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Fantasy Nighthunters IC -open

Eva Rivka

Mentions: Open
Blood sprayed through the air, freckling Eva’s face. She clamped a hand down over the man’s face to stifle his scream. This wasn’t no ordinary man though. When he finally stopped struggling, Eva poked the corner of his lip up, confirming her suspicion. Razor sharp fangs protruded from pale gums. Thank god she had brought her silver blade.

Eva turned away with a grimace of disgust. She was lucky to have even found this kill. She had seen the struggle in the alley and acted on her hunch. Unfortunately, she hadn’t been quick enough to save the girl. She lay limp, two puncture wounds in her neck, sucked dry by the looks of it. Eva wiped off her blade with a sigh. At least two souls would be usher off into the underworld and that’s what her true purpose here was.

It was late and quiet, past when the last drunks stumbled home and before the early risers woke up. With a quick flick of her hand, a dark portal opened up in the shadowy recesses of the alley. When shoulda departed the body they looked like smoke, all wispy and pale. They both passed easily through the portal and those above her would be pleased.

Now she just had to clean up. Eva pushed a piece of stray brown hair behind her ears, looking around for a dumpster, or else this was going to be a terribly messy job to do, especially by herself.
Jin was wiping the counter and glaring at a particularly loud and annoying customer "yo jackass! Calm it down a bit, or I'm gonna make you eat that bottle so fast you won't have time to blink" he said as the customer started a very loud argument. "Come on Jin! Its just an argument between friends" said the guy and made him roll his eyes "yeah right! your arguments usually end up with a dead body and you know the rules. Take it somewhere else" he said and glared hard enough for the customer to appear uncomfortable. Good, while there were many criminals and sometimes even hunters at his bar he made sure that killing was a no go. Too much hassle to clean the shit up after people as it was but bodies? yeah right, the usual burning them to a crisp wasn't an option in a bar so he was very strict about the rule even if they were a bunch of criminals and crazy ass motherf*ers they respected that most of the time. Well ever since Jin beat the crap out of a mob moss to show them he wasn't one to mess with. Now they were even drinking beer together from time to time. Maybe that was part of why people here listened to him? Ah, who cared as long as he didn't have extra work to deal with.

"Hey Jin! When you comin' here to give me another beer?" asked another customer and Jin threw a hidden throwing blade on the guy's table, just an inch from his hand "when you ask nicely" he added with a sneer. Yeah, he had a crazy night and then he had to go to work, you can imagine why he wasn't a ray of sunshine. "Geesh what got into you? today you are in a mood!" said his friend as he sat down at the bar "oh I got PMS, what you think got into me? ah just shut your mouth and here, drink your beer will ya?" he said handing him a beer before he went on to do his work. Man he hoped tonight would be a better night. He needed a nice hard hunt, maybe something where he would actually have something to do instead of the target already being dead. Also, he was getting hungry damn it!
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Someone must have died, Annie thought as she shut her book and gazed blankly at the living room wall. All at once, her vision blurred, her cramped apartment tilting and swirling in front of her before being completely engulfed in a swell of darkness. She could make out vague images, and they came to her in grainy still-life shots - looked like a demon attack, vampires maybe. Things were still too blurry to tell. There was the sound of sneakers on pavement ringing in her ears, echoing, and a sudden, unsettling thump. She took a deep, steadying breath, opened her eyes again, and gazed around the austere studio - which seemed to have stopped spinning. She allowed herself a moment of respite, swallowing thickly before placing the book among a pile of papers which lay scattered across the coffee table. Squaring her shoulders, Annie pulled on a pair of boots and grabbed the book-bag she kept by the door. Annie had always felt strange about these visions of death, they'd frightened her once; Now they were just an inconvenience, something that reminded her that she needed to hunt. Better get this done and dusted, she thought to herself as she slung her bag over her shoulder and left her apartment, locking the door behind her. If I'm lucky, she thought, I'll be home in time to finish reading the next chapter in my book.
Delano Kuran
Delano Kuran.jpg
'So this is the place, ain't it quaint'
Delano stood outside of Jin's bar, the darkness of the night shrouding the 'young' aristocrat in a blanket of shadows as he watched the city's worst drink themselves till their blood soured and their liver's diseased. His ruby eyes glowed as he finished wiping the remains of blood from his lower lip and tucked the handkerchief into his top pocket. Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out a deck of playing cards and began to shuffle them mindlessly in his hands, an old habit that he didn't care to change as it helped him when he needed to think. Switching the shuffling to just his left hand he moved the fringe from out of his eyes and crossed the empty street, his shoes tapping against the asphalt of the road.

The cards vanished with a flick of Delano's wrist before he opened the door to the bar. It was clear that he didn't fit in, the colours of his clothes may match the colours around him, but he was dressed too nicely, he held his head too high and the smirk on his face compared to the grim faces in the room all pointed to the fact that he did not belong here. His ruby eyes surveyed the people around him as he smiled at all who turned their gaze before speaking up to the room
Excuse me, I'm looking for Evernight?"

Jin was home getting ready for a hunt when his phone went off. Apparently, someone was looking for him at the bar, he sighed "I'll be there in five. Maybe ten" he said once he strapped down his weapons. "If they are gonna wait good, if not that's not my problem," he said a bit disinterested, there were people from all sides and ways of life looking for him. Nothing new that someone appeared in the bar, its just usually they were looking for Jin, not Evernight. Not many even knew he was an Evernight since he kept it a secret whenever he could. "okay but try to hurry kay' the last guy that was waiting for you here drank half the alcohol for free and not to mention the idiot that killed his way through the Midnighters gang" said the guy on the other end "Seriously? if your gang's name is Midnighters you have it coming" Jin said and hung up before leaving his apartment.

Okay as he got closer to the bar he had to admit he was getting a bit curious. Just who would look for him at the bar at night if he only worked day shifts? probably not some who knew him then. He sighed as he pulled out Yin and Jang just in case he would need them and stepped through the door "so who is the sorry jackass ruining my fun time?" he yelled to be heard over the noise of the bar and looked around as almost everyone went quiet.

@Deadly Malice
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Delano Kuran
Delano Kuran.jpg

Delano slowly rose from the corner in which he had sat, away from the underground crooks and all the keen-eyed hunters who were clever enough to notice a vampire, especially one bold enough to walk into a hunter's nest. That didn't bother him though, some lowly human hunters couldn't hurt a Kuran if they tried but it would have ruined his tux so he had decided against riling the masses just this once. Delano tucked a deck of cards into an inside pocket, adjusted his cufflinks and looked Jin directly in the eyes with a suave smirk. Even though Delano was shorter than Jin he didn't show any signs of losing his stature to the vampire who had sent the entire bar into silence with just a sentence. Still, he now had a captive audience and he was about to have some fun.
"Well, you do know how to make an entrance, do you not, shame that your family name is being dragged through the dirt with the rest of these low lifes. Or do they not know who you are hmmm?" He took out one of his special deck of cards, he had the nagging suspicion that he was going to need them soon enough, and began to shuffle them slowly between his fingers.

Jin groaned and went straight for the whiskey at the bar "I definitely need a drink or ten for this conversation." he said as he poured himself a glass "why is it so quiet in here! Go do your thing and be loud. This is a conversation for the big boys" he said earning glares from every guy around but they knew better than to challenge Jin in his own bar so they went about their business. of course, some tried to listen in on the conversation, someone always tried but once Jin spotted them he threw a hidden throwing blade in their direction. "Okay keep it quiet you freaking peacock or I'm gonna turn you into a girl. Now, want a drink? let's get this along I have things to kill and places to be" he said while waving a blade around and then walked back to the guy but kept his weapons at the ready in case it would turn into a fight.
"now who are you, what the hell do you want and couldn't it wait till my shift? I hate when my fun is interrupted" he said and smiled a sinister half smile.
The slow dripping of water from a leaking pipe overhead disturbs the silence of the underground tunnel, faintly lit by staggered torches; it made for easy passage throughout the city. Faraday sharply scanned her surroundings as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her coat. There were many people that inhabited these grounds, all with their own reasons, but with identical goals; the wishes of Carth. Faraday cared not if that was his actual name; he was the master of these tunnels; at least that is what the inhabitants thought him to be. He was usually involved with minor crimes throughout the city. Not a huge threat to them, but he offered an interesting contract proposal she could not refuse. She could feel a few wandering eyes fall over them as the trio turned down a hallway, making their way towards a wooden door with two guards positioned in front.

She glances over her shoulder at Gryph and Alyona, flashing them a sly smirk before addressing the guards. Her lips melt into a grin when the guards flinch as she withdraws one of her hands from her pocket. Her hair falls over her shoulder as she tilts her head coyly, handing them a green gem; a symbol allowing for their passage. It was evident that this was not their first encounter with them, and the reaction amused her. She winks at them, placing the gem back into her pocket as she stepped through the door entering into a large room. A fireplace burned brightly in the far corner, its glow disrupted by a large cliche red chair in front of it.

seasonedcat seasonedcat Juju Juju
Delano Kuran
Delano Kuran.jpg
Delano watched amused as the riffraff in the room went back to their usual shenanigans of whatever humans did when they were drunk. The acknowledgement that he wasn't to be messed with did boost Delano's ego as he sat back down at the table, his cards sitting neatly in between himself and Jin. Delano tilted his head as the dagger flew past his face and with a satisfying *thunk* sank into the table behind him. A sly grin on his face, Delano leaned back in his chair comfortably and spoke up to 'Mr tall dark and imposing'.
"Ooo, immediately with the threats, very interesting indeed and no, I do not wish to try whatever passes for alcohol around here. As for your business,"he said with a snear" calling yourself a thing is hardly fitting of one such as yourself, or at least what you used to be. As for the who, what, and why it's quite simple. I am Delano Kuran, Hier to the Kuran name and you sir are the festering leftovers of what used to be an Evernight. Why I'm here? To see how low the other houses can go and may I just say that you have done quite the fall, a vampire of noble birth, now a hunter and running a bar for human scum, it's very impressive."
Delano didn't break eye contact with Jin as he let out his harsh words and criticisms, his posture showing no signs of nervousness nor fear as he showed no signs of whispering (not that he was shouting) or care for how angry Jin might get. He slowly picked up the cards in front of himself and started to shuffle them as he continued the conversation.

"tsch got some nerve coming into my bar and acting like your made out of gold you shithead. Those humans over there at least don't hide behind fancy words and pretend masks, sure their scum but they don't hide it. As for the Evernights, I couldn't care less. All I care about is to live the life I chose and do whatever I feel like doing. See if I wanna kill I'm gonna do it with my own hands with a smile on my face instead of sending some dog to do the dirty work. Also, the alcohol here is top notch but I really don't give a shit about your damn taste or opinion. Now if that's all I gotta go kill some things and let my freak flag fly" he said with an evil smile and actually licked his blade to freak the guy out. Obviously, he was a pompous blue-blooded stick in the ass so he would probably think Jin was low, vulgar and beneath him, Jin lived to make people like him cringe.

He ignored whatever the guy would have said or others for that matter and walked towards the door of the bar with an evil smile on his face. So, maybe sometimes it was hard to figure out if Jin was one of the good, the bad or the crazy guys but he really couldn't care less. He liked to fight, make people flinch, make them feel uncomfortable or otherwise mess with them at any chance he got. It was his main source or entertainment besides hunting. Also, he had already talked to the guy more then he did with other people and was getting annoyed by that fact. His hands were itching to hunt and he wouldn't delay his pleasure for much longer.
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Location: Carth's Hideout

Status: Human

Tags: Missy Missy seasonedcat seasonedcat

Gryph took the rear as the trio made their way single file through the twisting rat-way that was Carth's hideout. Crawling through such an enclosed space wasn't Gryph's first choise but a job was a job and this one was going to pay well. In honesty, the money didn't interest the grizzled shifter in the slightest, but the promise of a hunt did. Hunter, human, supernatural, it didn't matter. All that did was the kill.

Eventually the passageway began to branch off into side tunnels, most of which the trio passed. Gryph happened to peer into one in passing, and even with the sunglasses over her eyes she could make out figures moving in the dimness. She tilted her head to the side and took in a breath of air. Beneath the stench of mildew and sewage she could make out the lingering scents of demon, vampire and human. Typical stalker hideout.

When they reached a doorway she watched Faraday flash her a mischievous smirk -- to which Gryph frowned in response -- and handed the sentry a green gem. Soon enough the three stepped through the door to find a lavishly decorated office room complete with a fireplace. Compared to the damp corridors beyond, it was like a completely different world.

By the fireplace was a red armchair, but it didn't interest Gryph so much as the man who stood up from it upon their arrival. He was tall with a slender build that complemented the graceful way he walked towards his desk, each step swooping and calculated. His facial features were angled and gaunt, but the sharpness of his eyes kept the assumption of weakness at bay. They were a bright red that shined a bit too brightly in the darkness, like the embers after a fire. Even after all these years, Gryph knew the look of an alpha when she saw one.

"Come, sit. There is much to discuss." Carth said, motioning with a hand to cause three stools to rise from the fire's flickering shadows. Gryph simply crossed her arms and stood where she was.

If the shadow demon took offence to the gesture, he hid it well and looked to Faraday. "I am glad that you took up our offer, Miss Starsong. Your help will be greatly appreciated by my order and I assure you, you will be repayed handsomely for your services." He folded his hands on the desk and leaned leaned backwards into his chair.
"As I am sure you know, the presence of hunters in this city has increased over the past decade, becoming somewhat of a pest. We've been able to handle them without any trouble but this past week three of my men have been taken out. The most recent was just an hour ago. What we need is some pest control but..." He paused for a moment, before smiling softly. "I trust you understand the need for neutrality in such matters."

"These are the shifters you spoke of, yes?"
he continued whilst giving Gryph and Alyona a once-over.

"I'm sad to say I do not employ such savages in my circle but I know someone who does. He calls himself Norrix and runs a rag-tag gang of uncivilized brutes called the Red Claw. They compete with my stalkers for territory and no matter how many times we cut them down they always manage to crawl back like rats. We found the location of their newest hideout but this time I have other plans for them. This is where you three come in."

Unconcerned about the death-glare from Gryph, he snapped his fingers and a two dufflebags floated towards the trio, suspended by hand-like shadows. "The fools always wear this symbol on their person. I want you to wear their colors when you take care of the trespassing hunters."
Annie felt a cold chill travelling up her spine as she skulked down the cracked sidewalk, noting the way the street lights illuminated the area, bathing the otherwise darkened area in a subdued, white light. She breathed a heavy sigh and squared her shoulders, she was still grappling with the notion of running toward the things that went bump in the night, instead of fleeing in the opposite direction. I can do this. Investigate the scene, and don't stay around long enough for trouble to find you. She repeated the mantra in her head, as if the words could bring her some comfort, or rest, but with each strike of her heel against the pavement, she felt the knot in her stomach twist tighter, felt her fingers itch toward the knife concealed at her side. She'd successfully dodged most confrontations with supernaturals to this point, only having a few run-ins with them. After the shit show that had gone down with her sister, she had been working on a more 'low profile' hunting career. Mostly, she tried to collect information on rogue supernaturals so she could deliver it to hunters that were more skilled in combat. Her ears twitched as a breeze whistled through the sleepy, hollow streets around her, and she felt herself overcome with an unbearable swell of emotion, grainy images of a stranger's death flashing through her mind once more, this time a little clearer. This must have been where the death occurred, or close to it, she reasoned. And the culprits couldn't be far away.
Alyona walked behind Gryph and Faraday, lazily dragging her feet with her hands in her pocket. She had to wake up from her nap for this, and what would they get in return? Money! That did not interest her at all, only sleeping did. However Gryph made her come, so she had no other choice. She sighed at the guards who got spooked by Faraday, Some guards...

As they entered the room Alyona studied the ceiling while the others talked, she did not care to much for small talk. Her gaze drifted to Carth as he spat about him and Gryph being savages. Alyona shrugged at the thought, maybe they were, maybe the weren't. Does it really matter, I mean we are doing a job for him.... Alyona rolled her eyes at the man's foolishness before continued to study the ceiling, Gryph or Faraday would have to explain what the meeting was about after because Alyona was paying zero attention.

Alyona shifted her gaze to the guards standing put next to the door. One of the were looking between Alyona and Gryph with a mix of disgust and fear. She gave him a smirk before making a gun with her fingers and 'shooting' it at him. He flinched slightly before giving her a glare. Alyona lazily saluted him before turning back to the conversation at hand. She noticed they had been given two duffel bags,
I hope what he said wasn't to important, if it is then it will just be a bother.

Juju Juju Missy Missy

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