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Fandom NORAGAMI preliminary interest check

the idea for the phantom soul thing is to have a fusion of both the soul and the phantom brought upon by the brush, and special events because of it. I tend to create wild card type characters
Daughter of the moon huh? I used that song for my rotg oc years ago.
I love how it's inspired by avatar

Yep. Poor Sokka~Though, tbh, I didn't know what it was about until after reading the youtube comments. It's a sweet song that tells a beautiful and tragic story that's pretty fitting for a goddess. Born from a wish for light, she's lived with humans (possibly possessing one) while knowing she was fundamentally different, but not really knowing why (or maybe knowing, but resisting it). Add in a bit of a fling with a human, some drama here and there, before she ultimately goes on to fulfill her godly duties and we have a cute goddess character to play. If I weren't lazy, didn't already have a god, along with 2 npc regalias, I'd find a lovely pic to go with that song ^_^

As it stands though, 1 character and 2 npcs will have to be enough.
the idea for the phantom soul thing is to have a fusion of both the soul and the phantom brought upon by the brush, and special events because of it. I tend to create wild card type characters
Mm... PM me the details about this concept. I'm not sure if I'm going to accept that.
You know I think I'll make my regalia Yamaza a blessed regalia and still alive.
Dang I just did a currency conversion and apparently 5 yen is roughly equivalent to 5 cents. In actuality 1 yen is a bit less than a penny. So basically Yato is granting wishes for the equivalent of a nickel. So how does he buy anything with that!
Dang I just did a currency conversion and apparently 5 yen is roughly equivalent to 5 cents. In actuality 1 yen is a bit less than a penny. So basically Yato is granting wishes for the equivalent of a nickel. So how does he buy anything with that!

Many, many wishes. Yato doesn't die, so if he saves up, he may eventually get a shrine. Maybe.
Well he has that shrine hiyori made him. But I think that could use an expansion. And like seriously, who charges a nickel for the kind of stuff Yato does. I mean at least charge a dime, that's the amount you charge for lemonade. And I think wishes are a bit more valuable than a glass of lemonade.
Well he has that shrine hiyori made him. But I think that could use an expansion. And like seriously, who charges a nickel for the kind of stuff Yato does. I mean at least charge a dime, that's the amount you charge for lemonade. And I think wishes are a bit more valuable than a glass of lemonade.

I feel as if it would be less catchy that way
Nothing. Not even a dime. What sort of god charges their followers? Nagi's followers make offerings, build shrines, of their own accord :angels:
Such virtue, and yet so smug. So I looked it up and apparently the 5 yen is less about the cash and more to do with Japanese culture. The word for 5 yen Go-En is a homophone with Go-En which is a good luck phrase. And that's why it's customary to make 5 yen offerings at Shinto shrines
Ok thanks. I have only one regalia so far, but I should probably create more because as a Mother Goddess it makes sense to have a large clan.
Ok thanks. I have only one regalia so far, but I should probably create more because as a Mother Goddess it makes sense to have a large clan.

lol. You don't need to create them if you aren't inspired by any of them. Just think of them as background fodder. They exist but there to be referred to maybe once or twice in a post.

Nagi lost most of the members of his clan except for two (the necklace he wears and the dragon that guards his house). Dragon may make an appearance if Nagi decides to visit his house in the rp (unlikely) so it's pretty much only Hiname...and she can't really fight because she's just a protection item.
I didn't really mean create. I meant more like just say she has them because previously I said she only has the one.
Ok thanks. I have only one regalia so far, but I should probably create more because as a Mother Goddess it makes sense to have a large clan.
remember the cautionary tale of bisha!

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