crosses his path, and still draw breath, it was only because of his grace, regardless of how unworthy of oxygen they might be.

With those thoughts on his mind, he braced for the impact of the rolling boulder, face-to-face with likely the hardest challenge in this request, which began as a simple search for missing kittens.

A resounding, metallic clunk echoed through the hills, thanks to the sheer force of the impact of stone against plate. And, while resisting the initial impact, the massive force of the boulder, compounded by gravity, would forcefully make him skid backwards. His sabatons, which had been firmly planted against the ground, would leave trails of dirt from the distance he had been pushed.

Eventually, the corrupted knight force his defending arm against boulder, leveraging every bit of enhanced strength, as the dark energies coursed through his veins [Bolster], forcing the boulder off him with the skull embossed shield. He had to give props to the murderous Luna: the feline had some capabilities which could turn the tides of a skirmish.

With his vision not obstructed anymore, he gazed at Marius direction, seeing that the man had made some progress, before also having a boulder sent tumbling towards him. As expected from such a VILE and FEARSOME opponent like Luna: the creature would not relinquish its place on top of its dominion.

And, as much it would be quite the sight if Marius ended up being squished like a bug under the rolling boulder, that was a bit counter-productive. Clicking his tongue without the possibility of simply sitting back and watching the show, Edgywin aimed his shield towards the boulder. "Mana Bolt!" If that ended up destroying the boulder, or at least pushing off its travelling path to make it easier for Marius to dodge it, the baronet didn't know. But he didn't stand still to find out, instead, he began moving towards Luna again.

1 - Push the bolder off him
2 - Mana Bolt - Magic D + Magic Range E + Selective E (Shield of Brutality and Constancy B) against the boulder rolling towards Marius - Grade D 2 Posts Cooldown - Int E (2) + Shield B (5) + Ability D (3) = 10 Base Effectiveness
3 - Move towards Luna

CDs: (Shield of Brutality and Constancy) - B 0/4 (Shield of Brutality and Constancy) [Locked until Magic Duration E ends], D 0/2

Shadow - Likes to hide in dark places.
Bella - Likes the attention.

Luna - Likes to watch thing roll around.
Tiger - Likes heights and climbing into or onto things.
Oreo - Likes cream.
Smokey - Likes to be near smoke.
Simba - Likes fish and bugs.

Last edited:
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Hoping that would be enough to make things work out, it only seemed to prove a very brief answer to luring the living smoke cloud. Sighing quietly under her breath, the elf would begin to try and think of another answer to make a longer-lasting smoke for the cat to enjoy. Were fate to give her an easier time, this would probably have proved the sole instance where a bike that was powered by combustible fuel would've been of great use. A momentary shame for effective, clean alternatives to fossil fuels. Disappointed that Viole's attempts didn't work either, she'd try to move on an pace a little bit.

"It's fine, we'll figure something out. No clue how that cat-lady would've gotten this one to stay in her home in the first place. Would've expected it to seep through the bottom of a door or something the first chance it got... " Ul spoke aloud, Amice's questioning of things Ul said was starting to reminder of Zahrah's absentmindedness. She didn't want to be sat around all day having to try to explain everything.

"You'll maybe understand when you're older. They're just metaphors and references, they're not literal" she'd do her best to keep it brief, though only be more confused when Amice would define herself as... what sounded like currently being 16. Giving a confused eyebrow raise in her direction, Ul wondered if the girl's math was wrong.

"Oh-kaay Little Miku. Don't worry about cretin, it just means a vile and disgusting person" she'd gently wave her hand at Amice, hoping that the questions would have satified the little vocaloid lookalike.

"Anyway, I have a mild idea, hopefully it'll prove enough, because if this doesn't work then I'm out of ideas" the elf answered as she tensed and relaxed her palms in preparation, using a [Handful of Fire (Action 1)] to create fire within one of her hands. Then, she'd use a [Handful of Water (Action 2)] to generate a steady creation of water on a weaker level of her fire magic. Hopefully with this, she'd be able to continually evaporate magically produced water to create a steady output of steam-based smoke. With her [Energized] capabilities, she'd hopefully imagine that she could continually keep it ongoing as long as she focused on doing it.

She'd return back to trying to get the cats' attention, hoping it would once again come along with them.

1. Handful of Fire - Ul gestures her hand to open her hand out flat with her fingers kept together, creating a sheet of fire within hand - Magic(E), Affinity [Fire](E), Energized (E) - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Handful of Water - Ul gestures her hand to open her hand out flat with her fingers kept together, creating a flowing sheet of water by influencing ice created by Frost Affinity with fire magic into the stronger fire on her other hand in order to evaporate it - Magic (F), Affinity [Fire](F), Affinity [Frost](F), Energized (F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
3. Lure cat with Animal Handling (F) + Energized (F).
At the idea of burning the cat, Amilia grinned wickedly and began rummaging through her items for something to light fire to. However, when she lifted her head, she was met with a stern gaze and a very silent DON"T that immediately soured her mood. She stashed the items away as she watched Edwin run out to distract the cat and take on the boulders. Soon after, Marius walked out, trying to be sneaky, but was spotted and was immediately send a boulder his way. Pursing her lips, she found that these two were having fun being targets to massive rolling rocks and it was not a game she wanted to partake in. The cat wanted something to roll, why not give her something more interesting to roll than boulders. Alas, she didn't have what she needed and therefore they were in this predicament now.

After what seemed like an eternity of idle thinking, Amilia finally decided to talk in the opposite direction of the rolling boulders and make a wide berth path to the back of the cat. If her knowledge of cats was right, sneaking up on the cat would be easier if she kept herself low to the ground, hid her scent, and moved steadily. Currently, she was already doing one of the three, since she had moved down wind of the rolly-polly cat anyways. Now she just needed to get up the hill and avoid detection as best she could.
Marius Roswell

asfwqe_scaled_6x_pngcrushed-transformed (2).png
Titles: Mundane Human, Isekai, Born for This
Languages: "Common"
Abilities Used:

Elvario Elvario
Maxxob Maxxob
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

At the sight of the boulder rolling towards him, Marius realized that, as interesting as this task was, it was, first and foremost, quite terrifying. Those feelings of excitement skittered away as he felt his heart beat louder and louder. For just a moment, he wondered if he'd be given another life, in the unfortunate case that he does get crushed. Such musings were to be abandoned, however, as the boulder didn't stop rolling towards Marius with much deadly intent.

He couldn't let himself die, at the very least not at this moment. It'd be far too unfortunate, wouldn't it?

Marius swerved away from the boulder, never breaking his sprint. He took a short breath, as much as he could allow himself, and did his best to dive out of the way of the giant piece of rock, trying to break his fall with a roll. He could only hope that he managed to get out of the way. Marius' body would most likely be suffering the consequences of such a harsh workout for weeks. He could, in fact, already feel his bones creaking and muscles aching. But rest was for later. For a miniscule moment, he felt very thankful for the hours of track and field that he went through as he landed on the dirt and grass, trying not to let the force of the impact get to his stamina.

Provided he managed to dodge the boulder and didn't get turned into mush, Marius would try to recover from his roll as fast as he could and turn his trajectory back around to the pesky Luna, sprinting towards the cat as fast as he could, the sachet in hand. He would try his best to ignore the oncoming side stitch, beads of sweat rolling down his neck from a combination of fear for his life and sprinting. Whether or not Edwin's Mana Bolt reached the boulder or managed to do anything to it would only be an afterthought.
Almost everything would probably be an afterthought, but what he would allow himself to think about would be the flanking of the cat. The pincer movement would set his mind at ease. At the very least, he wasn't alone.
The consequences of your actions.
  • Aniel, having found himself momentarily in the arms of some woman, was blushed red as a rose. He would squeal if he wasn't so embarrassed right now. They were so close, she was holding him. Aniel, in spite of his own touchiness, did not like being touched himself—after all, he believed it to be some sort of grand intimate act of affection. Love was rather hypocritical after all.

    As she plotted him down and began to walk away. He was still processing things. There was another woman who came about and... scolded him about the cat? The cat? "Cazzo—la gatto!" Aniel yelled grabbing his hair after fully processing and realizing what happened, his head pivoting violently toward where the cat meowed. "That cutie! We ought to catch 'im like, right NOW." He'd proclaim with a worried and hasty expression on his face. He tapped his foot quickly as he threw his capelet around him, flairing it out as it hung on his shoulders before latching on its buttons.

    He looked at the two, smiling briefly as he grabbed Brandy's hand and shaked it furiously, "Nice to meet you, I'm Aniel and how you saved me was totally hot and super dashing♡ Do you catch falling angels often~?" He'd wink before letting go of Brandy's and turning around dramatically, "Anywhatsoever! I was not chasing that—Well, whatever; to make little of a long story, I'm like helpin' out this Lady, Cathy, and a few friends—some pretty boy I don't know the name of and a lil kiddie named Ami—cause Cathy kinda let her kitties go skitty about the town and needsum help gettin' em back to 'er—" He turned back to the two and clasped his hands together as though he were praying as he'd lean closer, "So would'cha two be a pair of darlings and help me~? Just a lil' yea? Pretty please with a strawberry on top~?♡" He was saying everything at quite a hasty pace which made it surprising that he didn't stutter much.

    He smiled as he stepped back and clapped his hands staring at Aureliana, "Right?! ♡ I thought I was beautifully handsome and dashingly gorgeous enough to lure in that kittykitty cat into my arms, but a las! ♡" Aniel expressed his vanity before he then pointed at her, "Anyway~♡ that is an utterly fantastically fabulicious idea! Since you suggested it, I'm tasking YOU with finding something to lure that cutie to willingly come with us back to his Cathy!" Aniel exclaimed as though the woman had already agreed to help him. "And YOU—" He pointed to Brandy, " ought to corner lil Sir Tiger Stripes whilst I keep my eye on 'im from above so that she—" He pointed to Aureliana again, "can find somethin' the cat'll like!" He tapped his foot against the floor and then began fluttering his wings. "You're in the wolf's mouth, yeah? Ciao~♡" He waved before flying off after the cat again. Assuming that they'd help.

    It was impossible not to notice how Aniel's fingertips, ears and cheeks were all shades more aflush compared to the rest of his skin. In truth, Aniel just couldn't stand being alone with two super hot people, his heart was racing and he couldn't breathe properly. His fluttering wings looked like the flailed behind him, beating the air to the beat of his heart.
Elvario Elvario Beann Beann Kikimura Kikimura
Language Keys ~ "Common"; {"Sylvan"}​

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Femboy Femboy

"I was indeed little Amice. And Creatin is a form of nutrient, it helps muscles and hair grow." Viole exclaimed and explained, his small-time job as a teacher seemed to have sunk in hard into Viole at this point. Hell at this point if Amice asked him how to make a zeitgeist he would have probably tell he how to make it from scratch despite the fact its something he even didn't fully know how to make.

"We could try something else for more smoke. Mister Simin, do you can I partake in the sawdust we created from making the bellows, as well do you know if I can procure some resin or tree sap nearby?" Viole was planning to make the smokiest torch ever, sawdust, some herbs like thyme, resin or tree sap mixed all together with some fats or grease smeared into some linen cloth, which he could simply procure by tearing off a sleeve from his undershirt, tying it around a piece of wet wood would be the most optimal way to create as much smoke as possible and make it long lasting. If Simin knew where to find such items Viole would get to work gathering and making such a thing assuming that Ul's attempt failed.
[Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 3 – An Ameowzing Job

Aureliana blinked slowly as she watched the tall cat lady walk back over them, seemingly having a change of heart. “Aureliana.” She stared at the extended hand for a second, returning the friendly gesture shortly after. Her attention then shifted back to Aniel, the flamboyant man giving a bit more context in regards to the cat he was chasing after. A Lady Cathy… Aureliana hummed softly in thought, wondering what kind of reward a noble woman would provide for recovering her missing cats. Surely something of worth, at least.

“Very well. I will find something, angelic man.” She said, referring to him as such despite learning his name. It was difficult to ignore Aniel’s flushed complexion but she made no attempt to point it out, figuring he must have been out of breath from chasing the cat around rather than for any other reason. “I will go scour the market for some fish.” Aureliana stated, looking at Brandy for a second, wondering if she would have any other better ideas to catch a cat. She did have cat ears and a tail after all… or was that too presumptuous? Without putting much thought, she turned and started to walk in the direction towards the market.

Interactions: Faynorae Faynorae Kikimura Kikimura

Code by Serobliss
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats. | Upgrade Horse Asset F => E
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Find the missing cats. |
lanzandpine lanzandpine Marius Roswell – Find the missing cats.
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino - Romance
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Amilia – Find the missing cats. |
Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril – Find the missing cats. | Check out Mining Industry, search for an elemental mana-infused item to study (Any Elemental Affinity she doesn't have).
Kikimura Kikimura Tomoko Brandy – Find the missing cats.
Beann Beann Aureliana Solari - Find the missing cats

Norroburry Hillside


Meow! Came an excited meow from above as the cat gleefully watched Edwin play along with her games by rolling away the boulder. Edwins Mana Bolt struck true, helping Marius dodge a fate of getting squashed. At this point, Edwin had gotten about a third of the way up onto the hill.

After making her way around, Amilia had managed to get to about one third of the way up onto the hills as well. So far, it didn't seem like Luna had noticed this latest participant in her catly games.

Running for his life and being helped by Edwin disrupting the boulder's trajectory with a Mana Bolt, Marius had gotten away scoff free. Out of the three of them, he'd gotten the furthest so far. Being about a third of the way up onto the hill.

Seeing Marius run at her, Luna meowed out in excitement. “Meow, meow, meooow!” Immediately the entire hill started shaking a little. First, a single pebble appeared from underneath the soil and started to roll downhill. Then another. And another... and another. “Meow, meow. Meow meow meow!” Luna added, as soon enough, an entire wave of pebbles came rolling down on all sides of the hill, forcing all three climbers to try deal with it or risk being dragged back (or buried underneath) the inbound pebble wave.

That said, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, or perhaps better; at the top of the hill. The cat seemed to be getting less and less energetic by now. She was likely running out of mana and wouldn't get to keep casting all these spells, which meant they might reach it if they would wear her down before they themselves would be worn down instead.


Mine Entrance (inside)

Amice Bellamy


“I'll understand when I'm older? So... will I understand if I turn seventeen in a few days?” She asked Ul, as hopefully she would. She didn't like not knowing things and needing to grow older before understanding them.

“Miku?” Who or what in the world was Miku? It confused her enough to not even digest the actual answer to her question what a clay tin was. Luckily enough, Viole explained it to her next. “Mister Storm-Crest helps people grow muscles and hair? Is that why he behaves so oddly?” She figured out there might be a connection and that, perhaps, she was onto something.


Ul's attempts would prove... a failure. Although the cat showed some interest at first, it seemed the water vapours weren't 'smokey 'enough for Smokey to be lured by.


Upon Viole asking him, the dwarf would nod. “Take what ya need. I can even give ya some torches, coal, an old mine-cart, ropes, an oil lamp... A pickaxe. Whatever helps get this smoke-cat out of me mine so I can get the operation runnin' again.” He grumbled, as even with the cat outside of the smelters, he doubted they could easily start them up when it was still around and ready to dive into the smoke all over.

“That's some fancy magic ya got, by the way.” He'd notice Ul casting. “Reminds me of them gems we been finding in the mines occasionally. Some folk say they be moving them earth on its own and got a bit scared at first... Anyhow, I be ramblin', ya think ya and ya other lass can get them magics and crafts on some fuel or something ta help us get the cat away from 'ere?”


From: https://mobile.alphacoders.com/wallpapers/view/1012228


The cat was about to walk off when it spotted Aniel came flying at it. An excited Meow! followed as the cast would jog across the roof-top. Then teleporting to the next one over. It'd turn around to look and see if Aniel was following. “Meow! Meow! Meow!” It'd meow out, as if to try encourage him to fly a bit faster. It's tail making slightly annoyed swishing motions at how fast he was going. Where was the fun in a game of chase when you were chased by a winged snail?

Aureliana would be able to spot exactly what she was looking for on the marketplace. A fisher was selling his latest catches.



“Freshest fish, right from the lake!” He'd called out, though when he'd spot Aureliana, he would add. “Ah, newcomer! Welcome! I can't yet offer you the biggest catch in the continent, but I can offer you some of Norroburry's finest lake catches! You can't leave without trying this!”


He held up a stingray like fish by the tail. “I'm telling you, you won't find a tastier fish in the entire country! Slice it up into sashimi, smoke it, stir-fry it, put it in an oven! It'll work in any dish in any way!”

Oddly enough, it seemed that, from the nearby rooftops, the cat Aniel was chasing had started to observe that very exchange between Aureliana and the fisher.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color, [Power Potential] - #0E0101

Elvario Elvario lanzandpine lanzandpine Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

With the new avalanche of pebbles coming their way, Edwin was quick to act. First, the aimed his shield once more at some of the pebbles coming his way, at the very center of the mineral stampedey. "Mana Bolt!" He uttered again, this time around the weaker magical projectile, in a faint azure color, travelled before exploding, trying to clear as many of the rocks aimed at taking him down.

"The VILE BEAST is getting tired! Keep moving and give it no quarter! [Leadership F]" The baronet bellowed from the openings of his helmet, his voice was dry and forcefully. It accepted no rebuttal, as if he were ordering foot soldiers against a flailing troll. They might not have victory, but HE sure would, whatever the cost or expense.

After his orders, he stood tall, an obsidian bulwark against the devilish tyranny of the feline, which jumped up and down, eager to see all the three of them splattered into a red mush. This time around, he prepared his three-pronged lance, waiting for whatever pebble that might end up escaping the magical fury of his shield, attacking it with mercilessly impunity. "HUAAAA!" The fighting scream came accompanied by the crackling of electricity, gathering throughout the extent of his polearm, before he delivered the shocking (I really want this blight to be darkness T_T) attack.

1 - Mana Bolt - Magic E + Magic Range F + Selective F [Targeting only the rolling pebbles] + Magic AoE F (Shield of Brutality and Constancy B) at the very center of the avalanche of pebbles coming his way - 30ft range, 15ft radius - Grade E 1 Posts Cooldown - Int E (2) + Shield B (5) + Ability E (2) = 9 Base Effectiveness
2 - 'Inspire' his allies, questionably, by using his [Leadership F]
3 - Thunderous Lance Impale - Fighting Style E + Deflect F + Blight [Lightning] F + Continuous [Lightning] F - Grade E 0/1 Cooldown - Strength A (6) + Lance B (5) + Ability E (2) + Bolster STR B (5) = 18 Base Effectiveness (-1 to enemy stat through Deflect F)

CDs: (Shield of Brutality and Constancy) - B 0/4 (Shield of Brutality and Constancy) [Locked until Magic Duration E ends], D 1/2, E 0/1
(Personal) - E 0/1

Shadow - Likes to hide in dark places.
Bella - Likes the attention.

Luna - Likes to watch thing roll around.
Tiger - Likes heights and climbing into or onto things.
Oreo - Likes cream.
Smokey - Likes to be near smoke.
Simba - Likes fish and bugs.

[Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 3 – An Ameowzing Job

Arriving at the market, Aureliana looked around for any sign that hinted towards a fishmonger. Luckily, her search didn’t take too long as one had called out to her, offering up a stingray for consideration. She closed the distance between herself and the fisherman, inspecting the supposed ‘tastiest fish of the country.’ Humming softly in thought, she looked between the fish and the seller with an eyebrow slightly raised. “How much? Will this lure a feline, you think?” Aureliana turned slightly, digging into the pouch tied at her hip to pull out her money.

Elvario Elvario
Code by Serobliss
Ul Dyril
(short post, can barely write rn)

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider
Megilagor Megilagor

On Amice's question, she'd feel reluctant to answer.
"I don't know, you'll have to see... " the elf muttered, hearing Viole's definition of creatin and lightly shaking her head.
"Not creatin, 'cretin', as in a disgusting vile low-life of a person" Ul corrected, sighing that it seemed like the magic didn't prove successful either. Sighing softly, guess it was time to see if anyone else had any good ideas. Viole's idea to make a super smoky torch was a good one, but it was still questionable how fast it'd suck up all the smoke from it. Especially since they needed it to last all the way back to the catlady's house.
"Hm, maybe we could use what's here to make a real smoky torch on a much bigger scale. We can use a minecart to put in everything we'll need to make basically a moving bonfire. Minecart wheels don't turn, but we can use something like my bike to pull it instead. All we'll need is to put together a perfect combination of what to include in it... coal and such does get quite smoky. Viole, you think you can help with making something with these contents to make a lot of smoke? Amice, you should help Viole with what he needs" Ul asked, looking to the dwarf. Something he mentioned peaked her interest.

"What are these gems, exactly? You wouldn't mind if I could have a look at one or a few if you happen to have them around?" she'd ask curiously, looking to investigate one of the minecarts to see if its' contents were empty. Her bike was capably strong, though she knew she'd have to keep check of the weight balance just so the cart could even be pulled. Taking some rope into her hands, Ul supposed it would be useful in connecting the two.
"I'm gonna grab my bike. If a horse could pull something like this, it should do the same" she'd suppose. Considering it was a personal special item of hers, it wouldn't take her any time at all to gather it.

1. Use Ask Nicely for Viole and Amice's assistance, and about the gems the dwarf was mentioning
Ask Nicely - Ul uses the power of social convincing, compliments and being nice to persuade someone - Persuasion(F), Seduction(F), Leadership(F), Energized(F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Use rope to secure the minecart to her bike for transporting it

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Femboy Femboy

"Very well." Viole said with a small bow before he retreated to get the minecart and start throwing things he would need inside of it. Then with the help of Amice in handling the easier tasks, he would slowly but surely prepare the most smoky combinations of things with his Alchemical knowledge [Alchemy F]. The work on the most smokey substance they could make was on its way, it would take a while to prepare it all and light it aflame. Lady Ul would probably be able to get her bike over here before Viole and Amice finish making it and putting it into the minecart.
Marius Roswell

Titles: Mundane Human, Isekai, Born for This
Languages: "Common"
Abilities Used:

Elvario Elvario
Maxxob Maxxob
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

It seemed that for the time being Marius escaped an unseemly death as he avoided the boulder, in part aided by Edwin's efforts.

But the danger was not yet over. He felt this to be most true when pebbles began hitting his feet and shins, one pebble almost grazing his face. "What now!?" Marius sputtered, halting his weary sprint. For a moment he thought that the pebbles were, perhaps, a simple aftermath of the boulder rolling down with killing intent, but the growing amount of cobblestones very quickly forced him to change his mind as he stood still, trying to block his face with his forearms.

He hesitated before the oncoming wave of pebbles. Strangely, this is something that he didn't predict at all. There was nowhere to run, no way to dodge. The chance of being stoned to death wasn't appealing enough to keep standing still, however. Marius put his forearms up and dove away, laying prone on the earth, using his arms to block his face and head. He felt the painful lack of armor or any way to defend himself from such an onslaught, and thought about getting adventuring equipment later on. He wondered what he could do against this wave of stones. Running away was not an option, and neither was facing the huge amount of pebbles.
Perhaps weathering this storm was the only thing in his ability. He grit his teeth as he tried to withstand the beating. Hopefully, he thought, Sprinkles could deal with bruising and internal bleeding.
Marius regretted his lack of gear. He decided that after this quest he'll have to prepare himself for more tasks that could be as dangerous as this. Who could've really predicted that cats in this world could bend the earth to its playful will?

From beyond the clashing of pebbles he heard Edwin and his fiery will in his words. Marius felt it a little unfair how he commanded them, despite being the only one armored in such a way, but the knight's words made him remember something important - the sachet.
Yes, the sachet was in his hands, and provided it didn't get ripped apart in the whole tussle, it could become the key to valiantly taking down the furry beast. At the very least he felt it almost necessary to get to Luna faster than Edwin can.

Grunting, he slowly started turning around towards the cat, using his legs and right arm to orient and pull himself, while using the left to stop the oncoming stones from giving him a cerebral hemorrhage. He pushed himself against the pebble wave, digging his feet into the ground and using his lone right arm to pull himself further. Combined with trying to withstand the aching caused by the pebbles and the previous sprint, Marius' army crawl was more resemblant of a crippled snail, but he still moved on.

"Lady Felinus, we'll get them back safely, damn it all," he muttered to himself through his grit teeth as he continued his arduous crawl.
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats. | Upgrade Horse Asset F => E
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Find the missing cats. |
lanzandpine lanzandpine Marius Roswell – Find the missing cats.
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino - Romance
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Amilia – Find the missing cats. |
Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril – Find the missing cats. | Check out Mining Industry, search for an elemental mana-infused item to study (Any Elemental Affinity she doesn't have).
Kikimura Kikimura Tomoko Brandy – Find the missing cats.
Beann Beann Aureliana Solari - Find the missing cats

Norroburry Hillside


Edwin's Mana Bolt was only somewhat effective. Whilst the combination of range and AoE pushed some pebbles out of the trajectory, it didn't get all of them. His blackened lighting would cast a shadowy aura of darker-than-his-soul electricity, as it was shot from his lance and shattered what pebbles remained into charged-up pebbles that shot to all sides. Whilst he hadn't been able to progress further up the hill, he hadn't been pushed back either. He was still about 1/3rd of the way there.

As Marius got buried in a whole load of pebbles, he would forget the way up from the way down for a moment. In fact, it looked like he might get buried alive altogether. Getting bruised and battered a fair bit. Yet, as luck might have it, two things happened.

The first was that the sachet got torn open in the process. Only a bit after, the pebbles around him started moving, until he was freed up and could breath again. He'd been buried a fair bit, as he'd realised he was rather covered in dirt and debris and maybe a good metre deep into the soil. Peaking from atop said soil and having just freed him from being buried alive, was Luna. Meow, meow, meow? The cat was sniffing the air around him, clearly attracted by something.

The second thing that happened was that his hand suddenly ended up glowing even brighter, nearly blinding him, until it faded altogether. As it did, he'd realise all his wounds were suddenly healed. If anything, he'd likely feel even better than ever. Sprinkles had done its job already, it seemed.

Meanwhile, Amilia would get lucky enough not to be buried in pebbles and dirt, but she did end up dragged along with the wave of pebbles that came crashing in. Stumbling and sliding back all the way to the bottom of the hill, she'd eventually come to a halt against a nearby boulder. Her clothing covered in dirt and debris, torn up in a few places and her likely having gained a few minor bruises in the process.

Both Amile and Edwin would notice Marius being buried alive, only for Luna to suddenly stop casting and walk towards him. They'd also see the cat lifting a paw, waving it around with a Meow, meow. after which the dirt and debris cleared away from Marius. They wouldn't see him due to him still being in a metre deep hole, but they would see a bright light coming out of said hole for a moment, as the cat peered into it.


Mine Entrance (inside)

Amice Bellamy


“Alright, I'll help!” She'd state after Ul told Viole to help her and then told Amice to help Viole. Loading up some coal, some lamp oil and even some tar (smokier would nearly be impossible), they got a whole lot of smokey goods into the the mine-cart. Although Amice did end up coated black in coal dust from dragging along and throwing them in as a kid would and even Viole would end up getting his hands dirty from the work.


Upon Ul showing her curiosity about the crystals, the Dwarf nodded. “Sure, hold up for a bit.” He stated, as he'd head into the mines to return with a crystal about the size of his hand that had a brown-ish, grey-ish glow to it. “They aren't worth a lot, I think, but they do have some magical properties to them. It seems they just move the earth and rocks around them a little from time to time, which can be pretty dangerous in the mines as even a bit of movement might make a tunnel collapse, so we've mostly been avoiding them.”

Ul would indeed find a mine-cart and would manage to find rope to tie it to her bike with. They might have to manually keep it stable should they go through sharp corners or hold it back if they were going downhill though.

Upon seeing what Viole and Amice had loaded up, the Dwarf nodded. “That should work, but I should give you fair warning. You'd want to try to avoid inhaling that or you'll suffocate. You might also want to figure out way to put it out as soon as you reach your goal or you'll end up smoking half the town, which I doubt would make you any new friends.”


In the meantime, the cat was just lazing around the bits of smoke that remained near the smelters, although it did seem curious about what the group was up too. Either way, it seemed that they were about ready to start travelling, perhaps after making some last-minute preparations.




The man looked utterly shocked upon Aureliana's response. “A feline?!? You would feed this precious fish to a feline? Milady, you'd best be talking about a feline [Beast] folk that you're planning to take on a date and cook for, or I would be shocked that you'd feed such a valuable fish to a mere animal.”

He scoffed. “If you cannot resist the urge to buy for... animals, I guess I would have some of yesterday's fish that I cannot sell to people in good conscience.” He'd point to a bucket a bit further off from his stall. The reason it was put further off would be clear if she'd get close to it and inhaled, as there was a fairly pungent smell to it. Not exactly rotting, but not exactly fresh either.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color, [Power Potential] - #0E0101

Elvario Elvario lanzandpine lanzandpine Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

The stalwart [Dark Knight], managed to remain untouched by the avalanche of pebbles, no doubt thanks to all the edginess that exuded from his very being. “HAHAHAHAHA! Nothing else could have been expected from such a limp attempt against someone of my pedigree!” He tooted his own horn, now surveying how the ‘battlefield’ looked like.

The scattered pebbles by themselves could not tell the whole story of what had transpired on that hill, but as he gazed in Marius’ direction, or at least where he should have been, a different tale showed itself. “Mmmm, seems like my precise commands were wasted on that boy, what a shame.” He clicked his tongue.

But the burial place of the weaponless man was not the only thing that caught his attention, no. The UNSCRUPULOUS, MANGY BEAST now made its way towards it, probably to goad in its feline language of the life it had scythed away. A flicker of jealousy glimmered momentarily on those dark eyeslits of the baronet’s horned helmet.

“Oh? Is it unburying the corpse?” The very thought amused the corrupted knight. “Certainly it is looking to feast upon its prey~”

The clinking and clattering of metal once more resounded, Edwin walked towards the darkened creature, part of its fur matching the blackness of his own armor. The heavy steps, shield being forward, lance protruding from its side gave a clear indication that the armored juggernaut was still in combat stance.

His steps now took on a different quality: measured and cautionary. Reflexes steeled to react if the earth-bending pest meowed his way. One thing he had already noticed: gagging the feline was essential, for through its meows was how it conjured the earth-shaking arcanic prowess.

“If the corpse is still intact, I suppose I could resurrect it.” He debated inside his darkness filled mind. “I suppose a sliver of grace to the unproven is not all that bad… if only to cash in the rewards afterward."

1/2/3 - Cautionary steps towards the hungry beast Luna

CDs: (Shield of Brutality and Constancy) - B 0/4 (Shield of Brutality and Constancy) [Locked until Magic Duration E ends], D 2/2, E 1/1
(Personal) - E 1/1

Shadow - Likes to hide in dark places.
Bella - Likes the attention.

Luna - Likes to watch thing roll around.
Tiger - Likes heights and climbing into or onto things.
Oreo - Likes cream.
Smokey - Likes to be near smoke.
Simba - Likes fish and bugs.

The stalwart [Dark Knight], managed to remain untouched by the avalanche of pebbles, no doubt thanks to all the edginess that exuded from his very being. “HAHAHAHAHA! Nothing else could have been expected from such a limp attempt against someone of my pedigree!” He tooted his own horn, now surveying how the ‘battlefield’ looked like.

The scattered pebbles by themselves could not tell the whole story of what had transpired on that hill, but as he gazed in Marius’ direction, or at least where he should have been, a different tale showed itself. “Mmmm, seems like my precise commands were wasted on that boy, what a shame.” He clicked his tongue.

But the burial place of the weaponless man was not the only thing that caught his attention, no. The UNSCRUPULOUS, MANGY BEAST now made its way towards it, probably to goad in its feline language of the life it had scythed away. A flicker of jealousy glimmered momentarily on those dark eyeslits of the baronet’s horned helmet.

“Oh? Is it unburying the corpse?” The very thought amused the corrupted knight. “Certainly it is looking to feast upon its prey~”

The clinking and clattering of metal once more resounded, Edwin walked towards the darkened creature, part of its fur matching the blackness of his own armor. The heavy steps, shield being forward, lance protruding from its side gave a clear indication that the armored juggernaut was still in combat stance.

His steps now took on a different quality: measured and cautionary. Reflexes steeled to react if the earth-bending pest meowed his way. One thing he had already noticed: gagging the feline was essential, for through its meows was how it conjured the earth-shaking arcanic prowess.

“If the corpse is still intact, I suppose I could resurrect it.” He debated inside his darkness filled mind. “I suppose a sliver of grace to the unproven is not all that bad… if only to cash in the rewards afterward."
[Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 3 – An Ameowzing Job

“Huh…?” Aureliana looked at the fisherman with a dumbfounded expression, clearly confused at his response. Why should it matter what she was planning to do with the fish if she was the one making the purchase? It was her money, she should be able to spend it how she saw fit. Her eyes shifted over to the bucket he pointed out — there was a reason those fish weren’t displayed upfront and center. She considered the second option for a split second but remembered that this cat belonged to a noble lady. Surely any noble would spoil their pets with only the highest quality of food, right? Her attention was brought back to the more appealing stingray and she offered the fisherman an innocent smile. “Ah, I didn't mean to insinuate I would be feeding these to an animal!” Aureliana chuckled, quickly trying to think of a believable excuse to convince this man to sell her the stingray. “Uh… uh… In fact—!” She held up two fingers. “The feline lady I was trying to impress is quite strong!” The only feline folk that came to mind immediately was the one she met not too long ago: Brandy. “I don’t think she would be satisfied with just one of these. Will you sell me two?”

Elvario Elvario
Code by Serobliss

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Femboy Femboy

"We will clean up after delivering the kitten back home." Viole commented after seeing both his and Amice dirty state after making the smokiest substance they could muster even earning the approval of the dwarf Simin though his warning about not breathing in the smoke was both something Viole forgot to account for since most of his life he spent as a less lifelike construct thus not needing to breath but the form he was given in his last years was lifelike thus he did in fact require to breathe.
"Two of us can create water at command so we probably will try to stop the smoking that way, worse case if we fail we will ride to the lake and use the sand on its beach to cover the burning material to smoother the flames and smoke out." Viole stated how they could possibly stop the thing from burning and generating smoke, drowning the thing in water was the defacto method to do it but just throwing a layer of sand over it could also do the job if need be.
Viole took out a few spare pieces of cloth he mainly used to clean things up or polish things with and wet them with his magical water giving one to Ul, another to Amice, and finally one to himself tying it up around his face so it covered the mouth and nose.
"It's better if we cover up our noses and mouths with them just in case. Should at least buy us some time when the smoke comes our way."
Having covered his mouth Viole moved towards Ul's bike's rear, trying to see if he could reach from its rear the minecart in case they needed to stabilize it as they rode. If and when everyone were ready he would hop onto the back of the bike ready to do his job, with Ul driving it and mayhaps Amice sitting in the middle.
Marius Roswell

Titles: Mundane Human, Isekai, Born for This
Languages: "Common"
Abilities Used:

Elvario Elvario
Maxxob Maxxob
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

The bright light coming from his hand was what forced Marius to come back to his senses.

Before that, he could only feel the battering of stones against his unprotected body. He could only imagine the bruises left on his arms and legs, but even that was a process short-lived as he grit his teeth, forced to endure the attack. He stopped his crawl, in desperation trying to protect his head completely, long, tired breaths and pained grunts escaping his lips. His knuckles were starting to bleed, but being buried underneath all of the pebbles at least meant that no more will be flying straight at him.
The pain was insufferable. Being pelted with small stones, unsurprisingly, was a lot to bear, and it was something that he wasn't ready for. Although, as he crawled, he thought to himself about what to do and which path to take, the wave took his thoughts over and he could only think of bearing the pain and not dying.

The pebbles stopped, eventually, but it was not something he could feel or notice as he laid in the pile of cobblestones, almost curled up and gritting his teeth. For just a second he wondered whether or not he had passed out already, - or even worse, died - but the sharp pain throughout his body reminded him that he was still there and breathing, something that almost escaped his mind due to the painful aching.
And although Luna removed all the pebbles and freed him, he would still stay curled up in the newly-formed hole, face, arms and body covered in soil. The weight of the stones was gone; but the stabbing felt in his appendages couldn't free him still from his pained half-fetal position. But it would come to pass, as, surely, all things did. His eyes fluttered open as his nerves felt soothed, the torn skin mending itself together. Marius got up onto his fours, looking as the light in his hand slowly faded, and so did his wounds and pains. Was Sprinkles really quite amazing? He didn't have the time to think that to himself as he saw Luna come up and tentatively sniff the air.

He looked around, almost as if searching for whatever Luna was looking for herself. Shortly afterwards, he came to a realization that he, in fact, was. Marius looked at his clenched right fist, and slowly uncurled it, revealing a badly torn sachet. It was still not quite clear to him what was in there, but what Lady Felinus said seemed to be certain - Luna stopped. Was this serendipity the very thing that saved him from further pain, or even death?
Marius shuffled and knelt on his left knee, feeling a bit of a stiffness from sitting curled up for so long. Tentatively, almost a little fearful, he grabbed the rest of the sachet with his fingers and shook it around in front of Luna. She was still, regardless of whatever powers she had, a cat - a noble's cat, a domesticated cat. There was, surely, no killing intent behind her. Let her come close, Marius thought to himself. At the very least he could get to pet her, if anything.
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider

Ul hummed softly as she took a good look at the crystal that the dwarf possessed, scratching her chin and smirking at what they had apparently found. Hm, yes, something like this would do nicely for magical research. She had already come across other similar items of similar qualities, this was the kind of thing that'd do nicely. Proposing the idea in her head that the dwarf might fork it over as payment for their assistance, she decided to shoot the question.

"You wouldn't mind if I could get one of those or some more, would you? I think I can know of some good ways to put them to use. Where me and this construct here'll probably be going next, I'm sure I can think of how useful elemental magic sources could be" Ul asked, gesturing to Viole for a moment and turning her attention back to the whole minecart-thing to check up on where it had gotten to. Rolling her eyes at calling this smoke creature a 'kitten', it felt anything but. Hearing out Viole and accepting the cloth, she smiled and gave a small nod.

"Good thinking, as much as I think it'd be nice to stick around, perhaps I'll have to pay a small visit later. The sooner we get this dealt with, the better. I can deal with cats, but non-physical ones are... well, I'll leave it at that" the elf commented, sitting on her bike and leaving place for Amice to join sitting in front of her. Lightly patting, she invited over the... apparently 16-year-old, seeing as Viole was gonna keep attention on the minecart and she didn't exactly think someone not keeping hold of Amice was a safe idea. So she might as well do it.

"Come, it won't bite, and you'll be safe next to me. We'll have this cat home in no time" Ul mentioned, tying the cloth upon her face to keep safe from unclean smog as she'd wait for the little one. Hopefully after Amice joined them, she'd point a finger at the minecart and its' contents to set it alight. Here was to hoping this actually worked and wasn't a colossal waste of resources.

1. (To light the minecart fire) Spellslinger: Fire - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Fire-aligned mana that fires a Fiery Bullet-like Projectile - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Affinity [Fire](E), Affinity [Blight](E), Energized(E), Componentless Magic(E) - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
2. (To drive the bike) Energized(F) + Helming[Bikes](F) + Item (F)(Ul's Dirtbike)
(Fast (F), Jumping (F), Intimidation (F), Regeneration (F), Feature: Offroading Tires)
Flying is hard, ask a bird.
  • "Oi!" Aniel called out cupping his hands in front of his mouth. The cat had its attention on him, yeah, but it seemed like the cat would lose interest in Aniel at any moment. He understood why, it was no fun playing tag with people who could barely sprint. He sighed, he couldn't muster the ability to fly any faster, after all, he was still getting used to having two extra limbs. It was exhausting when you ran faster than what you were used to.

    Aniel was making his way toward the cat at a snail's pace, hoping it was enough to keep him distracted. "Oi kitty!" He called out again, "If you wanna play a real good game of catch then you'd best find yourself on the ground where I can run!" Aniel suggested to the cat, again, speaking as though the cat could fully understand any word he uttered. "I can run way faster on solid ground than I can race across the sky~" He'd further attempt to [Persuade (F)], although he was doing this while slowly inching closer to the cat. Just in case said kitty was far from convinced.
Elvario Elvario Beann Beann Kikimura Kikimura
Language Keys ~ "Common"; {"Sylvan"}​
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats. | Upgrade Horse Asset F => E
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Find the missing cats. |
lanzandpine lanzandpine Marius Roswell – Find the missing cats.
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino - Romance
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Amilia – Find the missing cats. |
Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril – Find the missing cats. | Check out Mining Industry, search for an elemental mana-infused item to study (Any Elemental Affinity she doesn't have).
Kikimura Kikimura Tomoko Brandy – Find the missing cats.
Beann Beann Aureliana Solari - Find the missing cats

Norroburry Hillside

As Edwin's well-tooted horn echoed across the battlefield, the [Dark Knight] would come to examine Marius' early grave and concluded his unfortunate death. Even though the latter was still fairly alive.


Seeing how Edwin didn't initiate any attack against the cat, the cat didn't really bother dealing with him either. It was far more interested in sniffing whatever it was that Marius had on him.

Upon Marius opening up his hand and revealing the torn up sachet, an odd scent would poor out. Now strong enough for even Marius and Edwin to smell it. It'd resemble the scent of catnip, just... even stronger. Luna would walk up to it and started purring like she was possessed, gently swatting her paw towards his hand as if trying to reach it, then bumping her head into his legs. All the while she'd never let up her purring.

It seemed like the catnip, or whatever catnip-like herbs there were in there, had pacified the cat enough to stop 'playing' her lethal games with them. Now would be their chance to pick it up and bring it to Lady Felinus. Preferably before the scent would fade and before the cat would come up with new games to play with them.

On that note, they might want to take some precautions or hurry up, just in case. You'd never know when the cat would start becoming less pacified and it was a long way back to town, after all. Should they go on their way back into town, they would spot a very dark cloud arising, like something was on fire and causing some serious smoke. Edwin in particular might like the utter darkness that was polluting the air and heading towards the home of their client.




His expression would change upon Aureliana's explanation. It seemed he was extraordinarily naïve to believe her entirely, without her having any particular deception skill. Either that, or he just choose to believe what he wanted to hear. Regardless, the result was the same. “Oh, of course! Yes, I did hear that feline [Beast] people do love some quality fish. Oh, wishing to impress the strong feline lady? Of course, I'll sell you my best two! Your date with this lady will surely go smoothly. Just make sure to prepare them well, they are rather delicate in that regard. I'd advice you only use some light herbs, like dill, as to not let the flavour of the fish be overwhelmed. Frying them in oil, on the skin, has the best effect. They don't need to be on for too long. Oh, right, be sure to remove the stinger first. There might still be some poison in there that can paralyse your tongue and make you loose as sense of taste, which would be a waste if it contaminated the rest of the fish.” He'd ramble on for a bit about the fish. With that all said, he'd charge a modest and affordable amount, before giving Aureliana a thumbs up. “Go make her yours!”


Meanwhile, the actual feline these fish were intended for was looking back at Aniel. The cat didn't seem all that assumed as he yawned at Aniel calling out. That said, it seemed the cat could actually somewhat understand Aniel, as it would jump off the rooftops and land on the ground in front of Aniel. Meow? It asked him, as it sat down. Surely... surely it'd only be a short sprint to grab it now, right? The cats tail slightly swayed around behind him, as if he was silently waiting on Aniel to go try this 'race' he suggested. Then again... Even on land, it would probably be tough to beat-out teleportation abilities with speed alone.

That said, they would likely be distracted by a cloud of pitch-black smoke that seemed to be closing in on the village soon enough. It looked like something on fire was somehow entering town and heading towards the home of their client.


Mine Entrance (inside)


The Dwarf would nod at Viole's reassurances. It seemed like they'd be well-prepared enough. Upon Ul asking for the crystals, he shrugged. “Sure, take 'em. These more common ones aren't worth that much unless it's for studying.” He stated, not really minding it if Ul took some of the crystals.

Amice Bellamy


Upon Amice nearly waterboarding herself by trying to breath in the wet cloth directly as she tied it to her face and fumbled around with the knots, she eventually gave up. Not really sure how else to use it, she'd just try to walk wherever the wind wasn't blowing to avoid the smoke. She wouldn't even think about getting on the bike until Ul invited her over. After that, she just tried to climb on. “Alright!” She'd call out, honestly pretty excited to go ride the bike.


The moment they ignored the resources in the mine-cart, it started smoking more and more... Until a dark cloud formed above it. One that even rivalled the darkness of Edwin's heart. The cat clearly loved it, however, as it immediately smoked its way through-out it. With the bike driving, the cat would follow along without complaints. They'd just need to manage to keep this up all the way into town and then figure out how to transfer the cat into lady Felinus' house without smoking out the lady and all her other cats by driving in the smoking minecart.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color, [Power Potential] - #0E0101

Elvario Elvario lanzandpine lanzandpine Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

"Well, well, well, look who is alive and still kicking." Cold amusement tinged the baronet's voice, upon getting close enough to the burial sight to see that Marius was actually alive, the mangy runt was not trying to consume his festering carcass. "Looks like cats aren't the only ones with multiple lives, hmm?"

"Ugh... what a horrid sight..."
He couldn't help but say, seeing Luna being a purring and loving cat, rubbing herself against Marius. "Utterly disgusting... with a scent hat is just as horrible to accompany it." His nose had finally caught the pungent smell of whatever treat was inside the sachet, making his face wince under the horned helmet. "Go on, offer this pest whatever is inside the sachet, but don't dilly-dally. We need to get it to its owner before it starts 'playing earthquake' again."

Not even waiting to see to check if Marius was wounded or not, the corrupted knight would turn around, descending the hill in the direction of his destrier. There, he hoisted himself on the animal with a quick, singular movement, glancing at the tomb of pebbles one more time. "We are wasting daylight!" He warned, already turning the animal around and starting its slow gallop towards their client's house.

Shadow - Likes to hide in dark places.
Bella - Likes the attention.

Luna - Likes to watch thing roll around.
Tiger - Likes heights and climbing into or onto things.
Oreo - Likes cream.
Smokey - Likes to be near smoke.
Simba - Likes fish and bugs.

"Well, well, well, look who is alive and still kicking." Cold amusement tinged the baronet's voice, upon getting close enough to the burial sight to see that Marius was actually alive, the mangy runt was not trying to consume his festering carcass. "Looks like cats aren't the only ones with multiple lives, hmm?"

"Ugh... what a horrid sight..." He couldn't help but say, seeing Luna being a purring and loving cat, rubbing herself against Marius. "Utterly disgusting... with a scent hat is just as horrible to accompany it." His nose had finally caught the pungent smell of whatever treat was inside the sachet, making his face wince under the horned helmet. "Go on, offer this pest whatever is inside the sachet, but don't dilly-dally. We need to get it to its owner before it starts 'playing earthquake' again."

Not even waiting to see to check if Marius was wounded or not, the corrupted knight would turn around, descending the hill in the direction of his destrier. There, he hoisted himself on the animal with a quick, singular movement, glancing at the tomb of pebbles one more time. "We are wasting daylight!" He warned, already turning the animal around and starting its slow gallop towards their client's house.
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider

Ul had quite quickly taken up on the offer of accepting the dwarf's offer of the magic crystal, having given him an added "thanks" as she prepared to take off elsewhere with Viole and Amice. Rather mostly having wished that the Catlady's felines could've all possessed the convenient quality of being physical beings, the elf hoped that this rather eccentric plan would work things out. It was bizarre enough however that woman got this cat in her home in the first place, one would've thought tightness of keeping their cats in house would be better prepared.

Making sure it didn't seem like Amice was gonna fall off, she made sure to keep an eye on the little one as she drove. Giving a small glance to see that the cat they'd went through all of this for still maintained interest, Ul decided she might as well bring up about the problem of what to do after they show up.

"We probably should've thought about this earlier, but the plan for once we reach where we're going? Can't exactly just dump this on the client's carpet and wait for the cat to go in. So, any ideas are appreciated, only thing I can think of is if you're thinking trying to put something in a pocket dimension again would work. Maybe using something of what we're pulling to fill your dimension with smoke'll work better, otherwise I'm rather winging it at this point. Maybe you have a suggestion for moving smoke cats, Amice?" Ul would ask the two though mainly to Viole to propose the dimension suggestion, keeping a focus on driving as she fished for ideas on how to proceed. To herself, she thought she could try using magic again, but it didn't feel like the resulting smoke was strong enough.

1. (To drive the bike) Energized(F) + Helming[Bikes](F) + Item (F)(Ul's Dirtbike) (Fast (F), Jumping (F), Intimidation (F), Regeneration (F), Feature: Offroading Tires)
Tag! You're it—wait is that a fire?!
  • Aniel was about to cry when it seemed like the cat was mocking him. He was so pathetic he was being mocked by a cat. A cat! Those cute things that failed at jumping across cars to garage gutters; whom sat in boxes instead of the expensive cat bed you bought them! The kitty yawned at him, was he that boring? Well, it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Well, nothing but cute guys and gals, romance and drama. Where was all the romance in this town, anyway? It was so miserably morose to make Aniel want to cry. Wait he already wanted to cry. He was going to sob a new lake. Yes, a new lake. Of tears.

    Aniel cleared his throat, "See?! Now you have leveled the playing field! Ain't that more fair'n'fun?" The swainling came down with a flair, gliding down in a circle as he'd land near the cat. "Okay so the game's simple kitty! If I catch you, you're it and then you have to catch me—and no teleporting! That's cheating y'know? To make it a fair, I won't fly~" Aniel proposed, again leveraging his poor [Persuasion F] once more. He'd clear his throat, "Ready, steady..." He'd begin, his foot tapping the ground,

    With the third tap, Aniel yelled "Go!" with a smile, beginning his chase after the cat (assuming it too would begin to run). Aniel's plan was simple, chase the cat toward Lady Cathy's house, then he'd both humour the cat and get his job done, hopefully meaning that said cat wouldn't just... teleport outside of Catherine's house. Aniel caught sight of the smoke, wincing as he realised it was headed right toward Lady Catherine's house... He hoped that this tiger striped cat didn't hate smoke or something... And he hoped that it was a massive fire ball that pulled through the ground toward Lady Cathy's house.

    Anyway, where were those other two hotties supposed to be?! He thought they were supposed to be helping or somethin—
Elvario Elvario Beann Beann Kikimura Kikimura
Language Keys ~ "Common"; {"Sylvan"}​
[Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 3 – An Ameowzing Job

“Ah… yes, yes… mhmm…” Aureliana nodded along as the fisherman offered his suggestions in regards to preparing the fish. She pretended to listen to him but her attention was briefly pulled to a cloud of smoke off in the distance. With a raised eyebrow, she shifted her focus back to him in time to make note of the possible poison in the stinger. Although the stingray was not actually intended for Brandy, she wouldn’t want to poison a cat — let alone a noblewoman’s cat. “I appreciate it. Thank you.” She nodded after they made the quick exchange.

With the fish acquired, she started to head towards where she last saw the cat run off. While her main objective was to help catch the cat, she couldn’t help but express curiosity towards the smoke nearby.

Elvario Elvario
Code by Serobliss

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