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Fantasy Nightlings (accepting.)

q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
in character thread. Don't post until it starts and you CS is approved. Also, OOC goes in OOC not here.
"what the hell? I am suppose to be dead! I was happy in my void of emptiness!"

She looked around, her slim wrist slipped through the metal restraints all so easily. She looked down at them silently. "i wasn't this frail or pale....What the living hell is going on!" she screamed into her mind as she undid the the restraints on her ankles. Getting up, she walked over in her tattered clothes as she looked at the mirrored wall. "What the hell am i?!" She whispered harshly , watching as she thought of her movements and the girl moved, but when she physically moved her self it was the black serpent attached to the girls back.

A minutes later the building alarms where blaring, and the faint smell of fire could be smelled every where. The once pristine floor and walls where now graffiti-ed with blood splatters. Bodies littered the floor, torn apart, drained of blood, body parts missing. It was a shocking sight to those who weren't apart of it. Flames licked the papers and anything flammable. Agonized cry's where a plentiful sound, that where cut short by death.

Anya stood, semi crunching over a scientist, blood spattered on her 'Vessel' as she had named it, a wicked grin placed upon the little girls lips. She had sort have lost her hummanity, this being her first time in demon form. And she had a very bad hunger pain, only eased by the killings of humans. She watched all the others fumble around getting use to being.... Undead. She stood up after finishing her little 'talk' and stepped out of the way of a few others who took over.
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Rue's eyes shot open at the alarms blaring "What the hell?" The boy question in an annoyed tone as he looked around. Seeing the blood on the walls he just stood there dumbfounded for a bit and just shrugged it off "I'm pretty sure I'm dead...this is just the way to hell." He suggested to himself as he followed the blood trail across the wall. After about what felt like a minute the boy came across the corpse that left behind the blood walking past it he continued on his journey looking around "I expected more fire and screaming...all I can hear is this damn ringing of the alarm." Rue muttered a bit while feeling around his pockets only to silently growl that he didn't have any more cigarettes. The boy just looked around some more sighing by how annoying the sound was getting to his ears he just sat against a wall and yawned "I could use some sleep instead of hearing this...." He thought aloud while trying to get sleep.

Fallon Stormweather

Fallon awoke on a cold metal table wearing unfamiliar clothes. An alarm was blaring in her ears. She felt... different. There was a presence in her mind that pressed against her conscious, beckoning her. She answered it's call and the shadows wrapped around her, cloaking her body. Rising, she saw the flames consuming the building around her. How did she get here? Wasn't she dead? Men and women in white lab coats ran from children ranging from ages 7 to 17. Blood, flesh and flames decorated her surroundings.

Suddenly she felt very hungry. It was a burning hunger that made her feel like the flames around Fallon were already consuming her. On the metal table beside her, the shadows manifested into a completely black dagger. She picked it up, inspecting its sharp edge. How...?

A woman screamed beside Fallon as her lab coat caught fire. Still wearing her cloak of shadow, Fallon moved toward the woman in silence and stabbed her straight through the heart. The woman's screams died quickly. Hot flesh graced Fallon's finger tips. "Go on," whispered the shadows, "don't you want some?"

Fallon swallowed, her mouth watering in anticipation. Before she knew what she was doing, Fallon had consumed the woman completely. She stepped back from the hollow corpse of bones. "There's a good girl," the shadows cooed, "Now you know what it
tastes like. What it feels like. You'll never want anything else. Your place is with usssss." It was at that moment Fallon realized what she had become. She was a monster, a demon if you will. The shadows were right. There was no going back.

This is invisible...



Location: Project Night Building

Ariel jerked awake to an overwhelming chorus of screaming. Layered beneath the screaming was the sound of fire. Slipping out of the surprisingly loose restraints, Ariel sat up, taking a moment to assess her own state. The knife in her boot was still there, as was her butterfly knife. The rest, she wasn’t sure, as someone came running in the room.

The action was almost before Ariel could react. Her senses, already seeming hyper acute, sharpened as the woman entered the room. She could smell the blood from somewhere on her, and before Ariel could properly process what was happening, she was charged across the room, and sank her fangs? Into the woman. Blood gushed into her mouth, and Ariel drank greedily, driven by a hungry she didn’t understand. Someone else came running into the room, screaming and burning. This time, when Ariel lunged forwards, she was more cognizant of her attack, and her the snap of the man’s neck.

Stepping back from her second meal, Ariel took a second to breath. “So.” She frowned, staring at the corpses. “I’m apparently a Vampire?” Shaking her head, she slipped out the door, trying to filter out the too loud screams around her. People were burning, people were running, and Ariel could see plenty of others taking some sort of pent up aggression on the scientists.

Red eyes fluttered open gently as her sleeping chamber had been intruded with the smell of fresh air, tainted with the smell of blood and ash. The mistake sat up, listening to the distant screams far above her head as she climbed out of the chamber, her lab gown shorter than before. How long... She raised her eyes up to the few scientists which skidded into the room, backing away slowly at the sight of her. How long have I been asleep...?

Natalie wandered past the charred bodies of the scientists carefully, turning her bright red eyes to a mirror as she placed gentle fingertips onto the glass beside her face. Is, this me? Who am I...? Why can I do these things...? She looked back at the bodies she had burnt to a crisp, before turning away and weakly walking down the hall. Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?


"Stupid cat!" Blake wandered the alleyways, big blue eyes searching for the fat orange tabby. "Cookie! Come out you mangy little furball... Where the hell did you run off to?! Why do I have to watch you!?" The bluette growled as he walked aimlessly, one hand in his school pant's pocket, while the other tugged at the tight tie around his neck making it loose to the point it could fall off. "God damn- COOKIE!" He yelled in frustration.

(Sorry they're short, I'm kind of busy.)
Elam shook his head wiping the built up crust in his puffy eyes, he awakened in the strange place, "Wasn't my body blown into a million pieces, how am I alive?" he felt heavy on one side and light on the other completely unbalanced. Bringing his hand to the left side of his face he found a sticky goo oozing out of him and a sudden change in his upper body. "Ugh, out of every form I could've gotten it had to be this weak one." he jumped up sliding his leg out of the terribly made restrictions.

The sounds and eye blinding chaos were now audible as Elam walks out of the small room he was in, along with a burning and smell of ash and fiery residue. An aching stomach pain came upon him and he saw one of the nearest scientist, seeing a syringe on the floor he picked it up, and stabbed it in the panicking scientist's eye, the demonic being making him strong enough to kill her. Afterwards he began to dine on the �human leaving his least favorite parts of the body and tossing them to a few of the younger Nightlings, at least the werewolves and demons, the vampires probably couldn't get any blood out of it. The demon had begun to stare at the others and sat down seemingly meditating, although this was just the easiest way to pass on information to the new body he was forced to share, especially when enforcing dominance.

Human I am a demon, I've possessed your dead corpse which now has the spirit of mine and yours, the others as you will see once I regive you our body are similar but may inhabit their body in different ways, I will still allow you to have minor physical possession so be happy about that. Elam now re-took consciousness and stood up, having a headace and looking around at the others not in chaos, seemingly also trying to get used to this, his legs were now heavier as if they were constantly soaking wet. Suddenly the smell of burning ashes now held a strange somewhat pleasant smell, now he began to try and accept the fact that he was stuck with a demon sharing his body, although he just couldn't understand, despite this he began to sluggishly walk further towards the door.
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The room was bright and overbearing, a small movable plexiglass screen separated the person inside from the outside world. They’ve been awake for a while, pacing up and down the room with their borrowed body. The younger woman, still partially alive when the shapeshifter began absorbing her, had begun to look down both sides of the hall. The shapeshifter had only just found out why you don’t take still living subjects. Of course they still die and get absorbed, but their memories flooding back suddenly and painfully. The shifter’s skull pounded from the sudden surge of memories.

The alarm didn’t help their headache much. A platoon of guards would occasionally run by in search of whatever turned on the alarm. Still the Shapeshifter was stuck in the room. Technically they had the key card, but the surge of memories is simply forcing them into a mental corner. There isn’t much they could do. Memories surged and memories combined, somewhere the name “Edric” got thrown into the mix. Either their original name or the first guard who got killed, then Janice also appeared.

Janice’s memories just didn’t make any sense. The guards memories were definitely blending with her’s, and whatever left of the original person, “Edric” is somewhere and everywhere. What’s left is a strange combination of people who are either pacing to keep their minds off the pain or in a corner writhing in it.
Darkness complete darkness, was all Kain saw. A deathly cold was all he felt, as he drifted in what felt like nothingness. Suddenly a light shined in the darkness. As cliche as he thought it was it felt like the light at the end of the tunnel. For some reason he felt a need to head towards it. It felt like cold water flowed around him, as he went towards it. After a few moments he was slammed back into his body, as his eyes slowly opened again. The heated air rushed his face, while a boy aged 12 ran up to him. He shook Kain while he was still waking back up" HEY WAKE UP WE HAVE TO LEAVE!" he said out of breath. Suddenly kains pupils grew large encompassing his entire eyes. He grabbed the boy with such intensity he did not understand what was happening. Large canines know existed where they did not. Kain dug his fangs deep into the boys neck, while gripping his boady tightly so he could not get away. The blood ran soothingly into his mouth, and down his throat.

One would think this would satisfy the hunger he know felt deep within him....sadly it was not. He drained the boy dry leaving nothing bit a cold lifeless corps. His hunger grew only more, and he needed more....so much more. IN a wild blood lust kain rushed out of the room not paying any mind to the flames, blood streaked walls or smoke in the air. He didn't need to for he did not need to breath. Kain grabbed a fleeing doctor by the neck. He slammed them to the ground cracking there skull. He drained them as well in the same quick manner. Following soot he killed 3 more people 2 were other kids. In the end he was dripping blood down his mouth, and his eyes returned to normal. He came too looking down to his hands. His eyes grew wide, as he realized what he had done. Alarms blared in his ear, while flames grew closer to him. He knew he needed to get out of there for one reason or another. He saw some other kids leaving and decided to follow. He knew he did not know any of these people, but he knew they were not the doctors here. So much was going on he needed to sort things out, but he needed to get out of there first.
Scarlet woke up gasping to the sound of a loud, blaring alarm. She looked around, not knowing where she was. Last she remembered, she was.....oh...right, the water...the drowning. 'Is this the after life then?' She thought. She was in a dark, dank room with no windows and one door. The only light coming from a single dim lightbulb hanging from a wire attached to the ceiling. All of a sudden, the metal door to the room slammed open and a woman wearing a white lab coat ran in and grabbed her arm. She pulled Scarlet to her feet and began to pull her out of the room, but she didn't want to go with the woman. She struggled with the strange woman, but the other woman was too strong and she couldn't get away. Getting an idea, Scarlet lunged at the light bulb. She missed and was dragged one step closer to the door. She tried again. Success! Her hand wrapped around the wire the lightbulb was hanging from. She yanked on it. The force from her yanking on the wire, combined with the force of the strange woman trying to jerk her out of the room caused her hand to slide down and smash against the bulb, which promptly shattered. Scarlet screamed in pain as a rather large shard of glass from the bulb became embedded into her hand. This distraction led to the strange woman then finally being able to jerk Scarlet out of the room.

As she was pulled down the hallway, Scarlet saw others that seemed to be about her age running down the halls, killing other people in lab coats as they did so. She felt a connection to these other people for some reason. She looked once more at the woman dragging her. She looked back at her hand, the galls still embedded into it, and still very, very sharp. She grinned sharply and pulled as hard as she could on the arm the woman had ahold of. Scarlet shoved her hand with the glass in it at the woman, aiming for her face. She missed her face, but that was ok. She had hit a main vein in the woman's neck instead. The woman quickly died and slumped down, part of the glass shard breaking off in woman's neck. Scarlet freed herself from the, now dead, woman's grasp, and pulled the remaining portion of the glass shard from her hand, droping it onto the ground. Instinctively Scarlet then grabbed both of the woman's arms. She began absorbing the woman. She felt herself change as well, but she didn't know what was changing. When the woman was completely absorbed, all was left were her clothes, piled into a heap where her body used to be. Scarlet stood and shakily looked around, she caught sight of her reflection on a nearby window. She looked like the woman, with the exception of her clothes. She sharply inhaled, before she realized. 'This must have been what I felt changing as I absorbed the woman?' She thought. Quickly shaking her head she decided to ignore where that trail of thought was going to take her and decided to focus on it later when she got out of this place. Focusing on the other people running, the ones she felt a connection with, she realized that most of them seemed to be heading towards somewhere. Internally hoping that it was an exit, she began to run with them.
Yaboku God of War]Rue's eyes shot open at the alarms blaring "[COLOR=#ff0000][I]What the hell?[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]" The boy question in an annoyed tone as he looked around. Seeing the blood on the walls he just stood there dumbfounded for a bit and just shrugged it off "[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][I]I'm pretty sure I'm dead...this is just the way to hell.[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]" He suggested to himself as he followed the blood trail across the wall. After about what felt like a minute the boy came across the corpse that left behind the blood walking past it he continued on his journey looking around "[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][I]I expected more fire and screaming...all I can hear is this damn ringing of the alarm.[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]" Rue muttered a bit while feeling around his pockets only to silently growl that he didn't have any more cigarettes. The boy just looked around some more sighing by how annoying the sound was getting to his ears he just sat against a wall and yawned "[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][I]I could use some sleep instead of hearing this....[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]" He thought aloud while trying to get sleep.[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Aowyn][border=6px inset #8f3270][bg=#662350][FONT='Shadows Into Light'][B][border=6px outset #8f3270][/B][/FONT][CENTER][FONT='Shadows Into Light'][B][SIZE=24px][COLOR=#fde5ab]Fallon Stormweather[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [FONT='Shadows Into Light'][B][/border][/B][/FONT] [FONT='Shadows Into Light'][B] [border=6px outset #8f3270][/B][/FONT][FONT='Shadows Into Light'][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=#fde5ab]Fallon awoke on a cold metal table wearing unfamiliar clothes. An alarm was blaring in her ears. She felt... different. There was a presence in her mind that pressed against her conscious said:
BBCode - Aowyn's BBCode & Sweets[/URL]



Soulmuse said:
Ariel jerked awake to an overwhelming chorus of screaming. Layered beneath the screaming was the sound of fire. Slipping out of the surprisingly loose restraints, Ariel sat up, taking a moment to assess her own state. The knife in her boot was still there, as was her butterfly knife. The rest, she wasn’t sure, as someone came running in the room.
The action was almost before Ariel could react. Her senses, already seeming hyper acute, sharpened as the woman entered the room. She could smell the blood from somewhere on her, and before Ariel could properly process what was happening, she was charged across the room, and sank her fangs? Into the woman. Blood gushed into her mouth, and Ariel drank greedily, driven by a hungry she didn’t understand. Someone else came running into the room, screaming and burning. This time, when Ariel lunged forwards, she was more cognizant of her attack, and her the snap of the man’s neck.

Stepping back from her second meal, Ariel took a second to breath. “So.” She frowned, staring at the corpses. “I’m apparently a Vampire?” Shaking her head, she slipped out the door, trying to filter out the too loud screams around her. People were burning, people were running, and Ariel could see plenty of others taking some sort of pent up aggression on the scientists.
Cherrywitch said:
Red eyes fluttered open gently as her sleeping chamber had been intruded with the smell of fresh air, tainted with the smell of blood and ash. The mistake sat up, listening to the distant screams far above her head as she climbed out of the chamber, her lab gown shorter than before. How long... She raised her eyes up to the few scientists which skidded into the room, backing away slowly at the sight of her. How long have I been asleep...?

Natalie wandered past the charred bodies of the scientists carefully, turning her bright red eyes to a mirror as she placed gentle fingertips onto the glass beside her face. Is, this me? Who am I...? Why can I do these things...? She looked back at the bodies she had burnt to a crisp, before turning away and weakly walking down the hall. Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?


"Stupid cat!" Blake wandered the alleyways, big blue eyes searching for the fat orange tabby. "Cookie! Come out you mangy little furball... Where the hell did you run off to?! Why do I have to watch you!?" The bluette growled as he walked aimlessly, one hand in his school pant's pocket, while the other tugged at the tight tie around his neck making it loose to the point it could fall off. "God damn- COOKIE!" He yelled in frustration.

(Sorry they're short, I'm kind of busy.)
dragonsfire said:
Elam shook his head wiping the built up crust in his puffy eyes, he awakened in the strange place, "Wasn't my body blown into a million pieces, how am I alive?" he felt heavy on one side and light on the other completely unbalanced. Bringing his hand to the left side of his face he found a sticky goo oozing out of him and a sudden change in his upper body. "Ugh, out of every form I could've gotten it had to be this weak one." he jumped up sliding his leg out of the terribly made restrictions.
The sounds and eye blinding chaos were now audible as Elam walks out of the small room he was in, along with a burning and smell of ash and fiery residue. An aching stomach pain came upon him and he saw one of the nearest scientist, seeing a syringe on the floor he picked it up, and stabbed it in the panicking scientist's eye, the demonic being making him strong enough to kill her. Afterwards he began to dine on the �human leaving his least favorite parts of the body and tossing them to a few of the younger Nightlings, at least the werewolves and demons, the vampires probably couldn't get any blood out of it. The demon had begun to stare at the others and sat down seemingly meditating, although this was just the easiest way to pass on information to the new body he was forced to share, especially when enforcing dominance.

Human I am a demon, I've possessed your dead corpse which now has the spirit of mine and yours, the others as you will see once I regive you our body are similar but may inhabit their body in different ways, I will still allow you to have minor physical possession so be happy about that. Elam now re-took consciousness and stood up, having a headace and looking around at the others not in chaos, seemingly also trying to get used to this, his legs were now heavier as if they were constantly soaking wet. Suddenly the smell of burning ashes now held a strange somewhat pleasant smell, now he began to try and accept the fact that he was stuck with a demon sharing his body, although he just couldn't understand, despite this he began to sluggishly walk further towards the door.
[QUOTE="Eric Hayes]The room was bright and overbearing, a small movable plexiglass screen separated the person inside from the outside world. They’ve been awake for a while, pacing up and down the room with their borrowed body. The younger woman, still partially alive when the shapeshifter began absorbing her, had begun to look down both sides of the hall. The shapeshifter had only just found out why you don’t take still living subjects. Of course they still die and get absorbed, but their memories flooding back suddenly and painfully. The shifter’s skull pounded from the sudden surge of memories.
The alarm didn’t help their headache much. A platoon of guards would occasionally run by in search of whatever turned on the alarm. Still the Shapeshifter was stuck in the room. Technically they had the key card, but the surge of memories is simply forcing them into a mental corner. There isn’t much they could do. Memories surged and memories combined, somewhere the name “Edric” got thrown into the mix. Either their original name or the first guard who got killed, then Janice also appeared.

Janice’s memories just didn’t make any sense. The guards memories were definitely blending with her’s, and whatever left of the original person, “Edric” is somewhere and everywhere. What’s left is a strange combination of people who are either pacing to keep their minds off the pain or in a corner writhing in it.

[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Darkness complete darkness, was all Kain saw. A deathly cold was all he felt, as he drifted in what felt like nothingness. Suddenly a light shined in the darkness. As cliche as he thought it was it felt like the light at the end of the tunnel. For some reason he felt a need to head towards it. It felt like cold water flowed around him, as he went towards it. After a few moments he was slammed back into his body, as his eyes slowly opened again. The heated air rushed his face, while a boy aged 12 ran up to him. He shook Kain while he was still waking back up" HEY WAKE UP WE HAVE TO LEAVE!" he said out of breath. Suddenly kains pupils grew large encompassing his entire eyes. He grabbed the boy with such intensity he did not understand what was happening. Large canines know existed where they did not. Kain dug his fangs deep into the boys neck, while gripping his boady tightly so he could not get away. The blood ran soothingly into his mouth, and down his throat.
One would think this would satisfy the hunger he know felt deep within him....sadly it was not. He drained the boy dry leaving nothing bit a cold lifeless corps. His hunger grew only more, and he needed more....so much more. IN a wild blood lust kain rushed out of the room not paying any mind to the flames, blood streaked walls or smoke in the air. He didn't need to for he did not need to breath. Kain grabbed a fleeing doctor by the neck. He slammed them to the ground cracking there skull. He drained them as well in the same quick manner. Following soot he killed 3 more people 2 were other kids. In the end he was dripping blood down his mouth, and his eyes returned to normal. He came too looking down to his hands. His eyes grew wide, as he realized what he had done. Alarms blared in his ear, while flames grew closer to him. He knew he needed to get out of there for one reason or another. He saw some other kids leaving and decided to follow. He knew he did not know any of these people, but he knew they were not the doctors here. So much was going on he needed to sort things out, but he needed to get out of there first.

[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]
Scarlet woke up gasping to the sound of a loud, blaring alarm. She looked around, not knowing where she was. Last she remembered, she was.....oh...right, the water...the drowning. 'Is this the after life then?' She thought. She was in a dark, dank room with no windows and one door. The only light coming from a single dim lightbulb hanging from a wire attached to the ceiling. All of a sudden, the metal door to the room slammed open and a woman wearing a white lab coat ran in and grabbed her arm. She pulled Scarlet to her feet and began to pull her out of the room, but she didn't want to go with the woman. She struggled with the strange woman, but the other woman was too strong and she couldn't get away. Getting an idea, Scarlet lunged at the light bulb. She missed and was dragged one step closer to the door. She tried again. Success! Her hand wrapped around the wire the lightbulb was hanging from. She yanked on it. The force from her yanking on the wire, combined with the force of the strange woman trying to jerk her out of the room caused her hand to slide down and smash against the bulb, which promptly shattered. Scarlet screamed in pain as a rather large shard of glass from the bulb became embedded into her hand. This distraction led to the strange woman then finally being able to jerk Scarlet out of the room.

As she was pulled down the hallway, Scarlet saw others that seemed to be about her age running down the halls, killing other people in lab coats as they did so. She felt a connection to these other people for some reason. She looked once more at the woman dragging her. She looked back at her hand, the galls still embedded into it, and still very, very sharp. She grinned sharply and pulled as hard as she could on the arm the woman had ahold of. Scarlet shoved her hand with the glass in it at the woman, aiming for her face. She missed her face, but that was ok. She had hit a main vein in the woman's neck instead. The woman quickly died and slumped down, part of the glass shard breaking off in woman's neck. Scarlet freed herself from the, now dead, woman's grasp, and pulled the remaining portion of the glass shard from her hand, droping it onto the ground. Instinctively Scarlet then grabbed both of the woman's arms. She began absorbing the woman. She felt herself change as well, but she didn't know what was changing. When the woman was completely absorbed, all was left were her clothes, piled into a heap where her body used to be. Scarlet stood and shakily looked around, she caught sight of her reflection on a nearby window. She looked like the woman, with the exception of her clothes. She sharply inhaled, before she realized. 'This must have been what I felt changing as I absorbed the woman?' She thought. Quickly shaking her head she decided to ignore where that trail of thought was going to take her and decided to focus on it later when she got out of this place. Focusing on the other people running, the ones she felt a connection with, she realized that most of them seemed to be heading towards somewhere. Internally hoping that it was an exit, she began to run with them.

OKAY WE ARE MOVING ON. I waited a week or so. That was enough.

Anya paced. She watch everyone form into a crowd ready to leave. She yanked a boy off the floor.@Yaboku God of War "We need to get moving. Or do you wish to die again?" She said pressing the button to release everyone who was stuck in their rooms. "Okay, Listen Up." She said, still in her demon form. Her voice was deep and loud. completely different than what she was use to. "We need to relocate. We can't stay here, because at this rate we will either burn to death or starve. Everyone who can process things needs to help others of possible. I hear trucks out side. We will have to use them to get far from here to not deal with others. we need to lay low. " She managed to get out before the building to her left collapsed. That left the right. That was there escape. She looked at everyone before making her way over the rubble and clearing a path to the door. Flames threatened to engulf her, the fumes smothered her. She looked around every so often to see if they would follow her. (It's small, but it's rushed and im tired.))
He growled when he felt someone lift him up "Touch me again and you will burn." He stated wanking his arm away as he walked out. Not caring what the girl was saying looking around he just walked in a random direction yawning again.
@Yaboku God of War

@Darkside Queen

@Lola Shimmer

Kah walked through and made his way through the goverment building, looking for the others on his team. There where three including himself. He made his way to the training area for the new unit, Hunters. The unit was made to deal with threats, in a more efficient and hidden matter. (Remember, THey don't know of nightlings yet.) He sighed, Looking around for the other two government officials and the one hunter they where currently assigned. He stepped into his office quietly, heading for the meeting room atached to it. Pulling out his laptop, he started typing away and dealing with political problems. (Just thought i would alow every one to jump in, since i didnt want to leave you guys out.)
Adrian walked briskly through the building with her laptop tucked under one arm, a phone shoved into her back pocket that doubled as a PDA and a nice steaming cup of coffee in her hand. The sharp angles of her bob brushed along the length of her cheekbones and she blew out a long breath, It was a tad chilly today and the warmth from the hot liquid in her hands soaking into her fingers was a comfort. Her brain was working a mile minute trying to think what this meeting could be about...she hadn't even heard any whispers around the offices...which you usually did. Hmm oh well she brought the coffee to her lips and took a quick sip before she began the climb up the stairs to the floor her team resided on. Adrian could have taken the lift of course but this way she got a bit more exercise even if it was a little. The woman gave a polite nod to anyone she passed that she knew briefly from work but didn't stop and carried on walking toward her destination. Not that she ever was much for stopping and having a chat..she always liked to get in and get hr desk organized and ready to go for the day.

It was only afew moments later that she reached her stopping point and peered into the office to see it empty she walked on through to the meeting room and saw she was not the first to arrive. She set her laptop and coffee on the table and eased herself into a chair and glanced over toward her companion "Well this is all very mysterious isn't?" Adrian mentioned in way of a greeting.

Melody Parks stood over a dozen boxes of various medical supplies. Her job was to ensure the inventory was accounted for to prevent shortages, also known as counting things. Her pen tapped lightly across the clipboard, coinciding with her silent counting. Finishing off with the medical bandages, she sat back and sighed. Her boss has told her about the wondrous opportunities of inventory, and how it unlocked potential in the industry for her. Honestly at this point though, she was certain he simply hadn't wanted to do it himself. Tapping the last box up, she reached for her satellite phone, dialing the main facility. It rang to message. "Hey, it's Dr. Parks. The inventory is all here for the monthly shipment. I can have it delivered once I have confirmation. Also, could you get Hank...Dr. Beech, to grab file 509 from my office. I know he was asking for it. Thanks." She hung up, sighing. Until confirmation, she was stuck here waiting in a truck. When she got back to the facility, she would have to have a word with her boss.

Night was beginning to set in, and her eyes were sinking closed. Droll fell down her lip as she snored lightly. Her watch gave a faint beep at 9:00 PM, waking her with a jolt. "Shot!" She sneered under her breath. She quickly checked her phone. What if she missed their confirmation call? But to her surprise and dismay, there was nothing. Was the line down or something, they normally returned calls on the dot within twenty minutes. Picking it up again she waited and waited, hearing the dull dial. When it went to message she clipped the phone shut and slouched back in her seat. Maybe she should call headquarters, just to be safe. Though she hated to, they were a group of esteemed, highly intellectual, know it alls who were above the small working man. But she needed to. Picking up the phone she called the secure line.

@LilyannaGaming or @Lola Shimmer (Which ever is in the mood to take a phone call)
Adrian had just contented herself to the silence when the ringing of the meeting room phone nearly made her jump. No one had the direct line to in here which meant that the call was specifically for them cause it had been transferred through. The woman sighed and genuinely thought about not answering...it was far to early and if it was someone going to give off about something she wanted nothing to do with it...but the ringing continued and the professional in her wouldn't allow it to go unanswered in case it was important. Adrian pushed the laptop back from her on the table and didn't even get up she used the wheels on the chair and scooted toward the top of the table and scooped up the receiver mid ring. "Hellllooo" she answered casually...she probably should have answered it with a slogan or somthing but ih well who ever was calling knew where they were ringing she doubted they needed to be told again

@The Fallow
Melody sat back in the driver's seat, waiting patiently for an answer. Nearing the last few rings she grew worried till a woman's voice answered. Oh, thank god...She nearly said it out loud but stopped herself. "Hello! Yes, this is Dr. Parks. I was attempting to call Future for confirmation on a supply shipment and they haven't picked up or returned my call. I am kinda stuck on standby till I get a response." She spoke kinda awkwardly, hoping she didn't sound as young as she was. She looked out the car window, the stars were finally out, and the moon was rising. She might have attempted to enjoy the view if she wasn't as stressed and rather confused.

@Lola Shimmer
"uuuummmm" Adrian looked around the room but Kaj was clearly still busy on whatever the hell he was working on and there was no one else here just yet...she wasn't totally sure what to do and by the sounds of it she was as clued in as the person on the other end "Ah..a shipment huh? it's weird they put you through to us" The woman mumbled and rolled back down to her position at the table and pushed her laptop open once more. Why would they put someone from the science department through to them...it made her stomach twist uncomfortably, first this mysterious meeting and then this phone call. Adrian didn't understand why front desk wouldn't have put this woman right through to Future's front desk. "Ah look this i'm a government agent for some reason they've put you through to our team....." she held the phone to her ear with her shoulder as her fingers glided along the keys typing out an email to the other department. This was all very strange indeed and completely unorganized which riled Adrian up all the more...this was someone else job not her's. "Look honestly i am not to sure what's going on Dr. Parks was it?" she explained "I've sent them an e-mail myself since its a little odd that they have put you through to our department....umm i can only guess that perhaps they need you here i am not to sure...you may as well come over tot he government building and find out." Adrian pushed the laptop closed again and held the receiver in her hand "Ok so i won't give you the address over the phone you should know it..y know security and all. as for agent Adrian solast they will send you up to me" and with that she simply hung up the phone.

@The Fallow
Margot attempted to reply through the rambling of the government official, but got no where. As the woman hung up the phone she sat back her face filled with a dull irritation. "I just love this company." She spoke to herself. "Why didn't I think of it? No response? No problem, let me just pack everything I just counted back into storage, ditch my job and drive two hours to headquarters. Wait actually, three." Margot was just rambling to herself, climbing from the truck to pull out the supplies. She had two lovely options. Take the contents of the truck to the facility without confirmation or head over to headquarters. Well, at least the latter was an official request. "If I get fired because some crazy lady at headquarters..." Slowly she began to unpack, every thirty minutes or so she would call and leave a message to the facility. What the hell was wrong?

Grabbing her keys she fired up her car and began the long drive. She knew the address and such, but she had never been, it would be an interesting first experience to say the least.
Adrian was tapping her nails on the desk in irritation. Perhaps she had been a little short with the woman on the phone but truth be told something about this whole day rubbed her the wrong way. It just...gah she couldn't put her finger on it, it just felt off and she hated it...now this with the facility no responding not only to one of their own scientists but not even to HQ. She must have opened and closed her computer about 10 times by now to check for a reply to her e-mail. Which she didn't really know why when it was synced to her phone and would come straight through but she was frustrated. Adrian was not one for curve balls, her day was generally planed to within an inch of its life and she did her job to the full so she didn't understand why others didn't do theirs, she swore if this lack of response was being some shitty little intern messed up over at the facility she would make sure she had their job.

Adrian tucked a strand of errant black hair behind her hair and opened up her schedule flicking through it...she had a pretty full week and now because she had, had to cancel the rest of today for this meeting she had an even fuller one. The woman sighed slightly and pinched the bridge of her nose and simply started to gather up her devices. She looked at her coffee cup and decided to leave it there..it be cold by now anyhow..she would grab a fresh one on the way back to her office. "Call me through the internal phone when we are ready to start...I just have something to take care of" she explained to Kah before leaving the meeting room, passing through his office and out the main doors until she was on the main part of the floor again. She headed for the other side which was only about a five minute walk and to her own. Adrian slid the laptop into its central place on her desk..the dark wood was shined to perfection and her phone was laced neatly beside the computer. Her whole office was all very clean cut, tidy lines and neat...everything that she needed labeled was labeled and it was all filed correctly. The woman let out a long breath as she sat int he comfort of her own chair and glance out her window into the thick black of the night and smile slightly. At last she had a pretty view from here. She sat quietly to wait on her guest.

@The Fallow
As the hours passed by, Margot drove along the mostly deserted roads. Occasionally a pair of headlights would streak through her back window, but before long they turned off onto another road. She listened to the radio in silence, the classical station the only one with decent reception. The eerie tone played through the car, a lone violin solo. Each cord seemed to put Margot more and more on edge. She was a levelheaded individual, but the strange events of the night were getting to her. Finally as the song ended she sat back in realization to the fact that something was very wrong.

Power outages were reported to HQ, so it wasn't an outage. They had other means if telecommunication lines were down, so some idiot didn't just hit a phone line. If there was a breech, HQ knew about it. The only way the whole site could have gone off the air without warning would be something large. Something so cataclysmic, no one could call for help. She took a breath, holding back the urge to cry or whine in self pity.

The city loomed closer, the lights a welcoming relief. She finally had to pull out her map as she did her best to navigate the one way roads and early morning traffic. When she pulled up to the gate of the mostly inconspicuous building, it was nearly three in the morning. She buzzed in and scanned her ID card before pulling into the garage parking lot.

The elevator ride up was smooth, the doors opening to a simple lobby with a single late night secretary. After receiving her visitors badge at registration, she clumsily pulled into the nearest bathroom, brushing her hands through her hair. Alone she looked in the mirror at her tired brown eyes, and pale skin. She looked like a mess. She put on some chap stick, pinched her cheeks and finally was off. The woman will understand. You don't drive through the middle of the night and show up looking professional. Right?

She hadn't expected much, but she was surprised by the organization of the mystery woman's office. "Dr. Parks," she extended her hand. "I am afraid I never got your name."

Fallon Stormweather

Fallon stumbled out of the room she was in. The other kids seemed to have formed into some kind of group and were filing out of the building. Fallon griped her black dagger and stepped over the bodies of humans. The shadows shielded her from the light of the flames surrounding her. An odd sense of calm settled over her. She had just killed a woman, a human woman, and yet she felt calm. Happy, even. Was it the fact that she knew the shadows would always protect her?

As she made her way to the group, a young looking girl with a shadowy looking thing stemming from her back started to give orders. Anger flared up inside Fallon. She hated it when anybody told her what to do, much less a stranger she had never met. Though, the girl was right. They did have to get out of there. Fallon would not follow this girl's orders however. She lived for herself and only for herself. The shadows lashed out in agreement, inching toward the young-looking girl. "Who gave you the right to issue orderssss" the shadows hissed.

This is invisible...



Location:Project Night Building

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Elam stared at the commanding woman, despite her obvious imperious and bossy personality, she seemed moderately sure on what she was doing which was better than many of the others that were stumbling around. The demonic side of him seemed to want to kill something else, but not in an urging painful manner, nothing but for sadistic pleasure... he'd been looking around but saw no more living scientist. While walking outside Elam saw a human exhibiting blue eyes and a black jacket seemingly looking around, for something.

Turning his head away he saw a strange girl, she had a literal aura of shadows along with the tendency to roll her S's, she seemed just as head strong as the leader, stating their was no right for her to claim leadership. Either way they had to go somewhere, away from the currently burning building. Quikly his demon form took over and walked over to the two bickering "Can we hurry up and get moving, some of us aren't immune to fire, aka me I'd prefer If I didn't die the same way it feels to be in hell!" Tapping his wrist like he has a watch on he smiles and looks at the few passing humans, they weren't looking very inconspicuous which would be a problem if they were to continue getting angrier.
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Anya turned and snarled at the human. Her Demon side getting more detailed and bigger. I looked at Fallon, or the shadows that surrounded her. "I am just keeping order. Some are to lost and confused so i am giving direction." She said in a threatening, and Challenging voice. She turned to Elam. "Your right let's go." he girls legs started to move while Anya stared at Fallon. "All of us should stick togeher. Like it or not we are stuck like This." She said calmly, clearing the last debris. The door, now clear she ran out side into fresh air. Away from the fumes. She looked around at the night sky. then to the trucks. "Escape." she muttered. @Aowyn
Adrian lifted her head from the view outside her window when she heard someone enter her office and she placed a professional smile on her face and got out of her seat extending her hand to the woman, she was surprised by how young she was but she didn't let that show on her face it was very carefully blank. This was a very strange situation indeed. "Agent Solast" Adrian stated giving her name to the woman and one good sharp shake of hands before letting go. "Well Dr. parks it's nice to meet you and thank you ever so much for heading over at such short notice, i know this is all very uncouth." she shook her head with a sigh and sat back down in her office chair. She gestured to the chair's opposite her "Have a seat" she said simply and picked up her PDA and inspected her e-mail once more....still nothing. She frowned deeply at that this really was starting to bother her gut and her gut was generally wrong. She set the device down and fixed cool eyes onto the woman opposite her "When was the last time you actually heard from the facility Dr. parks...as in spoke to a person that was there?"

@The Fallow

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