• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

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soo when i replace the link the picture just goes blank instead of replacing the original picture... i checked to make sure that the code matched and it does as far as i can tell so idk what's happening. :/
do you have the ' in front of thr link and behind it

do you have the ' in front of thr link and behind it


so this is what it looks like (hopefully you can see it ok). i tried replacing the 2nd picture and...



as you kind of see from the 1st screenshot, it's just blank. i didn't put an 'inset code' so that may be why...
✧ not mobile friendly
✧ three hidden scrolls (for now)
✧ currently editing so there's more hidden scroll pics
✧ looks better with 90% zoomed out XD

8 hours ago

15 hours ago

↓ Q&A ↓

by missrabbitxxx 1 day ago
Q: How old are you?
A: I am 20 years old.

by suggakookie 1 day ago
Q: What's your favorite color? ღ
A: Hmmmm, I really like the color blue... but black is like awesome

by kiss_yourself_a_kookie 1 day ago
Q: Would you date a guy? >///<
A: I don't see the problem in dating a guy. Loving who you love is the most important thing right?

by ethereal_aesthetics 1 day ago
Q: Are you dating anyone?
A: I'm on the market, yes, but I'm taking a break guys. Haha I just broke up with my girlfriend so give me time to recover lol

by taetea_time99 1 day ago
Q: Are you still in school?
A: Sadly I am still a slave to the education system of my country *long sigh* I'm hoping to graduate and do something fun with my life though. Fingers crossed!

by fangirling.all.night.long 1 day ago
Q: How are the new videos coming along?
A: Oh my god, you guys will love these new videos. I chose some great songs to base them on, and obviously the friends I use as the main character are extremely attractive kekeke


1 day ago

Might I use this code?
I love your codes, and on that note, could you make more mobile friendly kind of codes?
Thanks. But I have a lot of issues with doing mobile coding because I’m always on my computer and my style is hard to make it mobile friendly. In the future I do plan on trying to make mobile friendly codes.
✧ not mobile friendly as usual
✧ only one hidden scroll
✧ way too simple and i just wanted to code something idfk

twenty-one // male

Cras sed ex id est ultrices vehicula. Phasellus convallis magna vel tempor ultricies. Suspendisse vitae tincidunt felis. Nulla vel nunc eros. Aenean vel leo lacus. Etiam eget sapien eu odio dignissim ultrices ac in lectus. Vivamus sagittis ex ac est convallis, nec pharetra nisi euismod.

Vivamus quis nulla nulla. Proin pulvinar eros turpis, eu lobortis nunc efficitur vel. In quis leo ut leo dignissim vulputate. Sed a pharetra libero. Phasellus rutrum ultrices lorem eu blandit. Mauris accumsan cursus mauris. Sed sed molestie sem, ut placerat magna. Nulla lacus mauris, ultrices sed velit in, rutrum tristique lorem. Donec iaculis posuere orci scelerisque efficitur. Phasellus non dui id tellus porttitor maximus non in felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sed mollis mauris. Quisque tempor lorem at lorem scelerisque semper. Proin gravida aliquet purus ut lacinia. Sed id libero fringilla, lacinia lectus sit amet, scelerisque augue.

Vivamus a libero neque. Nulla laoreet sagittis ligula ac eleifend. Vivamus tempus nisi ac arcu euismod, quis tincidunt sem mollis. Aenean sed consequat nunc. Curabitur varius vehicula dui tempor pharetra. Quisque tristique molestie nunc at aliquam. Morbi aliquam mauris et tellus aliquam tincidunt. Fusce hendrerit posuere tristique. Sed condimentum volutpat eleifend.

Maecenas in lacus massa. Sed iaculis, nisi vel pulvinar malesuada, dolor est gravida mauris, at eleifend risus ex vel erat. Donec neque sem, hendrerit quis euismod vitae, pellentesque vel elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque a lacus elit. Donec placerat rhoncus tristique. Quisque elementum maximus felis, ac tempus turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis commodo elit vitae mi mollis, ac vestibulum ligula pretium. Aliquam feugiat orci quam, tempus sodales velit mollis at. Nunc consectetur nibh facilisis convallis consectetur. Aliquam volutpat scelerisque nisi, efficitur ultrices sapien interdum ac.


wonwoo i squeaked

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