• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.


how the heck do you do the scrolling boxes on the right ??
i've been wondering skdkskd
like the
boxes on the right
the scrolling boxes
and then wehn yous scroll down theres more scrolling boxes
you get it?
like the
boxes on the right
the scrolling boxes
and then wehn yous scroll down theres more scrolling boxes
you get it?
so for the scroll box on the right, i just did a regular hidden overflow which I then coded the three pictures into that overflow. Then coding for those to be an overflow was really hard. I can send you the code (it's hella messy tho) so you can see for yourself since I majorly suck at explaining things.
✧ not mobile friendly as usual
✧ only one hidden scroll
✧ way too simple and i just wanted to code something idfk

twenty-one // male

Cras sed ex id est ultrices vehicula. Phasellus convallis magna vel tempor ultricies. Suspendisse vitae tincidunt felis. Nulla vel nunc eros. Aenean vel leo lacus. Etiam eget sapien eu odio dignissim ultrices ac in lectus. Vivamus sagittis ex ac est convallis, nec pharetra nisi euismod.

Vivamus quis nulla nulla. Proin pulvinar eros turpis, eu lobortis nunc efficitur vel. In quis leo ut leo dignissim vulputate. Sed a pharetra libero. Phasellus rutrum ultrices lorem eu blandit. Mauris accumsan cursus mauris. Sed sed molestie sem, ut placerat magna. Nulla lacus mauris, ultrices sed velit in, rutrum tristique lorem. Donec iaculis posuere orci scelerisque efficitur. Phasellus non dui id tellus porttitor maximus non in felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sed mollis mauris. Quisque tempor lorem at lorem scelerisque semper. Proin gravida aliquet purus ut lacinia. Sed id libero fringilla, lacinia lectus sit amet, scelerisque augue.

Vivamus a libero neque. Nulla laoreet sagittis ligula ac eleifend. Vivamus tempus nisi ac arcu euismod, quis tincidunt sem mollis. Aenean sed consequat nunc. Curabitur varius vehicula dui tempor pharetra. Quisque tristique molestie nunc at aliquam. Morbi aliquam mauris et tellus aliquam tincidunt. Fusce hendrerit posuere tristique. Sed condimentum volutpat eleifend.

Maecenas in lacus massa. Sed iaculis, nisi vel pulvinar malesuada, dolor est gravida mauris, at eleifend risus ex vel erat. Donec neque sem, hendrerit quis euismod vitae, pellentesque vel elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque a lacus elit. Donec placerat rhoncus tristique. Quisque elementum maximus felis, ac tempus turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis commodo elit vitae mi mollis, ac vestibulum ligula pretium. Aliquam feugiat orci quam, tempus sodales velit mollis at. Nunc consectetur nibh facilisis convallis consectetur. Aliquam volutpat scelerisque nisi, efficitur ultrices sapien interdum ac.


✧ could be mobile friendly idk
✧ only one hidden scroll
✧ idk what i'm doing with my codes at this point


Heo Jin-sol

..about me

name > heo jinsol

hangul > 허진솔

nicknames > mochi boi

age > twenty five years old

birthday > may sixth

zodiac > taurus

gender > cis. male

S.O > bisexual

R.O > biromantic

occupation > currently he is an english teacher at [blank] high school. he decided to do this because he really wanted to experience one of the dreams he used to have as a child. plus he was able to establish himself in korea. he is a music composition/theory major which is something that invokes a true passion inside of him. it's not unheard of to see him playing the piano in his down time, that being his true calling

..digging deeper

height > 174 cm

weight > 55 kg

hair > natural dark brown (looks black)

eyes > adorable brown puppy eyes. he occasionally will wear grey or blue contacts, especially if he has blonde or silver/white colored hair

style > x o x o x

mods > he's got multiple ear piercings but can't wear them because of work


family > his parents are divorced and while his mother has happily remarried, his father isn't and doesn't have much of a relationship with Jinsol anymore. He is an only child, but has a few half siblings from his mother's new marriage. he's the black sheep of the family, pursuing arts instead of law or medicine.

relationship status > single

previous relationships > He is known for dating quite often as he has struggled with commitment issues for the majority of his love career. When he moved outside of Korea, his options expanded, but here are a few exes of his.

Mina Park: The most recent relationship he's had. They decided to try and do a long distance relationship, but then decided against it when he told her he wouldn't be going back home.

Miles King: He was someone in Jinsol's communications class and they were often flirting in class and just messing around. They didn't get too serious as neither were looking for commitment at the time.

Dylan Bing: Sure they dated for awhile, but Jinsol quickly backed out when Dylan wanted to introduce him to his parents. The break up was a nasty one.

Ellie Kim: They dated into his sophomore year of college and honestly he thought she was the endgame. But when her parents found out about their relationship, they forced the pair to breakup. She shortly moved after the breakup.

pets > wants to get a puppy

..my heart
Likes > soft things, animals, sweets, pizza, flowers, traveling, music, singing, the piano, dancing, working out, trying new things, gaming, staying home, warmth, lots and lots of blankets

Dislikes > super spicy things, shots, going to the hospital, being sick, getting called a kid/old man, students confessing to him, his dad, boring lectures, not being taken seriously, being called cute, being underestimated

Habits > runs his fingers back through his hair, bites his fingers when thinking, impersonates people for fun, smiles a lot when he's angry, ignores people when upset/annoyed, stress eats, sleeps in, goes on introverted binges, attaches himself to warm things, clings if sick, whines a lot

Talents > playing the piano, singing, dancing (he guesses), literature, composing

Fears > probably like bears and spiders. horror in general

Other > he's terrible at cooking (will burn the kitchen down tbh), screams a lot when he's with his friends, often kills his throat from singing, has a soundcloud, actually pretty popular on social media, also very messy so if he's staying with someone you'll find his things all over the place (literally)


Vices > jinsol is someone who can be really petty at times, and is considered pretty childish, matching his looks with his personality. pretty loud by default, he's fun to be around but can be way too energetic for those who aren't used to him. at work he tries to mellow down, but often gets annoyed because of his students never listening to him or taking him seriously. he tends to pout a lot and often ignores people he's mad at. jealousy is something he has at times, but since he is so flighty with relationships he doesn't have time to be jealous.

Virtues > very bright and cute, he's like a puppy everyone wants to adopt. despite being a total airhead, jinsol means no harm and is very kind to everyone around him. he tends to take things a little bit lightly and just wants to keep a smile on everyone's face. he is mature and serious when he needs to be, but is very comfortable and casual with those he's close to or likes. a very open person most of the time, it's easy to get close to him. he often clings to those he's interested in and will say things that will make anyone's heart flutter.

..my soul
Born as an only child in an unhappy family was hard for Jinsol. He never did much in his youth, often keeping to his books in the corner of his room, drowning out the sounds of yelling by reading and listening to music. He was around nine years old when his parents finally divorced. For awhile there were visits between him and his father, often staying there while the man worked his long hours at the office. More often than not they ate convenience store meals and didn't really talk. The child didn't know how to properly talk to his father, so spending time together in silence takes up most of the memories he has with him.

When middle school came into play, Jinsol was enrolled in the music class it offered. At first he was confused as he never wanted to get into the class, but the teacher was very kind and helped him come to terms with expressing himself through whatever he wanted. So he learned how to play piano. He often played the piano after school, the music teacher staying behind in order to help the male. It was fun, learning to play and enjoying everything. His mother learned about his talent in the musical arts and was a bit surprised that her son was interested in such a thing, but didn't force him to get out of it since she had news of her own.

Freshman year was when his mother remarried to a Korean-American who was in Seoul due to a business trip. The two hit it off instantly and after around four months of dating, they married. Jinsol suddenly had a new father figure and his birth father was out of the picture, having refused to see Jinsol when he heard the news about the marriage. He didn't have anything to do with the family. Though Jinsol wasn't complaining. His step father was kind and really fun actually, but he didn't expect to move to Ontario, Canada later that year.

Throughout high school he lived in Canada, meeting his two step siblings, and soon seeing a new half sibling get introduced. Jinsol, however, was incredibly isolated and felt out of place. So he turned to music, much like he did in the past. The male then met a young teacher who was getting his student teaching experience and eventually became someone Jinsol was close to. This is when the male suffered through awkward and troublesome sexuality questions, especially when he began to seriously view the teacher as attractive. Nothing happened, obviously, but Jinsol had used to wish that it had happened.

Upon graduation, the male decided to take up music theory/composition for his major. He had blossomed in high school due to his talent and had gotten a scholarship due to it. However once he received his BA, he decided he wanted to teach English in Korea once again. So he got his certificate and headed out there once again. It was as unique and colorful as he had left it. Teaching at a high school was a bit odd, but he didn't really mind. He befriended the staff and got along with the students. However it was noticeable that students were hitting on him more often than not, which caused for quite a few awkward situations for Jinsol.

Last edited:
✧ one hidden scroll on left
✧ pics AREN'T hover
✧ probs going to use as an IC code

quote goes right here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim sit amet elit in lobortis. Praesent vitae euismod enim, a pharetra libero. Aliquam posuere neque velit, vel mattis ipsum tincidunt vel. Suspendisse accumsan augue sit amet lorem auctor pharetra. Proin id iaculis justo. Nullam sollicitudin auctor faucibus. Etiam massa erat, gravida et volutpat sit amet, varius sed risus. Suspendisse ultrices sit amet ex et dignissim.

Aliquam hendrerit ac ante quis mattis. Curabitur eget enim condimentum mauris rhoncus venenatis. Nam aliquet tempor nibh sed luctus. Fusce a rutrum est, ac pharetra erat. Donec scelerisque lacus sit amet porttitor sollicitudin. Vestibulum suscipit, risus eget finibus pretium, lacus diam vehicula ex, eu porta justo nunc in nisl. Fusce cursus est quis aliquet blandit. Ut lobortis elit et venenatis bibendum. Nam interdum faucibus nunc, sit amet blandit justo ornare ac. Quisque nec dui malesuada, iaculis orci eleifend, egestas elit.

Etiam ullamcorper quam eget purus bibendum, a vestibulum quam facilisis. Nunc ut hendrerit tellus. Curabitur finibus tellus ex, tempus pellentesque augue auctor vitae. In quis eros nisl. Vestibulum quis elit non orci luctus feugiat et eget ligula. Cras dui orci, accumsan quis metus eget, cursus ullamcorper felis. Sed vehicula tincidunt leo, a mollis sapien laoreet vitae. Proin odio quam, ultricies ac leo sit amet, congue imperdiet risus. Etiam pharetra nibh diam, vel aliquam libero laoreet vitae.

Praesent eu risus eget nisi porttitor laoreet. Nunc malesuada hendrerit lectus at rutrum. In vel magna nisi. Nullam leo metus, venenatis ac lobortis consectetur, ultrices vitae enim. Vivamus congue elementum ex, ac scelerisque libero dapibus non. Morbi vitae lacus a sem interdum efficitur in ut felis. Sed feugiat metus nec tortor viverra, sit amet pulvinar urna interdum. Pellentesque vel felis dapibus, euismod est nec, sodales enim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum eu nunc elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer id dolor aliquet, lobortis lorem non, iaculis odio. Pellentesque eu mi eget urna tristique pellentesque sed at ante. Etiam et diam at felis hendrerit aliquet at nec nulla. Quisque elementum nibh lacus, sed tempus erat malesuada non.

this is really pretty
i think i just shed a tear
✧ not mobile friendly
✧ hover picture on left, hidden scroll on right
✧ this is the first version of this code
✧ ic code mainly, but could be used as a cs
✧ please credit me if used
code here
padding: 7px;
Height: 280px;
Width: 157px;
transition-duration: 0.9s;
[/class][class name=y state=hover]
background-color: #edc7c7;
[/class][div class=y]
location. xx | tags. xx | outfit. xx
The Princess
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra ante sed justo placerat dictum. Donec pellentesque nisi ac velit sagittis, eget efficitur neque tempus. Suspendisse tristique tellus porta eros dapibus venenatis. Integer pretium, urna in dignissim lacinia, ipsum velit egestas mi, quis auctor quam ex sed turpis. Proin facilisis dictum odio, at ultrices est mattis ut. Ut et nunc at lectus tristique vulputate. Vestibulum vel ante quis nulla venenatis porta. Donec enim lorem, faucibus ut sem vehicula, pellentesque porttitor elit. Duis sit amet tellus orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent ut aliquam erat, in sagittis mauris. Sed vitae tellus consequat, rutrum sapien sed, scelerisque nulla. Praesent hendrerit sodales sollicitudin. Proin at orci nec tortor vestibulum mollis.

Integer scelerisque mi non ultricies commodo. Suspendisse at felis sed ex vulputate ultricies scelerisque sit amet libero. Vestibulum tempus sodales justo sed facilisis. Integer tincidunt ipsum eu felis congue congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras molestie tempus nunc, vitae consequat purus. In vestibulum mattis lectus ac vulputate. Maecenas fermentum quam purus, sit amet pulvinar nisl cursus vitae. Suspendisse ultrices ex maximus ligula convallis fermentum. Curabitur vel purus non arcu mollis dignissim eget sit amet enim. Morbi vestibulum consectetur est, eu feugiat lorem ullamcorper sed. Cras orci ligula, pretium et nisl nec, suscipit rutrum mauris. Morbi sollicitudin a augue a tempor. Praesent dictum urna magna, ut euismod erat commodo vel. Donec finibus est vitae massa cursus, vitae rhoncus turpis bibendum.

Morbi lobortis est pulvinar, semper turpis eu, fermentum lacus. Nullam pharetra metus nec enim molestie elementum. Mauris egestas felis at ullamcorper tempus. Nam eget porta enim. Aliquam viverra egestas orci, ac rutrum arcu venenatis ut. Sed sit amet nibh fermentum, sodales augue a, finibus diam. Duis vel lorem mi. Sed finibus congue porttitor. Praesent sit amet metus neque. Proin fermentum feugiat rhoncus.

Suspendisse rutrum suscipit enim id molestie. Sed laoreet semper nulla et tempor. Nullam euismod arcu eget metus mattis, vel interdum mi aliquam. Donec nec augue maximus, malesuada eros tincidunt, accumsan neque. Quisque purus ex, tincidunt suscipit lectus sit amet, semper tincidunt turpis. Phasellus eleifend leo nec hendrerit ultrices. Curabitur tincidunt est scelerisque metus laoreet volutpat. Vestibulum consectetur, magna faucibus egestas suscipit, turpis justo scelerisque tellus, at hendrerit felis elit eget augue. Integer placerat elit eget eleifend condimentum. Nulla nec ipsum ut urna imperdiet posuere.

Phasellus et rhoncus dui. Etiam lacinia justo quis molestie posuere. Nulla lobortis tempus tortor, at ornare nisi aliquam sed. Vivamus posuere ultrices congue. Nullam at lorem eu justo pulvinar vestibulum rhoncus nec tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque pretium et enim nec fermentum. Nullam nec efficitur turpis. Pellentesque quam lectus, venenatis sit amet mauris sed, iaculis elementum est.
Last edited:
✧ not mobile friendly
✧ three hidden scrolls (for now)
✧ currently editing it into an actual cs!


Park Jimin
March 22, 2018
(3 min ago)
should i do a q&a? i haven't done one in forever! i'm too indecisive for this >.>

Park Jimin
March 10, 2018
i broke my camera... fml


Park Jimin
March 2, 2018
idk if i like my new hair??

Park Jimin
March 20, 2018
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel aliquet velit. Vivamus ullamcorper egestas nisl sit amet dignissim. Integer id ornare magna. Suspendisse id varius erat. Cras dapibus dui nec vestibulum porttitor. Morbi convallis risus sit amet eros lacinia consequat. Pellentesque nec tempor leo. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur efficitur elit eget suscipit consequat. Mauris faucibus dapibus augue eget porta. Nulla eget mollis justo. Maecenas eu nisl pellentesque erat commodo sagittis at ut odio. Donec lorem felis, ornare sed elit id, sodales auctor metus.

Duis mattis sodales ligula eu pharetra. Praesent dui tortor, congue et lectus ac, consequat vestibulum libero. Integer eget velit porta enim venenatis tincidunt et quis risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus quis viverra lectus, ut pretium sapien. Praesent consectetur pellentesque ex ut sollicitudin. Phasellus a accumsan odio. Fusce varius mattis urna cursus volutpat.

Duis tristique, nibh et efficitur egestas, lorem nulla malesuada massa, nec sollicitudin purus eros nec tortor. Nunc vel justo egestas, vehicula augue at, fringilla purus. Nunc fermentum feugiat dictum. Aenean in libero blandit, eleifend elit aliquet, ultricies lorem. Nam iaculis feugiat mi, nec finibus velit. Proin imperdiet nisl et dui luctus porta. Vestibulum non leo ac augue luctus cursus. Nam interdum tristique orci nec auctor. Nulla eget arcu sollicitudin, consequat velit sit amet, vulputate arcu.
social's code boi
Last edited:
one million likes, same ♡
such pretty codes cbgj jskgnq kn ♡♡♡♡♡
your codes make me so emo in a good way tho
when you get noticed by senpai for your coding and you kind of fangirl and die

your existence makes me so emo, but in a good way so that should make us a bit even
✧ could be mobile friendly idk
✧ only one hidden scroll
✧ idk what i'm doing with my codes at this point


Heo Jin-sol

..about me

name > heo jinsol

hangul > 허진솔

nicknames > mochi boi

age > twenty five years old

birthday > may sixth

zodiac > taurus

gender > cis. male

S.O > bisexual

R.O > biromantic

occupation > currently he is an english teacher at [blank] high school. he decided to do this because he really wanted to experience one of the dreams he used to have as a child. plus he was able to establish himself in korea. he is a music composition/theory major which is something that invokes a true passion inside of him. it's not unheard of to see him playing the piano in his down time, that being his true calling

..digging deeper

height > 174 cm

weight > 55 kg

hair > natural dark brown (looks black)

eyes > adorable brown puppy eyes. he occasionally will wear grey or blue contacts, especially if he has blonde or silver/white colored hair

style > x o x o x

mods > he's got multiple ear piercings but can't wear them because of work


family > his parents are divorced and while his mother has happily remarried, his father isn't and doesn't have much of a relationship with Jinsol anymore. He is an only child, but has a few half siblings from his mother's new marriage. he's the black sheep of the family, pursuing arts instead of law or medicine.

relationship status > single

previous relationships > He is known for dating quite often as he has struggled with commitment issues for the majority of his love career. When he moved outside of Korea, his options expanded, but here are a few exes of his.

Mina Park: The most recent relationship he's had. They decided to try and do a long distance relationship, but then decided against it when he told her he wouldn't be going back home.

Miles King: He was someone in Jinsol's communications class and they were often flirting in class and just messing around. They didn't get too serious as neither were looking for commitment at the time.

Dylan Bing: Sure they dated for awhile, but Jinsol quickly backed out when Dylan wanted to introduce him to his parents. The break up was a nasty one.

Ellie Kim: They dated into his sophomore year of college and honestly he thought she was the endgame. But when her parents found out about their relationship, they forced the pair to breakup. She shortly moved after the breakup.

pets > wants to get a puppy

..my heart
Likes > soft things, animals, sweets, pizza, flowers, traveling, music, singing, the piano, dancing, working out, trying new things, gaming, staying home, warmth, lots and lots of blankets

Dislikes > super spicy things, shots, going to the hospital, being sick, getting called a kid/old man, students confessing to him, his dad, boring lectures, not being taken seriously, being called cute, being underestimated

Habits > runs his fingers back through his hair, bites his fingers when thinking, impersonates people for fun, smiles a lot when he's angry, ignores people when upset/annoyed, stress eats, sleeps in, goes on introverted binges, attaches himself to warm things, clings if sick, whines a lot

Talents > playing the piano, singing, dancing (he guesses), literature, composing

Fears > probably like bears and spiders. horror in general

Other > he's terrible at cooking (will burn the kitchen down tbh), screams a lot when he's with his friends, often kills his throat from singing, has a soundcloud, actually pretty popular on social media, also very messy so if he's staying with someone you'll find his things all over the place (literally)


Vices > jinsol is someone who can be really petty at times, and is considered pretty childish, matching his looks with his personality. pretty loud by default, he's fun to be around but can be way too energetic for those who aren't used to him. at work he tries to mellow down, but often gets annoyed because of his students never listening to him or taking him seriously. he tends to pout a lot and often ignores people he's mad at. jealousy is something he has at times, but since he is so flighty with relationships he doesn't have time to be jealous.

Virtues > very bright and cute, he's like a puppy everyone wants to adopt. despite being a total airhead, jinsol means no harm and is very kind to everyone around him. he tends to take things a little bit lightly and just wants to keep a smile on everyone's face. he is mature and serious when he needs to be, but is very comfortable and casual with those he's close to or likes. a very open person most of the time, it's easy to get close to him. he often clings to those he's interested in and will say things that will make anyone's heart flutter.

..my soul
Born as an only child in an unhappy family was hard for Jinsol. He never did much in his youth, often keeping to his books in the corner of his room, drowning out the sounds of yelling by reading and listening to music. He was around nine years old when his parents finally divorced. For awhile there were visits between him and his father, often staying there while the man worked his long hours at the office. More often than not they ate convenience store meals and didn't really talk. The child didn't know how to properly talk to his father, so spending time together in silence takes up most of the memories he has with him.

When middle school came into play, Jinsol was enrolled in the music class it offered. At first he was confused as he never wanted to get into the class, but the teacher was very kind and helped him come to terms with expressing himself through whatever he wanted. So he learned how to play piano. He often played the piano after school, the music teacher staying behind in order to help the male. It was fun, learning to play and enjoying everything. His mother learned about his talent in the musical arts and was a bit surprised that her son was interested in such a thing, but didn't force him to get out of it since she had news of her own.

Freshman year was when his mother remarried to a Korean-American who was in Seoul due to a business trip. The two hit it off instantly and after around four months of dating, they married. Jinsol suddenly had a new father figure and his birth father was out of the picture, having refused to see Jinsol when he heard the news about the marriage. He didn't have anything to do with the family. Though Jinsol wasn't complaining. His step father was kind and really fun actually, but he didn't expect to move to Ontario, Canada later that year.

Throughout high school he lived in Canada, meeting his two step siblings, and soon seeing a new half sibling get introduced. Jinsol, however, was incredibly isolated and felt out of place. So he turned to music, much like he did in the past. The male then met a young teacher who was getting his student teaching experience and eventually became someone Jinsol was close to. This is when the male suffered through awkward and troublesome sexuality questions, especially when he began to seriously view the teacher as attractive. Nothing happened, obviously, but Jinsol had used to wish that it had happened.

Upon graduation, the male decided to take up music theory/composition for his major. He had blossomed in high school due to his talent and had gotten a scholarship due to it. However once he received his BA, he decided he wanted to teach English in Korea once again. So he got his certificate and headed out there once again. It was as unique and colorful as he had left it. Teaching at a high school was a bit odd, but he didn't really mind. He befriended the staff and got along with the students. However it was noticeable that students were hitting on him more often than not, which caused for quite a few awkward situations for Jinsol.

can i get the code for this? ;--;
✧ soooo not mobile friendly
✧ hidden scroll on right, all three pics scroll
✧ free to use just credit me in this bleh code i guess lol
✧ rlly simple
yo yo its ya boi social


yo yo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros.
Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.
Donec at enim nec lorem aliquam dictum. Sed posuere lacus nec aliquam dapibus. Nunc blandit urna ut enim egestas consequat ac eget nunc. In volutpat semper lectus nec mollis. Duis viverra, purus quis commodo luctus, nisi est sagittis nulla, id cursus nulla lorem id purus. Curabitur ut purus sem. Donec suscipit euismod ornare. Vestibulum nulla nulla, ultricies vitae velit vitae, mattis pulvinar urna. Cras posuere at lacus sed mattis. Vestibulum vestibulum finibus leo nec mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper lacus odio, eu imperdiet leo pretium ac. Vestibulum tempor odio a nulla ullamcorper, nec imperdiet mi suscipit. Cras maximus turpis sed dui convallis rutrum sed id sem. Curabitur vel nisl in tellus feugiat vulputate. Phasellus sed feugiat turpis. Curabitur ullamcorper, massa in ultrices pharetra, dolor elit lobortis turpis, vitae bibendum sapien turpis in ante.

yo yo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros.
Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.
Donec at enim nec lorem aliquam dictum. Sed posuere lacus nec aliquam dapibus. Nunc blandit urna ut enim egestas consequat ac eget nunc. In volutpat semper lectus nec mollis. Duis viverra, purus quis commodo luctus, nisi est sagittis nulla, id cursus nulla lorem id purus. Curabitur ut purus sem. Donec suscipit euismod ornare. Vestibulum nulla nulla, ultricies vitae velit vitae, mattis pulvinar urna. Cras posuere at lacus sed mattis. Vestibulum vestibulum finibus leo nec mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper lacus odio, eu imperdiet leo pretium ac. Vestibulum tempor odio a nulla ullamcorper, nec imperdiet mi suscipit. Cras maximus turpis sed dui convallis rutrum sed id sem. Curabitur vel nisl in tellus feugiat vulputate. Phasellus sed feugiat turpis. Curabitur ullamcorper, massa in ultrices pharetra, dolor elit lobortis turpis, vitae bibendum sapien turpis in ante.

yo yo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros.
Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.
Donec at enim nec lorem aliquam dictum. Sed posuere lacus nec aliquam dapibus. Nunc blandit urna ut enim egestas consequat ac eget nunc. In volutpat semper lectus nec mollis. Duis viverra, purus quis commodo luctus, nisi est sagittis nulla, id cursus nulla lorem id purus. Curabitur ut purus sem. Donec suscipit euismod ornare. Vestibulum nulla nulla, ultricies vitae velit vitae, mattis pulvinar urna. Cras posuere at lacus sed mattis. Vestibulum vestibulum finibus leo nec mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper lacus odio, eu imperdiet leo pretium ac. Vestibulum tempor odio a nulla ullamcorper, nec imperdiet mi suscipit. Cras maximus turpis sed dui convallis rutrum sed id sem. Curabitur vel nisl in tellus feugiat vulputate. Phasellus sed feugiat turpis. Curabitur ullamcorper, massa in ultrices pharetra, dolor elit lobortis turpis, vitae bibendum sapien turpis in ante.

[centerblock=55][row][column=span4][div=font-size: 20px;position:relative;left:45px;][font=Lato]NAME OR ROLE[/font][/div][div=background:URL(https://78.media.tumblr.com/669cf4f54c110b18733dd1c1821315c7/tumblr_on6bpcSlrk1vbnxlbo1_500.jpg);border: 1px solid grey; box-shadow: 2px 3px 2px grey; height: 250px; width: 250px; background-size: 100%; color:transparent;] yo yo its ya boi social[/div]

[div=font-size: 10px;position:relative;left:25px;]QUOTE OR SOMETHING HERE LIKE IDFK[/div]

[centerblock=75][row] [column=span1][div=height: 20px; width: 20px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px grey; border: 1px solid grey;][div=text-align:center;][fa]fa-umbrella[/fa][/div][/div][/column] [column=span1][div=height: 20px; width: 20px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px grey; border: 1px solid grey;][div=text-align:center;][fa]fa-cloud[/fa][/div][/div][/column] [column=span1][div=height: 20px; width: 20px; box-shadow: 2px 3px 2px grey; border: 1px solid grey;][div=text-align:center;][fa]fa-star[/fa][/div][/div][/column] [column=span1][div=height: 20px; width: 20px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px grey; border: 1px solid grey;][div=text-align:center;][fa]fa-sun[/fa][/div][/div][/column]  [column=span1][div=height: 20px; width: 20px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px grey; border: 1px solid grey;][div=text-align:center;][fa]fa-moon-o[/fa][/div][/div][/column] [/row] [/centerblock] [/column] [column=span4][div=overflow:hidden;height:440px;width:350px;][div=overflow:scroll;height:440px;width:calc(100% + 13px);][div=box-shadow:3px 3px 3px grey;width:310px;height:212px;][div=border:1px solid grey;height:20px;width:308px;text-align:right;color: #a3a3a3;][div=position:relative;right:10px;][fa]fa-comment-o[/fa] [fa]fa-reply[/fa] [fa]fa-heart-o[/fa][/div]  [/div][div=height:190px; width:310px;overflow:hidden;][div=overflow:scroll;height:190px;width:calc(100% + 13px);][div=background:URL(https://78.media.tumblr.com/13416746fdf24787a85cf6707f3f80d0/tumblr_o0e3dlXmNt1r1arpmo1_500.jpg);height:188px;width274px;border:1px solid grey;background-size:100%;color:transparent;]yo yo[/div] [div=font-size:11px; text-align: justify; width: 308px;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros.

Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.

Donec at enim nec lorem aliquam dictum. Sed posuere lacus nec aliquam dapibus. Nunc blandit urna ut enim egestas consequat ac eget nunc. In volutpat semper lectus nec mollis. Duis viverra, purus quis commodo luctus, nisi est sagittis nulla, id cursus nulla lorem id purus. Curabitur ut purus sem. Donec suscipit euismod ornare. Vestibulum nulla nulla, ultricies vitae velit vitae, mattis pulvinar urna. Cras posuere at lacus sed mattis. Vestibulum vestibulum finibus leo nec mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper lacus odio, eu imperdiet leo pretium ac. Vestibulum tempor odio a nulla ullamcorper, nec imperdiet mi suscipit. Cras maximus turpis sed dui convallis rutrum sed id sem. Curabitur vel nisl in tellus feugiat vulputate. Phasellus sed feugiat turpis. Curabitur ullamcorper, massa in ultrices pharetra, dolor elit lobortis turpis, vitae bibendum sapien turpis in ante.[/div] [/div][/div]


[div=box-shadow:3px 3px 3px grey;width:310px;height:212px;][div=border:1px solid grey;height:20px;width:308px;text-align:right;color: #a3a3a3;][div=position:relative;right:10px;][fa]fa-comment-o[/fa] [fa]fa-reply[/fa] [fa]fa-heart-o[/fa][/div]  [/div][div=height:190px; width:310px;overflow:hidden;][div=overflow:scroll;height:190px;width:calc(100% + 13px);][div=background:URL(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e4/a9/f6/e4a9f6c791125f7c2e32bb2f05a7945d--pink-games-kawaii-things.jpg);height:188px;width274px;border:1px solid grey;background-size:100%;color:transparent;]yo yo[/div] [div=font-size:11px; text-align: justify; width: 308px;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros.

Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.

Donec at enim nec lorem aliquam dictum. Sed posuere lacus nec aliquam dapibus. Nunc blandit urna ut enim egestas consequat ac eget nunc. In volutpat semper lectus nec mollis. Duis viverra, purus quis commodo luctus, nisi est sagittis nulla, id cursus nulla lorem id purus. Curabitur ut purus sem. Donec suscipit euismod ornare. Vestibulum nulla nulla, ultricies vitae velit vitae, mattis pulvinar urna. Cras posuere at lacus sed mattis. Vestibulum vestibulum finibus leo nec mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper lacus odio, eu imperdiet leo pretium ac. Vestibulum tempor odio a nulla ullamcorper, nec imperdiet mi suscipit. Cras maximus turpis sed dui convallis rutrum sed id sem. Curabitur vel nisl in tellus feugiat vulputate. Phasellus sed feugiat turpis. Curabitur ullamcorper, massa in ultrices pharetra, dolor elit lobortis turpis, vitae bibendum sapien turpis in ante.[/div] [/div][/div]


[div=box-shadow:3px 3px 3px grey;width:310px;height:212px;][div=border:1px solid grey;height:20px;width:308px;text-align:right;color: #a3a3a3;][div=position:relative;right:10px;][fa]fa-comment-o[/fa] [fa]fa-reply[/fa] [fa]fa-heart-o[/fa][/div] [/div][div=height:190px; width:310px;overflow:hidden;][div=overflow:scroll;height:190px;width:calc(100% + 13px);][div=background:URL(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C9I4QKYVwAAdr4X.jpg);height:188px;width274px;border:1px solid grey;background-size:100%;color:transparent;]yo yo[/div]  [div=font-size:11px; text-align: justify; width: 308px;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros.

Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.

Donec at enim nec lorem aliquam dictum. Sed posuere lacus nec aliquam dapibus. Nunc blandit urna ut enim egestas consequat ac eget nunc. In volutpat semper lectus nec mollis. Duis viverra, purus quis commodo luctus, nisi est sagittis nulla, id cursus nulla lorem id purus. Curabitur ut purus sem. Donec suscipit euismod ornare. Vestibulum nulla nulla, ultricies vitae velit vitae, mattis pulvinar urna. Cras posuere at lacus sed mattis. Vestibulum vestibulum finibus leo nec mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper lacus odio, eu imperdiet leo pretium ac. Vestibulum tempor odio a nulla ullamcorper, nec imperdiet mi suscipit. Cras maximus turpis sed dui convallis rutrum sed id sem. Curabitur vel nisl in tellus feugiat vulputate. Phasellus sed feugiat turpis. Curabitur ullamcorper, massa in ultrices pharetra, dolor elit lobortis turpis, vitae bibendum sapien turpis in ante.[/div] [/div][/div] [div=font-size:8px;position:relative;left: ; top: 10px;color:lightgrey;]©SociallyAwkward™[/div]


hi! so i'm trying to use this code and i'm super noobish with this stuff and i was just wondering how you replace the pictures with my own? do you just replace the link??

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