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Help No idea about BBcode whatsoever. Help?


Hit Me!
Hey everyone! I am /extremely/ new to this website. I've noticed a bunch of people here love to use the codes and honestly, I'm enamored by the aesthetics as well!

..Unfortunately, I am an idiot. I have zero clue what to do! I assume you're supposed to copy the person's code from the text they leave behind, edit it to fit your needs and post it, right? Well... Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It says 2000 characters have exceeded and that's the limit which confuses me.

No idea what I'm doing, guys. Any help would be neat </3...
Hey there, welcome to the site!

So I'm not too sure where a character limit is coming into play- I've honestly never encountered one on here, so perhaps a screenshot of the issue you're experiencing would be helpful to shed some light on the subject.

Aside from that, you've got the basic idea down- if you're using the codes available in freebie and request threads, you copy/paste the raw code, and then edit in your contents, images, chosen colors, etc. Make sure to have your RTE (Rich Text Editor- that's the little brackets at the top-right next to 'Save') disabled at all times, or it will mess up your code.

When using someone else's code, be sure to follow all the rules they have established in their thread for how their codes may be used, and never leave out the credit. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask~ ^^
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Hey there, welcome to the site!

So I'm not too sure where a character limit is coming into play- I've honestly never encountered one on here, so perhaps a screenshot of the issue you're experiencing would be helpful to shed some light on the subject.

Aside from that, you've got the basic idea down- if you're using the codes available in freebie and request threads, you copy/paste the raw code, and then edit in your contents, images, chosen colors, etc. Make sure to have your RTE (Rich Text Editor- that's the little brackets at the top-right next to 'Save') disabled at all times, or it will mess up your code.

When using someone else's code, be sure to follow all the rules they have established in their thread for how their codes may be used, and never leave out the credit. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask~ ^^
Maybe its because I've been testing it first on my status?... I've been so nervous to try out experimenting with customizing a code anywhere else so i figured my status would do it but I may be an idiot 😭
There is a 'My Private Workshop' area that you should see on the front page where you can test out your codes.
test codes in the work shop. make your own layout without codes. press the buttons along the top of the reply to make changes to a layout. im still working on it myself. instead of using code: i hit the color button: select blue: and then write in blue text. i dont write the text and put blue font codes around the text. that would take to long..... and would add alot of characters on the post....... i just learned to bold a few days ago, with the B button along the top. no (bold)text(/bold) is needed...... you can change the way posts looks once posted by hitting the edit button in the bottom left hand corner. edit, change things, then save.....
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