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Location: Outside | The Geeky One | Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Narcissy Narcissy Nobuzout Nobuzout

Joshua Tomes

Joshua was late.
He didn't even realize that he'd overslept until it was too late. Which made sense. You didn't really tend to notice the outside world at all when you were asleep. He'd set his alarm, though! At least, he thought he did. But when he looked over to it, he found that the batteries had been taken out. More than likely by his obnoxious older sister, Katie. After letting out a short growl under his breath at the thought, Joshua brought himself up and began to get ready. He started by showering, of course. What kind of person wouldn't? Then, while he brushed his teeth, he packed the essentials.

These essentials being, of course, a toothbrush, his hairbrush, his laptop, his Nintendo Switch, his 3DS, enough warm clothes to last the week, and finally, a pack of Juicy Fruit. With all of his stuff packed, he slung the bag over his shoulder and jogged out to his car. Luckily, his sister was at some recital, and his mother was at work. So he didn't have to deal with any annoying family on the way out. With his bag nestled safely in the back of his small Toyota, Joshua nodded to himself and began to back out of the driveway. Within moments, he was off towards the cabin where his friends probably already were.

The drive was long and boring, as he'd expected it to be. Being alone in a Toyota for a few hours would do that to a man. Still, one trip and several gas station stops later (he'd already missed breakfast and there was no way he'd be missing lunch), and Joshua had pulled up to the long driveway. Just as he'd suspected, everyone was already there. After being friends with them for so long, their cars were easily recognizable. As such, Joshua was only able to pull into the very end of the long stretch of concrete and cars. This wasn't too cumbersome, though. One quick opening of his car door later, and Joshua had stepped out onto the icy driveway. He then grabbed his back of valuables out of the back seat, and began his trek up towards the cabin door.

As he walked up, though, he noticed two of his friends out of the corner of his eye. There was Ellie - who he'd always considered a good friend (but let's be real, who didn't), and Benny, who he hadn't really talked to much at all before now, but he was fine with him. Being mostly antisocial usually meant that you weren't exactly good friends with everyone in your immediate friend group. Still, Joshua managed a small smile and made his way over to the pair, lifting his hand in a wave.

"Oh, um... hey guys," He said as he put his hand back down, resting it in his pocket. "Did you two just get here as well?" He asked, mostly in an attempt to see if he wasn't the only one who was late. He'd failed to notice Ares standing in the doorway as of yet.

Jun-hui | Location: Kitchen -> Living Room | Interactions: camlochan camlochan

"Ah, I see. Thanks." Jun responded as he graciously accepted the ice water from Kait. He paused for a moment before taking a sip. It wasn't that he was unsure if he was about to drink alcohol or not, but Jun-hui understandably had some slight hesitations after the vodka incident. This time he was successful as Jun-hui enjoyed about half of his glass. After setting his cup down onto the counter, he opened a cabinet door and found what he had hoped would be in there: a square orange package of instant ramen noodles.

Nice. Jun-hui happily opened the package, emptied it's contents into a bowl, and poured some boiling water over it, finally covering it with a paper towel to allow it to cook evenly. After he had completed that and left it to rest, he turned back towards the group to listen to what they had begun to talk about. The conversation had started to revolve around Kait, namely her exceptional hot cocoa making skills as well as her musical abilities.

Woah, a singer and instrumentalist? Jun-hui had always wanted to learn guitar, but it had been too difficult. She supposedly had some vocals as well which made him even more curious about Kait's instrumental experience. Jun-hui looked on with fascination at the guitar across the room, identifying that it's case had been branded by a very prestigious guitar manufacturer. There was a great possibility that Kait had some serious vocal and guitar skills hidden within her and Jun-hui was all for her showing it.

"You sing and play? That's so cool." The boy commented. It seemed like everyone was on board with a small musical moment, but also understanding if she had reservations. Secretly, Jun-hui hoped she'd eventually decide to sing and play in front of them. Jun-hui had a track record of not being able to relate to people sometimes because of social inexperience, but there was this thing called music that, for him, could transform into an opportunity to connect with others. For this reason, music had always been something he deeply appreciated.

Jun-hui brought his ramen and ice water and transferred to a quiet spot on the couch in the living room. Before he began snacking, he bent down and started up the fireplace. Within a few minutes, a warm fire formed and its small shadow began dancing on the living room's rug. He realized it had begun snowing.

More snow? He hadn't remembered the weather forecast saying that there would be snow. Perhaps he hadn't seen it correctly. Pretty much everyone was enjoying a fantastic cup of Kait's cocoa. Ares was inviting the others to come join them inside already. It seemed like everyone had begun to settle in more or less and once again, which pleased Jun-hui. When Ares called outside to Benny and Elie, Jun-hui glanced out the window and saw a figure coming up the path. It was someone at first he didn't recognize. However, eventually he saw that it was none other than Joshua Tomes.

Better late than never!
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Darwin Hobbes
Role: The Peacemaker
Location: Kitchen
Interactions: camlochan camlochan Sostos Sostos Nobuzout Nobuzout

Darwin got up from the floor, proud to see a job well done. At least he was able to help out with this cleaning job. Well, him and way too many other people for a mere splattering of vodka, but it was the thought that mattered, right?

He noticed that a few people kept egging Kaitlin on in hopes of a musical performance from her. She didn’t look too comfortable with the idea, however. “George is right,” Darwin said. “A true artist never gives away their talents for free. In the Improv Club at school, we always charge $5 at the door for our shows, no exceptions. Not even for family members who beg us for a backstage pass or VIP treatment. You give those suckers an inch, and they’ll take a mile.” He swung his fist and put on a tough Brooklyn mob accent in that last part, for extra comedic affect.

Darwin was a pleasantly surprised to see Ares chiming in with his own joke about the slippers. It was nice to see the guy loosening up a bit around his friends. “This is discrimination!” he gasped in mock indignation. “Down with this tyranny, my closed-shoe comrades!” The sound of wheels rolling on gravel interrupted Darwin’s antics, making him jerk his head in the direction of the door to see who it was.

“Hey, fresh blood! Oh, um... sorry, phrasing.” he said awkwardly, realizing how weird that sounded in light of recent events. It was beginning to snow, he realized as caught a glimpse outside. That was new.
Elentiya (Elie) Locke
The Bubbly One | Location: Outside | Interactions: Narcissy Narcissy Nobuzout Nobuzout thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Elie turns from where she was waving to Ares when she hears footsteps crunching on gravel. Turning, she sees Joshua approaching. "Joshua!" she cries. She darts over to him, the cooler full of goodies forgotten in the snow. "I was so worried you weren't going to make it!" She smiles.

Then, she begins chattering. "You missed it! There was this dead bunny in the cabin, hidden under the coffee table! I was exploring and I found it. It really freaked me out. The poor thing. Anyway! George, Ares, and Selena were cleaning it up. I think Jun-Hui helped too. I dunno. Once it was cleaned up, we made hot cocoa! There is some inside if you want it. Oh! But George went to shower, and completely forgot his bag! Ares had to toss it up to him. Darwin made a joke about it. But I didn't really catch it. Speaking of..." On and on, without a pause for breath.

Eventually, her short attention span catches up to her and she stops talking midsentence. "That's right!" she says, eyes lighting up. "Benny and I came out to get the cooler I brought. I brought peppermint and whipped cream! And tons of snacks!" She skips back over to the cooler and crouches down next to it, dusting snow off of it. She giggles as another snowflake touches her nose.

It wasn't supposed to snow during their getaway, and the white stuff was falling faster and heavier. But, Elie didn't really mind. They could have a snowball fight and build snowmen! Maybe even go sledding! If they could fid something for a sled... She smiles widely as she thinks about the fun ahead of them.
Kaitlin Garret
Location: Kitchen | Interactions: Jolly Roger Jolly Roger CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf Kio.exe Kio.exe Nobuzout Nobuzout Sostos Sostos

All Kait could do was smile, as she was bombarded with compliments, and reassurances that she wouldn’t have to perform for them. As George drank his hot chocolate, she found him studying her, looking almost confused. The jock kept on glancing between her and Jun-Hui, who stood besides her, drinking the water she had poured for him. No, George, I don’t like Jun-Hui like that, she thought, wishing that he had some mystical mind reading skills. Besides, Kait thought, I’m pretty sure he only has eyes for Selena. Kait turned to the girl now, who was standing off to the side of their little group, looking content to watch.

Kait sighed, placing down her glass of water and looking them each in the eye. “Alright, I’m going to get my pajamas on, and then afterwards, if you behave, maybe I’ll play and sing a little something for you,” she told them, cursing the heat that rushed to her face. Shaking her head, Kait rushed up the stairs, after grabbing her suitcase that had been abandoned by the door, lugging it after her. Why had she packed so much!? Kait began the process of finding an empty room, pushing open doors until she found on, in the middle of the hallway, next to what appeared to be Selena’s room.

Digging through her stuffed suitcase, Kait pulled out a fluffy plaid sweatshirt and black leggings, before eyeing the black fluffy slippers she had stuffed in the bottom of her bag before she had left home. Shaking her head, she threw them on, before heading back downstairs to where the group was waiting. Let her see what they’d say about her slippered feet.
George Carlton
The Jock | Location: Kitchen | Interactions/Mentions: camlochan camlochan Jolly Roger Jolly Roger CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf Kio.exe Kio.exe Nobuzout Nobuzout

George's mystical mind reading skills (read: guessing based on facial expressions) kicked in and he perfectly deciphered Kaitlin's intent: you get it George, help me out with Jun-Hui! And if you can't, I'm down with Selena too! George did think it was a bit ambitious for her to be aiming for both Jun-hui and Selena, but who was he to judge the heart of a maiden? Maybe the three of them are into that. He gave her a nod and wink to convey that he had perfectly worked out what she meant and that he'd help out to the best of his ability. She even said that she might play some music for everyone, and was possibly embarrassed, which reaffirmed to George that his deductions were correct and there were no other possibilities.

Darwin, the closed-shoe pagan he was, announced the presence of a late arrival. It appeared that their revolution would have to be put on pause and the slipper supremacists would enjoy another day of absolute power as well as just being undeniably more fashionable.

"That Joshua's Toyota? Sweet, he better have brought his Switch - I'm finally gonna crush him in Smash, I even bought a Gamecube controller for our legendary battle." he declared. The fact of the matter was, with training and competitions, George had very little time to play video games, and it wasn't like the other jocks had any interest in them, so he really only made an effort to get into it somewhat so he'd have common ground for conversation with his less physically-inclined friends. To that end, he dabbled in various games and now he straight up merked any challenger with either Pikachu or K.Rool. Little Mac was a potential main, but the character reminded him too much of training.

When Kaitlin returned, slippers in tow, George could not mask the expression of pure joy that crossed his face, raising his arms in a pose that said 'One of us! One of us!' . Now there were three slipper wearers and George looked at both Ares and Kaitlin with an expression of pride, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. Our numbers keep on rising, the closed shoe faction will slowly lose their power over time and we will rule. he thought to himself, a strange atmosphere of camaraderie taking hold of him.

Joshua Tomes

Location: Outside | The Geeky One | Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Narcissy Narcissy Nobuzout Nobuzout
To be honest, Joshua had fully expected Elie to be the first one to greet him. It was pretty much customary for her to do so, after all. And although he was usually someone of the more antisocial variety, Elie's bubbly and generally happy greetings always did their job in making him smile a little. "Yeah, sorry," He apologized as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "I uh... kinda overslept," There was a slight break in his voice that sounded like a bit of a forced chuckle, before he continued, "And then traffic was also pretty bad... but, I mean..." He tossed his hands up into the air and widened his smile a tad bit. "I made it!" There wasn't much else for him to say other than that, though. So instead, he just looked over to the door of the cabin, and then back to Elie. "So... do I, uh... just put my stuff inside, or...?"

Before he could finish his question, Elie started to tell him about all of the various escapades that the group had been getting into prior to his arrival. The part about the dead bunny made him furrow his brows a bit in a mixture of suspicion and disgust. Disgust because... well, dead bunny. But what was it doing inside their cabin? And under the table, no less? After a bit of thinking, Joshua decided not to really dwell on it, less he get nauseated. Instead, he merely curled his lips back up into his slightly forced smile and nodded. "Well, the hot cocoa definitely sounds good." He said, before looking over to the cooler once Elie mentioned it. Somehow, he'd completely forgotten about it. "Do you guys need help?" He asked as he watched bounce on back over to it.
Selena Sparks
Location: Kitchen Interactions: Sostos Sostos CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf camlochan camlochan Jolly Roger Jolly Roger Nobuzout Nobuzout

Selena watched as Kaitlin marched downstairs in her slippers, proudly coming to pose by Ares and George. Dorks, the bunch of them. George looked purely delighted that Kait had chosen to wear hers, and this sparked an idea in Selena’s mind. She would get Kaitlin and George together! What a couple they’d be! Kait was the captain of the basketball team, and George the jock extraordinaire, and they both had hidden depths to them that made Selena instantly love them both.

She gave the two a devious grin, letting them sort out for themselves what that would mean before turning to Darwin, Ares and Jun-Hui. “Believe it or not,” she said, nudging Darwin with her shoulder, “I am the Smash champion. So be prepared for epic defeat.” She laughed. Selena was so glad she had come after all. Oh! She almost forgot! “Kait, I believe you said if we all behaved you’d play for us,” she told the Aussie expectantly. Let her sing a love ballad for George. The thought was enough to make her giggle, and she clapped a hand over her mouth. “We all behaved beautifully, so it’s your civic duty to perform for us. These wonderful people can attest to that fact.”

She shot a grin at Jun-Hui and Ares, hoping they would agree. She was sure Ellie, Benny and Joshua sure would when they finally deigned to come inside and spend time with the rest of their lowly guests.
Elentiya (Elie) Locke
The Bubbly One | Location: Outside-Inside | Interactions: Narcissy Narcissy thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Nobuzout Nobuzout
Mentions: Jolly Roger Jolly Roger Sostos Sostos

Elie looks up from where she crouched next to the cooler. "Nah. I got it, Josh! Er- Can I call you that? Or do you prefer Joshua?" She shakes her head with a wide smile that reveals a gap between her front teeth. "I gotta build my muscles up anyway! Gotta keep up with people like you and George and Benny." Hell, even Darwin is stronger than she is.

She grips the handle of the cooler, sucks in a breath, and begins to slowly drag it through the snow toward the cabin. God, why didn't I get one with wheels? Her brows furrow in concentration, the tip of her tongue peeking out of her lips. Pausing at the doorway of the cabin, Elie gives it a violent jerk, which has the cooler crashing into the cabin, the sound of bottles and food colliding inside.

She places her hand on her hips, proudly. "See? I am strong too!" She then frowns, glancing between the kitchen and the upstairs. Should she change or enjoy her hot cocoa? Ah, screw it. Elie grabs her backpack fro, where it rests by the door and darts upstairs. She quickly finds an empty bedroom that happens to be next to George's, with an empty one on the other side.

She comes down in an oversized light grey t-shirt that looks fuzzy and soft, decorated with a bumblebee and the word 'honey' written on it. To go with the shirt are soft grey and white striped pants. Finally, she places a pair of white, fuzzy socks on her feet. Satisfied, she leaves.

Hopping down the steps one at a time, she takes a running start and slides on her socked feet into the living room where everyone sits gathered on the couches. However, Elie had misjudged where she would stop and ends up falling backward.
55 Sem Título_20201005025533.png
Ares Lancaster
Role: The Future Detective | Location: Living room | interactions : Everyone

"Joshua, I didn't think you would come, always arriving late eh ?"

Ares lets the three pass through the door as he keeps it open, Selena seems to be trying to get Kaitlin to play a song to the group which of course, would be great, who doesn't like a good and classic guitar song ? he nods "we did behave, I wouldn't mind hearing one song, I'd love to see you playing" he adds, leaving the door as everyone enters. Elie dropped her cooler right next to him, the sounds that it made surely didn't sound good, He grabs it, placing it far from the door and closer to the living room, that way they wouldn't have to go to the kitchen to grab a drink, the cooler would be close. He walks to the kitchen and grabs some of his bottles of various drinks and places them on the cooler. And shortly after takes a sit on the couch, everyone seems to be gathering around the living room so it wouldn't be bad for him to take a sit with his friends.

"Huh..." he looks at the floor, spacing out from his surroundings. Everyone seemed to be here.. but, there was something missing, Ares couldn't tell what it was but he had been feeling like that for quite a while, the sensation of being alone even while being surrounded by the ones who love you, he tried his best to keep everyone together, to keep them safe but.. was it enough ? Maybe, he thought. Everyone seemed to be having fun, everyone seemed to be getting along quite well, then.. what is this feeling that keeps spreading ? He thought. Holding his hands together as he thinked, Ares looked like everyday Ares, it was very hard to describe Ares or what he was thinking about.. most of his friends consider his mind to be a very big mystery, maybe he also consider it one..

His line of thought is broken when a loud sound is heard right by his side, as he takes a look, Elie is on the ground, he extends his arm, reaching towards her.. "Elie, are you ok ?" his immersion inside his own head was completely broken by the sight of Elie on the ground, Ares whole expression turned into that of a curious and worried one. "You didn't hurt yourself, right ?" he lifts her up, placing the palm of his left hand on the couch, "Take a sit, will you ?" after that he giggles, maybe all that loneliness was just his imagination, his own head playing games with him. He reaches for another drink on the cooler, was he going to take another drink ? Yes. he opens the bottle, taking a large swig of the content. "Did someone say Smash" he looks at George who always had a rivalry with Joshua on a lot of games, "We are finally going to see the ultimate fight between George and the champion Joshua ? Can't believe I'm alive to see this battle. Everyone, take a sit, we still have a lot to talk about. And a beautiful guitar player to hear" he jokingly says about Kaitlin's promise of playing something for them.
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Jun-hui | Location: Living Room | Interactions: Sostos Sostos Nobuzout Nobuzout Jolly Roger Jolly Roger camlochan camlochan Kio.exe Kio.exe TayMaiTer TayMaiTer thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Jun-hui began to crack up at the slipper war rising in front of him. On one side, George and Ares had successfully integrated Kait into their slippered ranks . On the other side, an indignant and close-toe-shoed Darwin wasn't having any of it. Jun-hui was glad that Kait had grown comfortable enough to humor them, if she had meant to. Even if some distance had developed between the friend group over the years, Jun-hui considered them all to still be pretty close. If Kait ended up relenting by playing her guitar and singing for them, that would make a compelling case for the idea that Kait considered them an alright group of people.

Besides the back-and-forth between the others about who's feet was more grand, Jun-hui also noticed an exchange of looks and glances traveling across the room. Subtle grins and winks. Jun-hui, with his refined detective-like ability to pick up on social cues, ended up not catching on to anything or thinking along those lines at all. The only kind of conclusion he had come to was a puzzling one and it was about which side of this crazy slipper war he was a part of.

Looking down, he noticed that he wasn't wearing slippers or shoes. He only had socks on. Jun-hui met eyes with Darwin and shrugged apologetically, being unable to offer any support as a neutral party to this conflict. Ah, oh well. Jun-hui thought. He did have slippers up stairs, but for some reason he had neglected to use them. For a second, he had considered getting them but he ultimately decided not to. Things were already getting very interesting!

He brought his eyes towards the entrance of the cabin where there was movement. Ever since they first met, Jun-hui had enjoyed Josh's company. They both were pretty passionate about the knowledge they pursued. Even if their interests weren't always the same, they both were on the same page academically and Jun-hui didn't mind that. In fact, he had many times learned a thing or two from Josh himself. After they came in, Selena revealed she had some video game skills of her own. Jun-hui wasn't the best at video games, but he had learned a great deal about them from Josh, especially multiplayer games like Smash. Certainly, he would have some type of edge in the inevitable rumble... right?

"Is that so?" Jun-hui asked her, raising one eyebrow. "Hm.. I think we should put this to the test! Josh, get in here man! I think George and Selena are trying to claim the Smash throne." Jun-hui began setting up the living room television. While plugging in the HDMI cord, Elie had returned from upstairs. However, she had misjudged her slide and consequently fell backwards. Thankfully, Ares was there to catch her. After a sigh of relief, Jun-hui couldn't help but adore her. Even though they were all similar in age, Elie seemed to be the baby of the group. She was just that type of girl. After finalizing the television's setup, Jun-hui saw that the snow had begun to fall at a steady pace. By tomorrow, there would be a lot of snow.
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Elentiya (Elie) Locke
The Bubbly One | Location: Living Room - Kitchen | Interactions: Nobuzout Nobuzout Sostos Sostos | Mentions: CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf Jolly Roger Jolly Roger camlochan camlochan Kio.exe Kio.exe thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
I found a realistic picture that looks like her! Yay!

When Elie landed, she lets out a small omph sound. Then, she lets out a giggle. She notices Ares reaching for her. 'Elie, are you ok ?' Ares looks so worried! She smiles brightly, taking his hand and standing. Ares truly was a good friend. Who else would spend hours watching cop shows with her? 'You didn't hurt yourself, right ?' She shakes her head. "Nope! I'm okay!" Like any kid, Elie bounces back without a worry.

'Take a sit, will you ?' She gives a devilish grin. "I would, but I have hot cocoa waiting for me!" She heads to the cooler, carefully placing the drinks that were on top on the ground. Opening it, she digs around until she finds what she was looking for. With a small noise of pride, Elie pulls out a couple of the microwave popcorn bags, a bag of peppermint sticks, and a can of whipped cream.

She closes the cooler, replacing the drinks back on top and darts into the kitchen with her goodies. As she places the popcorn into the microwave and pulling out a large bowl, conversation from the living room floats in. People asking Kait to play and sing for them. Playful boasting about who is better at video games. It was well known that Elie can play the cello, but of course she didn't bring it. Who would want to lug that giant thing around on a vacation? As for video games... well, she enjoyed watching, but everyone knew that she couldn't play efficently to save her life.

Humming as the popcorn pops, Elie climbs onto the stepstool to prepare her mug of hot cocoa. She places two peppermint sticks in it before spiraling the top with whipped cream like a professional. Finally, she sprinkles cinnamon on top. If she really wanted to go gourmet and professional, she would have added chocolate shavings, along with a cinnamon sticks. However, this wasn't a restaurant. While Elie may be terrible at cooking, she was a master at baking and decorating.

When the popcorn is done, she pours it into the large bowl, carefully climbs off of the stepstool, and takes her mug and bowl back into the living room. As she passes Jun-Hui, she glances at his feet. Socks! She grins and as she sits down next to Ares, cross-legged, on the couch, she giggles. "Careful, George. Jun-Hui and I may be part of a new group. The sock gang!" She holds one of her socked feet out and giggles more.

Then, she holds the bowl in her lap, sipping her drink and watches everyone around her as the world outside grows progressively darker, the wind howling, and the snow falling heavy.

As night falls and everyone settles in, the snow outside has turned into a storm. The unexpected blizzard rages around the house, turning the world outside into a white canvas. The wind rages at a fast pace of 47 miles per hour, growing faster yet, with the temperature being a freezing 10 degrees farenheit and dropping quickly.
This freak storm wouldn't bother the group, if not for the fact that the power was knocked out.
As the cabin plunges into darkness, each person reacts in their own way. However, the dark does not last long. Soon, the sound of a generator begins and lights slowly flicker back to life.
It will be too dangerous to leave the cabin. What will they do now?

Jolly Roger Jolly Roger Narcissy Narcissy Nobuzout Nobuzout Alya Alya thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kio.exe Kio.exe Sostos Sostos camlochan camlochan CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf irregular-neptune irregular-neptune
Kaitlin Garret
Location: Kitchen | Interactions: Sostos Sostos CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf Kio.exe Kio.exe TayMaiTer TayMaiTer Nobuzout Nobuzout thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Kait giggled at George’s reception of her slippers, shaking her head. “You’re such a dork,” she told him, laughing. Jun-Hui was looking very confused by his socked feet, as if he didn’t know which side of the line he stood on, before seeming to come to the conclusion that he was a part of his own, separate faction of footwear. Ellie, Josh and Benny finally came inside, lugging the cooler that was just about over -flowing with drinks inside with them. Ellie came racing over, slipping backwards and landing with an ‘oomph’. Kait smiled, shaking her head at the girl’s antics. It was always something with Ellie. Always something.

Ellie stood atop her footstool where she had left it, a flurry of whip cream and peppermint. Finally, Kait sighed. There was no way she’d get out of playing now. Maybe she could stall for a few more minutes?

She didn’t have to. Suddenly, everything went dark. Kait emitted a little shriek, jumping, and bumping into a warm body besides hers. “George?” She whispered. Kait was terrified of the dark, and had been since she was a kid. Her breath was coming out in shrill bursts, and all she could do was stand there, useless. But, as suddenly as it had gone dark, a generator whirred to life, the lights flickering back on. Kait’s heart was still racing, but she was glad. Maybe she didn’t have to play now? She glared down at her shaking hands, willing them to stop. What would the others say if they knew of her childish fear of the dark?
George Carlton
The Jock | Location: Inside | Interactions/mentions: everyone mostly mentioned, and camlochan camlochan interacted with

This was getting out of hand, there were now three factions! George had to deeply consider the political landscape, shifting power dynamics and ties between them before any sort of allegiances could bloom. Socks were versatile, flippant and lacking loyalty, they could be worn with either shoes or slippers but could be a powerful ally. They were soft as well, giving them plus points with the slipper faction, so he decided a precarious alliance between them against the shoe peons would be beneficial to both sides. However, as he decided that negotiations should start, the weather outside started to pick up.

So much for my morning run tomorrow... guess I'll just have to do some light drills in my room. Then the lights went out and before he even had time to react, he heard a shriek and someone bumped into him. “George?” he heard a little voice call out, he managed to narrow down the source to Kaitlin, a sister-in-arms in the slipper wars - hang on a second, that's me, shit, what am I meant to do? Like an idiot, he nodded, as if anyone could see him in the dark. Nice going you fucking twerp, she can totally see you nodding in confirmation. God, you're so lucky that you're good at sports and don't need to use your goddamn brain, you bring shame to your slippers, he chastised himself.

The lights were on as suddenly as they went out, only forewarned by the hum of a generator groaning to life after a period of disuse. As his irises once again constricted at the return of light, he blinked away the darkness that had preceded and noticed that Kaitlin looked a bit shaken but more so pissed at her shaking hands? George had seen nerves before, he'd have to deal with the odd teammate, or even himself becoming anxious before a big game so he had a bit of experience in calming someone down, or failing that, taking their mind off of it for a bit of time. First step: eye contact and regular breathing. Second step: hold steady and have a conversation about something that isn't all that related, just let them listen and focus on breathing. Easy peasy.

Initiate plan. He levelled his eyes with hers and gently clasped her hands to stop them from shaking, taking a deep breath so that she could start to match them. Next was to take her mind off of whatever was bothering her - "Hey, Kait, you doing good? You're fine, it's fine. Hey, have I ever told you about how much I hate cucumbers? They're just tasteless watery mulch and they ruin a perfectly good salad with their god awful smell. I know, I know, I'm meant to be healthy and love that shit, but cucumbers are the worst - once my coach gave me a cucumber sandwich as a lunch and it threw me off the whole game, had to focus on not chucking my stomach contents back up. Weird, huh? I'm not usually fussed with food, but cucumbers are where I draw the line, you get me? You have anything like that, something you can't stand?" As he went off on his spiel, he was kicking himself - if he had gotten Jun-hui to do this instead of him, they would have an opportunity to get closer and he'd be able to help out Kaitlin in her romantic pursuit as well! Or even Selena, what he assumed was her other target. Damn, hindsight is 20/20. I'll have to set up something between them later...

He waited until she was a bit more stable and less angry at her own hands before giving her space and letting go of her hands. "I think it's time for a roll call - everyone present still? No goblins in the dark kidnapped any of us, right?" he called out to no one in particular, yet everyone at the same time.
Selena Sparks
Location: Kitchen Interactions/mentions: Mentionas: Everyone Interactions: Sostos Sostos

Selena was debating trading in her shoes for socks or slippers when the power went out. Not gradually, like someone was dimming the lights, but instantly. They were trapped in darkness. Someone let out a shriek, followed by: “George?”. Kaitlin. It was Kaitlin. Selena remembered the girl was afraid of the dark. They had played a game in class one time, and one of the questions was ‘What is your oddest fear’? Selena’s had been space, tied with the ocean. But Kaitlin’s had been the dark, and the look that had come over her face when it had been her turn to share was pure devastation. Selena knew that the girl had mentioned something about not being on good terms with her parents, hence her recent move to America, so could that be why?

The only thing eerie about the dark was the absolute absence of any electrical noise. The constant hum of power, of cellphones and many of the other things they took for granted each day was just...gone. As quickly as the darkness came, the lights flickered back on, preceded by the hum of a generator. Kaitlin still looked visibly shaken, and George was holding her trembling hands in his, murmuring to her. Yes, Selena thought, score one for my plan to get them together. But by the way George was looking between Selena, Kaitlin and Jun-Hui, she could tell that he wasn’t picking up any hints. Does he think that Kaitlin likes...me and Jun-Hui? The thought was enough to send her into a muffled fit of giggles, her hand pressed over her mouth. Oh this wouldn’t do! Someone had to tell the poor chap!

Selena made sure everyone was accounted for before pulling George aside, still laughing. “I know what you’re thinking,” she told him, looking pointedly at Kait and Jun-Hui. “Don’t.” Selena shook her head, awed that someone so smart could be so...oblivious. “Kait definitely does not have any interest, what so ever in Jun-Hui or myself, despite how attractive we are,” she told him, grinning. Selena sighed, turning George back around and pushing him towards the group. “Now return to the group with your mind purged of any awful ideas!”
Darwin Hobbes
Role: Peacemaker
Location: Kitchen
Mentions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kio.exe Kio.exe Sostos Sostos camlochan camlochan

Darwin found himself intrigued by the emerging sock faction, so far made up of Elie and Jun-hui. A man couldn’t just go around wearing shoes all the time, after all. He also happened to own a hilarious pair of socks that he couldn’t wait to show off, and this was the perfect opportunity for it.

He noticed a lot of strange glances being swapped around between George, Kaitlin, and Serena, but for the life of him he couldn’t figure what they meant. Maybe they were planning some kind of prank together? That would so much fun! He felt a little miffed that he had been left out of it, though.

Joshua was a surprise addition to their group, but a very welcome one. Playing Smash Bros together was going to be awesome! In response to Serena’s nudge, Darwin said, “Is that a challenge? You better know what you’re getting into. My Kirby main is totally going to crush you!” He always chose the little puffball as fighter; it was the smallest guys that often had the biggest punch, in his experience. “The crown is probably still going to Joshua though. He’s a complete beast at Smash.”

He was about to go upstairs to claim a room and fetch some socks when everything suddenly went pitch black for a moment. Embarrassingly, Darwin let out a unmanly yelp, pretty certain that his heart had stopped for a moment. But just as quickly as it had started, the blackout came to an end. As he tried to get his breathing back down to normal levels, he looked around to survey how the rest of his friends were doing.

Kaitlin appeared to be particularly shaken. She was glaring at her trembling hands with a frustrated expression, as if willing them to stop. He hadn’t known her for very long, but he felt the urge to provide some kind of reassurance. With all of the freaky stuff going on, it was only normal for everyone to be on edge. “Boy,” he said, hoping to draw the attention to himself and away from the shaking girl, “forget standup comedy. I’m pretty sure I have a future in opera singing, with how many octaves my voice jumped up right now.” Maybe the self-deprecation would help her realize that it was ok to be a little scared.

Then George stepped in to help with yet another nonsensical monologue, this time about...cucumbers? Whatever, it added a much needed dose of levity to the room. In response to George’s rolecall, Darwin joked “I dunno about goblins, but I think I saw one of those ninja maids run by through the window.”

Selena’s playful scolding of George made Darwin finally realize what all the sly glances were about. It was romance, he thought to himself with an inward groan. Much less interesting than pranks. Not getting involved in that mess, no siree.
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Ares Lancaster
Role: The Future Detective | Location: Living room |Mentions : Mostly everyone | interactions : Jolly Roger Jolly Roger TayMaiTer TayMaiTer
Elie got up as if nothing happened, she really doesn't change, does she ?, he thinks, looking at her as she takes and decorates her hot chocolate, She's something else, ain't she ?. Of couse, the group couldn't have peace, the lights go out for a very brief moment, Ares doesn't seem startled, the weather outside was getting worst after all. During the dark, someones lets out a small shriek and it turns out to be Kaitlin and followed by that another one that he instantly recognized as Darwin, as the lights went back on he stood up, walking towards the entrace and taking a peek on the small window on the door. The snow started to cover a lot of ground, he could only think about his car, poor thing would be covered with snow by tomorrow morning. He shakes his head, after that his detective senses fire up, considering his theory of a bandit being around the area, this lights out thing could be a plan to enter the cabin, if so... he checks all doors and windows on the first floor, everything seems to be pretty normal. There's no way someone was waiting to strike them, not during this weather.. he sighs in relief walking back to the couch and taking a sit.

He watches as his friends glance at one another, something is fishy, he thinks as it seems like there is something else going between George, Kaitlin and Selena. Could it be a romance ? Surely that's what it looked like, Darwin certainly noticed it as well by the face he was making. It wasn't very hard to understand what was going on, he looks at Darwin and lets out a grin, signalizing that he also understood what was going on, maybe it was best to make his friends forget about this incident, considering the dead rabbit everyone was already scared. "Don't worry, the weather outside is getting very bad, I'm sure that's the reason why the power went out. If anything, there's probably some candles around here somewhere, who doesn't want a romantic group date ?" bottle still in hand he seems to want to drive their worries away just like George is doing, but his intentions are to make the entire group forge about the lights. "Uh.." he was trying his best to think about something.

"I was thinking, remember that time during school when Ms. Porter told the principal about Markus, uh... what was his name ? Markus Johnson right ?" he laughs, school had quite a lot of fun and interesting events, most of them were experienced by almost all members of their group "I think Darwin was with me that day, or was it Elie ? He messed up the school sound systems so all we heard for fifteen minutes was a compilation of Markus talking trash about the school and no one was able to enter the room because he locked it with a chair or something" Markus was one of the biggest trouble makers of their school, certainly he had a reputation, even if it wasn't for good reasons. "Anyone remember other things ? I'm certain that school had some weird events" Ares was talking way more than he was comfortable with, but to keep his friends ok and to make them relax, he could make a little sacrifice by talking with them.
Elentiya (Elie) Locke
The Bubbly One | Location: Living Room | Interactions: Nobuzout Nobuzout

When the lights cut out, Elie let out a small yelp, jumping. Luckily, her hot cocoa was resting on the coffee table. Unluckily, the popcorn bowl in her lap was bumped, some popcorn spilling. Her elbow knocks into Ares when she jumped.

Elie isn't afraid of the dark. No, she was terrified of large bodies of water. That's what happens when you don't know how to swim and people - *cough* George *cough* - find it hilarious to terrify you with stories. That is why she won't go anywhere near the lake behind the cabin. Summer or not. The dark didn't scare her. But the sudden silence, everything plunging into oblivion was shocking.

When the generator hums back to life, the lights flickering back on, she lets out a small smile. She turns to Ares. "Sorry, Ares. I didn't mean to bump you." Her eyes sparkle as she looks at him. The humming of the generator becoming a background noise.

Jun-hui | Location: Living Room | Interactions: TayMaiTer TayMaiTer and @ everyone!

Jun-hui leaned further into the couch he was on, enjoying the social atmosphere. Suddenly, the lights went out and Jun-hui stopped in his tracks. His eyes darted back and forth, trying to see through the pitch black. After a few seconds, the lights returned and Jun-hui could see that Kaitlin was visibly shaken. Kind George decided to help calm her down. Looking outside, he could see the howling wind tossing snow particles up and around the cabin.

This storm's really picking up. Jun-hui felt his stomach tense up as he thought about the idea of being trapped on a mountain for a whole week. But he also was with his favorite people and some new players as well. That made his heart warm. Kait was a surprise addition to their group, but that didn't really bother him. Selena wasn't a stranger to the group, but she was kind of a mystery. Jun-hui turned his body away from the group and focused his eyes outside, feeling his face turn to red.

Oh, man. Here we go. Jun-hui decided to make himself busy. There with more things that needed attention. Jun-hui went over and started cleaning up the popcorn mess Elie had accidentally made.

"Alright, that's it. I'm about to officially call Guinness Book of World Records. We've probably made The Most Spills on the Floor During a Vacation." Jun-hui said, teasing Elie and starting to throw the dirty puffs into a little bag.

The generator hummed steadily in the background, but the rare flicker of the lights here and there made him wonder if that would last them through the night.

Mo | The Mom Friend
Location: Living Room| Mentions: basically everyone | Interactions: CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf | Mood: mostly content, underlying nervousness that is mostly gone now | outfit
After her friend's rejection of a hug (a valid rejection, though not one she expected), Mo returned to checking on people and getting things from her car. She didn't have much, except the leftover road trip snacks that she packed away in the kitchen, a suitcase and a backpack filled with extra things. She put her suitcase in her room while her friends got settled in and loudly joked, still a little shaken from the experience (she couldn't get the vision of the animal torn apart out of her head -- she didn't know much about what dead animals looked like but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was an intentional placement by someone. She couldn't think of who though, and decided to try and shake the feeling for the evening because there was nothing she could do about it now. Plus, it looked like the snow would be picking up soon, so it wasn't like she could leave.

While her friends bustled about, she decided to go to her car and bring her things in before it got too busy and everyone settled in. She didn't have a whole lot, but she did have water and some snacks that she brought in and put in the kitchen in case they needed it (or needed to bunker in during a storm). Then she brought her suitcase up to a room and put it in there before taking her coat off and leaving it in there to join the others. She didn't know if everyone had picked their rooms out yet, but she wouldn't mind sharing if there were too many people to each have their own room. She passed by George as he returned with his clothes to his room, laughing at his confident jokes about his hot bod. Not that she was interested, but to give him the feeling of decency, she dramatically covered her eyes and continued down the stairs.

Everyone was finally settling in and the earlier bad vibes were starting to wear off. She grabbed the hot cocoa Kaitlin had prepared, mentally kicking herself for not thinking about it (though Mo was bound to forget things sometimes, it was a rare occurrence and it felt weird). Then she went to settle in with her friends in the living room where they sat talking and laughing. She sat on the couch arm by Jun-Hui and Elie, carefully balancing and sipping her hot cocoa as everyone talked, teasing Kait about playing the guitar later (if only she'd brought her ukulele, they could jam, but Mo was a little out of practice and hadn't thought about possibly playing music on the trip) and the new faction war between pajama and non-pajama wearers. When Josh arrived, she excitedly waved and greeted him, "Better late than never! I'm so glad you made it!"

A few more moments passed with people mingling with Josh and greeting him as the footwear faction wars grew. Then, the lights suddenly went out, leaving them all in silence except for the sound of the wind as it picked up outside. Those few brief moments felt very long as Mo fumbled for her phone in her pocket to find the flashlight while also trying to not spill the remnants of her hot cocoa. Before she managed to find the flashlight app, the generator had kicked on and the world that had felt paused suddenly flew back into action, with George giving some speech to Kaitlin (who looked terrified) about cucumbers, trying to calm her down. Mo stood to put her hot cocoa down as she saw Jun-Hui begin picking up Elie's popcorn and she helped him clean it up, laughing lightly at his joke. "I don't know, I think we might have a few more spills before we reach that point, but the night is young..."

Once she and Jun-Hui had finished picking up the popcorn, she took the little bag containing the kernels from him, "I got it! I'm gonna go by the kitchen anyway."

She took the bag with her to the kitchen and tossed it before returning to her selected room to quickly change into her pajamas, hoping she can lighten the mood and also wanting to get cozy (her clothes were a little wet from walking through the snow earlier and pajamas were just arguably better overall). She changed into her favorite cozy white with black vertical stripes pajamas and socks and headed back down to the now hopefully calmer living room, where she paused dramatically in the entrance. "I have decided to declare my allegiance," she poses, sticking her foot in the air and wiggling her toes inside her sock. "Sock gang!" Then she headed to where Elie and Jun-Hui were as if to accent her statement, this time sitting on the other side of Elie on the couch.
Elentiya (Elie) Locke
The Bubbly One | Location: Living Room | Interactions: Nobuzout Nobuzout CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf irregular-neptune irregular-neptune

She smiles sheepishly as Mo and Jun-Hui clean up her spilt popcorn. "Sorry." she giggles, "At least I didn't spill my hot cocoa!" Speaking of! She reaches for her mug and takes a drink. Whipped cream ends up sticking her to lips and she giggles again, licking it off.

As Mo goes to the kitchen to throw the popcorn away, Elie yells, "Mo! Will you bring more snacks? Pleeeaaase?" She drags the word out into a sort of whine. She was hungry. And it didn't appear like anyone was planning on cooking dinner. And the last thing they wanted, was for Elie to cook. Unless you like charred food or your house burning down. She could bake and decorate like a pro - which is why she worked at a bakery - but she could not cook to save her life.

She tosses a piece of popcorn into her mouth, gigglng. If they thought that she was going to sleep tonight, they were very mistaken. Elie had packed lots of sugary snacks. Things that will keep her up with a sugar rush. And then crash. Her friends liked to fight over who had to deal with Elie during and after her rushes, because it was never pleasant... she puts more popcorn in her mouth, thinking of all the sweet treats she had hidden in her backpack in her room upstairs.

Sadly, Mo returned with no snacks, which causes Elie to sigh. I guess I have to get up.... Uuuugggghhhh.
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Ares Lancaster
Role: The Future Detective | Location: Living room |Mentions : Mostly everyone | interactions : TayMaiTer TayMaiTer CommodoreOlaf CommodoreOlaf irregular-neptune irregular-neptune
He received a little bump on his arm, and he noticed it was Elie. "Don't worry about it, It was nothing. You're ok right ? The popcorn seems to have suffered the most" Sadly the popcorn bowl fell during the blackout, Mo and Jun-hui quickly started cleaning the mess. Ares didn't even have time to help them. There was some comment about a spill record but he didn't catch it , even tho he was quickly able to understand what they were talking about "We really are messing up the floor ain't we ? And this is just the first day" He holds his hands together watching as Mo returns and makes a Sock gang statement, another traitor, she would pay for this betrayal, the war between the three factions would soon start. He laughs, shaking off the silly thoughts, he turns to Elie who seems to be annoyed with Mo's empty handed return. She looked hungry, maybe it wouldn't be bad if he helped her. Ares stood up, extending his arm towards Elie "Come on now, let's go together then. I'm also quite hungry"

Ares walks to the kitchen, There was a wide variety of food, from chips to frozen pizzas. Some of the members sure did their best. "So, what do you want ? Maybe we can get this pizza ready ? I'm sure the people are hungry for something too. It wouldn't be bad to get everyone something" During the small talk he takes a look at the girl, the smallest one on the group, it was a funny thing at first but everyone got used to her cute height. Ares knew her for a very long time, certainly the others did too. Her bubbly personality held them together during some fights. While they are all friends, fights happen sometimes and almost every time, Mo and Elie were there to help them. Ares also tried his best but this isn't about himself but about his friends. This small girl has really helped Ares during some dark times. not to say his feeling of loneliness ever left but she made it easier to live with. The others also helped a lot, even without knowing about it.

He shoots her a smile before grabbing the frozen pizza, "So, are we making this now ? I can't wait to eat it" He places it on the counter, if she didn't want pizza then they could grab something else, if there was something he knew was that food wasn't a problem.. and certainly drinks were also far from ending soon. Maybe they had too much food, but it's better to have more than to have less than necessary.
Kaitlin Garret
Location: Cabin | Interactions: Everyone
After George’s nonsensical rant about cucumbers, Kaitlin’s hand were shaking less noticeably. Darwin had effectively taken the attention off her with his comment about becoming an opera singer. God, how she loved her friends. Kait clapped a hand over her stomach as it growled loudly, and she realized that she hadn’t eaten since early this morning, when her Aunt had made her eggs and toast.

It seemed that Ellie and Ares were already on that, the latter digging through the fridge and coming up with frozen pizza. The inner chef in Kait winced, but it would have to do. She really wasn’t in the mood to pull the stuff she would need to cook an actual meal out of the freezer. Looking around the living room, she watched her friends mingle. Mo was there, on the couch, while it appeared that Joshua had begun the set-up of his Switch. Jun-Hui was on the couch too, in his socked feet. Sighing, Kaitlin made a decision.

She strode over to where her guitar case still rested against the wall, somehow un disturbed amidst all the chaos. “Alright, since I did promise to play if you lot behaved, I suppose I have to live up to that,” she announced, smiling shyly. Then, laughing, she added: “Though, for those of you not wearing slippers, I suppose you should be shunned anyways.”

Kait opened the case and pulled the shiny black guitar out carefully, grabbing a pick. She walked over to the couch, perching on the arm and placing the guitar on her leg. She made quick work of tuning it, nervous. “So, uhh...does anyone have a request?”
George Carlton
The Jock | Location: Inside | Interactions: everyone

His whole world came crashing down in one simple sentence. Well, that's a bit hyperbolic, but that's what it felt like to George when Selena told him that he was mistaken about Kaitlin's affections for Jun-hui and Selena. How was that possible?! He had clearly seen them drinking water at the same time! That's bulletproof! George admitted he was no Ares Lancaster, but he had the evidence to back up his suspicions (yes, the water-drinking) and it wasn't like he was actually stupid, right? He was so shocked by this revelation that he didn't even notice the sock faction growing right under his nose - that's right, he was that shocked he was wrong.

Where was he going to divert his excess matchmaking energy? He had already promised (to himself) that he'd get Kaitlin together with Jun-hui and Selena but he now had to abort that plan. He couldn't just abandon the ship, he had to make a new one. I swear, by the end of this week, at least two of my friends are going to be in a relationship if I have anything to say about it. I don't know who or why or how, but my name isn't George Carlton if it doesn't happen. Well, there it was, the second promise he had made himself without any plan of action.

As he snapped back to reality, he realised that there was now talks about pizza but he couldn't even go for a jog in this weather, were the calories really worth it? Kaitlin had declared that she would take requests, even from the lowly non-slippered folk - compassion truly was the defining characteristic of slipper supremacists - but he also knew jack about music, the last song he had actively search for being 'that one that plays when people run in slow motion towards each other in movies like Madagascar' (he now knew that song was called Chariots of Fire), so he waited for someone else to make a real request, instead analysing each person to work out who would best go in a relationship together for his masterplan to work. He hadn't really seen the appeal of shipping before, but it was growing on him.

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