No, I don't know what it is either, but apparently I am one.


New Member
...thread title in response to the facelessness trophy I've accidentally earned by needing to sleep and work in the space between making my account and posting, should have thought that through first.

Meanwhile, I'll introduce myself with an extract from the most recent edition of Quipian Natural History.

"The Arborine is a bipedal/brachiating mammal native to the northern British Islands of Earth with a population seen transplanted in the south of the same landmass. It is found in mountains, hills, forests, grassy plateaus, cities and libraries according to a complicated migration cycle. Tracks have recently also been found on the fringes of emerging digital ecosystems.

A shy and elusive creature, it feeds from grazing, foraging, and appears to gain important sustenance from reading obscure books. It's behaviour consists mainly of roaming vast tracts of land, gardening in unexpected areas, scaling trees for no readily apparent reason and every so often retreating into a hibernative state, emerging days later and moving on, leaving behind paintings, writing and small, intricate toy universes suspended in imaginary space.

If treated well and fed on a diet of fruit, seeds and natural sciences textbooks, it makes an excellent pet."

I'm much more comfortable as a problem in zoology than as a person speaking in first person, apparently.

But yes, I was led to this forum by Captain Hesperus out of the glacial, hiatus-stricken winter forests of the Wayfarer's Moon forum (damn shame, will be keeping an eye out for climate shifts from afar), where I was the loremaster Rowad. I have to say I like the look of this place, there are a number of recruiting RPs that I already have my eye on (particularly the Inn Between, which I've already got most of a character for).

I enjoy constructing worlds and settings for their own sake so much that I often don't get around to actually using them in play, and so I hope to be able to break out of that habit and get some practice in with both playing and, eventually, storytelling

Right, that's an introduction, hello everyone. Next task is retrieving my avatar, the one I want being on file in a different device and unreachable online.
Welcome. Nice to see more Brits on board.

I hope you find further games of interest and, indeed, hope to see you in one of mine. I'd make recommendations, but I do not know your preferences and furthermore would probably just link to my own.
Arborine said:
Welcome to the site!

If you ever need anything please don't hestitate to contact me or any of the other staff members.

Enjoy your time here :) !

My name is medelsvensson. Do not fear my sharp wit and irresistible charms, nothing ill can come from falling for my tricks.

Check out my stuff, it's like pretty doodily.
Ah, the Elf finally shows his face in my little Realm. So glad you could make it, Arborine (Rowad). I'll freely admit I missed harrassing talking with you.

Also, ignore Medel. He's Swedish.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Ah, the Elf finally shows his face in my little Realm. So glad you could make it, Arborine (Rowad). I'll freely admit I missed harrassing talking with you.
Also, ignore Medel. He's Swedish.

Captain Hesperus

[/QUOTE]How dare you insult the Supreme Swedish Super Senate of Space!


Heha, it's good to see you too, Cap and Xy - can tell this is going to be fun.

Thank you lot all for the welcome, I'll get to participating forthwidth.
Welcome, Arborine! Since this is the name you decided to take on RPdom, and I never met you as Rowad, this is what I shall call you. I'm Wolf, by the way.

I'm sure you will find this place to your liking ;)

Howdy, Arborine. Nice to see the new faces around here. I'm a damned Yank myself, but still enjoy the rp around here. :)
This is a majority Yank kinda deal. But I'll be representing the European minority.

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