Ninjago Role Play


New Member
Hi everybody! This is the first ninjago role play on here so heres the skelly form:










Outfit for Training, PJs and Swimsuit:


You can not date Lloyd or me.

You cant be the same element as my girl.

My form



Age: 10




Powers: Darkness blast

Weapens:Blade of Night.

Look:View attachment 11988

Outfit for Training, PJs and Swimsuit: Navy Ninjasuit. Sliver cami top and some black pants. Sliver bakini with blue hearts.

Other:Is very hateful to Cole. Also is Lloyd's sister
Name: Kylie James

Gender: F

Age: Fifteen

Element: Fire

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Husband/Wife: None

Bestie: Cole

Powers: Fire Blast, Fire Ball, Spinjitsu

Wepons: Fire Sword, that Begans to burn when called on.

Looks:View attachment 11726

Other: Kai's sister.

Training Uniform:Pink Blouse, Pink Jeans, Pink Mask. Okay Pink Everything.

Swimsuit: Pink Top and Bottom, with Black polka dots.
(Your in, Maxine! Since I got your form in, Want to start with just us? By the way posts dont have to be long.)

(Im gonna start. Jump in when you want to! This sean is training.)

Kay almost had Cole pinned "One more inch and Ill win!" She said. Then Cole flipped her over and pinned her to the deck.

"Hey! No fair! Im a new ninja." I said crossing my arms. "Yeah thats why I beat the stuffing outta you!" He said.

"OH ITS ON!!!" I yelled. Just as we started to fight, Kai walked in and asked "Why did I hear yelling,Kay?"

"Uhhh.......We were fighting, Kai." I said shamefully "Thats not why I came......Nya's missing!"He said.

"What?!?! Shes gone?" I asked. "My sisters gone...." He cried "Ill go get Kylie."

I walk to Kylie's door and knock.

(Ok your turn Maxine.)
Kylie Pulled open the door. Her Eye's Flared. "Yeah?" She said.

At any given time, she would be angered by someone who interrupted her Training.

But once she saw her, Kylie's expression softened. "Oh, It's you. What's going on?" She smiled, leaning up against the door frame.

Kylie wore a simple outfit. A Sky Blue, Sleaveless, Blouse. Denim, Knee high, Jean's. And a pair of Laced Sneaker's.

Kylie noticed the Dirt on her cheek. Fighting again? Crazy Girl,​ She thought with a smile, waiting for her reply.
(Hi! BTW I changed Kay's look.)

Kay took a deep breath and said "Nya is missing. Kai and Jay are flipping out. We need to find her before we lose two of our best ninja."

Some blond hair got her face and she moved it away. She was dressed in a black t-shirt and demin shorts. Her shoes were blue sneakers with black laces.

As she moved a bit of hair away she noticed a cut that was healing. Cole did this! Inside she was raging and planning to kill Cole. Outside she was calm and waiting for a reply.
Kylie looked ay Kay for a second. Then she busted out laughing. "Two of our best Ninja's?" She asked. "Kai can barely dress himself before falling over. And Jay.. Well. Enough said."

She smiled brightly. "But about Nya. We need more information. Kidnapper's, Leader, Where and when. Can you get Sensa to Give us more information, before we all go insane?" Her happy expression died down, until she looked normal again.

Kylie looked into her room. "You know, I'll get dressed. Meet you down there later, so we can do two things." She gleamed. "One; Find out about Nya, Two; Kill Cole for cutting your forehead." Kylie smiled, then began to close her door.

"See you later Kay." She mumbled, pulling her door shut.
"See you." Kay said and ran off. She went to her room then shuts the door and gets on her laptop. In addtion to being really smart, even smarter then Zane, She is a good hacker. She searches all probbable kidnappers then.... She finds out who did it. "How did he get here..." She shuts her laptop and runs down stairs yelling "I know who has Nya!" Kai and Jay say at the same time "WHO!" "Samukai, King of skeltons." I said. Kai said "He all ready had her once. Why again?" "I dont know." Lets wait for Kylie. We'll talk about it with her." Jay said. We sit and wait for Kylie.
Kylie changed quickly. She walked downstairs, in her ninja outfit. A Pink suit, that matched her hair. Her mask was clipped onto her pocket.

She walked to the area everyone was at. Her hair was braided, and pinned into a bun. She leaned up against the door seal and crossed her arms.

Kylie looked around the silent room. "What's up?"
"Kay found Nya." Jay said "Samukai took her. She was taken at five o'clook last night." I said. "I need my laptop. Kai get it now." Kai brings me my laptop and I open it and type some stuff in. "Wait. The report. Its gone. Its gone!"
Kylie shrugged, "If you read it, no biggie right." Kylie was exaiming her shoes.

"Why did he kidnap her.... Again?"
"To reply to you, Kylie, I didnt read it all and I have no idea in Ninjago." I said Lloyd looks over at me and says "There on the bottom left." I look at it. Lloyd was right. "Thanks Bro." I hug him.
"Ah, there's the problem." She stayed silent. "Nya's always the one kidnapped. That, and Lloyd." With that she cracked a wide grin. Waiting for Lloyds reaction.

"Anyways, We need to progress on the situation." Her smile faded.
Lloyd jumped at Kylie but I said "Lloyd." in my big sister tone. He stopped as soon as i said it. "Guys! Shes in the Ninjago City catacombs! I found her!" I said

"Really? You found Nya?' Jay asked happyly. "Yes I did. She has her cellphone on but shes most likely tied up. I tracked it to the catacombs." I said. Kai ran up and hugged me. "Owwww Kai." "Sorry Kay." Kai said. I looked at everyone. "Suit up guys. Time to save Nya." I ran to my room to get dressed.
Kylie frowned. She reached out and grabbed Kays arm. "Um Kay. I have to tell you something." Her expression was sad.
Kylie shifted uncomfortably. "You know how younge you and Lloyd are compared to the rest pf us..... And Sensai reccommended that it would be safer to keep you two home. I'm sorry." She mumbled, sadly.
Kay frowned and said "So your saying the two most powerful ninja cant go on the misson? Even the one who found Nya?" Kay almost yelled. Kai hid behind a chair. Everyone knew when Kay was mad, you should hide. Small blades of darkness shot from her hands and Lloyd starts up a Energy Blast. "Uhhh Kay are you alright?" Jay asked. Kay's eyes went from blue to black in a blink. She was mad and so was Lloyd. "You never let us go on missons.''
Kylie stumbled back. "Everyone get down." Even she knew this xould get dangerous. "Kay you stated my Main Point. Yes, we never let you go on missions. But thats only because younAre the Two Pwerful Ninja's. Samuki captured Nya as a trap. For you two. If he had gotten you, and...." She hesitaed, "Turned you against us. We would have no chance. It's for your own good." Kylie tried to smile, but faltered in the process. She had never seen them so upset. Never.
"If Im right, Kylie, you triggered both Kay's and Lloyd's dark side. Its very powerful and you could be killed by a single darkness bolt." Zane said in his so-calm-its-scary voice.

Kay's eyes were black as night and she was almost to the point of flying. Lloyd looked almost the same only his eyes were red. Kay aimed a bolt at Zane and she shot, coming inches away from Zane's head. "Who said its a trap?" Lloyd's voice was deeper. Kay and Lloyd suddenly fell over, asleep. "It must of drained their power.'' Kai said. "Kylie, get a cold washcloth. Their overheating." Zane said
Kylie glared them. "Try to be a good person." She muttered. "You can get the wash cloth. They wanted to kill me!" She snapped. Kylie had never lost her cool. She felt her cheek's grow hot. Suddenly, she turned and stormed off. Her eye's had narrowed. She walked to her room and slammed the door. With a click, she had bolted it locked. Kylie walked up to her practice dummy, slammed her fist into the side of it's fabric white head.

The fabric spewed everywhere. Another broken dummy. Slowly, she recollected herself. She pulled in her ear bud's, that played her favorite song. "Sweet Nothing." By Calvin Haris. She lied on her bed quietly. Where she had started. "If they think that there so arrogant that they don't realize the possibilitie.... Maybe I'm the only sane one..." She mumbled to herself.
(I changed Kay's age so she much younger.)

Kay woke up rubbing her head."What happened? Wheres Kylie?" I said "You dont rember? You tried to kill Kylie!" Kai yelled at her making her jump. Kai regeted it. 'Im so sorr-'' He started but she said "Its fine. Im going to my room."
Okay c:


Kylie played the music quite loudly. She laid down on her bed, slowly she tapped to the beat of the song. Kylie was mixed up, although she remained cool outside. Inside she was quiet upset. Lloyd, nor Kay had ever pulled a stunt like that. Well, not to a Ninja of course. Their enemies. Yeah, Many times.
As Kay walked by Kylie's door, someone hit her in the head. You hear a thunk sound and a cry of pain. "Thats what you get for almost killing Kylie!" Cole yelled

After a few seconds I could talk "Kyli-" Her words were cut off by Cole who never tried to hurt her, kicked her to the wall. "Kylie! Kai! Jay! Zane! Lloyd! Somebody help!" I said after Cole left.
Kylie pulled out her ear buds when she heard a faint cry and a massive thud. She was on her feet within something between three and four sconds.She ran to the door, a blade at hand. Slowly she pulled the door open, Kylie glanced into the hal. Kay laid crumpled on the floor. She quickly knealed at her side. "Kay? Kay? What happen!' She hissed. "Y-Your bleeding." She mumbled, whiping of a swab of blood from her forehead.

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