• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Noble Souls: Armageddon CS

View attachment 837818 A short boy, standing less than 4 feet tall, with pale skin, spiky hair,
colored fiery red. Typically has an angry expression with eyes of no particular
color, but often narrowed. A symbol on his right shoulder with no known origin.
Two large mechanical arms from the elbows down, both a similar red color, and
an unknown metallic material. Sharp clawed hands, and in the center of each palm
are single cylinders, rising out from the spaces between the metal plating, by no
more than a centimeter. Outfit consists of mainly a pair of red gi pants, with the
traditional cloud pattern, being yellow to contrast the red, while keeping a warm
pallet, and plain white obi around the waist tied in a knot. The waistline of the pants
flaring out above the belt. Bandages wrapping around the torso, covering the
abdominals and stopping at the chest. Typical Samurai-esque footwear finish off
the outfit.

Name: Shishio Bakugeki (Shi, Shio or Baku)

World: OC world

Age: 10

  • Energy Manipulation/Absorption (energy projectiles, energy powered punches, etc.)
  • Electric projectiles (Electrocuting himself in the process)
  • Flame thrower, concussive sound waves, combined both to make focused heat waves
  • Super Human Athleticism (namely Super speed, being able to vanish from the naked eye and even make afterimages)
  • Enhanced Durability (can take standard handgun rounds without severe damage, arms are much more durable)
  • Dream Eating (Relating to Baku, he can devour Nightmares, as well as good dreams, however those can make him fall ill)
  • Can enter dreams if the participant consents to it (even if subconsciously)
  • Martial Arts (Loose Amalgamation of Karate and Taekwondo, with a bit of Kung fu)
  • Something of a quick study (often making a less effective attempt the first time around)
  • Tenacity (too dumb to give up)
Weapons and Equipment:
  • Long Sharp Claws
  • A sword if needed
  • A small magic tool that fits over the mouth for underwater diving
  • 3 marbles that act as rechargeable flash bangs
Shishio is as naive and energetic as you would expect a child to be, but clueless to most social norms. There's a lot he hasn't learned about the world, which effects how he behaves around "normal" people. This also plays into how he acts with higher authority, simply not understanding the meaning of a hierarchy. Shishio is often times vengeful for the smaller things, however and expectedly, it is typically a very childish take on the term. if someone were to take his candy bar, he would fight to get it back. However if he were to wrong someone, he would have the maturity to make it up to them. He is very honest and even blunt, which can get him into trouble, but typically is seen as a good trait of his. His bad manners on the other hand not so much, and he is constantly having to be corrected by his allies. On the note of poor qualities, he can be rather hasty when picking fights, and hardly takes the time to size opponents up properly. His confidence in his abilities have shown to hold merit though, while also being fearless. Shishio enjoys sparing with his much more experienced housemates, he is simply unable to sit still.

Long ago, when the gods were creating the world, and all the animals were formed, the final touches of creation were being made to ensure a perfect world. When one goddess took notice of what was left over. All animals were created, but there were still fragments of creatures unutilized. And so instead of letting it go to waste, She combined them to form the Baku. The years began and all was well, but one baku was not like the others, one who took the form of a strange boy. The gods realized that one among them had made this creation without the consent of the others, and as punishment, the boy was sealed away in a jar and left at the end of the world where no one would find it. Many hundreds of millennia passed and one day, jar had fallen and broke apart, Releasing Shishio back into the world. He was soon found by a young warrior girl in the bamboo forest he resided, and after taking some getting used to, befriended his new acquaintance, Lizel. Before long, Shishio was off with Lizel, adventuring the world he was never able to see, fought his battles, met new and extraordinary people, and continued to grow.

Who Will Be Watching?: Lizel- Pretty redhead with a temper, Ban- Big carefree guy built like Maui, Ane- an unknown creature that looks like a magical rabbit thing, but not? it talks.
Appearance: Short fluffy golden blonde hair. Sky blue eyes, thin muscular build, resting stern face. When a sleeveless tunic with golden armor plates. He mostly has white shorts with faux gold laced on them. Closest image to it

Name: Adonis Ariti

World: (What your character is from, unless if it is an OC, then put "OC") OC

Age: Early twenties

Powers: His god powers consists of sensing fiends (or what he considers foes based on their aura) [this is a minor power] He has the apply to also heal if he places his hands on human, he can only heal at the most a 2nd degree burn, anything past that in damage will only be partially heal, but no more.

Abilities: (Things that a normal human can do) He has strength comparable to a gymnast as most of it comes from his upper body. He has quick reflexes and can throw a light punch. He has what is described as a 'celestial voice.' when singing.

Weapons and Equipment: The sword of religious smite, this sword is durable during fights and can cast the thunderous smite spell which can summon thunder, but it needs to killed at least a few evil doers and only evil doers. He wears a sleeveless tunic with golden plates on his shoulders for protection.

Personality: He's a protector, willing to defending and fight for what's right. Even without his god powers, he had a sense of self justice. He will not hesitates to engage in combat if he senses ill-will. He's not very social, but likes to help those in need. He's stern and quiet when he's not fighting or saving people.

Bio: (You can just put a wiki link if you want to) Born to two great fighters, his passion was passed down through his parents. He greatly prides himself on the welbeing of his family and sets out to fight the ultimate deity, the gods themselves.

Who Will Be Watching?: His mother and father.
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Appearance: Short fluffy golden blonde hair. Sky blue eyes, thin muscular build, resting stern face. When a sleeveless tunic with golden armor plates. He mostly has white shorts with faux gold laced on them. Closest image to it

Name: Adonis Ariti

World: (What your character is from, unless if it is an OC, then put "OC") OC

Age: Early twenties

Powers: His god powers consists of sensing fiends (or what he considers foes based on their aura) [this is a minor power] He has the apply to also heal if he places his hands on human, he can only heal at the most a 2nd degree burn, anything past that in damage will only be partially heal, but no more.

Abilities: (Things that a normal human can do) He has strength comparable to a gymnast as most of it comes from his upper body. He has quick reflexes and can throw a light punch. He has what is described as a 'celestial voice.' when singing.

Weapons and Equipment: The sword of religious smite, this sword is durable during fights and can cast the thunderous smite spell which can summon thunder, but it needs to killed at least a few evil doers and only evil doers. He wears a sleeveless tunic with golden plates on his shoulders for protection.

Personality: He's a protector, willing to defending and fight for what's right. Even without his god powers, he had a sense of self justice. He will not hesitates to engage in combat if he senses ill-will. He's not very social, but likes to help those in need. He's stern and quiet when he's not fighting or saving people.

Bio: (You can just put a wiki link if you want to) Born to two great fighters, his passion was passed down through his parents. He greatly prides himself on the welbeing of his family and sets out to fight the ultimate deity, the gods themselves.

Who Will Be Watching?: His mother and father.

Appearance: 1613934672175.png

Name: Bardock

World: (What your character is from, unless if it is an OC, then put "OC") Planet Vegeta

Age: ???

Powers: A lot of them, but hard to summarize.

Bardock can materialize his ki into energy called KI attacks, not only that but his tail allows him to turn into a Oozuru, a alien wareape at the sight of the full moon on the planet or with a false attack made by him called Blutz Waves. He can see into the future due to a curse placed on him by a Kanassian. He also gains the ablity to turn Super Saiyan after fighting a assumed cousion of Frieza himself. At the sign of death and if Bardock heals, he becomes a lot stronger in life or death situations.

Abilities: (Things that a normal human can do) Martial Arts (Saiyans are a warrior race)

Weapons and Equipment: Scouter, Saiyan armor


Bardock, at a first glance looks like a typical low-class Saiyan born on planet Vegeta. Like every other Saiyan, he displays traces of coldness, hatred and anger and the love of battle. However there are some traits that make this Saiyan man stand out from the typical.

He displays intelligence smartness not displayed in a lot of other Saiyans even though he brushes it off as he is really good at fighting. Bardock also has the ability of precognition, the ability to see the future of himself and what is about to happen next (in short bursts).

This can be both be a blessing and curse for the Saiyan.

However, this doesn’t stop Bardock from being fearless and running right into danger when he goes to fight Frieza on his own with nobody else from his race to help him.

This goes to play a part in Bardock’s own weakness which is part of his body. His tail.

A Saiyan has the ability to change into a ware-monkey at the sight of a full moon and if the tail is chopped off, the Saiyan loses his or her ability to change into this form.

But when Bardock is shown in the past, he tries to reject the help from Barry, displaying his stubbornness and pride.ibeing stubborn but Hhe grows to like the kid after a while, showing a softer side that can warm up to people, if given time.

Inside, however Bardock shows a tender side for his crew and their deaths. He is extremely loyal to them and vice versa.

Bio: (You can just put a wiki link if you want to)Bardock

Who Will Be Watching?: (Basically list down the names (with embedded links to their wikis, optional if you want to put their appearances) of your audience NPCs A.K.A. people who will be watching your participant fight) The Whole Saiyan race, from another verse.
King Vegeta
Appearance: View attachment 851731

Name: Bardock

World: (What your character is from, unless if it is an OC, then put "OC") Planet Vegeta

Age: ???

Powers: A lot of them, but hard to summarize.

Bardock can materialize his ki into energy called KI attacks, not only that but his tail allows him to turn into a Oozuru, a alien wareape at the sight of the full moon on the planet or with a false attack made by him called Blutz Waves. He can see into the future due to a curse placed on him by a Kanassian. He also gains the ablity to turn Super Saiyan after fighting a assumed cousion of Frieza himself. At the sign of death and if Bardock heals, he becomes a lot stronger in life or death situations.

Abilities: (Things that a normal human can do) Martial Arts (Saiyans are a warrior race)

Weapons and Equipment: Scouter, Saiyan armor


Bardock, at a first glance looks like a typical low-class Saiyan born on planet Vegeta. Like every other Saiyan, he displays traces of coldness, hatred and anger and the love of battle. However there are some traits that make this Saiyan man stand out from the typical.

He displays intelligence smartness not displayed in a lot of other Saiyans even though he brushes it off as he is really good at fighting. Bardock also has the ability of precognition, the ability to see the future of himself and what is about to happen next (in short bursts).

This can be both be a blessing and curse for the Saiyan.

However, this doesn’t stop Bardock from being fearless and running right into danger when he goes to fight Frieza on his own with nobody else from his race to help him.

This goes to play a part in Bardock’s own weakness which is part of his body. His tail.

A Saiyan has the ability to change into a ware-monkey at the sight of a full moon and if the tail is chopped off, the Saiyan loses his or her ability to change into this form.

But when Bardock is shown in the past, he tries to reject the help from Barry, displaying his stubbornness and pride.ibeing stubborn but Hhe grows to like the kid after a while, showing a softer side that can warm up to people, if given time.

Inside, however Bardock shows a tender side for his crew and their deaths. He is extremely loyal to them and vice versa.

Bio: (You can just put a wiki link if you want to)Bardock

Who Will Be Watching?: (Basically list down the names (with embedded links to their wikis, optional if you want to put their appearances) of your audience NPCs A.K.A. people who will be watching your participant fight) The Whole Saiyan race, from another verse.
King Vegeta

Name: Johnny Joestar

World: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure

Age: 19

Powers: His stand, Tusk. Tusk | JoJo's Bizarre Wiki | Fandomjojo.fandom.com › wiki › Tusk

Abilities: Excellent Horse Rider, normal human stuff

Weapons and Equipment: His Horse, Slow dancer? Idk

Personality: Johnny Joestar is a depressive ex-jockey, who clings to his hope of regaining the use of his legs through the Spin and then the Corpse Part throughout Steel Ball Run.

Bio: Johnny Joestar | JoJo's Bizarre Wiki | Fandomjojo.fandom.com › wiki › Johnny_Joestar

Who Will Be Watching?:

Ghost of Gyro Zepplini, Lucy Steel, Funny Valentine
“For those we cherish, we die in glory!”
Green eyes, brown hair, light skinned complexion, heavy scarring on his face. Most of his body under the armour appears bruised black-blue due to implants. This is normal and not actually a bruise.

Brother Champion Alexander

Warhammer 40k


Astartes Biology. While Alexander started his life as a normal human, at age 12 he was taken in to be turned into something more. Every part of his biology is tweaked to be either peak or flat out superhuman. New organs ranging from a third lung, a second heart, improved bone marrow, enhanced senses and most importantly of all, an enhanced mind. The implants are just one half of the coin: Astartes are taken through some of the toughest and most thorough training in the galaxy. Each new marine is already a decade old veteran before they are even accepted as a full battle brother. The end result is a lethal grace given form, a warrior monk with few equals. Exactly how powerful they are varies from source to source, I'll be taking Astartes as my baseline for what Alexander is capable of.

Master duellist. Alexander is the Company champion, recognized to be the best duelist in his company. It is his duty to accept any challenges on behalf of his officers, so they can concentrate on actually commanding.
Dog trainer. Alexander belongs to a chapter that values some individual expression, especially if it helps a marine stay sane for longer. He likes dogs, so taking up training police dogs seemed like a good hobby.

Weapons and Equipment:
Powersword - A fine blade encased in a field of disruptive energies that can chew through damn near anything. Shaped to Alexander's preferences, it appears to be a simple if huge bastard sword. Only once it makes contact with something will the field show itself. Gleaming blue strands of energy play along the length of the blade as it sunders even the toughest of materials. Only energy fields offer some measure of protection.
Bolt Pistol - Essentially a mini rocket launcher. Capable of full auto fire. Standard shots pierce first then explode inside the target. While specialist rounds are available, Alexander does not carry any.
Storm shield - A small shield with a force field on the face. Used to parry and shield bash. The field works just like the field on the sword, and will start to disintegrate anything in prolonged contact with it.
Power armour - Bonded directly to Alexander's mind, the armour moves like a second skin, a skin tough enough to shrug off anything short of an anti tank rocket. His helmet features an array of additional sensors that enhance his already superhuman sight.

Eternally bright and optimistic even in the worst of circumstances. Alexander takes his duties as champion seriously and tries to stand as an example to follow. While he does not talk much, he enjoys the company of others, be they his battle brothers, other mortals, or even just affectionate dogs. Sparring is his favourite way to pass time with others, as he feels that the direct competition talks far more clearly than any words ever could. Arrogance ticks him off, at which point he prefers to spar with a much more nasty style, one intended to break pride and bone in equal measure. As he lives for battle he struggles to find more peaceful ways to pass the time. He’s quite fond of training dogs, though he cannot always make the time for it. Do not touch his puppy inappropriately or the consequences will be severe.

A champion a small army of super soldiers in service of humanity and the glorious God Man Emperor of Mankind.

Alexander remembers little of his homeworld or his life before recruitment into th small army of super soldiers known as the Lamenters Space Marine chapter. The chapter passed by his homeworld and required recruits. In order to find the best of the best, the Lamenters organised a grand tournament, where everyone of the right age could compete in a wide variety of games. Alexander's best place was 3rd, at fencing, yet the chapter chose him as a new recruit anyway. The chapter values the right mindset just as highly as martial prowess and the young boy showed much more promise than the braggarts who let their victories feed their arrogance. So began his journey from humble farmboy to champion of the chapter to eventually, almost a martyr.

As a recruit his most notable achievement became holding off a demonic swordsman single handedly before his battle brothers came to the rescue. Over his lifetime he proved himself time and time again as a master single combatant. Alexander decided several skirmishes in an imperial civil war that the Lamenters unwillingly participated in. Through honour duels, he saved both the Imperium of Man and the chapter grievous losses. Here, Alexander became a company champion, recognised as one of the ten greatest duellists in the chapter. Ultimately however the Lamenters had to surrender, and Alexander and his battle brothers were sentenced to go on a penitent crusade. All told, it could have ended a lot worse, as the Imperium of Man’s standard response to anything related to a mix of rebellion, heresy and demons is much more concise and blunt.

During the crusade the chapter ran afoul of the vile alien race known as Tyranids, souped up space locusts so hungry their passage leaves planets stripped down to the bare bedrock. Here, Alexander almost met his end. During a doomed last stand to buy civilians time to escape he briefly surged forward to save a child. He succeeded in beating back the horde at the cost of a literal arm and a leg. At peace with his fate Alexander thought this would be his end, content that the nameless child would live. When he closed his eyes, he thought the last thing he would feel would be an endless carpet of claws, teeth and hunger. Yet, instead, he found himself in this strange new place. Renewed, with his armour repaired and his latest companion at his side. Perhaps that note he found had more to it than he thought.

Who Will Be Watching?:
Alistair, his German Shepherd puppy.
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“For those we cherish, we die in glory!”

Brother Champion Alexander

Warhammer 40k


Astartes Biology. While Alexander started his life as a normal human, at age 12 he was taken in to be turned into something more. Every part of his biology is tweaked to be either peak or flat out superhuman. New organs ranging from a third lung, a second heart, improved bone marrow, enhanced senses and most importantly of all, an enhanced mind. The implants are just one half of the coin: Astartes are taken through some of the toughest and most thorough training in the galaxy. Each new marine is already a decade old veteran before they are even accepted as a full battle brother. The end result is a lethal grace given form, a warrior monk with few equals. Exactly how powerful they are varies from source to source, I'll be taking Astartes as my baseline for what Alexander is capable of.

Master duellist. Alexander is the Company champion, recognized to be the best duelist in his company. It is his duty to accept any challenges on behalf of his officers, so they can concentrate on actually commanding.
Dog trainer. Alexander belongs to a chapter that values some individual expression, especially if it helps a marine stay sane for longer. He likes dogs, so taking up training police dogs seemed like a good hobby.

Weapons and Equipment:
Powersword - A fine blade encased in a field of disruptive energies that can chew through damn near anything. Shaped to Alexander's preferences, it appears to be a simple if huge bastard sword. Only once it makes contact with something will the field show itself. Gleaming blue strands of energy play along the length of the blade as it sunders even the toughest of materials. Only energy fields offer some measure of protection.
Bolt Pistol - Essentially a mini rocket launcher. Capable of full auto fire. Standard shots pierce first then explode inside the target. While specialist rounds are available, Alexander does not carry any.
Storm shield - A small shield with a force field on the face. Used to parry and shield bash. The field works just like the field on the sword, and will start to disintegrate anything in prolonged contact with it.
Power armour - Bonded directly to Alexander's mind, the armour moves like a second skin, a skin tough enough to shrug off anything short of an anti tank rocket. His helmet features an array of additional sensors that enhance his already superhuman sight.

Eternally bright and optimistic even in the worst of circumstances. Alexander takes his duties as champion seriously and tries to stand as an example to follow. While he does not talk much, he enjoys the company of others, be they his battle brothers, other mortals, or even just affectionate dogs. Sparring is his favourite way to pass time with others, as he feels that the direct competition talks far more clearly than any words ever could. Arrogance ticks him off, at which point he prefers to spar with a much more nasty style, one intended to break pride and bone in equal measure. As he lives for battle he struggles to find more peaceful ways to pass the time. He’s quite fond of training dogs, though he cannot always make the time for it. Do not touch his puppy inappropriately or the consequences will be severe.

A champion a small army of super soldiers in service of humanity and the glorious God Man Emperor of Mankind.

Alexander remembers little of his homeworld or his life before recruitment into th small army of super soldiers known as the Lamenters Space Marine chapter. The chapter passed by his homeworld and required recruits. In order to find the best of the best, the Lamenters organised a grand tournament, where everyone of the right age could compete in a wide variety of games. Alexander's best place was 3rd, at fencing, yet the chapter chose him as a new recruit anyway. The chapter values the right mindset just as highly as martial prowess and the young boy showed much more promise than the braggarts who let their victories feed their arrogance. So began his journey from humble farmboy to champion of the chapter to eventually, almost a martyr.

As a recruit his most notable achievement became holding off a demonic swordsman single handedly before his battle brothers came to the rescue. Over his lifetime he proved himself time and time again as a master single combatant. Alexander decided several skirmishes in an imperial civil war that the Lamenters unwillingly participated in. Through honour duels, he saved both the Imperium of Man and the chapter grievous losses. Here, Alexander became a company champion, recognised as one of the ten greatest duellists in the chapter. Ultimately however the Lamenters had to surrender, and Alexander and his battle brothers were sentenced to go on a penitent crusade. All told, it could have ended a lot worse, as the Imperium of Man’s standard response to anything related to a mix of rebellion, heresy and demons is much more concise and blunt.

During the crusade the chapter ran afoul of the vile alien race known as Tyranids, souped up space locusts so hungry their passage leaves planets stripped down to the bare bedrock. Here, Alexander almost met his end. During a doomed last stand to buy civilians time to escape he briefly surged forward to save a child. He succeeded in beating back the horde at the cost of a literal arm and a leg. At peace with his fate Alexander thought this would be his end, content that the nameless child would live. When he closed his eyes, he thought the last thing he would feel would be an endless carpet of claws, teeth and hunger. Yet, instead, he found himself in this strange new place. Renewed, with his armour repaired and his latest companion at his side. Perhaps that note he found had more to it than he thought.

Who Will Be Watching?:
Alistair, his German Shepherd puppy.

Name: Funny Valentine

World: Jojo's Bizzarre Adcenture: Steel Ball Run

Age: 46

Powers: His Stand, D4C. Valentine's Stand, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C), enables him access at any time to any number of alternate worlds/universes/dimensions; where if desired he may swap bodies with his counterparts, granting him pseudo-immortality. This requires him to get caught between two objects (for example, a flag and the ground or a sofa and the wall). This limits D4C's ability but not by much since he has gotten caught between water and the bottom of the ocean as a method of using his ability before

D4C is among the most powerful Stands in the series. In its default form, it is a close-range Stand with above-average strength and speed. It is able to punch a grown man away violently[5] and rivals a transformed Diego in speed.[6]


-Presidental things

-Fighting- after all, he was a solider.

Weapons and Equipment:


Funny Valentine is a dignified but immoral patriot, militant in his will to accomplish what he thinks is best for the United States.

Valentine's foremost characteristic is his deep patriotism. Marked by the gruesome fate of his father,[10] Valentine's goal is for the United States to stand over the rest of the world. To do so, he seeks the blessing of the Saint Corpse Parts, becoming ecstatic when the Corpse blesses him.[11] Moreover, the President shows a great degree of determination toward this goal. First acting through his subordinates, Valentine then takes a greater active part in seizing the Saint's Corpse, confronting his enemies personally if need be, and ultimately claiming that he has no problem putting his life on the line to fulfill his objectives. He also manages to regain his composure even facing the eternal torture that Tusk ACT4 has inflicted on him.[12] One of his expressed fears is to have someone petty or worse seizing the Corpse and taking away the happiness that should go into the United States.[13]

Despite this, Valentine is also callous about the lives of individual Americans, never hesitating to sacrifice his own subordinates in his quest for the Corpse[14] and going as far as to kill them himself if he deems it necessary.[15] He also cruelly trapped a train engineer halfway through a mirror just to assure himself on one advantage.[16] His patriotism also comes with some hypocritical egotism. Despite his declared goal of working for the interests of the country, he regularly declares that his goals are fulfilled and after witnessing Love Train's ability, shouted that everything, including power and glory, was now his.[11]

Valentine is a ruthless individual, having a might-makes-right attitude toward the world, constantly using the metaphor of "taking the napkin first" to signify his gain in power.[19] He thinks that power is founded on authority, and part of the reason he wants the Corpse is to obtain a spiritual authority on par with the Vatican. Convinced that not everyone's wishes can be fulfilled and one must always sacrifice something for the sake of another, Valentine chooses to put the United States' prerogatives above the interests of the rest of the world. Valentine respects ambition and ruthlessness and ultimately entrusts the Corpse to an alternate Diego Brando.[20] On the other hand, he looks down on Steven Steel's less ambitious goals, calling his will superficial.[21] Claiming that his methods require the least sacrifices possible, they still liberally involve murder and generally violence, as well as manipulation of the people around him.

In and out of combat, Valentine shows a careful and observant side, regularly watching and thinking about the situation to best see his strengths and vulnerabilities. Firstly, he's made great care to disguise his search behind the Steel Ball Run race to leave rival countries behind[22] but also closely watched the race, following the racers inside a train and having an underling both stand watch within the participants or recruiting them afterward, or standing ready to ambush the duo. Valentine also understandably keeps tabs on the whereabouts of the Corpse Parts, which after killing Axl RO, allows him to deduce that the infiltrator who broke into his residence was still near him.[23] His observant nature makes him see through Diego Brando's disguise when the latter tries to approach him,[24] and suspect Gyro's determination in their clash that something is amiss,[25] fully grasping (with the help of a lucky wind gust) the danger the Spin poses to him and how it works.[26] However, when confronting Johnny, Valentine commits a fatal mistake in underestimating the Spin, conceitedly allowing Johnny a last "futile" attempt at shooting him.[27]

Valentine also demonstrates a generally dignified and composed attitude. In attitude, he is a polite man, among others using the formal and neutral pronoun "Watashi" (わたし) for himself, and almost never losing his composure enough to insult someone. He possesses a code of honor, first putting his patriotism above his own interests, and is a man of his words, never killing Steven Steel despite having reasons to, only because he swore an oath.[28] Valentine also respects the prowess of his adversaries, notably admiring the Spin technique as Ball Breaker tries to breach the dimensional wall.

Nonetheless, Valentine will twist this code whenever convenient and isn't above lying to gain an advantage, notably feeding Johnny with false hopes and half-truths to persuade him into releasing him from Tusk. He also isn't above some petty moments such as slamming one of his men into another dimension to get rid of him[29] or stomping Steven Steel's wounds to make him suffer as frivolous revenge for him slightly thwarting his plans.[28] During his earlier appearances, Valentine emoted much more, slightly losing his cool on several occasions and also privately calling Diego a "peasant" for having the gall to negotiate with his person on the same level.[30]

Funny Valentine is generally polite but cold toward any individual. The only person he's admitted to having loved is his father, confessing to having been searching for him across multiple universes, although that claim is dubious. Despite his marriage with Scarlet and the two sharing a certain fondness for each other, Valentine only appeared to be a little disturbed by her death.[31] Finally, Valentine keeps a professional distance with his subordinates at best, only caring that they fulfill his orders, whether they die or not.

Bio: Funny Valentine

Who Will Be Watching?: Same as Johnny, but they would likely boo him.
Agent 003
Abilities :
Tough skin
This ability allows agent 003 an enhanced body modifications such as him able to take more damage and able to take heavy hits by foes.
Once in a blue moon
Once in a blue moon allows agent 003, to lock on up to 3 enemies and deal massive damage with his duel wield pistols he always has by his side.
The ability enhances agent 003’s vision ,speed , and vitality that makes him an overall stronger individual than before.
This ability allows him to camouflage with his surroundings for a short period of time, mostly used for getaways and escapes.

Duel wield energy pistols,(Two modes, normal and fast shot, fast shot allows him to shoot more faster but accuracy is less than normal)
Energy blade
This weapon is a close quarter weapon and also a weapon to help him with the defensive side of things.
A basic deep metal sword able to cut things and even people too.
Chainsaw blade
Located on his other wrist, this weapon is also a close quarter weapon that helps him more with the offense side.
Agent 003 is a sarcastic individual that, usually makes a joke or two on a topic, but at the same time he can be strict and focused on something, but he usually is a rude guy at the same time.
The boss

The boss is agent 003’s watcher and romantic interest, agent 003 was created from the bosses old lover who was killed long ago and was made by parts of androids, though he still has the brain of her old forgotten lover.
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Agent 003
Abilities :
Tough skin
This ability allows agent 003 an enhanced body modifications such as him able to take more damage and able to take heavy hits by foes.
Once in a blue moon
Once in a blue moon allows agent 003, to lock on up to 3 enemies and deal massive damage with his duel wield pistols he always has by his side.
The ability enhances agent 003’s vision ,speed , and vitality that makes him an overall stronger individual than before.
This ability allows him to camouflage with his surroundings for a short period of time, mostly used for getaways and escapes.

Duel wield energy pistols,(Two modes, normal and fast shot, fast shot allows him to shoot more faster but accuracy is less than normal)
Energy blade
This weapon is a close quarter weapon and also a weapon to help him with the defensive side of things.
A basic deep metal sword able to cut things and even people too.
Chainsaw blade
Located on his other wrist, this weapon is also a close quarter weapon that helps him more with the offense side.
Agent 003 is a sarcastic individual that, usually makes a joke or two on a topic, but at the same time he can be strict and focused on something, but he usually is a rude guy at the same time.
The boss

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The boss is agent 003’s watcher and romantic interest, agent 003 was created from the bosses old lover who was killed long ago and was made by parts of androids, though he still has the brain of her old forgotten lover.

Spawn Death Battle 2.jpg

Name: Spawn (Al Simmons)

World: Spawn

Age: Immortal (Formerly 31)


Superhuman Strength, Speed & Durability: The combination of his Necroplamsically charged body coupled with the K7-Leetha gives Spawn an indeterminate amount of physical ability. He is able to punch through concrete and steel with ease, and lifting extremely heavy objects such as buildings. Due to his incredible durability, Spawn is capable of withstanding immense punishment without injury. He is able to fly at high speeds well in excess of 100 mph.

Regeneration: Spawn is able to heal even the most fatal wound in an instant. He is able to heal after getting incinerated by Anti-Spawn and has healed from continuous stabbed by himself with a huge piece of metal and managed to survive via healing. He is able to heal after getting torn apart. Spawn has regenerated entire holes in his chest, broken arms, missing hearts, and blown out knee caps instantly with the use of his Necroplasm.

Healing: Spawn can heal anyone's injuries and their wounds like the time when he is able to restore a child's entire chest cavity and healed fatal gunshot wound on Twitch. Though if he focuses hard on the healing power, he is capable bringing back a person's life.

Energy Manipulation: Spawn's common range attack as well as his preferred one, he shoots green blast made out of necroplasm which can vary the size of the blast. He can use the blast as movement as well. He can destroy the entire floor across the city and able to absorb all types of energy even the entire energy supply of Hell as well as able to kill vampires. If strong enough, it can melt the gates of Heaven.

Fire Manipulation: Spawn is able to manipulate, create, and breathe hellfire. This hellfire is strong enough to incinerate Violator and combust the human brain. He can blow the entire horde of men with his fire powers.

Hallucikinesis: Spawn's move where he can use illusions and hallucinates the opponent, it can trick them and can only use them if he feels outmatched. He can create figures of himself and show a demonic vision of his own hell and once trick an opponent into killing themselves.

Teleportation: Like most characters, he can teleport which his most overused move. He can move FTL when teleportimg and can go inside the opponent to perform an insta-kill. One time he teleported his heart back to his body.

Intangibility: He can become invisible and can phase through objects in the environment when coming into contact. Somehow he can phase his fist inside the enemy's body.

Time Manipulation: If the battle or a situation goes out of hand, he can freeze time to regain his thoughts and tactics. The range of the time stop move expands the entire world and can make someone young again when he focus it hard enough.

Telepathy: He can tamper and read people's mind and once sent a kid to his personal hell by using his telepathy. It can cure people's insanity and can put a man into permanent agony. He once asked the entire earth for permission for some random reason.

Empathy: He can sense the emotions and sins of others in which he is able to absorb the sons and negativity of people in the entire New York. He can feel the emotions of people in the whole planet and can make a person's sin consume them, He can transfer the sin and branding it on Vampires.

Spiritual Force Manipulation: With the suit, he is able to control souls in many different ways and Leetha can feed the souls of the dead. He has 6,000 souls inside him and has the ability to remove the soul of the person. He is able to recover blasts that can destroy souls and can summon the souls as Hellspawns. He is able to permanently scare off Mammon by making him wear a mask.

Trace Scrying: He is able to look into a spider and a corpse's past and can foresee the crime scene happening.

Shapeshifting: His suit can mold and transform into various things ranging from turning into a colonel of bats and shapeshift into different persons. He can lengthen his claws into the shape of spears like appendages.

Materialization: He can change the size of objects like he can make small objects the size of cars by yet again focusing hard enough. He can make spikes and swords for offense.

Transmutation: Spawn can transform, alter/transmute matter, energy, element, objects and beings (like humans, aliens, demons, hellspawns, and celestial mythical beings). He can shoot out a colony of bats and can transform his body into a mass of photon for light speed travel.

Pre-cognition: He can foresee the future to see all sorts of danger and can sense the presence of energy that is equal or higher than his from beings. It automatically shields him from incoming explosions.

Telekenisis: He can levitate and redirect attacks with his mind. He is able to redirect a hail of point-blank bullets and levitated and hold a bullet in place with his mind casually.

Reality Warping & Dimension Manipulation: Can readjust the environment around him with his liking and can readjust the planes of dimension, and can create black holes to hell. His cape can create his own personal dimension which cans end people to his own personal hell. His reality warping abilities allow him to create beer out of thin air, skin a human alive, and can make a person's blood and flesh into lethal poison.

Power Bestowal: If needed, Spawn can give out a fraction of his power to beings. He can steal powers from demons and other Hellspawns.

Zoopathy: Spawn can communicate and order animals around him. He can shoot a stream of colony of bats from his wounded chest and can ride a wave of worms. Also can call upon a demonic animal called Black Disperal which is a group of powerful demon animals that is capable of overpowering and obliterated a hellspawn hunter.

Ecokinesis: He has complete control of mother earth meaning that he can control nature around the world. He can cause massive earthquakes and a big tidal wave and can raise an entire forest. He created a fissure so large it trapped a 100+ meter sized Urizon. These are done without the use of Necroplasm.

Life Force Absorption: He can steal the life force to heal his injuries when he was fatally injured. He can absorb an alley way of animals and drain the life out of a nightcrawler.

Weapons and Equipment: Cape, Sword, Axe, can create any weapon with Necroplasm.


Al is broken and brooding over the loss of his life and soul. He now prowls the land, looking for injustices to keep himself going. Despite his dark outlook, he cares about humanity and does his best to use his powers for good.


During his lifetime, he was a skilled assassin, shown to be one of the most formidable assassins until it all changed when his morality got the better of him.

His boss murdered him during the mission in Botswana for the OSSG's Operation Knight Strike. Because he died and was an assassin, he was sent to hell and met a demon known as Malebolgia, in which Simmons made the deal with him. If he agreed, he becomes the captain of Hell's army and he will revive to see his ex-wife Wanda Blake.

Al Simmons agreed and was reborn as the hellspawn until he found out that Malebolgia tricked him with a fate worse to death. Returning to the world, he has little memory and a badly disfigured body which surprisingly gave him limited yet powerful magic.

From now, he swore revenge.

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Name: Spawn (Al Simmons)

World: Spawn

Age: Immortal (Formerly 31)


Superhuman Strength, Speed & Durability: The combination of his Necroplamsically charged body coupled with the K7-Leetha gives Spawn an indeterminate amount of physical ability. He is able to punch through concrete and steel with ease, and lifting extremely heavy objects such as buildings. Due to his incredible durability, Spawn is capable of withstanding immense punishment without injury. He is able to fly at high speeds well in excess of 100 mph.

Regeneration: Spawn is able to heal even the most fatal wound in an instant. He is able to heal after getting incinerated by Anti-Spawn and has healed from continuous stabbed by himself with a huge piece of metal and managed to survive via healing. He is able to heal after getting torn apart. Spawn has regenerated entire holes in his chest, broken arms, missing hearts, and blown out knee caps instantly with the use of his Necroplasm.

Healing: Spawn can heal anyone's injuries and their wounds like the time when he is able to restore a child's entire chest cavity and healed fatal gunshot wound on Twitch. Though if he focuses hard on the healing power, he is capable bringing back a person's life.

Energy Manipulation: Spawn's common range attack as well as his preferred one, he shoots green blast made out of necroplasm which can vary the size of the blast. He can use the blast as movement as well. He can destroy the entire floor across the city and able to absorb all types of energy even the entire energy supply of Hell as well as able to kill vampires. If strong enough, it can melt the gates of Heaven.

Fire Manipulation: Spawn is able to manipulate, create, and breathe hellfire. This hellfire is strong enough to incinerate Violator and combust the human brain. He can blow the entire horde of men with his fire powers.

Hallucikinesis: Spawn's move where he can use illusions and hallucinates the opponent, it can trick them and can only use them if he feels outmatched. He can create figures of himself and show a demonic vision of his own hell and once trick an opponent into killing themselves.

Teleportation: Like most characters, he can teleport which his most overused move. He can move FTL when teleportimg and can go inside the opponent to perform an insta-kill. One time he teleported his heart back to his body.

Intangibility: He can become invisible and can phase through objects in the environment when coming into contact. Somehow he can phase his fist inside the enemy's body.

Time Manipulation: If the battle or a situation goes out of hand, he can freeze time to regain his thoughts and tactics. The range of the time stop move expands the entire world and can make someone young again when he focus it hard enough.

Telepathy: He can tamper and read people's mind and once sent a kid to his personal hell by using his telepathy. It can cure people's insanity and can put a man into permanent agony. He once asked the entire earth for permission for some random reason.

Empathy: He can sense the emotions and sins of others in which he is able to absorb the sons and negativity of people in the entire New York. He can feel the emotions of people in the whole planet and can make a person's sin consume them, He can transfer the sin and branding it on Vampires.

Spiritual Force Manipulation: With the suit, he is able to control souls in many different ways and Leetha can feed the souls of the dead. He has 6,000 souls inside him and has the ability to remove the soul of the person. He is able to recover blasts that can destroy souls and can summon the souls as Hellspawns. He is able to permanently scare off Mammon by making him wear a mask.

Trace Scrying: He is able to look into a spider and a corpse's past and can foresee the crime scene happening.

Shapeshifting: His suit can mold and transform into various things ranging from turning into a colonel of bats and shapeshift into different persons. He can lengthen his claws into the shape of spears like appendages.

Materialization: He can change the size of objects like he can make small objects the size of cars by yet again focusing hard enough. He can make spikes and swords for offense.

Transmutation: Spawn can transform, alter/transmute matter, energy, element, objects and beings (like humans, aliens, demons, hellspawns, and celestial mythical beings). He can shoot out a colony of bats and can transform his body into a mass of photon for light speed travel.

Pre-cognition: He can foresee the future to see all sorts of danger and can sense the presence of energy that is equal or higher than his from beings. It automatically shields him from incoming explosions.

Telekenisis: He can levitate and redirect attacks with his mind. He is able to redirect a hail of point-blank bullets and levitated and hold a bullet in place with his mind casually.

Reality Warping & Dimension Manipulation: Can readjust the environment around him with his liking and can readjust the planes of dimension, and can create black holes to hell. His cape can create his own personal dimension which cans end people to his own personal hell. His reality warping abilities allow him to create beer out of thin air, skin a human alive, and can make a person's blood and flesh into lethal poison.

Power Bestowal: If needed, Spawn can give out a fraction of his power to beings. He can steal powers from demons and other Hellspawns.

Zoopathy: Spawn can communicate and order animals around him. He can shoot a stream of colony of bats from his wounded chest and can ride a wave of worms. Also can call upon a demonic animal called Black Disperal which is a group of powerful demon animals that is capable of overpowering and obliterated a hellspawn hunter.

Ecokinesis: He has complete control of mother earth meaning that he can control nature around the world. He can cause massive earthquakes and a big tidal wave and can raise an entire forest. He created a fissure so large it trapped a 100+ meter sized Urizon. These are done without the use of Necroplasm.

Life Force Absorption: He can steal the life force to heal his injuries when he was fatally injured. He can absorb an alley way of animals and drain the life out of a nightcrawler.

Weapons and Equipment: Cape, Sword, Axe, can create any weapon with Necroplasm.


Al is broken and brooding over the loss of his life and soul. He now prowls the land, looking for injustices to keep himself going. Despite his dark outlook, he cares about humanity and does his best to use his powers for good.


During his lifetime, he was a skilled assassin, shown to be one of the most formidable assassins until it all changed when his morality got the better of him.

His boss murdered him during the mission in Botswana for the OSSG's Operation Knight Strike. Because he died and was an assassin, he was sent to hell and met a demon known as Malebolgia, in which Simmons made the deal with him. If he agreed, he becomes the captain of Hell's army and he will revive to see his ex-wife Wanda Blake.

Al Simmons agreed and was reborn as the hellspawn until he found out that Malebolgia tricked him with a fate worse to death. Returning to the world, he has little memory and a badly disfigured body which surprisingly gave him limited yet powerful magic.

From now, he swore revenge.
Shadow The Hedgehog (2).jpg

Name: Shadow The Hedgehog

World: Sonic The Hedgehog

Age: 15(65)

Chaos Control: This allows Shadow to teleport (both with or without) the emerald. However he can stop time for 90 seconds (He needs at least one emerald for this.)
Chaos Spear: This allows Shadow to summon several yellow energy spears and with a hand geasture fire them all at the same or many people.
Chaos Blast: Shadow can only use this by removing his rings (either his two wrist ones or all four.) The energy blast he reales is domed shape and increases in power when he's angry. This can also be used as a transformation if he decides to let the energy build up inside him rather than let it out.
Super: Shadow's light form. He can enter this when he gets his hands on all seven Chaos Emeralds.
Accelrated Healing: Not exactly a power but Shadow heals quicker due to the black arm blood within him.

Abilities: (Things that a normal human can do)
Most of Shadow's abilites/power or even the level of Physcial strength or speed that he has reached is impossible for a human.

Weapons and Equipment:
Green Chaos Emerald
Yellow Chaos Emerald
Blue Chaos Emerald
Cyan Chaos Emerald
Purple Chaos Emerald
Red Chaos Emerald
White Chaos Emerald

Personality: Shadow is calm, and collective though sometimes over-confident in his own abilities.

Bio: (You can just put a wiki link if you want to): Shadow the Hedgehog is an immortal being created by Professor Gerald Robotnik through genetic engineering as part of an experiment to cure his granddaughter Maria from a deadly illness.[7][12][35] While Shadow and Maria formed a strong bond, the government deemed him a threat. Shadow was placed in suspended animation and a military organization, the Guardian Units of Nations (G.U.N.), killed Maria as Shadow tried to protect her.[35][39] Maria's death traumatized Shadow, who vowed to keep his promise to her that he would protect the world from danger.[12] In Sonic Adventure 2, Gerald's grandson, Doctor Eggman, learns of Shadow and revives him as part of a plan to conquer the world and defeat Sonic the Hedgehog.[40] Shadow agrees to help Eggman and frames Sonic for their evil deeds.[39][40] However, Shadow eventually allies himself with Sonic to prevent the world's destruction after he remembers the promise he made to Maria.[35] However, he is unable to handle the power of all seven Chaos Emeralds in a Super state as well as Sonic, and is seen plummeting to the Earth from space after the final boss fight.[7] He is believed to have died in the final battle until Sonic Heroes; Rouge the Bat discovers him alive in Eggman's base during a search for "treasure". He remembers nothing except his name and Maria's death,[7][41] and teams up with Rouge and E-123 Omega to find Eggman and learn of his past.[7] In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow, still suffering from amnesia, becomes caught in a three-way war between Eggman, G.U.N., and the Black Arms, an alien army led by Black Doom.[28] Shadow can choose to help G.U.N., Sonic and his friends, Eggman, or the Black Arms.At the end of the game, Shadow recovers from his amnesia and learns the truth about his past, including that Gerald created him using Black Doom's blood. He chooses to put the past behind him and move on,[42] and in Sonic the Hedgehog is depicted as having joined G.U.N. (Taken from the Shadow The Hedgehog Wiki)
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Name: Shadow The Hedgehog

World: Sonic The Hedgehog

Age: 15(65)

Chaos Control: This allows Shadow to teleport (both with or without) the emerald. However he can stop time for 90 seconds (He needs at least one emerald for this.)
Chaos Spear: This allows Shadow to summon several yellow energy spears and with a hand geasture fire them all at the same or many people.
Chaos Blast: Shadow can only use this by removing his rings (either his two wrist ones or all four.) The energy blast he reales is domed shape and increases in power when he's angry. This can also be used as a transformation if he decides to let the energy build up inside him rather than let it out.
Super: Shadow's light form. He can enter this when he gets his hands on all seven Chaos Emeralds.
Accelrated Healing: Not exactly a power but Shadow heals quicker due to the black arm blood within him.

Abilities: (Things that a normal human can do)
Most of Shadow's abilites/power or even the level of Physcial strength or speed that he has reached is impossible for a human.

Weapons and Equipment:
Green Chaos Emerald
Yellow Chaos Emerald
Blue Chaos Emerald
Cyan Chaos Emerald
Purple Chaos Emerald
Red Chaos Emerald
White Chaos Emerald

Personality: Shadow is calm, and collective though sometimes over-confident in his own abilities.

Bio: (You can just put a wiki link if you want to): Shadow the Hedgehog is an immortal being created by Professor Gerald Robotnik through genetic engineering as part of an experiment to cure his granddaughter Maria from a deadly illness.[7][12][35] While Shadow and Maria formed a strong bond, the government deemed him a threat. Shadow was placed in suspended animation and a military organization, the Guardian Units of Nations (G.U.N.), killed Maria as Shadow tried to protect her.[35][39] Maria's death traumatized Shadow, who vowed to keep his promise to her that he would protect the world from danger.[12] In Sonic Adventure 2, Gerald's grandson, Doctor Eggman, learns of Shadow and revives him as part of a plan to conquer the world and defeat Sonic the Hedgehog.[40] Shadow agrees to help Eggman and frames Sonic for their evil deeds.[39][40] However, Shadow eventually allies himself with Sonic to prevent the world's destruction after he remembers the promise he made to Maria.[35] However, he is unable to handle the power of all seven Chaos Emeralds in a Super state as well as Sonic, and is seen plummeting to the Earth from space after the final boss fight.[7] He is believed to have died in the final battle until Sonic Heroes; Rouge the Bat discovers him alive in Eggman's base during a search for "treasure". He remembers nothing except his name and Maria's death,[7][41] and teams up with Rouge and E-123 Omega to find Eggman and learn of his past.[7] In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow, still suffering from amnesia, becomes caught in a three-way war between Eggman, G.U.N., and the Black Arms, an alien army led by Black Doom.[28] Shadow can choose to help G.U.N., Sonic and his friends, Eggman, or the Black Arms.At the end of the game, Shadow recovers from his amnesia and learns the truth about his past, including that Gerald created him using Black Doom's blood. He chooses to put the past behind him and move on,[42] and in Sonic the Hedgehog is depicted as having joined G.U.N. (Taken from the Shadow The Hedgehog Wiki)
Thanks. If you want more details though on things I may have left out here, I made a short webpage in which it goes into more detail minus having the backstory on it.

Warning: The link has been said not to work on one site but has been said to work on the other. Me and a few others believe to view link you may have to make an ACC to codehs before viewing it.

World: God of War
Age: 150

God abilities:
Super Strength
Enhanced speed

Kratos has many abilities so best to read the bio!

Kratos has been able to manipulate the elements, either with divine weapons as Gauntlet of Zeus (Thunder), magical weapons as Typhon's Bane (Wind) or power bestowed upon him.

Kratos is well known across his lands for his Spartans rage, this happens when someone angers the mighty god of war, becoming in a fit of rage becoming even stronger and faste.

In his world he was infamous by not only the Greek gods all of the gods that were known to exist, what was most notable about him was how he had punched the god of thunder, Zeus with his own fists, and killing all of the Greek gods and destroying Olympus, though he is know for killing other gods besides the mighty Greeks.

He will be a strong and powerful opponent that will cause fear among the gods in Armageddon.

Leviathans axe
A weapon that is loyal to Kratos and Kratos only, he’s able to throw it in far distances and will return to him, similar to Thor’s hammer.


Who will be watching?:
Atreus (Better known as boy.)
Atreus is the son of kratos, he is unaware of his fathers powers and him being a god, as long with his fathers past. He is unaware that he himself has the blood of a god running through him.

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View attachment 940245
World: God of War
Age: 150

Super Strength
Enhanced speed

Kratos has been able to manipulate the elements, either with divine weapons as Gauntlet of Zeus (Thunder), magical weapons as Typhon's Bane (Wind) or power bestowed upon him.

Kratos is well known across his lands for his Spartans rage, this happens when someone angers the mighty god of war, becoming in a fit of rage becoming even stronger and faste.

In his world he was infamous by not only the Greek gods all of the gods that were known to exist, what was most notable about him was how he had punched the god of thunder, Zeus with his own fists, and killing all of the Greek gods.

Leviathans axe
A weapon that is loyal to Kratos and Kratos only, he’s able to throw it in far distances and will return to him, similar to Thor’s hammer.
View attachment 940258


Who will be watching?:
Atreus (Better known as boy.)
Atreus is the son of kratos, he is unaware of his fathers powers and him being a god, as long with his fathers past. He is unaware that he himself has the blood of a god running through him.

View attachment 940261
i forgot to mention this but accepted

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