No Escape, no Safety, no Sanity. (HollyAnne and Fluorescent) [Inactive]


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Fluorescent submitted a new role play:

No Escape, no Safety, no Sanity. (HollyAnne and Fluorescent) - AHS fandom RP, second season asylum.

Enter two new patients at Braircliff Mental Institution, Arianna Jamison and Nikolas Theodor. Both fresh minded (as insane people can be), they are innocent to the horrors imminent in their futures. Submit or escape? Either way, pain is to follow.
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Nikolas would never get used to how scratchy the sheets were, and yet, they managed to become the least of his worries over the past three days. Far away was his dark apartment, his escape, his life. He missed it until it hurt. Here at Briarcliff, there was no escape, and while he still held the hope that he would, he'd never walk free. At least while he still lived.

Sighing, he gave up on sleep, those same sheets providing just the right touch of irritation that he could't take it any longer. Throwing them off, he crawled to the corner, tucking his knees against his chest and squeezing, hoping to feel alive again. His face was pale, from before he'd even arrived here, and with his light hair, he managed to look sickly, ill. The only light came from the dirty window, laced with cracks that made geometric patterns when the sun mad its way through. Right now, that light was pale, blue, and betraying the time to be somewhere just before dawn. In an hour, those on breakfast duty would pile together some disgusting fare (which Sister Judy managed to take pride in), and slide it to him from the hallway, leaving him a few minutes to eat it before he'd be required to undergo a therapy session or interact with the others. He couldn't decide which he hated worse.
[[ Sorry I didn't post last night! Busy night @.@ ]]

Arianna sat in the corner of her own room. Well, if it could be called a room. Cell is more like it. There was a tiny window on the door she could barely see out of, and a meal tray slot in the door. She was staring at the door now, as if wishing it would open. Well, actually, it would be nice if the door opened. If all the doors opened, and she could escape this hellhole.

Right about now, she was craving the interaction of someone. It went along with her "disease" as Sister Jude called it. Sometime she wanted interactions with others, sometimes she didn't. Either way, Sister Jude was damned determined she would cure Arianna. Shaking her head at the thought, she hugged her knees tighter to her chest, closing her eyes.

She rested her forehead on the tops of her knees, wishing someone would come open her door. Even though her vision of escape wasn't coming true anytime soon, even group therapy would be nice right about now. And a cigarette.
((No worries, it's not a problem in the slightest. ^^))

It was difficult to keep track of the time, and even with the sunlight, it passed at bizarre intervals. In Nikolas' opinion, in the past he'd been a tad weird, sure, but never crazy. In here? He felt insane, like the place meant to help him was twisting him about, scattering his brain until it was left in a meager pile of shreds. Scratching at the concrete absentmindedly, the clang of a door being slammed made him jump, gathering himself to his feet and peering out the rusty bars on his doors.

It was just one of the nuns. Of course it was, how could he think differently? It was the same as every day. Medicine, treatment, food, more treatment, and a caning if you were unlucky. His door was unlocked, allowing him to walk freely if he wished, and despite being terrified by the idea, he left. The main hall was a cesspool of craziness and in his case, stress. In the corner, 'Dominique' played tauntingly, the hight tones grating against his nerves. Stumbling to one of the torn and battered sofas, he sunk into it gratefully.
Arianna heard a clanging at her own door and was on her feet in an instant. A nun stood at her now open door, holding two tiny white cups. The cups of evil, Ari thpught to herself, but she accepted them without a word. After the nun made sure shed taken her meds, Ari was free to go.

But she didnt leave right away. She sat in her cell, waiting for the all clear. Then she made her way to the closest bathroom, locking herself in a stall. Sticking two fingers down her throat, she vomited until she was sure the meds were gone from her system. Then she stood and exited the room, heading for the common area.

Once there, she looked around, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Taking a drag, her eyes landed on a guy sitting on the couch. Shed seen him before, but hadnt talked to him.

Oh, well. First time for everything. She made her way over to him and sat, taking another drag from her cigarette. Blowing out smoke, she looked at him. "Youre a quiet one."

((I couldnt remember if they had bathrooms in their rooms or not. >.< ))
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