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Fandom Noragami

"Hi Toyo. Your regalia is here to meet you, and I can also tell you his actual name if you want." said Rini, since she does know everybody's name. Because the goddess of memory knows everybody's name just by looking at them.

'Lucky Toyo. He gets to have a sweet boy like Tadashi as his regalia while I still don't have a regalia yet.' thought Rini. Since not only does she like Tadashi, but he is the only one, who is able to talk to her properly.

@MissUnderstood @Hana Koen
The boy looked up to see who was addressing him before glancing quickly down and muttering a quick Lord Toyo under his breathe. He clapped his hands before bowing low and quickly perking up as he faced Toyo. "I've been searching everywhere for you." He scolded in a way that made it sound more like a fact than anything else. The boy bounced on his feet suddenly full of energy once again as if he was not running on fumes a moment before.

(You can give me a regalia name now MissUnderstood/ Toyo.) @MissUnderstood @Blackrose7
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Seeing some new guests Sakuraya went back to the kitchen to make more tea, Kyoko decided to help her, naturally Saluraya never wanted surprise visits, it's usually messy and very hard to deal with, but for the sake of trades, she should manage to deal with them.

Going back to the guests, Sakuraya saw some tangled conversation, she decided not to join and went to survey some fields, just to make some excuse, "I have some business to make, so enjoy yourselves here, but try not to break anything," Sakuraya said to them then grab Kyoko and went to the village downhill, "I never wanted surprise visits...."Sakuraya muttered.

@MissUnderstood @Blackrose7 and everybody who's in my shrine...
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He paused before smiling even widen if possible and giving a nod before responding, "I'm all better now... Lord Toyo." He looked unsure before nodding his head towards Rini. "Miss Rini told me where you are. She was very kind, nice and very kind." He listed with his fingers before realizing he repeated in his excitement. He bounced on his feet before breathing out a big breathe and visibly trying to calm down. "I was very worried, you know?"

(Perfect name. Akio sounds excellent. I'll edit that onto my sheet when I remember to.)

@Kira031110 @MissUnderstood @Blackrose7
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"Oh right...at least I told your regalia where you are, Toyo. Since he ended up going to your shrine first." said Rini, as she smiled at Tadashi. Since she didn't want to look awkward in front of Toyo. '...I ended up messing up a bit by almost forgetting that Toyo was the God of Secrets, since it has been a while that we saw each other.' thought Rini, since usually she just looks at Toyo, and never bother to talk to him once.

When Tadashi ended up repeating the very kind part again, because he was very excited to meet his master. Rini just wanted to give the cute Tadashi a chocolate cake and a hug, since she really wanted Tadashi to be her regalia now.
'So cute.' thought Rini.

@MissUnderstood @Hana Koen
"Im bored. Im bored. Im bored." Rea said muttering to herself as she was on her way to Ebisu's Shrine. "RAYA-CHAAAAAANNN!!!!" Rea screamed as she bursted through the door. She stared at the guests eyes wide. Ebisu has..guests? She usually was the only one to visit the God and assumed that Ebisu had no friends.

"Hello! My name is Rea! Who are you guys?"

@MissUnderstood @Kira031110
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Sakuraya heard Rea's shout, eventhough she is already down in the hills, she mentally facepalmed herself, "Here comes another guest,"she thought.

Deciding to go back after secretly tending to some farmers' crops, Sakuraya went back home, seeing Rea is bad news, but is also a good one, "Hi Rea, I'm here,"she said sounded like she do not want seeing such a messy room, which she is, because her shrine now is really messy, "so many people,"she thought, "I'm going to make some tea,"she excused herself, it is obvious that she do not want to join any conversation, because it doesn't relate or cannect any trade for now.
Miwa had thoroughly enjoyed the tea, but the shrine was getting a bit cramped. Luckily the sun was already peeking out over the horizon, and the star god gave him all the reason he needed to get going. Insulting his name and having a dreary outlook on the world. What a rotten god to work for, he was glad he didn't appear to be hiring. There was one thing that troubled him, Sakuraya had said she would need compensation for her troubles. Of course he didn't have any money, and staying around to plow fields wasn't really his forte, not for just one cup of tea and a safe night.

Miwa dug around in his bag and produced a few of the less tattered paperbacks he had salvaged. He looked at the various volumes and decided to leave Pokemon Special #14 as he already had one of those. It was a good chapter in the story, lots of great action, he was sure it would cover at least part of his debt. He clapped his hands and gave thanks to the goddess of the shrine, asking her in prayer to accept his humble tribute. He then replaced his bag over his shoulder and set off once again up the mountainside in the rising dawn.

Seeing Miwa is about to leave, Sakuraya noted his debt and is allowed to do compensation in some other time, "You can pay me back when your ready, either become my regalia or Rea-chan's -pointing at the artillery goddess- or any other ways you can think of,"she said.

Now serving another cups of tea, Sakuraya wished that Yato the "evil" god came, or Ebisu Kofuku, goddess of poverty to come to her shrine, just to ward off these folks, because as they stay here for a longer time, Sakuraya may not control herself and start to groan about economics and some algebra, which she wished that everybody would hate.

Rather than getting irritated about the cramped shrine of hers, Sakuraya decided to tend to her garden, and give blessings to the good people of the fields.

@everybody who's in Ebisu Sakuraya's shrine
"Yo! Im Rea, Goddess of Blades and Artillery. Im also Raya-chan's best friend." Rea introduced herself to Miwa, putting a hand on Ebisu's shoulder. Her hyper attitude faded and was replaced with a calm one.

When she heard that this guy was a regalia, with no master no less, she had to get him. She was in need of one since Phantom attacks had been rising and when she encountered one she either ran away or fought it, leaving her with tons of battle scars. She was the Goddess of Blades for Pete's sake! And backing down from a fight deeply bruised her ego. Many people came to her for protection and were very loyal followers. It broke her heart when she couldnt protect them. She aleays did her best though, even though it left her standing in front of Death's door.

@Kira031110 @Cunning Commander
Sakuraya can see the sadness in Rea's eyes, "Miwa, I guess I can ask a favor for the compensation, can you be Rea's regalia, as you can see, she is troubled about those phantoms, and her service is faltering because of the lack of the regalia's presence, please, I beg you Miwa," Sakuraya begged, this time it's because of friendship, this might be also the trigger why Sakuraya is helping the tragic duo, Yato and Kofuku. She smiled with sincerity, wishing Miwa would complete the trade, become someone's regalia for someone's hospitality, actually Miwa had the more profit, Ebisu, almost none, Miwa would have the insurance of safety, also Rea, and atleast a completed trade for the trade and agriculture goddess. "Please accept it,"Sakuraya thought.

@Cunning Commander @RealityEntity and for everyone who's in Ebisu Sakuraya's shrine
Loki who was hidden spotted Sakuraya, he could see that what she was doing was important but he couldn't help causing trouble it was his nature not to mention he was the god of it.

He came out of hiding and peered over Sakuraya and grins "Sup there!" He said floating above the other. He knew that Sakuraya and himself didn't get along too well but hey what was going to do.

Tadashi now known as Akio turned from Toyo after he had finished fussing of his master and gave Rini a bow of thanks. "Thanks for your help miss Rini." His cheeks puffed up as he tried to not to be upset over the fact that Toyo didn't answer him. He pulled out a book and handed it to her. "Take this...please." He gifted her to try to show just how thankful he was. On the cover was the words Philoquotes which was a strange name for a book. Akio looked worried that it was too weird and maybe he messed up and she would suddenly hate him. @Blackrose7

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"Your welcome, Ta...I mean Akio." said Rini, since she almost said his actual name. Since Rini was imagining herself hugging the adorable Tadashi, because she really wants to hug the poor guy now after meeting him in person. 'Whoops, I almost said his real name.' thought Rini, since she knows that Tadashi isn't ready to find out about his true name or his life story yet.

When Tadashi ended up giving her the book: Philoquotes as a gift, her eyes started to glimmer. Since not only is Philoquotes, a rare book to find; but she also has the memories of Philoquotes's author too.
"Oh my gosh. Thank you for the gift, Akio." said Rini, since she wasn't weird out about having a book as a gift. Because Rini does work as a librarian after all.

@Hana Koen
"Ah. You're super welcome." Akio responded as he tugged on Toyo's arm as he looked up at him with a pout. "Ah. Your tea is going to get cold if you don't finish it." He said to fill the silence as he asked if he could also have some tea. "With three sugar." He added as he brought Toyo a long but not without passing Rini a glance and wave with with a smile. He wasn't forceful as he tugged his master just more thirsty than anything. @MissUnderstood @Blackrose7
Sakuraya jumped as she saw Loki above her, "Loki! How many times do I have to tell you to avoid me when I am doing my trades!"she exclaimed, ever since the first trouble Loki meant to her, Sakuraya believed that god is a magnet of all bad fortunes, espacially for trading, she looked very sharply to Loki, who was smiling so wildy that it gives high blood to Sakuraya. "I begged for Yato and Kofuku not this jerk!"she thought.

@ everyone in my shrine

Sorry for the late rep ;)
Kira031110 said:
Sakuraya jumped as she saw Loki above her, "Loki! How many times do I have to tell you to avoid me when I am doing my trades!"she exclaimed, ever since the first trouble Loki meant to her, Sakuraya believed that god is a magnet of all bad fortunes, espacially for trading, she looked very sharply to Loki, who was smiling so wildy that it gives high blood to Sakuraya. "I begged for Yato and Kofuku not this jerk!"she thought.
@ everyone in my shrine

Sorry for the late rep ;)
(Can my char meet yours?)

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