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Finished [Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 3 – An Ameowzing Job.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently open to be joined.

What to expect out of character:
Round-turning/narrative posts are planned every Wednesday and Sunday around noon (UTC+1), so post before then or risk being skipped. The total duration of the RP is aiming to be about a month, with two months being the upper limit.

The RP is a Slice of Life with some antics and humour thrown in. In part 1 and part 2, the current cast has captured a few of the whimsical and skilful cats. Other folk might (re)join to figure out how to capture the remaining three in this RP.

What to expect in character:
The RP takes place in Norroburry Village on the request of (to be added) NPC Lady Catherin Felinus, a former noblewoman and famous buddy trainer whom was involved in the wars predating the forming of Ryke itself. She is now looking for noble adventurer to help her find her lost cats. Only three more remain, but the fact that those three stuck out longer than the others might only indicate that they might be an even bigger handful than the earlier ones caught...

When joining, please let me know the following things in your first post:
  • Asset goals. - Whether it is related to the RP or not doesn't matter, if you wish to obtain an asset during the duration of this RP or upgrade an existing one, let me know so we can formalise it. That's enough to achieve it.
  • Narrative goals. - Any side-goals and quests related to the plot that you might wish to add for the sake of lore/flavour. Also if you wish for the obtained of an asset/skill to be an 'involved' part of the RP. I'll see what I can do in such cases.
  • Character owned Point Boosters. - Attentive Student, Mentor, Devour, Narrative Booster. So that I know when/if to include them during narration or in grading.
  • [Wanted] Titles – So that I know to involved the Hunters somehow to ensure it won't negatively affect the aftermath. Also let me know where to find information about the Hunting party to use for their involvement.
  • [Criminal] or [Monster] Titles – Certain settings might be more difficult to access as a criminal or monster. If those are in possession of the character, they might need some extra/alternative routes to be worked into the story and might risk facing some serious hostility form (N)PC's if found out.
  • Buddy Skills | Masterwork Skills | Complex Assets – If your character has any of these skills with passive elements to them, let me know so I can add it to the grading sheet post-RP.

Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.) | RP Goal is to upgrade the nobility connection from C to B (changed due to not being granted in the previous RP).
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
lanzandpine lanzandpine Marius Roswell – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino - Romance | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Amelia – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
( Kikimura Kikimura If you're still interested let me know which character you'd be joining with.)
( Cutiefly Cutiefly – Forgot if you were debating a third character to join with or if that was another thing.)
( Etymarchen Etymarchen – Give me Tiefy PC)

From: https://mobile.alphacoders.com/wallpapers/view/1012228

Catherin Felinus


From: Microsoft CoPilot.

It wasn't long after Oreo was given her cream that Edwin, Marius and Amili were able to make it back to lady Felinus. After apologising for leaving without a word, Oreo convinced the lady to try some scones with cream and jam as well. Something that seemed to quickly make up for the cat's earlier mistakes. “Oh dear, I almost forgot how well your recipes work Oreo. I'm sorry we couldn't bring any of our chefs along. Perhaps we can sent for one of them to see if they'd still wish to join our employ.”



“It would bring me no greater joy, milady!” The cat practically purred. However, she had another thin on her mind. “However, milady, wouldn't you agree that sir Stormcrest is surprisingly handsome? Wouldn't you agree that he's also surprisingly capable and well-mannered... and I've heard he's also single~” The cat meowed, seemingly trying to 'suggest' something.

“Oh, on the topic of servants, perhaps we should hire one of those.” Oreo pointed at Amilia and Marius. “The woman also has surprisingly good manners and the other one... well, I guess he's slightly above the common rabble here? Which is clearly already a lot.”

It seemed lady Felinus was just sipping from her tea (which she'd also offered to Edwin, Marius and Amilia upon their return with Oreo along with her scones, cream and jam).. Upon Oreo's talk, it seemed she took a bit of extra time to sip from the cup and tactfully remain silent for now.


Mine Entrance (inside)


“Aight. This be working, ya reckon?” The dwarf asked, as they'd fixed up two ramshackle billows from whatever materials had been at hand. It'd been a fair bit of a job, but at least they'd gotten something out of it. “Now we just need a third to operate one of 'em. I take it the little lassie can't handle 'em.”

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“What! I'm stronger than I look!” She called out in protest. Only to utterly feel at pressing down the billow, even using her full weight on it. “Oh...” She stated, rather disappointed. “Maybe we can use two at once? Or should we find the weird man again? Or...” She shook her head. Getting into the mines to find some other works to help out as definitely out of the question for her.


From: https://mobile.alphacoders.com/wallpapers/view/1012228

As Aniel was very, amazingly, draggingly slowly (seriously, why is Flight F at 4.82 kmh even slower than the average walking speed of 5.1 km/h?) flying around, he would eventually spot some bright orange-black-white fur... a tiger-patterned cat sitting atop the roof of the big dormitory building in the centre of the city.


With seemingly no fear for its own well-being, the cat was seated at the very highest, pointed bit of the roof. On the very edge of it. Casually staring down into the deep abyss below.
Last edited:
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Elvario Elvario Specific Goals: Check out Mining Industry, search for an elemental mana-infused item to study (Any Elemental Affinity she doesn't have)

Ul had rather went off on her own to take her own look around Norroburry for a while, considering she hadn't just come to play around with cats all day. Plus, she at least had the convenience of Viole working on that part, though the elf had gotten a rather concerned thought in her mind of having been likely to ditch the construct multiple times in her own self-centered pursuit of progression. She didn't usually ever have an assisting companion after all.

"Ugh... fine, I'll go find 'em. The help would probably be good for later, rather than leaving Viole to wonder where I've went off to without them yet again" Ul muttered, supposing she'd best stop her look into her own matters for now. Although, doing her best to try and look and ask around on where to go, she'd feel like directions for the construct would point her in the direction of the town's mines anyway, which was somewhere she was personally looking to seek out. It might prove important answers on the mining industry in Ryke and exportation, but there was usually always cool stuff in mines and the likes. If there was perhaps some shard or long-buried item that might assist with harnessing another element of this world, one might be conveniently lying down there.

Making her way to the Norroburry mines, she'd do her best to take a look around for her construct companion finding it didn't take as long as she thought it'd be.
"Hey, how are you getting on? Kinda got distracted elsewhere, had some things of interest to look into. What are you doing in the mines exactly, are you really looking for cats all the way down here?" Ul questioned, assuming that I understood it right that Megilagor Megilagor 's Viole is here.​
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color, [Power Potential] - #0E0101

Point Boosters: Attentive Student E
RP Goals: Asset Upgrade Horse F→ Horse E (An EVIL and DASTARDLY horse)

Elvario Elvario lanzandpine lanzandpine Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

At some point during the trip back to the client’s house, Edgywin had put on his horned helmet on once more. He simply couldn’t bear his skin being exposed to the air of such an insignificant, peasant riddled village any longer. Plus, it wouldn’t make him any good to have his skin scorched by the sun, as that complexion is better left for the lowly crawling vermin who happened to work the fields.

“Indeed, Lady Oreo recipes were quite something. It has been too long since I’ve tasted anything decent outside the capital.” The rumbling voice, behind the helmet, actually sounded… happy? Armageddon might be approaching and none were aware of it yet. “It was certainly worth it taking on this request.” What first began with the corrupted knight not having a more bloodthirsty option, now turned into something that made it possible to appease his refined taste. Quite exquisite.

With his helmet lifted slightly, only to leave access to his own mouth, the baronet sipped the tea offered by their host, yet remained standing. There were still some of the furred pests to be found and, if they happened to lose daylight, he wasn’t sure in even his own skills to find out those beasts’ whereabouts. However, even while deciding who might they or at least he, go after next, the sugar-loving cat made a curious comment. Curious enough to draw Edgywin’s gaze towards lady Felinus.

“Mmmmm…” A silent hum left his closed lips, as his azure eyes, behind the cover of the dark eye slits of his headgear, looked at the retired noblewoman up and down. She certainly did not show advanced age and her proportions were very pleasant for a man like Edgywin. He was certain that he would have no shortage of fun with a woman like her. But the cats… ugh, the cats… that was the dealbreaker, even with Oreo’s very self and Catherin’s delicious measurements pulling the scale to the favorable side.

“... ah, of course lady Oreo would have a keen eye and sharp mind to appraise the qualities of someone like myself, and I’m flattered by the possibility being suggested.” The baronet began, in his own egotistical manner. Having sipped the very last of the tea, and his vanity fed, he placed the cup on top of the nearby table and readjusted his horned helmet, closing it fully. “But alas, I’m still striking out and carving my own scars into the annals of history. My absence would be much greater than my presence. [Etiquette F]That were the words for his refusal, which actually contained truth, just didn’t talk about the little mangy runts.

He didn’t butt in Amilia and Marius’ possible employment, instead, he recalled from memory about the other missing ones. “I suppose we might go after Luna next, the cat that likes to watch things rolling around. Guess that might be the village’s entrance with the caravans entering this place? Or maybe there is a Windmill somewhere in this village?” That is what he imagined.

Shadow - Likes to hide in dark places.
Bella - Likes the attention.

Luna - Likes to watch thing roll around.
Tiger - Likes heights and climbing into or onto things.
Oreo - Likes cream.
Smokey - Likes to be near smoke.
Simba - Likes fish and bugs.

At some point during the trip back to the client’s house, Edgywin had put on his horned helmet on once more. He simply couldn’t bear his skin being exposed to the air of such an insignificant, peasant riddled village any longer. Plus, it wouldn’t make him any good to have his skin scorched by the sun, as that complexion is better left for the lowly crawling vermin who happened to work the fields.

“Indeed, Lady Oreo recipes were quite something. It has been too long since I’ve tasted anything decent outside the capital.” The rumbling voice, behind the helmet, actually sounded… happy? Armageddon might be approaching and none were aware of it yet. “It was certainly worth it taking on this request.” What first began with the corrupted knight not having a more bloodthirsty option, now turned into something that made it possible to appease his refined taste. Quite exquisite.

With his helmet lifted slightly, only to leave access to his own mouth, the baronet sipped the tea offered by their host, yet remained standing. There were still some of the furred pests to be found and, if they happened to lose daylight, he wasn’t sure in even his own skills to find out those beasts’ whereabouts. However, even while deciding who might they or at least he, go after next, the sugar-loving cat made a curious comment. Curious enough to draw Edgywin’s gaze towards lady Felinus.

“Mmmmm…” A silent hum left his closed lips, as his azure eyes, behind the cover of the dark eye slits of his headgear, looked at the retired noblewoman up and down. She certainly did not show advanced age and her proportions were very pleasant for a man like Edgywin. He was certain that he would have no shortage of fun with a woman like her. But the cats… ugh, the cats… that was the dealbreaker, even with Oreo’s very self and Catherin’s delicious measurements pulling the scale to the favorable side.

“... ah, of course lady Oreo would have a keen eye and sharp mind to appraise the qualities of someone like myself, and I’m flattered by the possibility being suggested.” The baronet began, in his own egotistical manner. Having sipped the very last of the tea, and his vanity fed, he placed the cup on top of the nearby table and readjusted his horned helmet, closing it fully. “But alas, I’m still striking out and carving my own scars into the annals of history. My absence would be much greater than my presence. [Etiquette F]” That were the words for his refusal, which actually contained truth, just didn’t talk about the little mangy runts.

He didn’t butt in Amilia and Marius’ possible employment, instead, he recalled from memory about the other missing ones. “I suppose we might go after Luna next, the cat that likes to watch things rolling around. Guess that might be the village’s entrance with the caravans entering this place? Or maybe there is a Windmill somewhere in this village?” That is what he imagined.
Tomoko Brandy

Brandy was on one of her infamous training pilgrimages—if you could even call them that. In truth, she was just wandering aimlessly, getting into scuffles with anyone dumb enough to cross her, breaking a few bones (mostly her own), and stirring up just enough trouble with the law to get a warning before she left town. She thrived on chaos, it seemed, but never let it settle too long. Brandy was, by all accounts, a vagabond.

Word of her closest friend's death had finally reached her, carried on hushed whispers and rumors. Her sharp cat ears twitched at the news, her tail flicking behind her in frustration and grief she refused to show. She kept her hands stuffed deep in her pockets as she trudged along the lonely path, her shoulders hunched beneath the weight of thoughts she couldn’t shake.

The dusty roads carried her to Norroburry, the town rising on the horizon like a promise—or maybe a threat. She didn’t know what awaited her there, nor did she care. Brandy wasn’t the type to make plans; she moved with instinct, driven by a mix of raw emotion and a need to keep moving forward, even if it meant walking straight into more trouble.

Apologies for being lateee~! totally escaped my mind. love yallll~! <3 *gives fishesms*
Personal space is still not word in my dictionary.
  • Aniel was lavishly leisurely 'bout his flight through the sky. His plight was no big deal after all. He quite enjoyed what was equivalent to a bird's stroll, although, again; once you got used to flying it became as mundanely boring as is walking. Everything seemed incredibly tiny from up high, flowers were spots of colour, people were like ants, and roads and streets strung through buildings like lines between shapes. Well, it didn't matter, as Aniel would eventually find in his view the thing—he believed—that he was looking for.

    "AAAAAAAH~♡" Again, he squealed as if he were playing the trumpet as if to announce the arrival of some great calamity upon the world. "Hiiii there~! You adorable little tiger-striped cutie-pie! ♡" He'd drag out his sentence as he flew down to the cat who balanced upon the tippy-top of the dormitory's roof. "How'd you get up 'ere?! Oh my, I do say you have gotten up so high~♡" He'd circle around the cat before outstretching his arms to the cat, "Come now, come now kitty dar~ling♡ Miss Cathy really absolutely totally misses you, y'know? Oh, and~ I can take you up higher whilst we fly to her!" Aniel offered as if the cat could understand him. He was the type of person who talked to animals as if they were people.
Language Keys ~ "Common"; {"Sylvan"}​
[Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 3 – An Ameowzing Job
Leaping off the back of the wagon, her worn boots created a satisfying thud against the ground below. “Thanks,” the redhead nodded in appreciation towards the rest of the caravan members that allowed her to hitch a ride with them. Aureliana wasn’t particularly searching for Norroburry, any place would have done just fine but it just so happened that a couple of miners were setting off for the small village at the same time she was about to depart on foot from her hometown. A free ride to somewhere new was a win in her book. However, as she wandered the streets of Norroburry, she couldn’t help but be reminded of another small village in the Eastern Empire. Fragmented memories bubbled up to the surface of her mind but nothing more, leaving her more curious to explore this village to see if she would be reminded of anything else.

While aimlessly traversing, a figure of pink and red caught her attention. Her eyes traveled up, causing her to tilt her head back until she spotted someone atop the roof of a building. Along with said person was a striped feline. Aureliana squinted her eyes in an attempt to get a clearer view before cupping her mouth with both hands to amplify the sound of her voice. “Hey! You! Up there! Stop harassing that cat!”

Interactions: Faynorae Faynorae

Code by Serobliss
Marius Roswell

asfwqe_scaled_6x_pngcrushed-transformed (2).png
Current Goal: Find the cats! Chat with people and get more connections on the way.
Titles: Mundane Human, Isekai, Born for This
Languages: Common
Abilities Used:

Elvario Elvario
Maxxob Maxxob
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Marius' interaction with the chefs that were brave enough to handle all the effort of being berated proved that treating people like people paid off, as surprising as that reveleation is.
The shortbread smelled fairly nice. It was a bit of a shame that Marius wasn't the biggest sweet tooth. But he could definitely go for a snack - surely it's been long enough since his arrival to Norroburry. Ah, to eat pastries with a bit of coffee. He remembered that he still has no idea whether coffee even exists in this world, and that made him sigh in despair.
But sorrow was to be put off for better times. As they arrived once more at Lady Felinus' abode, he'd give the retired noble a small bow and a smile at the entrance.

He sipped at the tea together with the rest, taking on an unassuming stature. This was certainly a nice breather from the threats of arson and a hellish kitchen, which he felt that he shouldn't take for granted. Marius, then, sat still, deep in important thought - what should he eat for dinner and where should he get shelter?
He perked up at Oreo's talk of being hired. "Yes?" he'd say, shifting his gaze from his reflection in the tea to Lady Felinus, as the words 'common rabble' left the haughty cat's mouth. Marius gladly let Oreo's suggestion to the noble regarding Edwin go past his ears and let that be a matter of their own.
He was primed to immediately decline the offer, but Lady Felinus, keeping her silence, forced him to continue sipping his tea without a word. Perhaps this was something to be put off for later times. There was a mission on their hand, after all, and Edwin's words reminded him, and hopefully everyone else, of their duty. "Yes, I suppose that we ought to get going," - Marius began as he finished his tea, a refresher that was welcomed with open arms, - "Thank you very much for your hospitality, Lady Felinus. We will see to it that your pets make it back in health." His eyes would wander around the room and look for Sprinkles as he got up from the seat. That cat was certainly nice, and, reassuringly, not hostile or abrasive. It'd surely do him a bit of good to pet it.

The presence of a bakery would hint at the possibility of a developed culinary culture. Although he doesn't know whether or not Norroburry has a cafe or any faculties of such sort, Marius was hopeful. To have a good meal with good coffee - such luxuries are to be appreciated.
Besides, he was still a bit bitter over the clotted cream and his inability to spring to action as fast as he could. Who knows what this world has in store? He had to be ready for every occassion. Neither working retail nor flipping patties was too much for him. Perhaps he could find a nice restaurant to work at. He'd remember an old dream of his - to open up a cafe in a quaint place and build a haven for the restless. He felt that it was a matter of course that it wasn't in his power to do so. But Norroburry made those feelings of his well up once more.
But Marius had to return to the matter at hand - finding felines. He was ready to leave, together with his two colleagues in this task. This quest is certainly an interesting experience.
Amilia - F
The party of three arrived back at the home of the retired Lady, Amilia carrying Oreo with a satisfied smiled as her hand slowly stroked the cats fur. When they entered the house, Oreo was promptly released and Amilia had returned to her polite self, flashing a elegant smile as it was her first time meeting the owner of the cats. She didn't speak much at first, not daring to introduce herself while Oreo got reacquainted with her home and the offer of tea was brought forth. At that time, she took the initiative and gave a proper curtsy.

The name is Amilia, m'lady. I have heard of great stories about your time in High Society, and even lovelier stories about the unique companions you keep with you.

Amilia spoke, sipping on some tea after finishing a scone. Had she heard of this lady before, yes. But was it to the grand scale that she was playing it up to be, not exactly. The way to appease the society is flatter them with compliments or show off your wealth, one of which Amilia did not wish to do. When Oreo mentioned for her to be employed by the noblewoman, Amilia nearly choked on her tea. Was she being offered to become a servant? She chuckled at the thought, but dismissed it as she would rather not get too involved in somewhere that would eventually vanish from her grasp. Instead, she looked over at Edwin as he spoke and nodded, reasoning his estimation would be right.

"So, should we head to the gate? It would be the closest area right? And I think there was a few windmills out in the farms."

The party of three arrived back at the home of the retired Lady, Amilia carrying Oreo with a satisfied smiled as her hand slowly stroked the cats fur. When they entered the house, Oreo was promptly released and Amilia had returned to her polite self, flashing a elegant smile as it was her first time meeting the owner of the cats. She didn't speak much at first, not daring to introduce herself while Oreo got reacquainted with her home and the offer of tea was brought forth. At that time, she took the initiative and gave a proper curtsy.

The name is Amilia, m'lady. I have heard of great stories about your time in High Society, and even lovelier stories about the unique companions you keep with you.

Amilia spoke, sipping on some tea after finishing a scone. Had she heard of this lady before, yes. But was it to the grand scale that she was playing it up to be, not exactly. The way to appease the society is flatter them with compliments or show off your wealth, one of which Amilia did not wish to do. When Oreo mentioned for her to be employed by the noblewoman, Amilia nearly choked on her tea. Was she being offered to become a servant? She chuckled at the thought, but dismissed it as she would rather not get too involved in somewhere that would eventually vanish from her grasp. Instead, she looked over at Edwin as he spoke and nodded, reasoning his estimation would be right.

"So, should we head to the gate? It would be the closest area right? And I think there was a few windmills out in the farms."

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Femboy Femboy

"For something makeshift we did I could say this is masterwork." Viole spoke as he helped the dwarf move the billows in place. Though the billows being so hard to work at he did need to find someone to help them with working them.
That was then that he heard his ladyship Ul's voice growing louder and louder as she came closer.
"Ah milady, your here. For your information the cats in question have certain weird habits and are not normal in any sense of the world. So far we found a cat that could vanish from sight, a cat that could transform into a lion, and we think the smoky one is here hiding in the smelters. We need someone to help work the bellows to spook the cat out of the smelters and to catch it. If you could help us with the bellows it would be a god send." Viole exclaimed and asked his ladyship, though he would prefer not to have her work the bellows they needed to make this work in some way, especially with the dwarf beside them already having done a lot of compromising.
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats. | Upgrade Horse Asset F => E
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
lanzandpine lanzandpine Marius Roswell – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino - Romance | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Amilia – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril – Find the missing cats. | Check out Mining Industry, search for an elemental mana-infused item to study (Any Elemental Affinity she doesn't have).
Kikimura Kikimura Tomoko Brandy – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Beann Beann Aureliana Solari - Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)

Mine Entrance (inside)


The Dwarf would notice Ul approach and would call out according. “Oi, lass, if you're here and you know these folk, how about you help billowing out the smelters? I'll ehhh. Yeah, what the construct lass said. I'll give ya a tour through the mines or something, if that's what ya want. Or if ye'rr involved with these, ya might just wanna help fix it to begin with, ya know?” It seemed he was grasping at straws trying to recruit her into dealing with the ongoing challenge.

He'd turn to Viole. “Calling this a masterwork would harm my Dwarven pride, lass, but it'll do. Although these cats y'err speaking off surely sound like trouble. Ya reckong the cat in 'ere also got 'em tricks?”

Amice Bellamy


Amice was glad to see a familiar face return. “Hello again miss Ul! Did you have a nice time going around with your... bey... bye... bike!” She was proud of herself for getting that word right. “Oh, yes! We could use help! I... I don't think I can do the billow thing.” She'd say, sounding sad at her own lack of strength.


Catherin Felinus


From: Microsoft CoPilot.

After a (possibly awkward) bit of silence and Edwin's reply, she'd chuckle. “You're correct. Your presence out there, in the wide world, would be much better than with an old woman such as me. Please don't suggest such silly things again, Oreo.” She'd eventually reply with an even higher level of etiquette (D) in turn.

She'd nod at Marius' statement. “You have my gratitude, mister...” What was his name again? She forgot if she'd even learned it to begin with. Either way, she was a tad relieved someone more 'normal' was also going after her cats. Not that she didn't trust the other two, but this man seemed slightly less likely to kill half the village along the way.


Marius was able to find and pet Sprinkles, the cat purring softly. Yet he would realise that the hand he'd petted the cat with had started to glow. A lot.

“Don't worry, it'll go away within a week a most. Probably earlier.” Catherin told him. It seemed he'd be stuck with a brightly glowing hand now.

She'd turn to Amilia after. “A pleasure to meet you miss Amilia.” Catherin would reply upon the introduction. “Oh, please, at least some of those stories are highly exaggerated.” She chuckled. Only some of them were.



Amelia had gotten some purrs out of Oreo on the way back. The cat satisfied with her personal carrier. It seemed neither Amilia or Marius were eager to become more permanent servants. It was a fairly big shame, but so be it.

Upon hearing about her fellow feline, she figured she'd help out a bit as a way of thanks. “Luna? I think I saw her heading deeper into the hills, south of here. You'll want to go past the lake. Though you'd best be careful, she seemed like she was really bored and she... she is dangerous when bored.”

“Oh dear...” Lady Felinus would reply after hearing about the cat. “I'm sure the brave knight and his aides can handle it. A little earth magic shouldn't stop them. Although if Luna's as energetic as Oreo suggest, I'd suggesting trying to approach from the right angle to avoid being flattened. You'll understand when you hear and see.” She'd advise them as she stood up and walked over, grabbing a sealed sachet. “If she's too rowdy, just make sure she smells this and she'll be calm as a kitten.” She handed Edwin a small sachet that seemed to be tightly sealed.

The group would be able to head for the mountains in the indicated direction whilst making up a plan that would somehow capture a rowdy earth-magic cat unharmed with nothing but their wits and some sachet of... Something.


From: https://mobile.alphacoders.com/wallpapers/view/1012228

As Brandy walked into town, she'd immediately spot an utmost peculiar scene. An odd pink-red looking man (Aniel) flying around to chase a cat atop the rooftop of the highest and largest building in town. She was looking for trouble and it seemed like she'd found it immediately.

Another one who'd found the same trouble was Aureliana. Brandy would hear her call out of the pink-red man to stop harassing the cat whilst Aureliana would spot the far less cutesy and far more buff cat walk into town short after her own arrival.


Both of them were able to witness Aniel keep doing what he was doing. The cat would slowly walk along the edge as Aniel approached. His flight too slow to keep up with the cat's walking pace. As he outstretched his arm, the cat jumped away from him. His offer to bring the cat home was answered with a Meow. as the cat just walked off, balancing closely on the edge of the roof... Until the cat simply jumped off...

Seemingly without any care for its own safety, the cat plummeted towards the ground. Even cats, who normally always landed on their feet, were bound to be unable to escape a fall from this height unharmed. Yet that didn't seem to have stopped the cat from jumping. Brandy and Aureliana would see it happen as well, though from there perspective, it might look more like Aniel had chased the cat off of the roof.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color, [Power Potential] - #0E0101

Elvario Elvario lanzandpine lanzandpine Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

(Since we are in three characters, while the other cats are being cared by two, I assume Tomoko will end up joining either dealing with Tiger or Smokey.)

With the sachet lying inside his palm, Edgywin peered towards it curiously. For the moment, he had no idea of what it was, but he was confident that Lady Felinus wouldn't have provided them with something ineffective. Even more with one of her repulsive, purring little monster's life on the line. "Earth magic..." He mumbled, in a rather low tone. Maybe it would be the perfect time to test the shield he had acquired, but hadn't put into use just yet. "... don't worry, lady Felinus. We shall return with your dear cat." The word 'dear' made his stomach churn with distaste.

And, turning towards both Marius and Amalia. "Seems like we are heading towards the hills, rather than the entrance. Let's move and talk about strategy along the way." The last thing the baronet would do is to talk about how they are going to approach this in front of the client. He began walking towards the door, crimson cape shuffling behind him. "Don't let the cat escape." He warned, without elaborating too much about it. He would open the door to exit the house, quickly heading towards his horse.

Hoisting himself on top of the animal, his sabatons would hit against the sides of the animal, making it gallop. The corrupted knight chose to keep a low speed, to be sure the other two could accompany him. "Are any of you two fast?" He asked, holding out the closed sachet. "Either that or stealthy enough to get the jump on the furred pest." At that moment, he would not pretend and his disgust for the cat dripped from his voice. "If not, I will draw the attention of that vermin and 'block' whatever Earth Attacks the runt might have, while you two subdue it." Those are the first plans that came to his mind. "Ah, as much as it would be hilarious: no burning the cat." He said that, looking at Amilia specifically, letting out a sinister chuckle. The image was rather appealing...

Shadow - Likes to hide in dark places.
Bella - Likes the attention.

Luna - Likes to watch thing roll around.
Tiger - Likes heights and climbing into or onto things.
Oreo - Likes cream.
Smokey - Likes to be near smoke.
Simba - Likes fish and bugs.

With the sachet lying inside his palm, Edgywin peered towards it curiously. For the moment, he had no idea of what it was, but he was confident that Lady Felinus wouldn't have provided them with something ineffective. Even more with one of her repulsive, purring little monster's life on the line. "Earth magic..." He mumbled, in a rather low tone. Maybe it would be the perfect time to test the shield he had acquired, but hadn't put into use just yet. "... don't worry, lady Felinus. We shall return with your dear cat." The word 'dear' made his stomach churn with distaste.

And, turning towards both Marius and Amalia. "Seems like we are heading towards the hills, rather than the entrance. Let's move and talk about strategy along the way." The last thing the baronet would do is to talk about how they are going to approach this in front of the client. He began walking towards the door, crimson cape shuffling behind him. "Don't let the cat escape." He warned, without elaborating too much about it. He would open the door to exit the house, quickly heading towards his horse.

Hoisting himself on top of the animal, his sabatons would hit against the sides of the animal, making it gallop. The corrupted knight chose to keep a low speed, to be sure the other two could accompany him. "Are any of you two fast?" He asked, holding out the closed sachet. "Either that or stealthy enough to get the jump on the furred pest." At that moment, he would not pretend and his disgust for the cat dripped from his voice. "If not, I will draw the attention of that vermin and 'block' whatever Earth Attacks the runt might have, while you two subdue it." Those are the first plans that came to his mind. "Ah, as much as it would be hilarious: no burning the cat." He said that, looking at Amilia specifically, letting out a sinister chuckle. The image was rather appealing...
Last edited:
Marius Roswell

asfwqe_scaled_6x_pngcrushed-transformed (2).png
Titles: Mundane Human, Isekai, Born for This
Languages: Common
Abilities Used:

Elvario Elvario
Maxxob Maxxob
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Marius gaped at his glowing hand. The glow wasn't faint at all, and it seemed that he had made himself a new nightlight. He also found it strange that his first concern was how this would affect his ability to get a good night's sleep.
He'd perk up and nod at Lady Felinus' reassuring remark, an awkward smile fitting him well as it graced his lips. "Well, as long as it doesn't kill me," he said, wiggling his digits around in fascination.

He didn't comment on Oreo and Lady Felinus' statements about Luna - the next cat that they had to catch. Or his name being forgotten, but that was an entirely different matter. Nevertheless, hearing something about the dangers of their task and the possibility of being 'flattened' was quite concerning. Marius wasn't aware of a possible 'next life' after this one, and he wasn't eager to experiment, no matter how interested he was in seeing what afterlife might bring. He certainly didn't expect this quest to become possibly deadly. But as he gave Sprinkles another glance, he felt a bit of relief come up. If anything happens, he has Sprinkles.

For now, however, he resigned to following Edwin and Amilia, having learned the latter's name just now.
Marius enjoyed the idea of walking around the hills and taking in the scenery. Norroburry was quite the rural place, but in Marius' eyes this brought more benefits. He imagined himself sitting in the garden with a book and cup of tea, - or with nothing at all, simply sitting around would suffice - letting his eyes slowly go glazed as he sat still, his stare fixated on the nature around him. Yes, perhaps even such moments were to be sought for, albeit this was certainly a romanticization of his life. He was no aristocrat.

But Marius' idyllic dreams were cut short by Edwin's query, and he suddenly remembered the fact that he could be flattened by a magic cat and its antics.

"Fast?" - Marius perked up, scratching his neck - "Well, I did run track- uh," - Was track and field even a thing? - "I have some experience with athletics. I'm not the fastest, but I suppose I could do something?" He let the suggestion hang in the air. Surely he was faster than the large, imposing knight, that was certain, but he didn't know what Amilia had in store.
Although he didn't want to put himself in danger of being crushed and left splattered around on the hills of Norroburry, leaving a trail of viscera for everyone else to clean up, Marius did believe in teamwork. He wasn't that hesitant to try and get the jump on the cat. Surely the rest of the group would spring to action and save him from death. Surely.

"If I'm the fastest here, then I could try to do something with that sachet," Marius suggested. He began stretching his arms and legs before waiting for confirmation. Better safe than sorry. Besides, he actually did enjoy fitness and light work such as jogging. He felt it quite sad that he didn't have all the opportunities to engage in sports his previous life. As he thought that to himself, he realized that there was a new world and a new life ahead of him; he smiled to himself. He was still alive and he had a world to explore, things to find out. It was certainly a nostalgic feeling, one that he forgot. And it was a feeling that he had to forget for now, as he remembered his duty at hand.
The consequences of your actions.
  • Hearing a woman call down to him, a hot woman no less, Aniel turned around. He looked down and immediately replied with a smile, "Trying to get 'em down from 'ere! Awfully hazardous for him to be so high up, ain't it?!" He'd shout back. At first he didn't understand how it looked like he was harassing the cat until he turned to the cat and saw how he'd literally jumped away from him. "Huh?"

    Aniel watched as the cat back away from him, "Wait a millisecond, why're you—" He was beginning to panic as he'd attempt to get closer but the cat seemingly backed away further. "Oi, that's not safe! Come o'er here not there!" He'd tried to reason with the cat until it finally, straight-up jumped off the build. Aniel's heart dropped and the shatter was his scream. "AHH! WAIT—!!"

    With widened eyes and a trembling body, Aniel immediately stopped his flight and awkwardly ran along the roof toward where the cat jumped off. He was barely balancing and had almost tripped, but eventually got to the edge to which Aniel would pull off his cape. He jumped after the cat without hesitating for a moment, hoping that his amateur knowledge of the laws of physics which dictated that since he was heavier than a cat, he would fall faster; thus he would be able to attempt grabbing the cat, wrap it up in his cape and break the landing with his back cresting the ground. If Aniel was lucky, he'd mayhaps be able to begin flight midfall, but he doubted his competence.
Elvario Elvario Beann Beann Kikimura Kikimura
Language Keys ~ "Common"; {"Sylvan"}​
Tomoko Brandy
Walking down the street, Brandy’s sharp ears twitched at the sound of commotion from above. Her pitch black eyes narrowed, locking onto the silhouette of something—no, someone—falling from the building. A man? A child? Whatever it was, it plummeted toward her at breakneck speed.

Without breaking her stride, Brandy calmly stepped into place, her muscular frame bracing for impact. Effortlessly, she caught the falling figure with both arms-- almost princess style, her tail swishing lazily as she peered down at the scrawny little guy now cradled in her grasp.
Her face twisted into a scowl, though her grip was steady and firm, showing no sign of struggle from the height of the drop. She raised a curious eyebrow, her tone low and unimpressed. “An'nya are?” she asked, her words dripping with disinterest as her nose twitched slightly.
Leaning in, she sniffed the young royal-looking boy, her ears flicking with curiosity. She tilted her head slightly as her gaze drifted to the cat clutched protectively in his arms. Brandy’s eyes softened momentarily before her scowl returned.

Jumpin’ off roofs isn't exactly a good look, y’know. Next time, try not to make me the landing pad,” she grumbled, shifting him upright and setting him down like a sack of potatoes. Her arms crossed, tail flicking impatiently as she turned her back, walking away without a care in the world.

Elvario Elvario [Narrator] / Faynorae Faynorae [Aniel] / Beann Beann [Aureliana]​
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Having arrived and been met with the greetings of Viole and Amice, the elf would give a small nod of her head and a smile.
"Yeah, that's... what I was off doing, at least it made things go faster, " Ul briefly mentioned to Amice over the use of her bike, hearing out what was currently ongoing from Viole as she looked back to the small girl.
"Eh, it's fine, you'll get older and figure out how to deal with things like this. If you don't get the muscle, use your brain to figure out how to do it, there's always a way" she'd mention as she'd continue to think over how a lady had owned such weird yet evasive cats...

"Okay, I'm hoping this is at least getting to the end of this cat thing then, though I haven't entirely been gone for long. The only one I can see you've somehow lost is that... I don't even remember his name, the fruity looking one who can't keep his hand out of his pants whilst always thinking about himself, the one in all black but underneath the helmet looks like he goes to some private school, you know who I'm talking about" the elf mentioned to Viole, supposing Edgywin probably gotten bored or distracted with some other ridiculous nonsense. Though with the dwarf seemingly offering something that may have been of use to her just for doing something she was gonna do anyway to free up Viole, she smiled warmly and gave a small tip of her hat.

"Convenient, it'd be my pleasure" she added. Whilst she felt like she had experienced weird stereotype in some past lives of dwarves and elves being polar opposites who just didn't align or get along, she truly couldn't help but deny such stereotype and respect the dwarven people wherever she went. Then again, she also denied the elvish stereotype of being tall, slender and incredibly elegant with such grace, but that part annoyed her. Walking over to inspect one of the three bellows, she'd give it a light touch to see if it was at least somewhat functionally put together.

"'Kay, lets get this done with. If one of you wants to count us on three, it'll probably help with flushing it out... " Ul would suggest, this felt like probably the cruelest thing she had ever done to an animal, but it was its' own fault for getting in there.

1. Help with using the bellows
2. Animal Handling (F) + Energized (F) if the cat came out/came her way to calm or catch it
[Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens Part 3 – An Ameowzing Job
Aureliana could see the winged figure reply back to her but she couldn’t quite hear him clearly as he was a bit too high up. She squinted her eyes, offering up a confused look. “What?!” She yelled back. Her eyes followed the figure dressed in pink chasing after the cat, wondering how badly this situation would turn out to be. As it so happened, she wouldn’t have to wonder for that long as the cat simply leaped off the building to avoid getting caught. Her eyes widened in disbelief, certain that the cat had a death wish or at least wanted to waste one of its nine lives. “What…” Aureliana was at a loss for words as she watched Aniel jump off right after the cat. She turned her head to the left and then to the right, wondering if anyone else was watching.

Luckily for the cat and the cat harasser, they did not meet the ground with a thud but were surprisingly caught by a rather muscular woman with cat ears and a tail. The sight was awfully romantic and there was a line to be said about falling from the heavens and in love — or something like that. “You could have lured the cat with treats instead of chasing it to an almost brutal death, you know.” Aureliana said as she walked over to them. Her eyes followed Brandy for a moment, finding a bit unusual that she just brushed off her heroic act by walking away.

Interactions: Faynorae Faynorae Kikimura Kikimura

Code by Serobliss

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Femboy Femboy

"But considering the materials at hand and the amount of time taken to make those bellows it is of the highest quality we could achieve in such conditions. But if it really does hurt your pride I will retract my statement." Viole said with a small bow towards the dwarf before coming close to one of the bellows readying himself to use it to pump the cat out of the smelters.
"From what I remember the cat that could be here was named Smokey. And if he goes with the scheme of the other cats, then he could be just transforming into smoke or some other power related to it." Viole said as he looked at the dwarf, before turning his gaze to his ladyship Ul.

"I think you are mentioning Edwin Stormcrest, he is still with us on this job, though he split up from us. And that's actually for the better considering how he behaved in such a way that I could mistake him for a spoiled brat. And I've seen orcs and undead with better manners." Viole exclaimed to Ul, trying to remember if he saw someone with worse behavior than Edwin but he did not remember any. So either their lives were not worth remembering or there wasn't anyone worse than Edwin.

"Well then I hope both of you don't mind if Amice counts to three, for us to use the bellows. Unless Mister Dwarf would want to take on that role." Viole suggested readying himself to use the bellows on Amice's signal.

Amilia bid the woman a farewell before following the knight outside. She watched him walk over to mount his horse and watched Marius do the same to his, realizing she didn't have one of her own. She had always walked everywhere she needed to go, not finding it difficult or a burden and quite enjoying the leisurely pace she went. When Edwin began trotting off, with Marius close behind, Amilia quietly waved them off and decided that she would meet with them shortly. Maybe if she came in at a different angle then it would throw off the cat and they could capture it easier. She chuckled some at how she was told not to set it on fire, which she didn't find necessary but amusing to think about. It took a little while for Amilia to show up at the site by foot, and when she got there the other two seemed to be already engaged with the cat. Amilia stayed behind, watching, waiting for the right time to jump in.

Amilia bid the woman a farewell before following the knight outside. She watched him walk over to mount his horse and watched Marius do the same to his, realizing she didn't have one of her own. She had always walked everywhere she needed to go, not finding it difficult or a burden and quite enjoying the leisurely pace she went. When Edwin began trotting off, with Marius close behind, Amilia quietly waved them off and decided that she would meet with them shortly. Maybe if she came in at a different angle then it would throw off the cat and they could capture it easier. She chuckled some at how she was told not to set it on fire, which she didn't find necessary but amusing to think about. It took a little while for Amilia to show up at the site by foot, and when she got there the other two seemed to be already engaged with the cat. Amilia stayed behind, watching, waiting for the right time to jump in.
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats. | Upgrade Horse Asset F => E
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
lanzandpine lanzandpine Marius Roswell – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino - Romance | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Amilia – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril – Find the missing cats. | Check out Mining Industry, search for an elemental mana-infused item to study (Any Elemental Affinity she doesn't have).
Kikimura Kikimura Tomoko Brandy – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Beann Beann Aureliana Solari - Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)

Mine Entrance (inside)

Amice Bellamy


“Use my brain... Like how Viole and mister Dwarf made the thingies!” She'd realise, nodding. That would work. She didn't know how to make those thingies, but if she learned how to use her brain to learn how to make them, it'd work out. Probably/ “Fruity..?” She asked, confused at whom or what Ul was describing. “Like apples and berries?”

She got really excited when she was given the role to count to three. “I can do that!” She held up her hands, then her fingers, one by one. “One! Two... Three!” She called out, excited to be helping by using her brain, like Ul had told her to do.


“They ain't masterworks, but ya got it right that they be fine for what they are and how they be made.” The Dwarf grumbled in agreement with Viole. Upon Viole and Ul taking place, he'd take the third billow whilst Amice counted them in. The moment they all worked those billows to blow through the smelters...


As they did, more and more smoke started coming out, until bits of it started to take the feint shape of a cat. Meow! the cat called out, as its state was both smokey and normal for a bit, before it seemed to start to dissolve into smoke again at the bottom.

“By the forge demons, that's supposed to be a cat?” The Dwarf uttered, clearly not used to seeing whatever this cat was capable of. “How the hell are y'ers supposed to be catching that?”


Catherin Felinus


From: Microsoft CoPilot.

“It won't.” She'd confirm for Marius as he left the room.

Norroburry Hillside

As they were planning their strategy 'on the go', they would hear something in the distance. Rumbling noises of big boulders, perhaps even minor earthquakes, moving about. As the got closer to the source, they would feel it before they'd even see it. The ground was shaking. Periodically, a mighty loud noise of stones, rock and earth crumbling, rolling and being pushing around was heard. Turning past the next two hills, they would see the source. Atop a hill, there was what could only be Luna.


Standby proudly atop a boulder, the landscape around the cat look visibly changed by the latter's boredom. Giant boulders had been unearthed and made to roll down the hill, crushing and destroying everything in their wake. In fact, from where they were arriving at, they could see that just about any angle of the hill was marked by drag, drop and rolling traces of boulders. Every so often, they'd hear a Meow! Meow! Meow! after which a giant boulder formation would be uplifted from the ground, floating up to the top of the hill, only to violently roll and tumble down upon its release.

With them arriving on the scene, it was time to get down and dirty with this earth-bending kitty. Though it was advised to have a solid plan not to get squashed, rolled over and buried in the process.

Amilia would arrive a bit later, but at the same scene. There were indeed some different angles to try approach from, yet they all had the same issues of boulders being lifted from the soil, magically floating up the hill, then bouldering and crashing down form them in a deadly roll.


From: https://mobile.alphacoders.com/wallpapers/view/1012228


As Aniel jumped after the cat, the cat itself turned around mid-air. He somehow did manage to get close to it before they met the ground, yet as he got closer, the cat lightly tapped his nose with a paw... Upon which he felt his entire body twisting inside out and upside down and.... and then he was suddenly in Brandy's arms. Whatever happened, he'd not fallen normally...

To the others, it'd been a lot more clear. The cat had teleported him to allow for Brandy to catch him in time. Meanwhile, the cat itself had teleported as well. It was now staring at them from atop another rooftop. Meow? It seemed to call out to them almost questioningly, it's tail almost wagging like a dog's would.

It seemed the cat had some skills up its... fur? Either way, it was looking at them almost mischievously from atop the nearby rooftop. Meow! It called out to them. As if encouraging them to try catch it again. If they wanted to actually catch it, they'd likely need to figure out how to stop it from teleporting or how to wear it down enough for it to stop doing so.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color, [Power Potential] - #0E0101

Elvario Elvario lanzandpine lanzandpine Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Edgywin would dismount as soon as they got into the spot on the hills. The destruction which the feline was bringing about, even if not really making anything worthy of notice crumble, made a wide-smile appear just beneath the pitch-black, horned helmet. How wonderful it would have been if one of those heavy boulders had rolled into the village center when the peasants were all festering together, gawking at that stupid mind controlling vermin.

Squish, squish, squish.
Unfortunately, as amusing as it would have been, being a passive observer of violence was boring. Now being the cause of it was exhilarating! "Hahahahaha!" He would suddenly laugh to himself, others might wonder if the sight of the furred dirt-manipulator made him lost the very last of his screws. And, only when there was another earth-shaking sound, would the baronet be pulled away from his mind and back into the present.

"Well, well, well, would you two look at that imbecile cat and its antics?" His voice sounded uplifted, amused even, as the black slits of his helmet kept trained on the cat who played with destructive forces. His attention shifted to Marius, considering what the man had said during their short trip. "Seems like there is no better way to really approach this. So this is what it will be done: I will go up the hill, on foot, trying to distract that beast's attention towards me. Meanwhile, you and Amilia try to approach it and stick that sachet down its gullet..." He would stop as something just had crossed his mind, something he didn't even have considered before. Didn't lady Felinus had a cat that could resurrect others?

Turning to Amilia, it was a pity that the vile, horrible grin which stretched from ear-to-ear couldn't be seen from under the headgear. "I take back what I said previously: if it is needed, BURN the little pest!" Chuckling, he reached into the side bag of his war horse, recovering from it a metallic item.

Shield Edwin1.png
Putting his arm into the metallic grip, the skill-embossed shield glinted ominously against the sunlight, absorbing the light. With measured steps, he walked into Luna's field of vision, banging the lance against the shield, to draw its attention. "Come on, you mangy WORM! Let's see what you can do!" He grinned, shield flashing some curious color before going back to normal.

1 - Move into Luna's field of vision
2 - Taunt the cat
3 - Magic D + Magic Duration E + Bolster [STR] B on self (Shield of Brutality and Constancy B) - Grade B Cooldown 4 Posts

CDs: B 0/4 (Shield of Brutality and Constancy) [Locked until Magic Duration E ends]

Shadow - Likes to hide in dark places.
Bella - Likes the attention.

Luna - Likes to watch thing roll around.
Tiger - Likes heights and climbing into or onto things.
Oreo - Likes cream.
Smokey - Likes to be near smoke.
Simba - Likes fish and bugs.

Edgywin would dismount as soon as they got into the spot on the hills. The destruction which the feline was bringing about, even if not really making anything worthy of notice crumble, made a wide-smile appear just beneath the pitch-black, horned helmet. How wonderful it would have been if one of those heavy boulders had rolled into the village center when the peasants were all festering together, gawking at that stupid mind controlling vermin.

Squish, squish, squish.
Unfortunately, as amusing as it would have been, being a passive observer of violence was boring. Now being the cause of it was exhilarating! "Hahahahaha!" He would suddenly laugh to himself, others might wonder if the sight of the furred dirt-manipulator made him lost the very last of his screws. And, only when there was another earth-shaking sound, would the baronet be pulled away from his mind and back into the present.

"Well, well, well, would you two look at that imbecile cat and its antics?" His voice sounded uplifted, amused even, as the black slits of his helmet kept trained on the cat who played with destructive forces. His attention shifted to Marius, considering what the man had said during their short trip. "Seems like there is no better way to really approach this. So this is what it will be done: I will go up the hill, on foot, trying to distract that beast's attention towards me. Meanwhile, you and Amilia try to approach it and stick that sachet down its gullet..." He would stop as something just had crossed his mind, something he didn't even have considered before. Didn't lady Felinus had a cat that could resurrect others?

Turning to Amilia, it was a pity that the vile, horrible grin which stretched from ear-to-ear couldn't be seen from under the headgear. "I take back what I said previously: if it is needed, BURN the little pest!" Chuckling, he reached into the side bag of his war horse, recovering from it a metallic item.

Shield Edwin1.png
Putting his arm into the metallic grip, the skill-embossed shield glinted ominously against the sunlight, absorbing the light. With measured steps, he walked into Luna's field of vision, banging the lance against the shield, to draw its attention. "Come on, you mangy WORM! Let's see what you can do!" He grinned, shield flashing some curious color before going back to normal.
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai
Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor

Listening to Amice and Viole, Ul prepared herself to use the bellows as Viole's information that Edgywin was still indeed on the same job was a rather disappointing one, though at least he currently wasn't here.
"Guess his pride and ego must've blue-balled him and floated off elsewhere, since I couldn't think of anything else he'd go running off for... that or he saw a local playground full of kids just begging for him" the elf mentioned as she rolled her eyes, semi-joking to Viole before looking to Amice as she questioned what someone being fruity was. Giving her a light headpat and ruffle of her head, she added on.
"Eh, you'll probably understand when you're older. For now, don't go walking around without company. Some people are complete freaks who'll take very disgusting advantage of that. Like that cretin in the full black armor on horseback earlier, God knows what his intentions were if we or someone else didn't show up to ruin his 'enjoyment'" Ul warned, before they had used the bellows to help themselves find sight of their target. A cat with a smoky, non-physical seeming form.

The dwarf had raised a fair point, it did seem like it was going to be a ridiculous undertaking to catch a creature they possibly couldn't lay a finger on. So, she got to work thinking whilst she took a look around her surroundings.
"Well, first off, maybe we can do a little better than little titles. I'm sure you've got a name to be called rather than 'Mister dwarf', so you can address me as Ul, I'd be happy to hear one out in return... " she made small talk as she glanced around.

"Second, the job was to return them home, I'm not sure if we need to catch it at all... it is a domestic pet cat, it's gotta listen to someone at least a little. So it likes smoke, right?" Ul asked. By this point, she'd assume there must've been some spare wood resource laying around the mines such as a lower quality handle, wooden plank, stuff for a hand torch, spare wood for mineshaft supports or such, and would go to take a small amount. Enough for what she needed.

Her plan was simple, to soak some wood so that, when it was lit, it'd make a lot more smoke than igniting dry wood would. If she could use that to attract it, then she could perhaps lure the cat to her and befriend it herself to get it back home. Assuming she could find the materials and do what she needed, she'd use the sacred ancient arts of cat taming.

"Pspspspspspsps, kitty-kitty, here here, pspsps~". Cats were cute, she usually wouldn't want to waste her time on such a silly sidequest, but cats maybe warranted it.

1. Water to highly soak something wooden.
  • Spellslinger: Water - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading one finger with Frost-aligned mana and the other with Fire-aligned mana that combines to instead melt an ice shot into a fast Water Blast of varying heat depending on the Fire-Frost mana ratio - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Element Affinity [Frost](E), Element Affinity [Fire](E), Affinity [Blight](E), Energized (E) - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Fire to set alight said soaked wood.
  • Spellslinger: Fire - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Fire-aligned mana that fires a Fiery Bullet-like Projectile - Magic(F), Element Affinity [Fire](F), Affinity [Blight](F), Energized (F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
3. Use smoky fire to help lure and befriend cat.
  • Ask Nicely - Ul uses the power of social convincing, compliments and being nice to persuade someone... or well, a cat in this instance - Persuasion(F), Animal Handling(F), Nature(F), Leadership(F), Energized(F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
Tomoko Brandy

Brandy heard Aureliana join in the conversion, and was compelled by some unknown force to remain. Maybe she missed having companions-- not that she would ever admit it, being knee deep in the whole 'vagabond' theme.

"I'm Brandy, by the way."

She let out a brisk smile, soon returning to her cold demeanor; Offering a handshake to both of them.
Her tail swung more calmly as it were, but her ears were still up on high alert, honing onto sounds.

(apologies for the half assedness, I wrote this like twice due to my pc being a bish ;-;)

Beann Beann Faynorae Faynorae
Marius Roswell

Titles: Mundane Human, Isekai, Born for This
Languages: "Common"
Abilities Used:

Elvario Elvario
Maxxob Maxxob
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Marius let himself float around in his thoughts as he followed Edwin and his horse on foot, keeping up with the pace as best he could, and caught himself in a lovely, calm state, taking in the view of the hills, only to notice for some of them to be accented with trails of plowed up dirt. What didn't set his mind at ease whatsoever were the sounds of boulders and the feeling of the earth slightly quaking.
The actual sight of the large clumps of dirt and rock rolling down the deceitfully peacefull hills clearly sent Marius into a little bit of a panic. While he was certainly ready to help out with the mission at hand, - his reward was at the stake here as well - this was certainly outside of the range of his expertise. He once again imagined himself being crushed by the boulder and left to deal with as a horribly mangled body.

The thought, for seemingly no reason at all, made him feel a nausea come up, an incomprehensible ball forming in his throat. But he had to write it off as simple anxiety, if at least for now.

However Edwin's laughter and general way of conducting himself only abated Marius' feelings of worry. Nor did his seeming intention to murder the feline. He thought about whether or not the slaughter of the cat would end up being counted as 'self-defense' due to the boulders being thrown about, but considering the temper of the knight that he got to know over the course of the day, there would probably be no 'defense' to even speak of.
Assuming that Edwin gave the sachet to Marius, who was there with him on the path to Luna, he would take a couple of short, but deep breaths as he steeled his nerves and got into position, giving a nod to the large, metal-clad knight's plans. He wasn't sure if Edwin could withstand the full force of a boulder rolling down a hill, but he certainly looked strong and imposing.

Marius was only taken aback and thrown off at the 'noble' knight's order to Amilia. Burning the cat would certainly be effective in stopping the onslaught of boulders, he thought. He also thought that it would be very effective in giving Lady Felinus either a reason to kill all of the quest-takers or a heart attack. With the sachet in his hands, Marius turned his head in Amilia's direction, making a large cross with his arms. He slowly, making sure to enunciate every unheard letter, mouthed:


As Edwin started acting on his part of the plan, he shifted his gaze to the knight, then to Amilia once more. With a nod in the cat's direction, he tried to signal the other to go around and try to flank the cat from her side. Marius would, of course, try to do so from his side.
Another breath. Holding the sachet in his fist, he sprinted, trying to quickly catch Luna from the side. With Edwin as the vanguard, he felt relatively safe trying to go around, using a longer path, instead of relying on his speed only. Besides, Marius did feel that he was agile enough to dodge, in case anything happens.

Anxiety-inducing, he thought, but at the very least interesting.
He glanced at his glowing hand as he ran. If anything happens, there's always Sprinkles.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Femboy Femboy

Viole wanted to correct the dwarf about his assumed gender, though he just waved it off and decided against it. As Amice counted down Viole pressed heavily onto the bellows to to blow the smoke out of the smelter. Though he did not expect the cat to literally be able to become smoke so it did give him a bit of crossed wires as he witnessed this scene. As for the dwarves question he simply answered.
"Well, that is a cat and not a demon that I can assure you of. As for how to catch it. Well try Lady Ul's method and if that does not work I will simply attempt to catch it in my pocket dimension. Though because of my faulty wiring, I would need to be literally within touching distance to it."

Viole positioned himself as much as he could behind the cat? in question so in case it wanted to retreat he could attempt to capture it within his pocket dimension. And with a little logic leap Viole assumed since the cat was able to turn himself into smoke he did not need to breathe in that state otherwise it would be harmed by its own or natural smoke.
"Honestly I regret not picking up the catnip that grew along the road to hear, right about now." He said not really capable of showing a tired face but one could tell if he could his face would have looked really tired at this point in time.
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats. | Upgrade Horse Asset F => E
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
lanzandpine lanzandpine Marius Roswell – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Faynorae Faynorae Aniel Valentino - Romance | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Amilia – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril – Find the missing cats. | Check out Mining Industry, search for an elemental mana-infused item to study (Any Elemental Affinity she doesn't have).
Kikimura Kikimura Tomoko Brandy – Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)
Beann Beann Aureliana Solari - Find the missing cats. | (Will be updated if an asset/specific goal is given.)

Norroburry Hillside


Meow, meow, meeeeoooow! The cat 'chanted' as a giant rock was summoned out of a nearby hill, floating towards this one, then tumbling down with enough force to shake the ground. It was probably the very same boulder that Edwin was fantasizing was squishing villagers into freshly made peasant-jam to top off the scones and clotted cream with.

Whether Edwin would recall that resurrection only worked when there was enough of the body left to be resurrected and that a bunch of burned-up charred cat remains probably wouldn't be enough to be resurrectable, or whether Amilia or Marius would know as much, was up to them.

As Edwin walked closer towards the hill, he called out to the cat, which made it turn. Meow, meow... Meow?!? It seemed the cat somehow understood that Edwin wanted to play with her, as she excitedly hopped up and down. Meow, meowowow! She purred, as another large boulder was formed, which came rolling down straight at Edwin. Crashing against the Metallic Item. Even though Edwin was pushed back a bit, sliding down the slope on the dirt, he definitely managed to defend himself from being turned into edgy black paste.

Marius, meanwhile, became the real hero of the story, as he stood up against oppression and cat-burning evil deeds. His rewards? The moment he started running up, the cat spotted him and meowed with even more enthusiasm. “Meow! Meow! Meow!!! MEOOW! As a second boulder formed and started rolling straight at Marius. He'd best dodge, jump or otherwise prepare to save his life. At least it looked like this boulder was slightly smaller and slower than what'd been crashing into Edwin.


Mine Entrance (inside)

Amice Bellamy


“Blue balls?” Amice was quick to pick up on new dialogue options when listening to Ul. She did wonder why Edwin would be playing around with balls, or why they'd need to be blue in specific. “Kids begging for him?” Why in the world would kids beg for someone that scary? “Why would anyone do that? Is it because he is scary?”

She'd enjoy the head-pet with a smile. “I'll be older soon.” She'd nod. That was true. “I think...? I don't have a birthday, but I think the day we decided should be my birthday is coming soon!” She'd add again with a proud smile. “I'll be 10 and 6 and 1 more so... Seventeen!” She proudly did her additions.

“What a.. cre... crate... crate-inn?” She asked, as yet another new word was introduced. “It's okay, Viole was around!” She'd proudly say, upon being said to not be without company. She'd decided she liked Viole.


“Names' Simin, miss Ul.” He'd reply. “It probably likes smoke, yeah, seeing what it is and what it's doing. Bloody hell...” He uttered, with the whole billows endeavour revealing the smokey cat.

Ul was indeed able to get some left-over wood and get it to smoke. In fact...


Meow! The cat was quick to 'smoke' around Ul's makeshift torch as it purred. Rrrrrrr. Whilst floating around the torch. Sadly enough, it didn't take long for the cat to soak up all the smoke. After which it floated off again. The idea seemed to work, but they might need a lot more smoke if they wanted to lure the cat all the way. Or give it a more permanent attachment to them, even with the Animal Handling helping out on that front.

As Viole attempted to catch the cat in his Pocket Dimension as a back-up plan, the smoke ended up dissipating even more, to the point that it became uncatchable. It seemed the cat was too high-grade to forcefully stuff into a Pocket Dimension and didn't like the idea as much as the first cat had enjoyed being stuffed in a dark and empty space.



The cat observed Brandy, Aureliana and Aniel for only a moment longer. Yet it seemed none of those were interested in continuing the 'game' they'd started with it, so the cat was quick to start walking off again. It was time for the cat to find another high ground.

Either they would have to give chase right now, or they could go find miss Felinus to ask for some tips and tricks on how to catch this particular cat.

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