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Fantasy Nighthunters CS



The life of a group of hunters who some are supernatural beings themselves (vampires, shifters or demons). When supernaturals become wild/ rogue, break the rules or threaten to expose their existence to humans the group of hunters hunts them down and deals with the situation. There is a group of supernaturals called Libera that plan and plot in the shadows to expose their existence to humans and want to rule them. The hunters will have their hands full with their everyday lives, their usual job and with trying to stop the secret group from succeeding.

You can be both a hunter or a member of Libera. if you have more then one character make sure you can keep up. You can have maximum 3 characters.


Sensitive to sunlight but its not fatal

Silver coated weapons can kill them

They can die if they don’t drink blood for too long a period

Born ones are known for their good looks

Are either born or turned but not many are compatible for the transformation

Some can use blood magic (use their blood to heal, track or do other minor spells)



Silver coated weapons can kill them

Immune to human diseases

Have a human and an animal form but their senses are always heightened

Are either born or turned but not many are compatible for the transformation

Long living (can become up to 700 years old unless they mate with a vampire or demon then they become immortal)

Can shift at will at any time


Come in different types (lust, anger, greed,…)

Feed of peoples energy through a touch

Look human but some have a second form they can tun into

Can do some magic

Holy objects can kill them

Cant be exorcised, they have to be killed


Human looking beings that can manifest wings

Allergic to iron

Can’t lie

Have powers that are mostly energetic or nature based



Half human, half angel

Can manifest wings

Have a power that is the main one thus the strongest, but can also have one or two lesser posers

Like demons, they need energy to survive


Humans with the ability to see, talk to and raise the dead.

When a dead person is brought back they are only functional for a certain length of time depending on how powerful the necromancer is

Some can have visions of events that are given to them by the dead



1. Don’t kill other members characters without their permission

2. No god modding

3. Do not meta game

4. No lore-breaking and no auto gaming or power playing (give others a chance to respond to your characters action instead of taking over their character's reaction as well)

5. No detailed sex scenes

6. tell the RP group if you intend to stop playing the RP so they won't wait for your reply.

7. You can have more than 1 character if you can handle it

If you don’t understand the rules please contact me and I will explain them.

What is allowed in the IC RP between characters:
Fight scenes, cursing, one night stands between characters (don’t be too detailed, its not an erotic RP), bromance between characters, LGBT, friendship between characters, Soulmates between characters but do keep in mind that once you decide that then you have to stick with the person and also keep the RP action/supernatural themed. Of course, you have to ask the other player/s if it is okay with them.

PM me with questions, suggestions,tips, etc...












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More about libera:​

The organization consists of their leader, his two right hand man and a group of individuals that have sworn an oath to stand by their leaders side till their dying breath, the leader is a powerful vampire that thinks supernatural beings are superior to humans and should be allowed to do whatever they desire be it feed of humans or rule them. Libera's leader is a mystery to everyone but his second hands and third in command who have been with their leader since Lubera was formed. The leader's hatred for humans started when he was still in his early years (approx. 1400’s but no one knows for sure how old the Libera leader is) and their family was killed by an angry mob of humans with torches. His hatred only grew stronger throughout the years as he lost many people and even his mate by the hand of humans. That hatred turned into something twisted and evil despite the initial reason being a good one -at the beginning of Liberas forming he only wanted an organization that would protect supernaturals from humans. Since Liberas underlings have all sworn an oath to stand by their leader till their dying breath which also tells a lot about the leader's persuasion abilities.

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Mikayla 'Mik' Anderson
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Straight
Face Claim: Evangeline Lily
Quote: I'm a professional.

Personality: Mik feels she has to work harder than the rest as she's small in stature. She's persistent and likes to think of all options before taking something on. When training, she always aims for perfection. At times she can be callous to supernaturals, even those she works with. Because of that she is closer to the other human hunters than the supernaturals.
Bio: Mikayla grew up in the suburbs in a happy family. She was an only child, her mother no longer able to have kids. At fourteen she was thrust into another lifestyle when her parents were killed by a demon. She only survived because she was spending the night at a friends. The remaining teenage years were spent training to put down rogue supernaturals. She has a hard time finding jobs because she keeps getting fired for being late or calling out too much.
Coded by taliaangeni taliaangeni
Eva Rivka
Age: Several thousand years old (appears to be in mid 20’s)
Gender: Female
Species: Demon (Wrath)
Powers: Shadow manipulation, gains strength from the sins of others
Sexuality: Bisexual

Faceclaim: Felicity Jones
Quote: You’re either the hunter or the hunted.
Personality: Eva is used to getting what she wants. Men, women, recognition, souls of the damned. She’s primarily self-serving, using cunning manipulation to get her way. She’ll pour honey in your ear and be a loyal companion when it suits her.
When she doesn’t get her way, she is true up her type, often flying into a rage. Eva can get incredibly violent and aggressive when she’s angry. When hunting though, she prefers to keep her cool, as it’s less sloppy. Earning her true loyalty is rare. She may be sarcastic or flirtatious, but the only true form of her loyalty is her honesty. If Eva is honest, then you’ve earned yourself a true ally.

Bio: Eva was sent to Earth with the original purpose of encouraging sin and ushering souls to hell. Over time, as hunters began to track down errant supernaturals, Eva began to get in on the game. Hunting, killing and sending bigger and more powerful souls to the underworld. This quickly earned the approval of her superiors. To avoid suspicion, she works where the purest rage is born, the DMV. In fact, working there brings her almost as much joy as hunting. But once five o’clock rolls around, she sheds her state approved uniform and heads out into the dark alleys, turning in a hunter, gleefully punishing other creatures for their wrongdoings.
Jin (Hae-Jin) Evernight


AGE: unknown, looks 24

GENDER: male

SPECIES: vampire / hunter

POWERS: enhanced senses, enhanced speed and strength, once he drinks from someone he can track them down for the next seven days, if he feeds someone his blood they heal almost instantly but become immune to his compulsion until his blood is out of their system. Blood magic (drawing symbols to kill minor demons).

WEAKNESSES: weapons coated with silver, direct sunlight can give him extreme sunburn but isn’t fatal.

SEXUALITY: bisexual

APPEARANCE: asymmetric hairstyle shaved on one side while reaching over his shoulder on the other, he is half Asian, his eyes are a very dark blue and very expressive (he can tell what he wants to say with just one look if he wants to).

PERSONALITY: He is a bit of a wild card, you never know what he is going to do because he acts on impulse, very passionate, but can be cruel towards his enemies, he wouldn’t admit it out loud but he actually loves being a hunter since it gives him a way to let his crazy side out without being judged. He obsesses over weapons and behaves like a gangster sometimes.

OTHER INFO: he was born a vampire to one of the five oldest vampire families. When he reached full maturity (at the age of 24 when he also stopped aging) he was cursed with a curse that makes it impossible for him to survive on human blood so instead, he has to feed from his own kind and other Nightwalkers (supernatural beings). He became a hunter to get blood as payment for his work but came to enjoy the hunts. His weapons of choice are either two silver guns or two black twin daggers which he has always with him and named them Yin and Jang, he is very possessive of them because they were his fathers and doesn’t let anyone near them without getting aggressive. At day he works in a bar that is a gathering place for criminals so he is always with one foot in the news pool of the underground.


“I’ll give you a taste of karma you sorry SOB”, “paybacks a bitch”, “Justice? I’m not in it for justice I’m in it for the fun”

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Roxana Volkov


AGE: 24 years old

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Half demon / half human

POWERS: walking (teleporting) trough shadows, she is half lust demon so she feeds of lustful and sometimes even romantic emotions of others, once she is fed she has stronger senses strength and speed but if she is hungry she is only as strong as a human.

SEXUALITY: bi sexual

APPEARANCE: wavy black hair reaching almost half her back, dark brown eyes with flecks of gold, when she feeds her eyes take on a dim amber glow.

PERSONALITY: She is a sensual person, every move she makes is elegant and seductive since it is in her nature, unlike most lust demons she doesn’t flirt with just anybody and actually has high standards about her bed partners. She fights with everything she has because for her it means surviving another day. She trains every day and never takes a day off. She never lets anyone walk all over her. She can get really protective of people close to her. But sometimes she appears a bit cold.

OTHER INFO: Roxana was born in Russia but immediately got smuggled into America with some other children. She was adopted but as soon as her demonic nature awoke she had been abandoned and started moving from foster home to foster home never really having a real home. She was taken in by a hunter when she turned sixteen and learned about the hunter's way and about the way to control her nature.

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Orion Adler
Age: 150 (appears around 28)
Gender: Male
Species: Shifter
Power: Has the ability to shift into a large wolf, enhanced senses, excellent tracker
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: In his human form, Orion appears to be a tall handsome man. He wears his hair in a buzz cut, his light brown skin is dotted with freckles where his beard doesn’t cover. He’s well muscled, with broad shoulders and chest. In his wolf form, his fur is a rich black and he has amber eyes. As a wolf, Orion is a little taller than five feet at the shoulder.
Quote: “If this job was easy or glamourous, everyone would do it.”
Personality: Orion is well disciplined and a good hunter. Due to his species and powers, Orion takes on more of a tracking role when it comes to tracking down other supernaturals. He prefers to work alone, but isn’t opposed to having a partner, so long as they are as serious about the job as he is. Outside of work, Orion is a social individual, enjoying time with his friends. He is a loyal individual and trusts relatively easily, but can be incredibly stubborn. Due to this stubbornness, he can be slow to forgive, tending to hold grudges.

Bio: Orion was born a human to an average family. When he was a teenager, he wandered into the woods, looking for some peace and quiet. In broad daylight, he was attacked by a shifter in its animal form, getting bitten in the process. For a while, nothing happened. But then one day Orion turned. During his first transformation he blacked out. When he woke up, he was covered in blood in the middle of the woods. It didn’t take long for an older shifter to take Orion under his wing, teaching him the ropes and helping him harness his powers. Orion decided to use his powers for something bigger than himself. He decided to become a hunter, helping keep other supernaturals safe from discovery.
Annette ('Annie') Winters


AGE: 22

GENDER: female

SPECIES: human (necromancer)

POWERS: Annette can see the dead, can sense when a spirit is nearby or attempting to get in contact and can raise the dead. However, she struggles to have direct conversations with dead people. She also receives visions from the dead - these visions are usually sudden, unexpected and manifest themselves as particular images, sounds, or emotions, and are therefore somewhat cryptic.

SEXUALITY: lesbian

APPEARANCE: Annette has long, dark brown hair which falls in loose waves past her shoulders. She has a soft face, with button nose and big, grey eyes. She is of average height, but isn't physically very strong or muscular.

PERSONALITY: Annette is equal parts distant as she is nurturing. She cares deeply for the people around her, and once she knows someone she will go to extraordinary lengths to ensure their safety and happiness. Her actions are driven by her heart more often than her head, and this emotional thinking results in her making rash and extreme decisions; for this reason she usually comes off as impulsive and overemotional to those around her. She has a hard time telling people she cares about them, and while she puts up a brave facade, she is in actuality easily frightened and anxious most of the time. People who know her would describe her as caring, bookish, curious, friendly, and selfless.

BIO: Annette had a strange childhood, she and her younger sister spent most of their lives bouncing around foster homes . She also had a tenuous and abnormal link with the dead and was an avid believer in ghosts. In secret, she researched necromancy, and was sucked into the world of supernaturals. Afraid at what she was discovering, she turned her back on it for a time. When she was eighteen, she became her sister's legal guardian and took a job as a private investigator to support them - she would use her necromancy skills to help her solve cases. This is when she encountered rogue supernaturals, who had been carrying out a series of reckless behaviours in her area. When she finally found and confronted them, they threatened her sister. Annette knew she had to disappear from her sister's life to protect her, so she left her sister with a nice family, skipped town, and begun hunting any rogue supernaturals.

SOMETHING THEY'D SAY: "Death is just as much a part of life as anything else, embrace it."

Delano Kuran
Delano Kuran (Cards).jpg Delano Kuran.jpg
AGE: Unknown, looks early 20's


SPECIES: Vampire

~Supernatural Agility
~Supernatural Strength
~Regenerative Healing Factor
~Claw Retraction
~Fang Retraction
~Blood Magic

SEXUALITY: Homosexual

APPEARANCE: Delano has short, black, scruffy hair that falls in front of his warm ruby eyes. He wears a suave smile on his pale face, the only blemish being a small broken heart tattoo that sits on his right cheek.
He is below average height with a thin physique and will usually wear a tuxedo accompanied by white gloves.

PERSONALITY: Delano believes himself to be a suave, and charming individual who can be condescending and a bit of a smart ass when he is in a good mood. He doesn't raise his voice or show any physical signs of anger however if he does get angry or needs to be threatening he will use indirect threats and passive-aggressive communication along with letting his vampiric features unravel themselves to show that he is not someone who should be taken lightly, despite his mannerisms. He also has a fascination with playing cards and magic tricks and will often carry a few decks on his person.

OTHER INFO: The vampiric Kuran family is an old, aristocrat family both in and out of the supernatural worlds.
Delano, while he can fight in close quarters prefers to use specially made playing cards as ranged projectiles, keeping himself at distance with his opponent.
His family has close ties with Libera and Delano is no different

"Well in my defence, I was bored"
"I am me, and you are not. You have my sympathies"


NAME: Faraday Starsong

AGE: 124 (24 in human years)

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Nephilim

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

PERSONALITY: Charming and witty, her coy personality often keeps the wise on their toes. As an anti-hero, her actions are often unreliable, motivated by only the self- interest of the trio. Over the many years in the city, she has accumulated a wealth of information, knowing the ins and out of the city; what organizations there was, their interests, and how she can use them to her advantage. Sometimes she finds herself in a "double agent" situation, some of which lead to her capture and close death. When her cunning words fail to turn the captures against each other, she turns to a more physical alternative measure with the help of the others.


Star's Fury: Faraday manifests her energy into a powerful weapon called Star's Fury; a bow and arrow infused with ice and wielded with deadly precision.

Mindfulness Obedience: Implant thoughts into her victim's mind usually resulting in conflict with their own thoughts, and possibly leading them to change them believing them their own.

OTHER INFORMATION: Faraday's companions, Gryph and Alyona are the only people she trusts; her partners in crime. Having meet at a young age, the trio quickly came to the understanding of their common interests leading to a lasting friendship. Currently they are carrying out a contract while casting their web deeper further throughout the city.


" Knowledge is power"


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Yamir "Gryph" Gryphon
(you really shouldn't call her Yamir...)





APPEARANCE: (NOTE! She is blind in her left eye)

Generally speaking, Gryph doesn't get along well with others. She harbors an unfathomable (and quite impressive) dislike for most people and things; humans are filth, vampires are stuck up pansies, demons are all sluts, and so the list goes on. With a pessimistic outlook and a cynical attitude it's a wonder she even bothers living in society at all. It's almost as if she lingers for the sake of grumbling out complaints... which are always in ample supply. She's got a quick temper that often results in somebody getting mauled, which so happens to be her go-to method of sorting out problems.​


Transformation: Siberian Tiger:
Gryph's shifted form is that of a siberian tiger. Weighing about 320kg and armed with claws and fangs, she is a formidable opponent. Though she takes every opportunity to join an open fight, her truest strength is in ambushing the unwary. Her size and sheer strength often allows her to overwhelm most prey but her lack of a left eye is a disadvantage that can be highly manipulated.

High regeneration: Being pure-born, Gryph can heal from most wounds...given time. Her metabolism works extremely fast, with a grave wound transforming into a minor one in less than an hour so long as she is undisturbed. However, this factor is stopped if the wound was inflicted by a silver-coated weapon.


"I like the sound you make when you stop talking."

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Tiger, Tiger, how did you lose your eye?
Gryph is a pure-born shifter with no family to thank for her ancient lineage... she is an exile. Once she was part of a community of shifters whom lived far from the eyes of humans. That was until the humans came to them. They hunted down the prey, choked the rivers, and tore apart the land with selfish insolence. Gryph was enraged by this wanton destruction, but not so much as she was at her people's cowardly approach. They preferred to hide like mice before a flame and hope the humans would leave what little untouched land remained. So, the young shifter took matters into her own hands. It was a slaughter, nothing left but mangled bodies upon the snow before her kin found what had happened. Instead of thanking her for ridding such filth from their sacred land, the leader of the shifters took her eye -- for her lack of true sight -- and sent her into exile battered, bloody, and clinging onto life. For in the northern tribes it is nature that is the final judge, and winter holds the sharpest blade.

Alyona Sokolov​


Name: Alyona Sokolov

Age: 162

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Race: Russian

Species: Shifter


  • Shifting: Alyona is able to shift into a animal, which for her is a Polar bear.
  • Increased Strength: Alyona has heightened strength due to her Shift animal.
  • Increased Endurance: Alyona has a lot of endurance due to Polar bears being able to swim for 3 days at a time.
  • Temperature resistance: Alyona is not really affected by the cold to much. (to some extent of course)


Distinguishing features:
+Thick Russian accent
+White hair

+Doing nothing

-Having to do things
-The sun

Alyona's personality is laid back and typically not giving a care to most things. She is lazy and does not enjoy doing a lot of work (any work to be exact). She spends the time she can sleeping or just laying somewhere being lazy. She enjoys jokes and puns and can be sarcastic at 'times'. She tends to be critical just to annoy others and doesn't put effort into anything.


Alyona was born into a Shifter Clan in southern Russia that was made up of different species of bears. There was 5 others not including Alyona, with a whooping 6 in total. Alyona eventually got tired of living day by day with noting to do but work, when she would rather be in a bed sleeping the days away. So when she reached the age of 22, she left and went on to exploring northern Russia alone.

She spent the next 100+ years of her life living in northern Russia, not having a care in the world. She lived in small caves or snow drifts while she was there, the cold not bothering her. She eventually left Russia after meeting a woman named Gryph whose life she had saved when she came stumbling into Alyona's territory with her eye missing.


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