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No Idea

When Trevor and I were about to kiss, I heard a familiar voice from the other side of the courtyard. I looked to see Cory and the weasel. I instantly got off Trevor's lap and pulled him up by his arm. While I made an effort to get the heavy muscled hottie up, he was laughing his balls off. I finally got him up and started to head towards a clean alleyway. I turned back around to scream something back at Cory. "Why won't you go suck off The Weasel?!" I shouted back and was being pulled by Trevor to go and do our business.
I was dying of laughter, until she shot and insult back at me. Luce saw my face, and knew I was gonna do something stupid. "Oh, Hell no," He muttered, standing to his feet. "I'm not getting arrested in a foreign country."

"Come on, it'll be fun," I said, nudging him slightly.

"I don't even know what you have planned, but I don't think it's good," He muttered. "And those two are probably gonna fuck the shit out of each other soon."

"Stop being a pussy," I responded, taking his hand and dragging him over the a faucet that hung off a secluded side of the building. "Give me you hat."

"What?!?" He asked in disbelief, eyes bugging from his skull. "I love this hat!"

"Unless you can find a bucket, get me a fucking hat." The scrawny boy scurried off, and I got sight of the two "Love Birds" sucking face in the alley across the way. I almost puked all over the ground when Luce ran back up, holding a... bassoon. Not the instrument, nope. It was one of those things people spat their tobacco in. I grinned mischievously, rinsing it out, and then filling it with water. Luce by now probably knew my plan, and was shaking his head.

"You're gonna give them ammonia," He muttered quietly, following me as we discretely made our way to the alley where the two were. "Cory! This isn't a good idea."

"The bitch needs a priority check," I responded in a clipped tone, shushing him once we got to the entrance. Seeing as it was cold, I quietly set the pot at the entrance of the alley and tipped it over. It rushed down, there being a slight slope, and lapped at their feet. Now, when they left, it'd be slippery and most likely ice over soon.
Trevor was groping me at places and kept kissing me rougher than before. But then, the position we were in before, turned and my back was against the wall, Trevor being on me. He grind his hips on mine and was about to take it to the next level. But when Trevor was tugging at the hem of my shirt, I felt an icy cold rush hit my non-waterproof UGG's. I looked down and found water beneath Trevor and I.

I tapped his shoulder and pulled his head away from my neck.

"Trevor, there's water where we're standing." I pointed out.

Trevor pulled back from my neck but not from my body.

"Don't worry about it." He said before trailing wet kisses down my neck.

I nodded and pulled Trevor's lips to mine.


When we were thew with each other, we said or goodbyes and walked separate ways. I fixed my hair and started to walk back the way I came. But before I could move, I slipped and fell face first. I didn't know a bruise was on my forehead and carried on to the tour group, trying to be unseen.
Luce and I were already seated in the back of the bus when I noticed Cory board. My laughter couldn't be subsided, and I had to hold a hand over my mouth so it wouldn't be too loud. Luce gave me a confused look, but when he saw the huge bruise forming on Maddie's forehead, he joined me in my psycho laughter.

"Oh my god," He breathed through a laugh. "I can't believe you fucked up her pretty little face."

"High five!" Our hands smacked together, just as Macie took a seat in front of us with the blue haired boy. "Check out Maddie's new blemish," I pointed to the prep at the front of the bus, and Macie followed.

"Go girl!" She high fived me as Luce had, and I couldn't help but let out a loud gush of bubbly laughter.
I walked onto the bus, acting as if nothing was wrong. But when I sat down in the front seat, a teacher saw my face and furrowed her eyebrows. "Mrs. Green, have you fallen or hit your head?" I did the same action and took out my makeup mirror. I gasped at my huge bruise on my flawless face. I then thought of something,

I pulled my beanie over the big bruise. I checked my reflection again and was content with it. I leaned my head on the cold window as the bus began to move. I then felt a hand on mine and looked to my left, finding Trevor. Jesus, what now?! We fucked and now what?! Does he want to propose?! Behind my anger, I smiled brightly at him.

"You okay?" Trevor asked and caressed my hand. I nodded, "Yeah, just a headache."
Once back at the hotel, I made it a point to beat Maddie to the room. When she wasn't looking today I had swiped the key before she could. Getting into the only elevator with about seven different kids, I saw her try to elbow through the crowd. When the doors were only centimeters from shutting, I waved mischievously. I beat her to the room, and basked in my few moments of silence. Grabbing some plaid pajama bottoms, and a black tank top, I hurried for the shower.

Once I got out, Prepalicious was back. I shot her a pointed look, but couldn't help but snicker at her forehead. I felt a tad bit guilty for ruining her pretty little face, but at the same time I thought it was kind of funny. That Trevor guy would have been bad for her anyways.
I finally got back to the hotel and my hair was a fucking frizz! I never knew that the cold could do anything to hair, especially with my wavy, silky hair. My beanie was now off my forehead and I tried to cover it up with my bangs. I sprinted to the bathroom and slammed the door, I looked through the cabinets to look for anything to cover up or remove the bruise. I finally found some Triple antibiotic and some nude color skin patches and placed it on my forehead.

I turned the shower on and the steam that it had once created was replaced with a cold rush. "What the fuck?!" I rushed out of the bathroom and turned to look at Cory. "Why the hell did you use all the hot water?!" I shouted and tried to hold a stern face with the patch on my head. 
I finally got back to the hotel and my hair was a fucking frizz! I never knew that the cold could do anything to hair, especially with my wavy, silky hair. My beanie was now off my forehead and I tried to cover it up with my bangs. I sprinted to the bathroom and slammed the door, I looked through the cabinets to look for anything to cover up or remove the bruise. I finally found some Triple antibiotic and some nude color skin patches and placed it on my forehead.

I turned the shower on and the steam that it had once created was replaced with a cold rush. "What the fuck?!" I rushed out of the bathroom and turned to look at Cory. "Why the hell did you use all the hot water?!" I shouted and tried to hold a stern face with the patch on my head.
I stared, amused at the flustered girl before me and smirked. "Maybe if you would have gotten here sooner, we could have shared," and with that, I winked, and got back to reading the magazine that was resting in my lap. "And nice bruise by the way. Must've been a hard fall, huh Princess?" I could tell she tried to cover it up, but I already knew it was there. I saw it on the bus, and I happily caused it. "Did your little boyfriend kiss it and make it all better?"
"Ugh!" I replied back and pursed my lips in anger. "You are just so slutty!" I mentally slapped myself when I realized I got banged earlier. I rolled my eyes and stormed to my dresser and grabbed my favorite night gown. I walked to the bathroom and changed, spritzing perfume on me for no certain reason. Maybe. I walked out the bathroom and sighed heavily. I looked at Cory, "Bitch ass." I spat and walked to the kitchen. I held on tightly to my robe, hoping the short gown wouldn't inch up as I looked through the refrigerator.
A grin couldn't help but spread across my lips when I saw she was wearing that cute little night gown again. I continued to tease her further. "I bet Trevor would like that," I said. "Seeing as he really liked you all covered up. If he thought you were hot then-" I let out a low whistle. "-He should see you now." When she turned towards me again, I winked, and stared back down at my magazine. That didn't mean I didn't sneak glances at the girl in her little night gown. It was hot as Hell. Even straight women and gay men would stare at her.
I quickly stood straight and squat down to grab a cup of Yoplait. I shut the refrigerator door and turned to look at you, I crossed my arms. "So your hitting on me, now? I knew you couldn't resist." I smiled deviously and started to eat my yogurt. I sat on the couch before pulling my to me. 1 message from Cari, "Bitch." 1. message from Trevor, "Once we've fucked, it's done." I said aloud and turned my phone to lock. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall, bored.
"Totally," I replied with a smirk. That smirk vanished when I heard her mutter to herself, "once we've fucked, it's done."

"That's low," I suddenly snapped at her. "You can't just use someone and throw them away like they're nothing. That boy likes you." I don't know why that fired me up so much, but maybe it was because I had been cheated on numerous times. My last girlfriend told me I as just a "phase". I kind of went through a terrible stage after that, which does not need to be spoken of. But Maddie, she looked completely sure of what she was saying. She used people, and she had no problem with it. That pissed me off the most about this cute little preppy girl.
I smiled tightly at Cory. Why jolt into my business? If it has nothing to do with you, why bother? I rolled my eyes. "Why do you care? Your gay." And so are you, Maddie! I placed my trash on the coffee table and messed with a string on the couch. "And he doesn't like me. I know how this stuff works 'cause I've been in these types of situations and I don't need another guy trashing me, again." I snapped back. "Plus, it's my business. Not yours." I stood and grabbed my phone before walking to my bed.
"Gay people can be whores too," I muttered, training my eyes on the bunk above me. "Trust me. I know." I left it at that and pulled out my phone to text Luce. 'Save Me! :/ ' I sent, but didn't expect a reply back because the boy was already probably asleep. He was such a spaz, but I loved him to death.

Maddie was getting comfortable on her bed above me when I decided it would be a good idea to kick it between the bars, making it jump a little. She gave a squeak, and I laughed a bit. She was so easy to mess with, it was sad sometimes.
As I was settling into my bed, I was pushed up and squeaked from the unexpected jolt. I looked down to find Cory and bit my tongue, trying not to throw a bitch fit. I climbed down the ladder of my bed before grabbing my blanket from it. I speed walked to the couch and faced the back cushion and pulled the blanket to my waist. "Why are you so G-damn annoying?" I said.
"Maybe I like you" I replied sarcastically with a smirk. "Maybe I don't. Either way." I shrugged, and surprisingly got a text from Luce. Well, Luce's roommate. He told me to stop blowing up his phone and that he wasn't going to reply. I sent a text saying 'fuck off, nerd', and then sent a small look back over at Maddie. She was curled up on the couch, and I laughed.

"Your back is gonna hurt tomorrow," I sang out happily. "And we're going to the London Eye, by the way."
I rolled my eyes, not believing the comment. I don't really believe that she does like me, because we are in 2 different social groups. I am the popular one and she's just some random stoner, or so I've heard. I groaned when she told me about us going to London fizzing eye and rubbed my temples. "I'm just gonna ditch it. This stuff isn't teaching us anything." Why am I telling her my plans? Creepy. But for some reason, I felt like I wanted to get her back for the times Cory has tricked me. I smiled.

I took the cover off my legs and sat up. "Cory?"
"What?" I replied, eyes slowly moving back over to the girl. Confusion and curiosity ran through me as I watched her, but I said nothing else. Why the hell was she trying to make conversation with me anyways? What did she have going through that thick, sick, twisted skull of hers? I mean, did her brain even work properly after all the fucking she did? Okay, maybe that was a bit mean, but the girl was known for being the class slut.
I teasingly flipped my hair to the left side of my head. I then tilted it, my long wavy, dark brown hair flowing to my forearm. I batted my eyelashes and bit on the tip of my pinky finger. "Could you do me a favor?" I asked, trying to hide a laugh with a seductive face. I licked my lips and batted my eyelashes again. "Please?"
I shook my head for a moment, ignoring how attractive she looked, and replaced my startled look with a glare. "Why should I do shit for you?" I asked, snapping my eyes away from her when she licked her lips. Instead, I stared intently at the magazine and tried to ignore her for the time being. God, she could be so fucking annoying.
I thought I'd mess with her a little more and I stood to my feet, starting to walk towards you. "Because, you know you like what you see and you try to get my attention with a cocky ass joke." I spoke softly but at the end of my words I crinkled my nose. Most girls and guys I've dated thought it was hot so why not try it on the bad ass?
"Ha! And you think I would want you after you whored around with some dude you just spoke to?" I asked, baffled. I did have to admit she was hot, that was inexplicable, but I wasn't into people who jumped from person to person as if they were some sort of sex object. Maybe it was a little twisted with my image, but I did love a good typically relationship. "Even though, I'm probably better than have the dicks you've been with, a girl like you-" I gestured to her perfect frame,"-will never have a girl like this." Then I gestured to myself, dressed comfortably in pajama bottoms and a tank top.
I smirked and still spoke in a soft voice. I walked closer and sat on her bed. "From your history with the girls I know, they told me you were way better." I giggled girlishly and laid down on Cory's bed. "And it's possible. We're probably the 2 gay girls in school." I grinned deviously. To make it possibly worse to tease Cory, I inhaled a big breath and my gown inched up.
"Fuck you." I pinched the bridge of my nose in part annoyance, part confusion. She was only inches away in that damn gown of hers, and it was pissing me off. At the same time, I didn't care. I knew I wasn't going to do anything with her when only a few hours ago she had been pile driving some jock. "I thought you wanted nothing to do with me, Princess?"

Wait. Did she say she's gay? That was a big fucking shocker. Were men just sex objects to her? That was kind of degrading in a way.
I grinned at her words and sat back up, facing Cory. "Why won't you?" I laughed a little and licked my lips slowly again for affect. "You were saying a few minutes ago that you may like me. So I don't see why your not going for something you want." I grinned even wider. "Unless your scared. And I know that Little Miss Bad ass is waiting." I snickered a little and crossed my arms. "Yes, I am gay. And I did not say that I didn't want anything from you."

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