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Fandom Noragami

Miwa had ditched his shoes, the worn soles had come off a few miles back, so he had thrown them out in the trash can of a decrepit bus stop, one that hadn't seen a bus nor a passenger for many years. On top of losing his shoes, and somehow being able to accrue callouses and sores on his spirit feet, he was hungry, another concept that escaped reasoning, as he was, after all, dead. The path continued ever upwards through the mountains, towards what was hopefully some shrines. A glance over his shoulder revealed that the sky had begun to turn a shade of orange as the day came to a close. He picked up the pace. It wasn't safe for an unowned regalia to be out at night, he needed to be near a shrine, otherwise the phantoms would try to eat him alive. The bag of books weighed heavy against his back, but he wouldn't abandon it, to him, it was like carrying the holiest of holies. Sacred texts telling of bravery and heroism in the face of adversity. This was just a training journey for him, he'd be so much stronger when he went back to his hometown. He tried to keep the light thoughts coming, as to not attract phantoms.
"Yeah," was Toyo's reply. "Who's Regalia are you, anyway?" Even though Toyo would easily be able to tell, he usualy preferred not to unlock others' secrets without permission.
Sakuraya saw Loki earlier near her shrine, she wanted to get him out the grounds, but is too busy about her fuji apple trees, then the disastrous god left, "Good thing, he went away," she sighed.

Sakuraya decided to go somewhere, to see some stores to close, there she met an unowned regalia, she felt that something good will come, "Hey, wanna stay at my shrine for the night?" she asked

@Cunning Commander
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As Miwa wandered through the gathering dusk, he sensed the air shifting, the sort of swelling of temperature and freshness to the air when you were near one of the divine ones. Everyone, even phantoms knew the feeling, it smells nice... Suddenly the voice of a young girl cut through the air, startling him. When he finally discovered the source of the voice, he straightened himself up before the goddess.

"Oh, yes, Ma'am! That'd be much appreciated! Might I ask which god I have the honor of accepting aid from?"

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At Sakuraya's shrine, the three made some chitchat with some tea, "I'm Ebisu Sakuraya, goddess of trade and agriculture, but I'm not the true Ebisu,"she said to the unowned regalia, "Me and Kyoko-chan have been the patron of this town for centuries, and I'm happy that I can help anyone here and there," she said, "If you wanted I can be your master, If wanted anyone else just tell me, I knew some gods or goddesses who doesn't have any regalia yet,"she offered to the regalia.

@Cunning Commander
Hoshi looked around a bit to see if anyone was even in the shrine. He saw the God of Destruction's Regalia but chose to ignore them as he didn't find anything amusing about her. He stepped back and glided to the next God that he thought would be able to understand the situation of the Earth. Stepping into the shrine of The Goddess of Agriculture and Trade he looked to see people already there. One was one of her Regalia and the other was probably a wanderer because of the boy's ripped clothes and no shoes. "May I enter? Just joking- Gods don't need permission" Hoshi said while pouring himself some tea and taking a seat. "Humanity, surprisingly adept in the art of wrestling survival from the clutches of extinction." he said after taking a sip.
"Then I thank you, Lady Ebisu, for sheltering me tonight." The shrine was nice, and it overlooked a number of fields, a very calming view indeed. Her offer caught him off guard though, she already had her own regalia, and yet she was offering to take on another mouth feed. "While I'm flattered by your offer, I don't think that you'd have much use for me. My name's Miwa by the way. That was the name my first master gave me." he had mixed feelings about the god who had been his first master, but he had given him a good name, that was all he could really ask for. Just then another god entered the shrine, inviting himself into the small space and taking some tea. He seemed like a royally depressing sort of guy.

"Of course they are, my lord! Humanity will always persevere in the face of adversity!" he tried to inject some cheer into the speech of the dreary god.
"Oho, and here I thought that you'd be a bit under the weather! The formality nice but I'd rather be called by my name." Hoshi said with a bit of humor. Once and awhile he could do some jokes but most of the times he was just super sarcastic. "Miwa is your name huh, and here I thought you were a boy but I could see where it can be coming from." he replied. "Unless that God that named you was some lunatic of some sort" he said taking a sip of the tea. (Miwa is a feminine name in Japan)
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"Miwa just call me Sakuraya, also Hoshi, do you have any regalias or do you need, Miwa?" Sakuraya said, she is now thinking about some trading with Hoshi, "I'll make some more tea, you three do some chitchat," Sakuraya excused.

@Cunning Commander

The boy looked around the city cringing when he saw the phantoms that brushed near him. If one found him that was too strong he knew he would be a goner. He rubbed at the bandage on his nose in worry as he headed towards a shrine and hoped that he could find someone to take him in. At this point, it was either find a new master or end up consumed. He shuddered at the thought as he braved on sneakingly. He walked by the adults but not many paid him mind in his white yukata.

How cute he though when he noticed the baby that was looking at him with a happy babble. He shook his head to try to clear his mind before he continued walking. His heart picked up in dread as he noticed the small phantoms that seemed to surround the shrine but never pass through.

The boy rubbed his arm with nervous eyes before he clenched his hands and closed his eyes that were a bit teary. He ran for it with his breathe becoming jagged and tripped just as he reached the shrine entrance. He scrambled forward just in the nick of time as he soaked in air with relief filling his features.

"That was so scary." He mumbled to his self as he took a moment to compose himself. @MissUnderstood
Rini was reading her magic book at her house, since not only was she looking for a regalias. But she was also safe from the phantoms, since her house was built under the shrine.

"Yuu Ueda is taken by Nagare. Kyoko is taken by Ebisu. ...It seems that Miwa and Tadashi Nakamura don't have a master yet." said Rini, since it did took her a while to find some unclaimed regalias. Because most of the other gods and goddesses have already took them.

Rini read both Miwa and Tadashi Nakamura's current memories, and found out that Miwa was at Ebisu's shrine while Tadashi was at Toyo's shrine. So she just teleported to Toyo's shrine, since she needed to tell Tadashi that Toyo is at Ebisu's shrine right now.

"Um...excuse me? Are you looking for someone?" said Rini, since she was pretending to not know about Toyo.

@Hana Koen

( Just wanted you to do something, since MissUnderstood isn't online. )
He jumped when he heard a feminine voice beside him and gave an alarmed look towards Rini. "Ah... You can see me?" exclaimed the boy in wonder. "Um. I am looking for someone." He grabbed at his yukata nervously as he dared to glance at Rini before mumbling shyly, "I'm searching for someone with pretty purple eyes." He paused before trying to explain. "My master cast me off." He tried to sum up but realized how bad it sounded. "Not because he didn't want me or anything but..." He fumbled. "They said that they weren't the right one for me."

He tried to stand but his legs felt a little numb from sitting on them strangely. "I wasn't given a very creative name. They called me Regalia or little one." @Blackrose7

(Toyo hasn't named me yet so I'll go with this til I'm renamed since I'm not allowed to know my true name.)
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“Yes, I can indeed see you.” said Rini, since appearing in front of unclaimed regalia like this was nothing new to her. Because she is still looking for her regalia after all.

Rini noticed at Tadashi grabbed his yukata nervously, since he probably thinks that she was a phantom.

“You don't need to be afraid about me, since I know where your master is that right now.” said Rini. “Your master went to Goddess Ebisu’s shrine. Since he wanted to hang out at her shrine right now.”

Rini knew what Tadashi was trying to say about his master casting him off, since she already found all of his memories when she was looking for available regalias in her magic book.

@Hana Koen
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Hoshi was surprised to find that the tea itself was actually amazing. He was accustomed to just drinking water and wasn't used to modern day tea in the least. "This is some great tea, and i'm not at the moment looking for a Regalia as I haven't really found the use of one anyway" he replied with self satisfaction. Having a Regalia did occur to him more than once. When he observed from the stars he was intrigued by the fact of humans actually becoming useful for once and not just wishing upon him. When he kept watching he figured out blighting, not wanting to admit to himself but he was a bit fearful of the fact of dying from it. He'd watched and even participated on cleansing a Regalia and their God. It was etched inside of his memories of the ear shredding cries of the Regalia .It was a painful effort but he knew that if he ever did have a Regalia and that he did get blighted he would disown them instantly. Not for the fact of the Regalia blighting him but more of him losing the trust of them instantly.
"Goddess Ebisu?" He furrowed his brows as he tried to recall which god Rini was speaking of. "That's great that you know where he is miss..." He trailed off unsure as he tried to come up with a name for the person in front of him. The boy wasn't sure what to do after the lady told him where his master was. At least he believed that the person standing in front of him was female. He scratched his cheek as he looked back up at the girl with a slight blush of embarrassment hoping he was right but partly wondering how he would be able to make it there. @Blackrose7
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Sakuraya felt that the trade may be now be done, she did a hidden smile, "I'm sure that Miwa, will not blight you, I know that you know that Miwa is such a good person, I know that you know that," she said as she serve a new batch of freshly made tea, then winked at Hoshi, "And ofcourse Hoshi, I know that you know that I am a trade goddess, I helped you and Miwa, so the two of you owe me some.....which is what I will take back sooner or later or after some centuries," she smiled, "That if you will accept the offer...." sitting with the three and crossing her fingers, Sakuraya can see Kyoko's reaction, but ignored it, owing a god is important, which she might be able to use for some time.


@Cunning Commander
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"Ebisu is the goddess of Trade and Agriculture, and my name is Rini btw." said Rini, since she did noticed him blushing from embarrassment.

'That is pretty cute of a regalia like Tadashi to be blushing.' thought Rini, since she knows about Tadashi's love of cute things. Since she did ended up giggling a bit when Rini saw a memory of him hugging a puppy in her magic book, because the puppy was very cute.

Rini gave Tadashi a map to Ebisu's shrine, since she doesn't want Tadashi to end up getting lost. Because the trip from Toyo's shrine all the way to Ebisu's shrine will take a while to get there.

"Good luck on your trip to meet your master." said Rini, since she knows that Tadashi will make it to Ebisu's shrine. Because he did managed to get here without being killed by the phantoms.

@Hana Koen
Hoshi smiled with amusement. "Me, the God of Stars owe you? Amusing. I didn't even accept this Regalia" he said chuckling. He then stood up and brushed his yukata off. "I don't just go and accept a Regalia that I barely know. I'm not Bishamon. A God's trust is priceless gift-I don't want to waste in it the service of a potential fool" he said with seriousness. "If you can meet up with my expectations of what a Regalia should be like then I can accept you but first I have to complete my original goal. Ebisu, how could you let the humans began to eradicate Earth like this"
The boy looked at the map with wondering eyes and he noticed how easy it was to find Ebisu's shrine in relation to Toyo's shrine. He eyed it carefully before giving a sloppy bow of thanks to who he now knew was Rini. "That's very kind, Miss Rini." He poked her in a weird sort of appreciation before muttering, "Maybe one day we'll meet again...soon." @Blackrose7
"Your welcome, and we will definitely meet each other again. Since we may end up seeing each other sooner than expected." said Rini. Since Tadashi has no clue that she is the goddess of memory, and she can just teleport to Ebisu's shrine just to see Tadashi again.

'Why should I let such a interesting regalia like Tadashi meet Toyo, since I do enjoy this mini conversation that we are having right now.' thought Rini, since usually she just ignore uninteresting people by putting a book in front of her face.

@Hana Koen
He paused as he turned to the entrance of the shrine with a pout on his lips at the thought of the journey he would need to embark on. "Wish me luck." He saluted as he took a few steps out only to have to scramble back a bit as he made note that more phantoms were out. Not all were harmful but many were so he would need to be cautious. The boy puffed up his cheeks in determination as he got ready to run but not before eyeing where each threat was located. @Blackrose7
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Sakuraya frowned, "I don't really go for that department, but I do feel the global warming destroying some crops of my subjects, but it's not in my department, I am with trading services and agriculture, I am not a weather goddess, I am limited to plants and money," she replied to the god's question, she felt that her answer is somewhat off, but it is true she is not a weather goddess, but is now thinking about what of the weather gods they are doing, "I'm sure Miwa will do great," she said trying to change the subject, then a regalia came, which is rather cute and good timing, "Saved by a regalia," Sakuraya thought.


@Cunning Commander

@Hana Koen
The boy bent down to try to catch his breathe before literally plopping down as he gasped trying to breathe deeply after running up so many stairs and across town. He could remember almost getting trapped by the phantoms in his quest to find Toyo but he was able to wiggle away. It was so scary he thought to himself as he slowly sat up after finally being able to breathe properly. He did not pay much attention to the people around in his happiness. @Kira031110 @MissUnderstood @GoldnEye @Cunning Commander
"Good luck." said Rini, as she waved Tadashi good bye. Since he has to deal with the phantoms while she can just teleport to Ebisu's shrine.

After teleporting to Ebisu's shrine, she just opened her magic book; since Rini wanted to check out how Tadashi doing with the phantoms.

"Hi Ebisu, and I told you we would meet again." said Rini, who immediately closed her magic book when he arrived. Since she wasn't joking about seeing Tadashi again. "Anyway, TOYO! Your regalia is here to meet you."

@Hana Koen @Kira031110 @MissUnderstood
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"Ah,I apologize I think I made a mistake on asking you about it. Truth be told,this world is the most fascinating out of all the others I've seen and I would hate for it to go to waste like the other ones" he replied. He didn't like the fact that she didn't have the info he wanted but it could be postponed. What he did know was that two people had just appeared in the Ebisu's shrine. He wasn't really a crowd person so instead he just decided to watch.

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