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Fandom Noragami: Corrupted World

Mizuko Hokama

  • 1531632074406.pngWatching the god of war slash down the phantom the regalia rolled his eyes resting his back against a nearby tree and crossed his arms he felt odd being so close to a shrine not knowing what he needed to do he simply just waited for orders from his goddess like he usually does. Avoiding eye contact from the other people he watched a leaf was he was falling off the tree finding it almost peaceful for some reason only to have it ruined by the god of war Takeminakata doing his ritual to repel the demon or whatever it was. Mizuko never found the time to learn what it was real meant for well didn't care to find the time was a better choice of words. After the mess was finally resolved and peace had returned the young man let out a snort of disbelief "All this trouble for a phantom like that? The gods and goddess must really be getting worse and worse as time passes..." He remarked looking over people who have been fighting the phantom only to roll his eyes "Pathetic..." Was added under his breath while putting the rest of his weight against the tree watching for any other attack. It wasn't a surprise for Mizuko to jump up and go near his goddess when someone had bumped into her staying behind her like a shadow he watched the boy with hateful eyes frowning as he looked the person over after not seeing anything that could be dangerous he eased up and looked at Unmei to see her questioning look which had only received a shrug from the young man while popping his fingers. (It's a terrible post I know DX)
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Saki held her breath as she listened to Mori's doubts, wanting to say something but unable to force words together. What do I say? "Mori-"There was nothing she could say to this person she already cared about, despite only a day having gone by since their meeting. Nothing she could say could push away all these bad thoughts and worries, but--

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden arrival of another newcomer- no, newcomers. The man who she presumed arrived first had beautifully silky long hair, blue to match his clothing. Saki couldn't focus on his appearance though, no. What he was doing was much more interesting. The words he spoke, the fluid movements, all of it was mesmerizing. Except for maybe the destruction of... whatever it was the boy had been fighting. Saki already barely remembered what the damn thing was, as though her brain just dumped the information in order to jam more in.

Feeling just a tad overwhelmed, Saki turned her attention to the other newcomers, her gaze latching on to the peculiarly dressed woman. She was pretty, in her own weird little way. A bit enchanting to look at. Her clothes were... certainly something, and Saki would be lying if she said she didn't want to try on those sunglasses.

Finally, Saki looked over to the two boys behind her. They were like her, right? Shinkis. That's what she assumed anyways, given that they weren't freaking out like the plum haired human boy. The blue haired one was leaning against a tree, looking a mix of bored and disgusted.

"Mo'..." Saki started, her voice quiet but filled with concern, "Mo', are you okay?"

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The boy with two toned hair, part vibrant pink and part blonde, glanced around after the four—no, five of them counting Takeminakata's shinki, Yotsuya—landed. He didn't bother to watch the god of war utterly destroy the phantom. The sight wasn't anything new to him, and in all honesty the gods, shinki, and sole human boy gathered were more interesting to him. Mizuko's comment about the trouble the gods gathered had beating the phantom did not surprise him either, though he rolled his eyes a little at the others attitude towards the situation. So what if the gods weren't up to par and needed a little help. Maybe they'd improve with time.

Koi's attention turned to the human boy who had bumped into Unmei. The human boy who could apparently see them and everything that was going on. He met Unmei's questioning look, and smiled a little. His goddess didn't seem to understand the human boy's actions. The boy looked scared, and rightfully so. Everything going on around him is typically stuff he's not able to see, and for good reason. So to suddenly see this... well, that's enough to scare most anyone. And Unmei didn't exactly fit the 'normal, welcoming, friendly' bill in her appearance. "That basically means he's scared of you." Koishi muttered quietly to Unmei, his voice soft and barely there from how little he uses it but still enough that the goddess would be able to hear him.

Being the more friendly of Unmei's two shinki, he turned his attention to the purple haired human boy. He wasn't quite sure how to go about this without scaring him more, but Koshi started out with a friendly smile. He pointed to Unmei and Mizuko, and then to himself. Then, his hands lifted in a similar motion to that of the boy's earlier, trying to assure the lad that they did not intend to hurt him. His goal, if he could, was to get the boy to calm down enough so someone could explain the situation, or figure out how he could see them.

Tags: Valefar Valefar Kuromi_Jiro Kuromi_Jiro
template by astraea
  • aaa.jpg"Takeminakata?!" Sukutse exclaimed. Is it a name? A place? Well, he had no time to think about such things. All of his senses were focused on defeating this dangerous shapeshifting phantom. "Meow!" The cat in his shirt was panicking. He tried to calm him down with his injured arm, and with his sword arm, he braced for the next attack. Suddenly, lightning struck at the phantom after it started to run towards him and attack. In just a blink of an eye, the phantom was gone. After the phantom was cleansed, he dropped off the ground on his butt, with his jaw dropped. The cat calmed down, which was a good thing. He kept Inori on her shinki form, just in case. Sukutse couldn't process all that was happening. It was overwhelming. What happened to the god that attacked him? What happened to the fallen boy? Who the hell is this guy? How come he just struck down from the heavens and killed it for me? Those questions circled his mind.

    Sukutse was at a loss for words. Who's this guy? Who's the scary looking lady behind him? Who're these two boys? And, again, he had countless questions. He watched the guy with the colorful hair move his hands in a certain way... Sign language? He didn't understand it, anyway.

    "Who- Who are you?" was the only thing he could say. He wanted to barrage them with questions, but his words seemed to fail him after he asked that one question. His expression showed a mix of confusion, shock, relief, and terror, with a cut from the phantom's dagger on his cheek. He seemed to be unaware that the blight was starting to spread on the wounded part of his cheek.

    Skellux Skellux Valefar Valefar Svisttt Svisttt Soulless Soulless Darkmaster006 Darkmaster006 Kuromi_Jiro Kuromi_Jiro
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[div class=headermain]Inori

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"Takeminakata? Inori repeated Sukutse's words in question. Wasn't there something else that had that name too, thought the regalia.

In seconds, it seemed almost as if a whole council of individuals approached the area. One. Two. — Wait, four? Within the blank realm she was in, Inori shifted her head in several directions, overwhelmed by the several presences around her. Were they cornering them? Were they enemies? Did they have regenerating-limbs too? Thoughts swarmed through the blue-haired girl's mind in anxiousness, which she masked with silence. With her limited vision, she tried her best to observe the condition her master was in. It wasn't long before she noticed the bruise-like infection spreading from a cut on his cheek. He was blighted.

"Sukutse-sama! Your cheek!" Exclaimed Inori in concern, her voice slightly wavering from worry. Completely ignoring the surrounding threats, the regalia reverted back to her human-form, despite the act being against her master's word. She conjured beside Sukutse, intensely staring at the phantom-corrupted area on his face. In a matter of minutes the blight could progress even furthur if left untreated. Inori clutched onto Sukutse's shirt, looking up at him with a tearful yet animated expression. "Don't die..."

takki takki
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Takeminakata-sama looked at the boy in front of him just for a moment, and answered in a cold voice: "Hmm... Mishaguji." Then he looked to his left at Mori. He could feel how distressed she was even from this distance. He sheathed his sword and rushed forward to her, paying no more attention for now at the boy.

How much of this had been solely her fault? Mori felt like she was drowning in guilt and was spiraling away from Saki and even from Take... what will he say now, after he's seen the disaster I've caused on his shrine? And that boy, I attacked him without reason... She was so distracted by her overthinking that she barely heard Saki's quiet but concerned words. Furthermore, she could barely stand. Added to the psychological weight she was carrying, there were her actual physical injuries, and both made her unable to think clearly and precisely. "So much for the Great Goddess of Nature and Complex and Intricate Patterns, huh?" She whispered as she looked up—teary-eyed—at the sky (her gaze longing for older, simpler times)... until she tumbled and collapsed, starting to fall to the ground. She managed to utter "Saki." to free Saki from her weapon form. But just as Saki started to glow, Takeminakata appeared and held Mori in his arms.

For Take, Mori was something like a daughter, even if he didn't see her as often as he'd like, since she was always travelling around the country in search of a purpose, he thought, or maybe in search of distracting herself from her thoughts by helping people around the country. For him, Yotsuya and Tomoya were like daughters too, and he was grateful he found them and gave them a life, a purpose again. It had been said that his previous incarnations had treated their Shinki merely as weapons of war and destruction, merely as objects or possesions, and he wanted none of that. Yotsu and Tomo were also great friends with Mori. Mori had helped them with the garden many times since she first arrived at Take's shrine.

"Yotsu. Tomo." he called and let out his two Shinki, both of whom laid Mori carefully on the floor. As Saki materialized, Mori slowly opened up her eyes again and struggled for words "I...", seeing Yocchan and Tomo-chan looking down as her; they were smiling and waved at her. Mori forced herself to smile, even though she didn't know how to feel yet. Yocchan had short light brown curly hair in something of a bob-cut, while Tomo-chan had her black hair styled in a short ponytail, curiously enough, they were wearing quite modern clothes, which contrasted with Take's traditional clothes. Mori could also see Take behind them, who seemed to be calling someone over with his hand. When Take heard Mori, he immediately looked at her and said: "Don't worry about a thing, Moriya, okay? Calm down and breathe. It only matters that you are alright."

Mori nodded. "Would you please call over... that boy?" She said, and Take turned over and looked at the boy, making a gesture for him to come over. Take had thought at first that he might've been an enemy, but he had made no move to hurt them, so maybe he was alright. "But... most importantly, Saki, where's Saki, is she alright?" she asked in a desperate voice, freaking over a bit.
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She opened her mouth to speak, possibly to give more words fueled with worry, although she quickly realized something was happening to her. The change was quite sudden, and much like what had happened to her earlier back at the little blueberry place. In what felt like only a moment, she was no longer here in this... whatever it was, Saki still didn't know what to call it- but stood in the forest surrounding the shrine with people strewn all about.

Disorientated, she briefly glanced around to get herself a little more adjusted to things again, before immediately setting to making sure Mo' was alright. The man who took care of the enemy was stood in front of her, alongside two bubbly looking girls who seemed to have come from out of no where. Saki plastered a small, weary smile on her face as she awkwardly nodded her head to the three in what was probably meant to be a greeting, only to sit criss crossed next to panicky looking Mori. Her head tilted a bit off to the side as she debated what to do, eventually settling on giving her a little wave and brushing a stray lock of fern green hair away from her friend's face. Saki did her best to look as nonchalant as possible, not wanting to cause Mo' any further worry. "Everything's okay!" Saki tried to soothe, not knowing how to reassure someone is such distress.

She glanced up at the three strangers, unsure what to make of them. She knew that they had helped and all, but Saki still couldn't help but feel defensive. She didn't want anything else to happen to Mori, and maybe that was just because the girl was her goddess, but Saki already didn't want to see her that way. Mori was her friend- and her only one, Saki supposed, but still! Pouting ever so slightly, she strained to figure out how best to begin a conversation with the three people before them.


"Who are you guys?" Saki eventually blurted, her face turning a light pink as soon as the words left her mouth.

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"Saki?" answered Yotsu and Tomo in unison at Mori. They were surprised, of course. Mori had never brought someone over with her before, so this was something totally new. Even Take's face showed curiosity. Just after that, Saki emerged and the three looked puzzled as Saki nodded to them and went straight to sit next to Mori. Curious Tomo was about to poke on Saki, but Take stopped her in her tracks even before Yotsu tried to, and he gave them a glare that said it'd be better to leave them alone a bit. Yotsu dragged Tomo away from them by her cheek. "Ow, ow! Yotsu, it huuuurts!" "Don't be so dramatic," said Yotsu between giggles.

Mori lay on the floor as she saw Saki approaching. Many thoughts overflew her head, but she tried not to give any space to them. She tried to focus on the now, but she wasn't feeling well at all. She saw Saki wave at her and tell her everything was all right. "Ah..." Mori was at a loss for words. As Saki asked Yocchan, Tomo-chan, and Take who they were—while Mori looked with her eyes almost closed at Saki—the best thing Mori thought out was reach for Saki's hand, and she did and closed her eyes. It felt reassuring and warm.

Yotsu and Tomo were playing around when Saki blurted out her words. Tomo immediately turned around to her and answered. "Who are we? We are Shinkis of the Greatest God in Existence, the Almighty Takeminakata-sama, Lord of All Wars and Quarrels, Bearer of The Divine Blue Hakama and--" Tomo—who was hardly stopping herself from laughing out loud—was interrupted promptly by Yotsu, who pinched her cheeks. Take just smiled at the scene. Yotsu sighed and explained, "Don't pay heed to her, she's always a goof. We are friends of Mori, and we are the Shinkis of Takeminakata indeed, Mori always comes here when she travels around Aomori so--" This time Tomo interrupted Yotsu, "Don't be so formal, Yotsurin!" she said smiling, putting her arm around Yotsu's shoulder on a shoulder hug. Tomo pointed at Take who was behind them—"This is Takeminakata-sama" "Greetings"—and between whispers, "You can call him Take"—then she pointed at Yotsu, "and this is Yotsuriiiin""Yotsuya", she said smiling—"and I am Tomoya."
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Saki glanced between the two girls, unable to keep a smile off her face despite her initial worry and protectiveness for Mori. The two acted like... she supposed sisters. It was nice to see, and though this was only her first time meeting the girls, it was obvious how much they cared for each other. Kept each other in check. Laughing a little, she gave Mori's hand a quick squeeze and waved to the three, realizing a simple nod wasn't really given much of a greeting. Not a good one, anyways. "Hi Take, Yotsuya, Tomoya." She hummed, anxiously looking back at the other people around again.

The blue haired girl looked awfully worried, clinging to the boy Mori had briefly tried to fight, "Are... are they okay?" Saki asked quietly, trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice.

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  • artworks-000215091727-9ev6mx-t500x500.jpg
    Sukutse managed to calm down when he felt the cat purring under his shirt. Its soft fur slightly comforted him, but its claws dug deep into his skin with every step that the cat makes. He suddenly felt his cheek burning; probably from the phantom dagger that grazed his cheek. He touched it without even thinking. Right after he did, it immediately stung him which created more pain, and the fingers that he used to touch his wound turned purple, spreading all over his fingers.

    Suddenly, Inori turned into her human form without Sukutse's consent. She only did it because she was worried as heck about her master's condition, so Sukutse has no right to scold her. He warmly smiled at her. "I'm not going to die, Inori. It's just a small blight." He patted his regalia's head with his unblighted hand. "Now, I just have to find a nearby shrine and clean this, then I'll go to talk to that... god." He gazed towards Take before he started to walk towards the shrine.

    Skellux Skellux Valefar Valefar Svisttt Svisttt Soulless Soulless Darkmaster006 Darkmaster006 Kuromi_Jiro Kuromi_Jiro
Tomoya glanced quickly at the boy and his shinki. "They are a-okay!" said Tomoya as she danced around inspecting Saki with her eyes while Yotsuya followed behind. Tomoya liked to take in every detail from the people she met, and of course she knew Yotsuya down to her core. Tomoya probably wouldn't admit it, but she sometimes got a bit jealous that she wasn't the only one she seemed to want to know everything about. But still, she loved that trait about Tomoya. To Tomo's words, Yotsu added, facing Saki for a bit: "If there's something you can trust her on, it's her eyes for sure."

Meanwhile, Mori laid on the floor, still squeezing Saki's hand carefully. She felt at peace like that. But that peace, as always lately in her life, didn't seem to last long. Her eyes were closed now, but she heard Take make a sound quite like a scream, which was more than unusual, to say the least. A boy's scream followed. And then some sort of annoyed scream, from a voice Mori couldn't recognise. At that moment, Mori wouldn't know, but the second scream had been of Kobe, and the third of Unmei. Both of them had disappeared, vanished, little by little, as if they were a mound of leaves. Take tried to reach Mei, she only got touch her as she vanished. Frustration. He had been unable to do anything. "Mei, Unmei!"

Mori opened her eyes. A carriage, a magic circle, she thought she saw in the sky. The atmosphere felt heavy. Or maybe, her head felt heavy, dizzy. Hazy... was it her mother calling? The uprooted trees called for her. She tried uttering a word... she tried fixing the trees; but her eyes closed, she lost consciousness. Darkness, only.

JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Svisttt Svisttt Valefar Valefar Soulless Soulless takki takki Kuromi_Jiro Kuromi_Jiro
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