Ninjago Role Play

"C-Cole.....d-did t-t-this" Kay said weakly. "Hit me in the head.....and kicked me.........he never does things like this''

Kay shakes as Kylie touches her. Just then, Kai walked up the stairs "Kay! What- whats wrong? Kylie did you do this?" Kai asked

"No K-Kai.....Cole did it..........I told you he hates me." Kay said.
Kylie slowly froze, rising to her feet she glaced forward. "You think I did this?" She asked, her eye's glowed. "I'd never touch her!" She yelled. Kylie stopped and closed her eye's. "Focus on Kay." She muttered, through gritted. Kylie leaned down next to Kai. "Go get supplies. Have Jay go find Cole. He need's to explain himself. You'll be okay Kay."" She smiled, lightly.
Kay grabs Kai's arm as he was walking away "Get my brother." Kai nodded and and left "Kylie?" I asked looking at her.
Kylie met' Kay's glance. "What is it Kay?" She smiled softly. Kay could have gotten seriously hurt, she thought. Kylie sat next to her side.
"Can I tell you why I hate Cole?" A long trail of blood falls to the ground by her head. She looks at Kylie and lets a tear drop off her face. She never cried. Ever.

She didnt care.
Name: Zane

Gender: Male

Element: Ice Ice Baby!

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife/Husband: None

Bestie: Kai and Jay

Powers: He controlles ice, he is a robot secretly

Weapens:Shurikens of Ice


Outfit for Training, PJs and Swimsuit: Training is basically a black and white clothes with pads on them. His pjs are black and white. Black background with white skulls. His swimsuit is black with white ends.

Other: If you haven't noticed but he likes black and white.
"When I was five, I went to a private school in Ninjago city. I was the youngest person there so I got picked on. But one day it went too far.......Cole and some of the other bullies locked me in one of classrooms.They backed me up into a corner and..." Kay said still crying. Her outfit was soaked with blood.
Kylie glanced away for a few seconds. "I'm so Sorry." She quickly placed her jacket on the wound. Applying pressure to avoid the bleeding. "We need to get you into the room." Kylie pulled Kay into her arms. She carefully brought her into Kylies room. Kylie gently laid Kay down on her bed. "I'll be back. I will get the medical suplies." She stood and began to walk out.
"Kylie Im so sorry for trying to kill you. Can you forgive me?" She said. She hoped she'd say she would. Her whole body ached. I hate you, Cole
Kylie stopped in her tracks. "Kay. I'm the one who should apolidise." She replied. Kylie had her back to Kay. "I should have allowed you to come. I'm sorry."

He was shocked. Cole would do that? I never thought he was that type of person... He thought. Even though Zane was a android, he still had feelings. His father programed him that way. "Is it better?" He asked, sincerely.
Ok Nikki!

Kai,Jay holding Cole by his hair and Lloyd ran to Kylies room. "Is my sister alright?" Lloyd asked, looking at a sleeping Kay. She must of lost a lot of blood. "Tell me why you did this!?'' Lloyd yell-asked "I hate her. Simple as that.You all know why." Kai raised a fist and Jay stopped him. "Dont fight him.'' Jay said. "Kylie is getting suplies. Lets just wait." Lloyd said. They all waited.

"Calm down!" He said raising his voice. He rarely did it, but that was why he'd figured it would get his attention. He looked around to see if anyone noticed.
Kylie quickly went into he bathroom an gathered a bucket of supplies. She glanced at herself in the mirror. Kylie quickly jogged back to the room. As she entered she glared at Cole, but quickly disgaurded it as she sa next to Kay.
Kay slowly woke up, seeing Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane and Kylie sitting In Kylie's room. "COLE!" She yelled and pulled her dagger out of her pocket, slashing at him, getting his forehead. "I will never EVER forgive you, Cole. EVER!" On ever she slashed his arm. She ran out of power to yell and slash and laid back down. Lloyd and the others were shocked. Then Lloyd said "Why do you hate Cole, Kay?" His words came out. "I-I... Dont want to talk about it, Okay?" She said "Okay, sis." He replyed , sat down again.
Kylie quickly took control of the situation. She siezed the blade from Kay. "Your both fine. Fine." She mumbled, Kylie truthfully didn't have a lot of energy. What not nearly being killed and tending to a injured kid. Well Two now, was hard. Kylie exaimend Kay's wound. "Privacy." Was the last word she spoke, before shoving the boys out the room. Kylie bandaged Kay, She pulled a small consol of water from her pouch. "Drink." For some reason she could barely speak words.

Kylie handed her the water, as she retrieved to her closet. Kylie pulled out a few extra blankets and pillows. She made a quick place on the floor. "Kay, You'll sleep here tonight. Safety." She mumbled. Kylie locked her door, before lying on the pallet and resting her eyes.
I am sooo frelling sorry for being gone! My laptop broke and it took me FOREVER to get a new one. Dont hate meh

Kay closed her bright eyes and drifted to sleep, dreams full of painful memories.

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