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Fantasy No Moral Boundary (Organized Crime in Modern Fantasy)

Name: Kazama Hinazuki

Nickname/Code Names: Kamikaze

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Picture (realistic or anime works): Refer to the one in my signature.

Personality: Private, withdrawn, normally calm.

Occupation: Criminal (Contractor)

Level: Hired Contractor

Background: Kazama Hinazuki was born in a nice, happy family. Then one day, his dad was caught while he was smuggling some dragons, and from there, everything went to hell. His mom died from grief because her husband got the death penalty, and all Kazama had left was his sister. Later, she became terminally ill and he needs to earn money for her operation, he cares more about her than himself, that's why Hinazuki became a criminal.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: Normally uses a katana in his left hand, holds a pair of sharp scissors in his right. In assassination attempts, he will use a longbow with a quiver of thirteen arrows, the amount of arrows symbolizes his sister's age. When he feels like it, he will use magic to make a blade out of the earth. His skills with magic is around beginner level, meaning he's not very good at it.
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Yaoke Saint][bg=#808080][border=20px single #000000][border=15px single #000000][Row][column=span1][FONT='Poiret One'][COLOR=#000000]<<<<<<<<<<<<[/COLOR][/FONT][/column][column=span3][HEIGHTRESTRICT=340][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/JFJIRf9.jpg[/IMG][/HEIGHTRESTRICT][/column][column=span3][URL="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/462041242999920766/ said:

Day Job
Name;; David Hanson

Age;; 32

Gender;; Male

Occupation;; Running for Mayor of Alden City
A Little Deeper
Personality;; David is well loved by his supporters, and with good reason. His speeches are filled with small quips, fun slogans and promises to lower the crime and fund higher education in the city. His bright, confident nature has brought him far in the political world, and many a baby has been blessed by him, much to the overwhelming joy of a supporter. He is always seen smiling, but maybe he is just covering up that he is thinking of something else...

Background;; David's story was that he led a very generic life, until he came across fortune in his parent's will. Then he began a crusade of political righteousness and did his best to make the city better. He sometimes can't help but laugh when he tells that story.

Weapons/Fighting Ability;; In this persona, he cannot use much fighting ability as to not give away who he really is. He only uses a small range of hand-to-hand combat to fend off would-be political assasins for a short time.
Night Job
Name;; David Hanson

Code Name;; Umbra

Age;; 32, No one but him knows

Gender;; Male, No one but him knows

Occupation;; Head of the Gensia Organization

A Bit Too Deep
Personality;; Umbra is ruthless, constantly calm and calculating. He is highly intelligent, and uses that to his advantage more than physical aspects. Charisma is one of his highest strengths, coming from years of political speaking and just the petty crime he did when he was younger. Sometimes he had to talk his way out of situations. He does have a soft spot for people who ask for mercy though, and who are genuinly scared. At the very least, he will make it quick.

Background;; Umbra came to the city as a boy of 8, and was promptly dropped into an alleyway by his parents. They had wanted to find a place to dump him, they just wanted to have their own life without any children. He was their mistake. Due to the large amount of crime, he learned how to fend for himself, stealing, pickpocketing, even killing some people when he became older. Umbra adopted their name, lived in their house, used their money. Until people started getting suspicious that is, and he moved on to find another person. He accumulatd so much money that he decided to pretend he was a rich young man who had inherited a fortune from his parents and run for Mayor, all while running the criminal organization he had created. His funding has quite a few shady aspects, and he intends to keep his promises to the people of Alden City. Well, at least on the surface.

Weapons/Fighting Ability;; Umbra only carries around a small pistol, .88 magnum to be exact. It holds three regular rounds and three explosive ones, all randomly mixed up. His suit has huge amounts of armour, but that makes it sightly hard for him to move and he is also makes it difficult to engage in direct combat. What he does for combat involves his power.

Techno-Ghost;; This ability allows him to absorb his body into a machine, almost any machine, and control it like his own body. The machine can be any size. The downside is that the machine becomes his body. So if the machine is damaged, his body is damaged when he reforms himself.

He also has a bodyguard of three people, who will be NPC's unless SOMEBODY WANTS TO BE ONE PM ME OR SAY IN CHAT THAT WOULD BE PRETTY GREAT.

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Name: Astraea (Greek goddess of justice) Conover
Nickname/Code Names: Star, or Astra

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Picture: Her hair is normally a warm brown, but in the sun she gains a golden blond color.


Personality: Astra is really clever. She chooses to show whatever side of herself would appeal to her enemy the most. If threatened, she can act like an innocent child. Or, she could appear as a threat.

Occupation: Petty thief. Though she has been known to steal data from anyone.

Level: Um, how does very low sound.

Background: Astra (Literally means star) was practically thrown onto the street when she accidentally burned her house down. Don't give her any sympathy, she'll stab you. It didn't affect her too much, after all, her mother wasn't really there much. So what if she feels a bit of guilt, people aren't meant to look out for one another. And living on the streets taught her many skills. Astraea's quite grateful for that.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: She's pretty good with a sword, but normally she would just run. Or set you on fire with her burning hands...

DogInTheBox said:
Name: Kazama Hinazuki
Nickname/Code Names: Kamikaze

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Picture (realistic or anime works): Refer to the one in my signature.

Personality: Private, withdrawn, normally calm.

Occupation: Criminal (Contractor)

Level: Hired Contractor

Background: Kazama Hinazuki was born in a nice, happy family. Then one day, his dad was caught while he was smuggling some dragons, and from there, everything went to hell. His mom died from grief because her husband got the death penalty, and all Kazama had left was his sister. Later, she became terminally ill and he needs to earn money for her operation, he cares more about her than himself, that's why Hinazuki became a criminal.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: Normally uses a katana in his left hand, holds a pair of sharp scissors in his right. In assassination attempts, he will use a longbow with a quiver of thirteen arrows, the amount of arrows symbolizes his sister's age. When he feels like it, he will use magic to make a blade out of the earth. His skills with magic is around beginner level, meaning he's not very good at it.
Accepted, nice characters ;)
Name: Dr. Michelle Coles

Nickname/Code Names: Doctor Coles. Creative nicknames given by others are often ignored.

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Picture (realistic or anime works):


Personality: Level-headed, astute, imperturbable, greedy, superficial, snide

Occupation: Doctor & Drug Lord.

Level: Level is suggestive as it depends on her relationship with the other party. She may be considered as a respectable doctor for her skills or a horrible human being for selling drugs to the weak.

Background: Michelle was from a wealthy family until her father became too ill to provide for his family. She pursued medicine and began her life as a gold-digger in order to pay her family's growing debt. The woman married once... twice. Her first husband died from suicide and the second one died of old age. Before her studies were completed, she was suspended from school. While she was undergoing the procedures for divorce during her first marriage, she opened a clinic. She returned to school and this time, becoming a licensed doctor and pharmacologist. Her clientele are both civilians and criminals... depending on the nature of the service and the amount of money involved. Her name is well known in illegal drug market and would aim to take the crown to monopolize it. Her moral compass is highly questionable but you can buy her loyalty.

Weapons: Handgun, scalpels, and syringes. One can surely improvise. If anything, sending people to do the dirty seems like an easier idea. Fighting and firing bullets are not her field of expertise. At least her redeemable skills are related to marketing, pharmacology, and etc. She did learn some good old self-defense but other living beings make a better shield.
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Name: Elizabeth Cortana

Nickname/Code Names: Wraith, The Shadow, Reaper


Gender: female

Picture (realistic or anime works):

Personality: sarcastic, is friendly but doesn't share her secrets ever. Suspicious of everyone and good at spotting liars. Extremely cool headed in every situation.

Occupation: Assassin

Level:Assassin for hire, well known and well respected

Background: growing up on the streets is never easy, however, Elizabeth was taken in by a famous and skilled assassin known as Black Panther, who taught her most of what she knows.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: knows martial arts and street fighting, as well as being good at climbing, fighting, throwing knives, and sword fighting. Very skilled. Weapons: her sword, her throwing knives, her hidden crossbow, and her poisoned spiked ring (she is immune to the poison). Has incredible stealth skills, as she was born with the talent to bend shadows. She is unaware of this trait, and only knows that she has incredible stealth. In times of extreme stress, there is the possibility of her using them as weapons.
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Nickname/Code Names: "Rorschach"

Age: 19

Gender: Agender

Physical Description: As per their codename, Rorschach suffers from a peculiar combination of skin diseases-- melanism and vitiligo, to be precise-- which gives them a complexion rather similar to a camouflage pattern created for some impossible ash-and-snow environment. They are 6'3" in height, and 153 lbs, with broad shoulders that taper down to lithe hips. Their right arm has been replaced with a fully mechanical prosthesis. As for their outfit; they typically wear old, greyed bluejeans, a pair of Converse sneakers, a wifebeater, an unzipped flak jacket, and a plexiglass riot chestplate.

Personality: Misanthropic, to the extreme. Rorschach will not say "please," they will not say "thank you", and they will certainly never wish anyone a "good day". They have very blatant anger management issues, implying that their occupation may be something of a means of catharsis. The only person who is capable of exerting any semblance of control over them is their partner, Twelve-Fingers.

Occupation: Hit-for-Hire

Level: Grunt

Background: If you ask Rorschach about their past-- well, they'd probably just spit in your face. If you actually get them to talk about it, they'll say they were nothing special, just another street urchin. They won't mention being the only child of a teenage mother, or that even the teachers in their public inner-city school looked at them funny because of their skin. They won't say that they didn't shed a tear of remorse the first time they killed a person, because they truly, honestly didn't mind putting someone out of the misery that is living life in this world. They'll probably just spit in your face.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: Rorschach is monster, in every sense of the word. They fight dirtier than a dog: biting off the fingers of those who throw punches at them; jamming their fingers into people's nostrils and ripping off their noses; putting their mouth to a person's ear then sucking out their eardrum. Their tolerance for pain is so great that it almost suggests a somatosensory lobotomy, and their muscle memory is of such a caliber that on more than one occasion they've been able to finish a fight after being rendered unconscious.

In terms of weaponry, they often are seen making use of an experimental vibration-sword weapon with a large one-way street sign mounted on the side of its handle, as if intended to be some sort of handguard, as well a simple revolver.​
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Nickname/Code Names: "Twelve-Fingers"

Age: 18

Gender: Agender

Physical Description: An androgynous and scrawny youth of Semitic descent, Twelve-Fingers has a rare mutation known as post-axial polydactyly. Take a wild guess at what this mutation might cause. Twelve-Fingers typically wears a simple tee-shirt, khakis, and tennis-shoes. Of course this unassuming clothing covers multiple pieces of tailor-made body armor and concealed sidearms.

Personality: Twelve-Fingers is, plainly put, a pushover. They don't have much self-confidence, and are very shy and introverted; of course, during many gigs, they still have to be the one doing the talking, because the alternative would be to allow their partner Rorschach to insult everyone in sight.

Occupation: Hit-for-Hire

Level: Grunt

Background: Like their partner, Twelve-Fingers is rather tight-lipped about their past. Although both their parents were (and still are) alive and well, they were separated, and generally distant. Having suffered from chronic depression and self-harm, Twelve-Fingers' climactic suicide via jumping from a bridge was interrupted when they saw a person being taken into an alley and beaten by a group of gang members, then left to dead. It was this person whom they would eventually come to know as their partner, Rorschach.

Weapons/Fighting Ability:

Twelve-Fingers is, understandably, quite deft with a knife, seeing as they have manual dexterity twenty percent better than anyone else on the planet. Their main asset, however, is several natural mystical abilities, including clairvoyance, soothsaying, telepathy, and astral projection.​
Name: Asa Alexander Coyote

Pronunciation: Ace-sah Ky-yohwt

Nickname/Code Names: Family and friends call him Asa, or Freckles (endearingly) and most everyone else calls him Coyote. Or idiot. Whichever comes out first.

Age: 19, looks 17

Gender: He is a transboy and goes by he/him pronouns, however, they/them pronouns are also alright with him

Orientation: Theoretically pan, but he has no romantic abilities whatsoever


Asa is very limber and gangly. He stands at just 5"9 but appears taller due to his thinness. His clothes never seem to fit right and his straight ginger hair is always slightly disheveled. When he isn't in his standard issue police uniform, he tries to appear as though he dresses well, but his clothes are simple, cheap and quiet old (though lovingly repaired). His wide eyes are light golden amber, like sunshine through a bottle of whiskey. He has a smattering of freckles across is pale skin and, usually, assorted bruises and scrapes. He has a long, solemn, but youthful face, small lips, and very expressive eyebrows. His smile is bright but terribly lopsided. He is missing his right first premolar from his sister punching him in the face when he was 12.

Art by phobs.deviantart.com

Personality: Asa has good intentions, but does not express emotions clearly. If he is intimidated by someone, he comes off as weird, shy, and wary. Otherwise, he is friendly, but in an awkward and off-putting way. When he does speak, its usually at the wrong time. He is constantly trying to appear calm and confident. It is clear to everyone around him that this is not the case.

He's a bit of a weirdo, but he is incredibly loyal. If he is ferociously dedicated to a cause, he will face hell or high water to carry out orders. He values morality and fairness very highly, and usually acts logically. He is very curious, honest, determined, ambitious, intelligent, and overly trusting.

Many have taken advantage of his helpful and obedient manner. He has idealistic, oversimplified moral principles, and when he fails his own standards, he can get very depressed, guilty, and self-destructive. His seemingly unbreakable spirit has an acute snapping point. He is often perceived as naïve, escapist, forgetful, and generally distracted, but there is a thinly veiled undercurrent of instability. Nobody who puts that much pressure upon themselves can function like a normal human.

Occupation: Police officer, but undercover

Level: Officer/corporal- whatever you call the lowest rank of police officer. Very new.

Background: Asa was born the youngest of 3 to a single mother. He grew up in the peaceful but impoverished countryside. He spent a lot of his time reading and developed very romantic ideas about the world, even though he had to work from a young age to help his family. He was a late bloomer, and not particularly special or noticeable. His only actual friends were his sister, Ivy, and brother, Reed. They bullied him constantly, but they became closer as their lives became more stressful.

Like his mother, Asa was very sickly. Unlike his mother, he got better. Her medical bills pilled up and they were forced to move to the city (one that is 2 hours from Alden City) to a cheap and slummy apartment. Asa got his GED quickly at age 16 and got a job at a restaurant, all to continue supporting his mother. The restaurant was actually just a crime front. He was only a busboy, but he witnessed plenty of sleazy activities. His first brush with crime made him aspire for a job in law enforcement.

Meanwhile, his brother Reed began making enough money to actually make ends meet. It would have been wonderful, had he not secretly become a smuggler for a faction of BATIS. His body was found in an alleyway 3 months later, and his family was devastated and confused. The police concluded that he was innocent victim of BATIS's violence. Asa developed an intense hatred and fixation on the mob. He joined the police academy not long afterwards.

He was not a particularly promising cadet, with his string-bean physique and lack of street smarts. Then, during training, he experienced his first (accidental) manipulation of electricity. The police immediately took notice and put him in a program to further his skills. When he graduated, he was transferred to the Alden City Police Department and lived alone in a big city for the first time. He had been on the force for a week before he was given his undercover assignment with BATIS. Asa is still shocked, honored, and secretly terrified that he was handed such a dangerous assignment, but is also deeply dedicated to hurting BATIS and proving himself. The ACPD knows that he has enough knowledge and electrical ability to be considered useful against BATIS, and enough of a fresh record to be considered completely expendable.

Weapons/Fighting Ability: An excellent shot, especially with small firearms. Police-level trained on self-defense and has at least a familiarity with his own typical equipment. However, he is admittedly not the best at hand-to-hand combat. While he can throw the fastest punch, it isn't the strongest. Wrestling or anything resembling judo is his weak spot; he is toast as soon as he is on the ground. Capable of being very quick, nimble, and stealthy, though his balance is unreliable. Moderate, improving electrical/light manipulation abilities. Heightened sensitivity to wavelengths- magnetic, sound, etc.
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