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Colosseum No Mercy [Open]



Must be active. If you hold back the progress of the roleplay due to inactivity, I will replace you.

You don't have to code your character sign up as I do, but for neatness sake, try?

I'll come up with more later.

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    Name: Avrystein Hart

    Age: 17

    Time in the Arena: 5 years.

    Record: 184-16-3

    Personality: Quirky and eccentric, full of emotion. Has no sympathy. Sadist.

    Who did you first kill in the arena?: None. Murdered all family members at the age of 12 in cold blood.

    Rank: 16th seat.

    Age: 17.

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Name: Ghaylle

Age: Unknown

Height: 170cm

Race: Unknown



Ghaylle has a fairly tall and slender build with hip length straight bleach blonde hair. With a black cross brand on her right breast. She used to have crimson red eyes until she was blinded.

Gail's outfit consists of an A-line white dress that falls down her mid thigh, with spaghetti straps. And a crimson scarf wrapped around her neck at all times. Gail doesn't wear shoes, the only thing that covers her bare feet are block colored sock that ends just above her knees.


Crimson scarf; to be blunt her crimson scarf serves as an oxygen mask, that enables her to breath in a neutral state. Cleansing toxicated and gaseous substances that may harm her in the near future.



Sento (Sentō) is an ancient Katana with a Hellfire-blade wielded by her long-lost ancestors. The Sento has the appearance of a rather normal katana, it's handle black with red diamond patterns; The Sento's Blade on its tip holds a fear of hot hellfire flame, that glows red when swung.

Tessen were folding fans with outer spokes made of heavy plates of iron which were designed to look like normal, harmless folding fans shaped to look like a closed fan. The tessen was also used for fending off arrows and darts, as a throwing weapon, and as an aid in swimming.

Shéng Biāo A metal long chain that has a bladed spear on the edge. The spear can move from which point of direction and velocity she wishes.

Abilities and Techniques


* Blade Reflect: Ghaylle unsheathes her sword and slashes projectiles(magic or not), reflecting them.

The enhanced version is Blade Absorb. Ghaylle will absorb the magical energy inside projectile with Sento to regain some of her health instead of reflecting it.

* Enhancement, Sixth Senses; Feel, Hear, Taste, Smell, ... : Despite her blindness, Ghaylle possesses senses that are heightened beyond their normal ability and can fight on par with any other combatant.

She can sense an opponent's presence by their life energy, Scent, feeling the movement of the air and energy around the surrounding area or by Clearly hearing them and thus, can take opponents by surprise. Also due to her blindness, she is completely immune to attacks that would target one's sense of sight.

* Demon Eye


Ghaylle's eyes opens, revealing crimson red eyes with slit pupils. Her Demon Eye

holds three characteristics:

One, Applies her to be able to see her opponents body with extreme detail, such as muscle movements or muscle contractions, sweat, etc. allowing her to see or predict future movements. Second, she can see her opponent in a very wide range ,without actually having to move around and scan the area, giving her see in the dark. Third, she can see magical waves or flows and imperceivable moves. Can be used at once.

Blood Manipulation

Ghaylle was born with the ability to manipulate her blood in various ways such as shaping and solidifying it to anything she wishes; Can turn her blood corrosive substance, disintegrating an opponent. And heating her body temperature in order to heat her blood up; which is also immune to extreme cold and hot temperatures, and toxic and acidic.

Gravity Manipulation

She is able to freely increase or decrease the amount of gravity in the area around her with devastating effects.

Gravity can be used to lift objects, even gigantic ones, and people alike, and to move them around in the air; in addition, when concentrated around a single opponent, it can cause the latter great pain.

This Magic is powerful enough completely alter the surrounding area with a light touch of his hand, and a minimal amount of it, let out from his body, can prevent falling rain from even coming in contact with him.

* Ghaylle increases the gravity around one area. This causes great damage to the targeted place, prompting the ground to crack and cave in, and makes it difficult for anyone within it aside from Bluenote to move or even stand. Most individuals get smashed to the ground and held there by the forc. Fall can also affect magical attacks, nullifying them by sending them down to the ground.

Spatial Manipulation

Can bend, shape, warp and create space at will.

Basic space manipulation:

Intangibility can transfer her physical body to another dimension without attacks affecting her physically. Passing through physical matter.

Teleportation can appear from places to places as she pleases.
Name: Yukari Tanaka

Age: 16

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/2016-02-04-20-30-13--1647911633.jpeg.c38a9f6731a6b365bf83e06031d5cd4b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/2016-02-04-20-30-13--1647911633.jpeg.c38a9f6731a6b365bf83e06031d5cd4b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-16.jpeg.6a23d7b65f2c98a3f5246b58c1ff3dbc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-16.jpeg.6a23d7b65f2c98a3f5246b58c1ff3dbc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Time in the Arena: 3 year.


Rank:17th Seat

Personality:Comical, Laid back, Might makes right attitude

Who did you first kill in the arena?:Mary

What did your parents do to anger the gods?:Father stood up for the cursed ones and Mother slept around.

Lineage:Kazuichi Tanaka, Naomi Tanaka

Curse:Body manipulation-Can shape and change her bodies form structure.

History:Yukari being a cursed child was bullied by the local kids. They would beat her up and steal things from her. She was unable to tell anyone since no one believed a cursed child. Yukari was beginning to lose hope when a woman named Mary came to her. She offered the girl friendship to which Yukari accepted her Father a supporter of cursed children was happy about this. Yukari was happy until when she turned the age of thirteen and entered the arena for the first time. Her heart sank as she saw the person she would be killing was none other then Mary. Yukari closed her eyes off course Mary begged for her life but Yukari had no choice. She ended Mary's life then and there when she sleeps she can sometimes still hear her pleas for mercy. That moment Yukari learned when you're strong you can make choices you can save people so Yukari had to be strong she had to be the strongest.



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Name: Sibyl Iscariot

Aliases: The Sword Juggler

Species: Human

Biological Sex: Female

Gender Identity: Cisgendered Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Family: T’taba (Mother), Dante J. Iscariot (Adoptive Child), Beatrice Iscariot (Biological Daughter), Orion Iscariot (Biological Son), Vergil (Husband)

Personality: Sibyl was never a "nice" woman, even when she was still young and sane. Most of her perspective on the world revolves around a code of honor that Sibyl adheres to only most of the time- when gone berserk, however, all bets are off. Outside of battle she’s terse and laconic at best, and rarely shows any emotions aside from sardonic anger. She seems to have brutish intelligence, easily falling for ruses and traps- although almost always being able to overcome them from sheer strength.

Physical Description: Sibyl is what you’d might expect to come from the scion of an Amazon and a Philistine; a living bulwark of corded muscle, biracial skin, and berserk rage, with a mane of greased, nightingale locks whose tips touch the back of her knees. Often she goes into battle barechested, though the only person she might seduce is death, for her stomach is marred by a constellation of cesarean scars, and her right breast is flattened by a broad saltire of sutures spanning three quarters of her ribcage. Both her left and right arm are completely gone, shoulder sockets nothing more than empty craters on her fortress-like torso. Hanging from her waist is a kilt of kusazuri tassets supplemented metallic pteruges, laying atop baggy leather trousers. The empty sleeves of manica armguards are attached to her shoulders, hanging limp- mostly. Her feet are oft bare.


-Magnetokinesis; the psionic ability to generate and manipulate magnetic fields via thought. This talent seems to reside largely in Sibyl’s subconscious mind, for many of her mannerisms and behaviors (accusing people who are using quasinatural abilities of their own of “cheating”, for instance) suggest she is not fully aware that she can or is using the skill. That said, it manifests itself in largely unnoticeable fashions, most observably using magnetic fields to manipulate the iron in her own blood and stiffen the veins in her skin to act like armor. Other notable applications include using magnetic fields to put more striking power behind her sword swings, animating her manica armguards, enabling her to make use of them as though they were her own arms, and manipulating the mercury in her hair, making it seem to come alive and fight on its own

-Overgrown Physiology; via consumption of the tainted meat of Rav-Ends, Sibyl has been able to grow to better than one and a half times her previous and already-imperious size, whilst increasing the volume of her muscular and skeletal mass proportionately. Her brain, however, did not swell accordingly, and due to the radioactive nature of Rav-End flesh, suffered neurosis, which contributed to her berserk rages
Name: Nora Torres

Age: 17

Time in the Arena: 0 years (Will be explained...)

Gender: Female

What my parents did to anger the gods: My mother let fear corrupt her, and ended up trying to riot against the government, but soon enough... she began directly blaming the gods for the terrible life she was given... My father ended up murdering her just after i was born because of how much of a nuisance her rebellion and anger was... as well as because of the danger she was putting him in.

Appearance: Has long, stunningly bright red hair which could almost remind someone of furiously burning flames, my hair falls just a bit lower than my hips, and seems to perfectly frame my pale, unmarked and soft features. Though my hair seems to normally be pinned up in such a way that it can easily be mistaken for short hair. My eyes shine an incredible contrast of blue, almost seeming abnormally saturated and pale. I am average height for a girl my age, and is clearly fit having a fairly defined abdomen and legs... implying that I'm rather fast, and agile... Though the fact that i have a lower amount of clear muscles in my arms show my lacking of upper body strength. I have an hour glass like figure, fairly curvy though I seem to normally have some kind of bandage wrap tightly pulled around my chest, flattening it considerably and allowing me to achiever a more masculine appearance, especially with my hair pinned up... It can actually be rather easy for me to be mistaken as a guy... Especially during combat due to my fast movements... or when i'm wearing some kind of hood.

Personality: The first thing that can be noticed about me is my clear stubbornness and defiant attitude, often not doing as others tell me to do unless I agree on the matter in some way... I am also an extremely determined person; seeming to never give up on something once ive set my eyes on it... This trait can often lead to me getting into some serious trouble... While I also tend to stick my nose into business I shouldn't. I normally try to keep a rather calm attitude and have more of an "analyze the situation, figure out the best coarse of action, and then continue" way of thought, especially within fights... But... At times I can be a little quick to pick a fight with someone if I seriously disagree with them.

My Curse: I have the ability to manipulate ones perception... Though this manipulation is limited to myself; I cant make someone see a boulder come flying towards them... I can only make them see me do something while im actually not. An example of this would be someone seeing me run away screaming... When in reality I am actually behind the person, ready to make the final blow. While the person is under this manipulation, they cannot see the 'actual' me until the manipulation is lifted... Another drawback to this is that the manipulation cannot last forever, I have been working on extending the time period but for now it only lasts at most five minutes... Though staying in that state for the full five minutes causes a bit of damage to myself.

Who did I first kill in the arena?: Not available as described below; I haven't killed anyone yet being as i'm still a 'curseling' despite my age.

Rank: Not available.

Record: Obviously no record as I haven't actually been in the arena until right now to achieve a record of sorts.

Despite having not actually been in this arena before... I am skilled with the use of a long, thin blade... The reasoning for me not having been first placed in this arena as a young child... Was because I resisted... And somehow, escaped before I was taken... having ran off from both my parents and the government for four years... Until finally, I was now retrieved and taken. Now standing out quite a bit because of my older age. I dont seem to have much of a connection to anyone at the moment... I'd already lost everyone i held dear to me.

(Here you goo! owo hopefully this is okay... If your not alright with the fact that I haven't been in the arena yet, and am currently just about to be one of the people in that orientation thing then just tell me and ill alter it a little.)
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Name: Locke Strider

Age: 16

Appearance: Locke is a tall skinny fellow for his age with brown hair and eyes. He stands at a height of 5'10", though he usually slouches. He usually has a smirk on his face, and wears basic brown clothing when he fights.

Time in the Arena: 3 years

Record: 73-24-28

Personality: Locke is very laid-back and devil-may-care. His first year in the arena gave him the mentality of "Everyone's

gonna die sometime, might as well have fun while I'm alive." In addition, he seems to be almost perpetually drunk, hitting

on the ladies and generally swaying about the place and smelling of alcohol.

First kill in Arena: His father, Edward Strider.

Rank: 57th

What parents did to anger the Gods: Father was a serial killer by night, with his mother helping to plan his kills.

Lineage: Edward Strider, Delilah Strider

Curse: Wind Manipulation - can manipulate wind to a surprisingly fine degree

History: Locke's childhood was strange to say the least. His family was always moving and he was never sure why. His

strongest attachment was with his father. Edward taught him how the world worked and shared a very twisted worldview with

his son, "Some people just don't appreciate life, and some people need to be reminded." After nearly 20 years of killing,

Edward was finally caught, and Locke thrown into the arena after he used his curse to asphyxiate one of the officers sent to

capture and interrogate. Once Locke was thrown in to fight his dear old dad, Locke hit a realization. He thought he knew what

his father tried to teach him, "Everyone's gonna die." Edward died swiftly to impalement through the chest. Locke went on to

discover something new about the world, the intoxicating effects of alcohol. He seemed to show up to most of his fights

either drunk or hung over. This gave him a distinct advantage, no one took him seriously. And then the buffoon would

"accidentally" release a hurricane punch that would break rib cages and rupture internal organs. Or perhaps he would slip and

just so happen to run an opponent through with a wind blade. He has had a fair amount of losses, usually against those that

alter perception or see though his drunken act.
Name: Christopher Collins

Age: 17

Biological sex: Male

Time in arena: 3 years

Record: 173-49-8

Personality: Logician, Shows little emotion, Has little sympathy.

Abilities: Able to cause visual hallusionations.

Able to manipulate one's state of mind.

Able to create a 2mx2m regeneration field

Able to generate a 1ft x 1ft light bending field (An invisibility field)

Able to Change physical form (Of whoever he has killed last)

Able to Create items out of nothing (Limited to 3 items On a span of 72 hours.)

Who did you first kill in the arena?: No one. Murdered 3 classmates at the age of 14.

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