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Fantasy No Moral Boundary (Organized Crime in Modern Fantasy)


mothafuckin' starboy
Concept Background: In most roleplays, people always put the main characters as the heroes. I wanted to create a roleplay that was something different. The main characters would be villains, genuinely evil or dislikable villains. And their main enemies would not be the good guys, but other criminals who are competing with them. The style is inspired off of TV shows and stories about the mafia and crime mobs, however, going a step further with fantasy and sci-fi elements. I wanted a partner to help me, because I anticipated this was going to be a large and complex roleplay, so I invited @DergTheDergon to be my co-creator.

Anyway, let's get things started now


Life as a criminal is tough. But life as an organized criminal is even tougher. You have no real friends, everyone is trying to get your position, one wrong move.....and you could be dead. But all the same, you make some pretty damn good money. And being the bad guy is a whole lot more fun than being the good guy.

: Alden City. The largest and most populous city in the Democratic Republic of Kandere. Buildings are tall, living conditions crowded, and people work in all kinds of jobs, mainly service-related. There is also, unsurprisingly, a large organized crime network that operates with smuggling, assassinations, and the like.


: The technology is modern to an extent- there are cars, telephones, lightbulbs, and the like, but the society has not advanced to the extent to produce smart computers, smartphones, or the internet. Where the tech really shines though is in the weapons technology and robotics. All sorts of high-tech guns and other weapons are available, and the robots created by the military and other groups are powerful and mobile.

Feel free to invent anything you like and be creative on a technological aspect, nothing is set in stone.


: Magic exists, although it is rare. It is held in disregard by the public and government, and is practically illegal (the government denies its existence). Magic is a difficult skill to master, and only can be used by people born with such abilities. Can be used to move around objects, create illusions, heal wounds, project elements as a weapon, and stuff like that. But not on, for example, time travel or bringing back the dead. Criminal organizations often like to take advantage of magic.

about magical/mythical creatures: I'll leave it up to the players to decide which ones exist and which ones don't. All I'll give you now is that the smuggling of Dragon products is a thing.

Criminal Organizations
: There are three major organized crime groups in Alden City. The first and most powerful is BATIS (Bribery, Assassination, Theft, Illegal trade, and Smuggling). They are a jack-of-all-trades kind of organization and are trying to reach a monopoly on all aspects of organized crime. The second is Dragonblood. They are a more aggressive group who openly uses violence to attack other criminals, and often do assassinations and bold heists. They also specialize in magic-related crime. The final group is Gensia. This group is very high tech. They have advanced weapons and robots, and prefer to operate more behind-the-scenes, where they can do stuff like hack into government machines, and blackmail people with stolen information.

What to Sign-Up as: You can sign up as any level of criminal, whether a powerful mob boss or a contractor looking for someone to hire him/her. They can already be a part of one of these organizations, or trying to get accepted by them, or part of some separate group. You can also sign-up as non-criminals, but they have to be somehow related to the criminal scene. For example, undercover policeman trying to pose as criminals in the organizations could be really great for the plot.

Hope this sounds fun!
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Great! Bump for activity and also some updates in the OP! Will be posting the actual thread with a few more interest replies....
whoa lots of replies! Definitely enough to get started. I'm making the RP thread right now :DD

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