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Fantasy Nightlings (accepting.)

Margot sat in the chair, leaning back in tired relief. She had to really think about that question. She had been assigned her inventory duties, leaving the facility, roughly three days ago, speaking to her boss. She had called when arriving to the pick up point but she had left a message since it had been around lunch time. Had she texted? She pulled out her phone checking her records. "I spoke to my boss three days ago, but I believe I texted one of the employees two days ago." Pulling up her texts she saw at the top of the list. Jeremy. "I texted Jeremy Winston, getting a reply at 9 AM, but after that I didn't have any contact." She had been worried before, but that was her denial trying to fight off the pain of what could be wrong. Now she realized the actual weight of the situation. "But I mean you guys must have some override, some way to get in touch, right?"

@Lola Shimmer
"This is all very un-nerving" Adrian stated and she leaned back in her chair once more and turned her head toward her window, however her electric blue eyes were no longer enjoying the view through the vast expanse of glass. Instead they were narrowed in concentration and her brow were knitted together in worry. The tips of her fingers rested against her chin for a moment and she tapped them repeatedly out of habit when she was thinking hard. It almost seemed that she had completely forgotten the other person in the room until she took a deep breath and straightened up her posture. Adrian swiveled around in the large leather bound chair to face the doctor once more. "Two day's no contact is very strange without notice i mean, i know when they have anything big coming up they can often go offline but we are always told in advance and there are always back up measures." The agent bit her lip clearly worried. In all honesty she felt a bit at a loss in this situation and not entirely sure what to do...she didn't want to make a mountain out of a mole hill if this was nothing but...what if it was. She sighed softly trying to come to a decision, which wasn't so easy at this sort of hour. How many hours of sleep had she had this week? she wasn't sure..it wasn't much though.

She was already shaking her head when Dr. Parks brought up the idea of an override "Not really, i mean of course we have measures in place but only for in dire emergencies you understand and aside from no contact we have nothing that suggests this is one..therefore we don't have due cause to activate one...it would ever be allowed." Adrian suddenly got to her feet. "Come i am assuming you haven't had breakfast...nor have i and i need coffee. We will go to the staff room and gather thoughts and perhaps brainstorm...we may have to take this to my boss and i can request that perhaps we be allowed to drive over just to check on things" she made her way out from around her desk and toward the office door "I for one would feel much better if i could just go look the place over..but i will need to get permission" she explained and looked over her shoulder at Dr parks "Come on then"

@The Fallow
Scarlet came to a stop as she heard a deep voice begin to speak. She looked around, startled to find the voice coming from a young girl with a dark... Thing.. coming out of her back. She watched as another girl, this one covered in shadows, challenged this leadership. When a boy approached the two and mentioned burning to death. At this comment she quickly rushed over to the small group, missing the first girls reply to the other two. She reached the group just in time to see the first girl look at the trucks and mutter the word escape. Scarlet bit her lip for a second before speaking up. "I know how to hotwire a truck. And if it has wheels, I can drive it." She bit her lip again. "That is, if you were thinking of using the trucks to escape." She looked at the other three to gauge their reactions.

@LilyannaGaming @Aowyn @dragonsfire
Margot gave a faint nod, but perked up to the sound of breakfast. "That would be great." She hoped this could be resolved soon, as all she needed at this moment was a nice place to sleep. Groggily, she followed Adrian. Hopefully they could come in contact with the facility and all of this could be resolved. Grabbing her phone she left a message to her neighbor to feed her dogs. She would be gone at the very least all day tomorrow. "I am sure the lines are probably just down. That facility was built to withstand just about anything." She spoke out loud, though her words were mostly to sooth her own nerves.

@Lola Shimmer
"Lets hope it is just that the lines are down." Adrian stated ominously but as soon as they hit the canteens he was straight in and grabbing a bagel. She began buttering it absentmindedly while thinking. She nodded toward the woman as she spoke. "Yes it is a tough building" she said simply and sighed sitting down with croissant in hand and a fresh coffee. "That's the worrying thing" she tucked her hair behind her ears again and pouted. She was getting more annoyed by the second so much so that she could barely taste her breakfast. So instead she lifted her coffee and took a huge gulp before nearly spitting it out "Bugger that was hot!!!!" she exclaimed before laughing at herself..gods its to early she thought...or was it to late? hell she didn't know. "So Dr.parks what do you do at the facility or is that hush hush?"

@The Fallow
Dr. Parks snagged half of a bagel, sitting across from Adrian. She leaned into the chair, relief flooding over her tired muscles. She was to tired to laugh at Adrian's sudden outburst, but luckily caught the question. "For a while they had me on grunt work, but after my first year...I know what happens there." She paused. Her conscious was normally clean and she was a compassionate person, the facilities practices in time were easy to grow apathetic to. In the name of science. Necessary to save lives. For progress. She had an endless line of excuses, but somewhere in all of the philosophy it was wrong. She didn't say anything though, to her superiors, coworkers, even interns. No one really did. The unspoken rule of the compound was to look past the everyday, primitive cruelties, and focus on the study of progress. "I assume you do as well."

@Lola Shimmer
"Not entirely so i won't prob to much, it will save is both from getting in trouble" Adrian stated. the agents only knew to an extent what went on over there but they all suspected there was more too it. She didn't even know if any of the agents had been inside? she doubted it. "I think they like to keep the research to themselves..we do all the boring stuff over here i am afraid. keeping e verything in line" she smirked at that and sipped her coffee slwoly this time having blew on it a bit first. Thankfully she was able to swallow without consequence though it did taste funny now thanks to her singed tongue.

@The Fallow
Dr. Parks looked up. "What time do you think your boss will be around? If not soon I was hoping to get some shut eye. I haven't slept in quite some time." She took a bite of her bagel. Purple bags lay under her eyes and her muscles ached with each effort.

@Lola Shimmer
Adrian was already starting to get to her feet. She could wait no longer...this was really playing on her mind. She waved a hand dismissively toward the woman her own thoughts already going a mile a minute "Ah there is a couch in my office feel free...i am going to go find my boss now. Iwill see if we can even do a drive round" the agent explained before she was already leaving the canteen. It took her another few moments until she crossed the floor once more and reached the office she had started her night in. She knocked the door out of courtesy before going on in and passing through the space to the meeting room.

Again she knocked the door before peaking her head around and eyeing the man sitting at the table. "Excuse me sir...i have something i would like to ask and well i think it might be urgent i have a rather bad gut feeling" Adrian explained and went fully into the meeting room and sat opposite her boss with her hands folded in front of her on the table


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