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Nobody is Interested.


The Bad-Title Maker

Hello, I am Nobody


That is my name.


I know. It's horrible.

But it was better than Anyone (which I had before)


So, let's see. I am going to be usually on every day (even though I should keep up my grades.) BUT WHO NEEDS SCHOOL. RPING FOR DAYS. (dun judge me.) I'm in high school in my Sophomore year, (saying I am a sophomore is weird as all hell to be honest.) I am also in Model UN, Writer's club, and Japanese Club so I might come on just a little later on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


I usually make a post every day for a 1 on 1 RP but if I don't please don't kill me. I'll probably make a post the next day unless I died or end up breaking an arm. (Or your post is so long I end up doing my bad habit of trying to match your length). Which brings me to my length. I'd prefer no one liners if not very few, and I try to match your length. (Although I know quality is better than quanity sometimes..)


Anyways. That's me. A very short part of me.  If you want to more ask me!



Black Butler.



Demon Contractor x Contractee


Demon Contractor x Demon Contractor


Fallen Angel Contractor x Contractee


Demon Contractee x Demon Contractee


Sword Art Online



This one.. is weird.


Go with it.


Blacksmith x Swords(wo)man


Trader x Swords(wo)man


Swords(wo)man x Swords(wo)man


Criminal x 'Good Guild' Member


Solo x Guild Member



Any other pairings other than the ones listed above are just fine with me. I'll probably be adding to the list of fandoms and pairings later on.


Well. Nobody is waiting. 


Yes. I am making a pun with my own name.
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I am quite interested, but do you mind doing any other fandoms?
If not, a Black Butler role play would be fine~!
I am quite interested, but do you mind doing any other fandoms?
If not, a Black Butler role play would be fine~!


I do. I just put in the ones that came to mind.

16 hours ago, Kitticakes99 said:

I would be interested in a Black Butler rp Demon Contractor x Contractee. MxM, FxF,  or MxF. It's all good with me. 

Sebaciel shipper over here. xD.

In other news, I'll get a message out to you this week (today.. is where I am a victim of my own procrastination.)

18 hours ago, Mitchs98 said:

I'd be interested in an SAO FxF RP.

One I was doing died.




Always fun. xD.

Also I'll throw a message to you sometime this week.
I do. I just put in the ones that came to mind.

Sebaciel shipper over here. xD.

In other news, I'll get a message out to you this week (today.. is where I am a victim of my own procrastination.)



Always fun. xD.

Also I'll throw a message to you sometime this week.

Awesome, look forward to it ^-^
Id do a Sao one, but I'm afraid nobody won't care. 

Solo x Guild member or Swordswoman x Swordsman ... gladly... if you want...
Fallen Angel Contractor x Contractee

Demon Contractor x Contractee

I would love to do either or both whichever you'd like. 

I think I have a great character for the fallen angel contractor. 
Hello, well I'm a superfan of SAO, so if you are still interested, what about a Swords(wo)man x Swords(wo)man?

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