



Full Name: Everest K. Lynch

Nickname(s): “Control Freak”

Rank: Doc (Honorary member because of past events, but is not officially related to the Counts organization, and on numerous occasions he has helped both sides as well as civilians in the past…)

Occupation: Surgeon / Contractor (Not the construction kind… what I mean is he’s pretty much the job board from every fantasy world ever…) / Contract Killer (kinda)/ hypnotist / radio jockey (long story… also, this is his day job…)

Age: 17

Date of Birth: September 24th

Blood type: -O

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Current Relationship Status: Single

Crush(es): No, and doubts he could ever get one because of his jobs… but is not opposed to the idea…


Height: 6'3"​

Weight: 152lbs

Body Structure: Tall and lanky with well cared for hands.

Eye Color: Teal

Skin Tone:Pale

Hair Color and Style: Mid-length spikey steel gray hair (this is his natural hair color), but usually wears a bandanna and a hat over it.

Distinguishing Marks: Three claw scars on his left cheek

Health: Experiences panic attacks due to excessive loneliness, Is allergic to cats.

Usual Clothing Style: Steel gray clothes, a silver cross necklace, a leather bracer on his right wrist, a smart watch on his left wrist, a Libra ring


a steel gray hat, a teal bandanna and a black leather belt.


Hobbies: Dissections, playing chess, reading ancient medical texts, programming, managing contracts, playing any musical instrument and walking around the city.​

Strengths: Extensive knowledge of the human body and of medicines and medical sciences, Is highly adept with computers and how they work (I.E. hacking and programming), is a master tactician and strategist. Is the master of the Jesters…

Weaknesses: has no physical combat skills whatsoever… (This includes guns, and knives… anything… all he can do is run away…)

Quirks/Habits: Has the bad habit of snapping his fingers for many different reasons, always has a pack of playing cards on him, is always checking for texts or emails on his watch phone or computer. Whichever is closest. If there is a musical instrument nearby, Everest will at some point start playing it… no matter what…

Likes: Playing instruments, preforming surgeries, playing chess and out smarting the enemy, and watching the city through security cameras.

Dislikes: Being alone, being threatened, fighting, loosing.

Usual Demeanor: Everest is typically a cheerful guy… until he’s put in a “match”… then he becomes deadly serious and commands his troops with extreme precision. Outside of matches though, Everest is extremely cheerful, and is a fun guy, even for the villains to hang around. If your hurt and you go to see Everest, he’ll patch you up no matter which side you are aligned with… Just don’t get on his bad side… the Jesters are always looking for a reason to kill…


History: From the moment Everest was born, his father was teaching him medicine and hypnosis, training him to become a high class surgeon, while his mother taught him all about computers and music. At the age of 8, Everest was officially certified as a trained surgeon, met his best friend, a radio jockey and ended up working with him, started dealing with contracts, hacked in to the city’s security cameras, made his first Jester, and saved the Counts life… One day while walking in the slums with his first Jester, Everest witnessed a man being shot and stabbed numerous times. After ordering his Jester to hunt down the men who had done it, he took the man to his house where he treated the man’s wounds, saving his life. The next day, the man introduced himself as “The Count”, and thanked Everest for saving him, as the count was leaving Everest’s house, the Jester returned with the heads of three men in it’s hands. Thinking he was screwed, and that the count was going to report him, Everest was planning on ordering his Jester to kill the count. However instead of this, the Count seemed curious and inquired as to what the Jester was. Replying, Everest told him it was a brain dead man he had hypnotized and pumped full of drugs, and turned him into the ultimate, obedient, loyal, killer slave. Laughing, the count offered Everest a deal; in exchange for the occasional favor and usage of Everest’s medical skills, The Count would supply Everest with all the subjects for Jesters he could ever want. Laughing, not expecting the count to actually be able to do it, Everest agreed. The next day the Count rose to power…​

Weapon(s): The Jesters and his computer

|The Jesters|


People Everest has drugged and hypnotized to the point of total obedience. The jesters respond to a language that only Everest knows, they feel no pain (they still take damage, it just won’t affect them [well dismemberment and neutralizing limbs will, but just shooting them won’t work… unless it’s a head shot]), All Jesters wear identical mask and clothing, the masks all have cameras on them so Everest can see what they see real time, the masks also have features that allow Everest to relay info in real time back to them. The clothes all have thin Kevlar plates in them (large enough to stop a high caliber pistol round). The Jesters follow Everest’s commands to the letter, but are smart enough to take the initiative if necessary. Each Jester has 4 pairs of knives, a pair of handguns, and a submachine gun, along with whatever Everest gives them. All Jesters have absurd agility and reaction times, and are fairly strong, however without Everest’s commands, they are typically about as smart as wild beasts. Every now and then Everest creates a jester that has above average intelligence. He calls these the Wicked Jesters and uses them as his elite forces. To compliment his usage of the Jesters, Everest has created multiple programs, some of which allow Everest to access all the cameras and electric features in the area (imagine the abilities from watch_dogs but with some variations), highlight enemies, get an overhead view of the area, and numerous other tricks to give him a tactical advantage.

(also, , sorry but i stole your bio and used it as a template because i liked it... [the set up, not the character, although i do like your character...])


Cathrin Nightingale

Nickname: Bloody Nightmare, or Cat

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.7ec2518ce007d09a44187764cc7a02df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.7ec2518ce007d09a44187764cc7a02df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.acf4cfa4127075f0a2827cf03fffc5d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.acf4cfa4127075f0a2827cf03fffc5d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.8ee52e4a8494d69eccb90fff4e84fd07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50377" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.8ee52e4a8494d69eccb90fff4e84fd07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.8329d29beb10bccedf2e2de57b9c54e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.8329d29beb10bccedf2e2de57b9c54e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"You can't run, you cant hide, because I will find you."


25 years of age.


Hair color: Light purple at the top, darker towards the bottom.

Eye color: Purple/Blue ( She has blue eyes, with a bit of purple at the top. Her pupils are not black, but they are blue)

Height: 5'9

Hair style: Down, layered, short (to her shoulders)

Clothes: She wears a light brown pleated checkered skirt, a white sweatshirt with long dark blue sleeves with a black singlet underneath and a yellow pendant. She wears long dark & light purple striped stockings with white shoes and has a belt tied to her left leg. It is unknown what she keep in the front pouch of her sweatshirt.


She is portrayed as a lonely, depressed and misunderstood girl, she can shown to be a reserved girl with little emotions to none at all. She is very commanding and when someone dosent follow her order, the next day there found dead. But when night comes she is a heartless person, killing, stealing, or just stalking people and very relentless. But when she gets to know someone she is rather nice and cheerful and kind to that person. But for some odd reason she always has a sucker in her mouth.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.d58e748d1a42026e7c3b3cfeafff2745.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50378" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.d58e748d1a42026e7c3b3cfeafff2745.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.51a4163dd5dd805c00c670622dba056d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50380" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.51a4163dd5dd805c00c670622dba056d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.a863d8613919c200f70e009ec103ccfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.a863d8613919c200f70e009ec103ccfd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.3af8b62ed8712560c61ac94bbb1dcf94.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.3af8b62ed8712560c61ac94bbb1dcf94.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Give me a sec)


(Hopes to be eather knight or commander)


Owner of Alad's Mechanics Shop/Smuggler's Glove/Hit man


Very knowledgable



Good aim and swing

(Make since when you the weapons)


Being stubborn

Can over think things

Get mad easily


(Give me a sec)


(And sorry for the wait it took be about 13 hours to draw those pictures :3)



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Jinx said:


Cathrin Nightingale

View attachment 115983

View attachment 115960

View attachment 115980

25 years of age.


Hair color: Light purple at the top, darker towards the bottom.

Eye color: Purple/Blue ( She has blue eyes, with a bit of purple at the top. Her pupils are not black, but they are blue)

Height: 5'9

Hair style: Down, layered, short (to her shoulders)

Clothes: She wears a light brown pleated checkered skirt, a white sweatshirt with long dark blue sleeves with a black singlet underneath and a yellow pendant. She wears long dark & light purple striped stockings with white shoes and has a belt tied to her left leg. It is unknown what she keep in the front pouch of her sweatshirt.


She is portrayed as a lonely, depressed and misunderstood girl, she can shown to be a reserved girl with little emotions to none at all. She is very commanding and when someone dosent follow her order, the next day there found dead. But when night comes she is a heartless person, killing, stealing, or just stalking people and very relentless. But when she gets to know someone she is rather nice and cheerful and kind to that person. But for some odd reason she always has a sucker in her mouth.


View attachment 115981

(Give me a sec)


(Hopes to be eather knight or commander)


Owner of Alad's Mechanics Shop/Smuggler's Glove/Hit man


Very knowledgable



Good aim and swing

(Make since when you the weapons)


Being stubborn

Can over think things

Get mad easily


(Give me a sec)


(And sorry for the wait it took be about 13 hours to draw those pictures :3)

Ah Rosarie Vampire good manga, I love your drawings! Accepted you can begin posting!


Name: Sylar Del Rae Ignacio

Gender: Male

Nicknames: "Rae"

Alias: "Blu Rae"

Appearance (Night):


Appearance (Day):

Age: 17

Occupation: Cupcake Store

Personality: Bubbly, always happy, especially when shanking people. Very loyal and (usually) trustworthy. Just...don't cross him or his cupcakes. Sylar doesn't like shoes.

Weapons: Shanking Claws, 2 pairs hidden blades (2 elbows, 2 wrists), Dual daggers (hidden on outside of legs), Badass machete.

Rank: Baron (66 counts of murder, petty theft, 18 counts of "manslaughter," fraud, tax evasion)


-Stealth: Sylar is almost nearly silent. He has a natural sense for floorboards that creak, his footsteps are silent, and he breathes very quietly. The loudest thing he does is talk.

-Get In, Get Out: Sylar is agile and flexible. This helps when running or getting away from a sticky situation.

-Awesome Baker: Sylar owns a cupcake shop and has honed his baking skills.

-Much Eyes. So Better.: Sylar sees four different kinds of light instead of three. It's really helpful for designing cupcakes.​


-Talks Too Much: Sylar can get annoying, especially if not told to be quiet. Often he gets off topic and spaces out, sometimes confusing and/or blowing his mind.

-ADHD: Sylar can't pay attention for too long and has a need for speed. He is only able to really focus when on a mission or making cupcakes.

-Schizophrenic: Sylar...hears voices in his head. He talks to them. A lot.

-Frail: Sylar did not get much nutrition growing up, and is very thin. He is somewhat weaker than "normal."​

Background: Sylar's parents abandoned him on the side of a road when he was a newborn. He was an "accident," his parents didn't use protection. An old man by the name of Geap Furlington found him and raised him until he was 7. Geap died then. From then on, Sylar lived off of stealing food and water, until he was 13 and decided to become a blacksmith. That didn't work so well...he ended up stealing scrap metal and melting it down with a bonfire. He fashioned a pair of claws that fit around his wrists and were adjustable. Sylar was really proud and happy at this, and went to show them off. Unfortunately, no one gave a crap, so he went in search of a job where people would care. At first, he was a bus boy at a crappy restaurant. It was boring af, so he assassinated the manager and stole a bunch of money, enough to start a small business. He called it the Sweet Dreams Cupcakery. As it turned out, Sylar was really good at baking, and he made a good amount of money. He expanded his store and built an apartment above it. It was at this point when he remembered the manager he had shanked and thought of how fun it was. Sylar became "Blu Rae" by night and went looking for people who wanted someone killed. Over time, he slowly gathered enough money and resources to build an exoskeleton. He has one, and now is broke. Also, he has been collecting knives recently.


Frickin Shoes:Sylar hates wearing shoes. In fact, he absolutely despises the thought of them. He goes barefoot everywhere.

"Special" Heterochromia: Sylar's eyes are mutated and change color based on his emotions and the time of day.​
Woofers296 said:


Name: Sylar Del Rae Ignacio

Gender: Male

Nicknames: "Rae"

Alias: "Blu Rae"

Appearance (Night):


Appearance (Day):

Age: 17

Occupation: Cupcake Store

Personality: Bubbly, always happy, especially when shanking people. Very loyal and (usually) trustworthy. Just...don't cross him or his cupcakes. Sylar doesn't like shoes.

Weapons: Shanking Claws, 2 pairs hidden blades (2 elbows, 2 wrists), Dual daggers (hidden on outside of legs), Badass machete.

Rank: Baron (66 counts of murder, petty theft, 18 counts of "manslaughter," fraud, tax evasion)


-Stealth: Sylar is almost nearly silent. He has a natural sense for floorboards that creak, his footsteps are silent, and he breathes very quietly. The loudest thing he does is talk.

-Get In, Get Out: Sylar is agile and flexible. This helps when running or getting away from a sticky situation.

-Awesome Baker: Sylar owns a cupcake shop and has honed his baking skills.

-Much Eyes. So Better.: Sylar sees four different kinds of light instead of three. It's really helpful for designing cupcakes.​


-Talks Too Much: Sylar can get annoying, especially if not told to be quiet. Often he gets off topic and spaces out, sometimes confusing and/or blowing his mind.

-ADHD: Sylar can't pay attention for too long and has a need for speed. He is only able to really focus when on a mission or making cupcakes.

-Schizophrenic: Sylar...hears voices in his head. He talks to them. A lot.

-Frail: Sylar did not get much nutrition growing up, and is very thin. He is somewhat weaker than "normal."​

Background: Sylar's parents abandoned him on the side of a road when he was a newborn. He was an "accident," his parents didn't use protection. An old man by the name of Geap Furlington found him and raised him until he was 7. Geap died then. From then on, Sylar lived off of stealing food and water, until he was 13 and decided to become a blacksmith. That didn't work so well...he ended up stealing scrap metal and melting it down with a bonfire. He fashioned a pair of claws that fit around his wrists and were adjustable. Sylar was really proud and happy at this, and went to show them off. Unfortunately, no one gave a crap, so he went in search of a job where people would care. At first, he was a bus boy at a crappy restaurant. It was boring af, so he assassinated the manager and stole a bunch of money, enough to start a small business. He called it the Sweet Dreams Cupcakery. As it turned out, Sylar was really good at baking, and he made a good amount of money. He expanded his store and built an apartment above it. It was at this point when he remembered the manager he had shanked and thought of how fun it was. Sylar became "Blu Rae" by night and went looking for people who wanted someone killed. Over time, he slowly gathered enough money and resources to build an exoskeleton. He has one, and now is broke. Also, he has been collecting knives recently.


Frickin Shoes:Sylar hates wearing shoes. In fact, he absolutely despises the thought of them. He goes barefoot everywhere.

"Special" Heterochromia: Sylar's eyes are mutated and change color based on his emotions and the time of day.​
Accepted! You can start posting now!


Konrad Cruize

"The Red Devil"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/___the_red_knight____by_lutherum-d3b6g2n.png.e305a28966935b96d594867b5fd07929.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/___the_red_knight____by_lutherum-d3b6g2n.png.e305a28966935b96d594867b5fd07929.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






(Doesn't do much except sleep during the day)


Konrad is usually rather serious and cold, not caring about anyone. He is also capable of being kind and friendly to those he likes. The list of people he likes is extremely short.


Katana and Wakizashi


Dual Automatic Pistols




(Multiple accounts of murder, images of him covered in the blood of his victims resulting in his nickname.)


Master Swordsman

Master Martial Artist

Great Agility


Lack of People Skills


Doesn't play nice with others


Konrad grew up alone in the city of Nightfall. In a city of kill or be killed, Konrad did a rather good job at surviving. He grew up walking on the corpses of his victims. He never found any joy in killing, nor killed because of anger. He simply killed, as cold, ruthless, and meticulous as a machine. And it sure got him far in life.


"Murder is just my way of life."



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Daimao said:


Konrad Cruize

"The Red Devil"


View attachment 116433






(Doesn't do much except sleep during the day)


Konrad is usually rather serious and cold, not caring about anyone. He is also capable of being kind and friendly to those he likes. The list of people he likes is extremely short.


Katana and Wakizashi


Dual Automatic Pistols




(Multiple accounts of murder, images of him covered in the blood of his victims resulting in his nickname.)


Master Swordsman

Master Martial Artist

Great Agility


Lack of People Skills


Doesn't play nice with others


Konrad grew up alone in the city of Nightfall. In a city of kill or be killed, Konrad did a rather good job at surviving. He grew up walking on the corpses of his victims. He never found any joy in killing, nor killed because of anger. He simply killed, as cold, ruthless, and meticulous as a machine. And it sure got him far in life.


"Murder is just my way of life."
Accepted! You can start posting now!


Name: April Westfall, Under the name of ‘Echo Fall’

Age: 19, turning 20 in less than a month.


n/a at moment

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Weapon: Two black handguns

Occupation: Street Magician, and street ‘fortune teller’ –

She wanders and only performs her occupation when in need of money.




True Identity

Telling Time (without watch)







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-28_17-56-12.png.510883d70da6354dc6d7117c8e961187.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50637" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-28_17-56-12.png.510883d70da6354dc6d7117c8e961187.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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xoloveox said:


Name: April Westfall, Under the name of ‘Echo Fall’

Age: 19, turning 20 in less than a month.


n/a at moment

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Weapon: Two black handguns

Occupation: Street Magician, and street ‘fortune teller’ –

She wanders and only performs her occupation when in need of money.


  • Emotion


True Identity

Telling Time (without watch)


  • Gunmanship





View attachment 116510
Accepted you can start posting now!



"My name? Well, I'm Sachi, nice to meet you~"

Sachi Montgomery


"Does it matter?"



"Can't you see me?"



"The past is the past right? Why bring the sad memories back?"

Sachi grew up in the city of Nightfall. She knew about the count and the heroes, but she doesn't know their specific name or face. Her aunt raised her up because of the accident that her parents were involved when she was young. She wanted to help her aunt with the money so she applied for a job at the Cubcakery and start working there as the baker.


"Why don't you get to know me?"

She's very friendly, most of the time, and cheerful. She can be very stubborn, sassy and curious sometimes. Sachi is very sociable and don't judge people by their looks. She forgive people way too easily and hates those who steal her sweets.


"You want to know where I work too? O.o "

Baker at The Capcakery


"If you have to know..."

She carries two knives with her at all time.
Chiryoshi said:



"My name? Well, I'm Sachi, nice to meet you~"

Sachi Montgomery


"Does it matter?"



"Can't you see me?"



"The past is the past right? Why bring the sad memories back?"

Sachi grew up in the city of Nightfall. She knew about the count and the heroes, but she doesn't know their specific name or face. Her aunt raised her up because of the accident that her parents were involved when she was young. She wanted to help her aunt with the money so she applied for a job at the Cubcakery and start working there as the baker.


"Why don't you get to know me?"

She's very friendly, most of the time, and cheerful. She can be very stubborn, sassy and curious sometimes. Sachi is very sociable and don't judge people by their looks. She forgive people way too easily and hates those who steal her sweets.


"You want to know where I work too? O.o "

Baker at The Capcakery


"If you have to know..."

She carries two knives with her at all time.
Accepted, you can start posting! @Woofers296 Guess who joining your shop??

Villain by day, hero by night.

Full Name:

Natasha Bankfoot


Asha and The Huntress (disguise name)



(Above) Full body armor/disguise; (Below) Business attire





Asha, born in a small city just beyond the borders of Nightfall, she grew up with five older brothers and a working extended family. Among a farm, her family spent their days working the fields while after dinner, she and her siblings crowded about the fire to practice reading, math, and science. Asha was a fast learner and quickly began to study at the local library for hours. Growing older her father encouraged her to pursue her passion for science and literature.

Sadly, her family was robbed, her father gravely injured before dying a few weeks later. At this, her extended relatives and her two youngest siblings moved further out west at a family cottage while she and her two brothers remained to tend the farm. At age twenty, her brother was beaten while out at the local barn, killed by thieves from Nightfall. By morning she had tracked them down and had slayed them in their own beds. Not wanting to endanger her family further, she convinced her brother to sell the farm. She promised to meet him at the train to head out west, but instead began her way down to Nightfall. Happy enough to spill villain blood. She has been blending her way into the crowd playing the part of a malevolent villain for nearly five years.


Pair of hooked swords with a ivory blue leather handle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-4_17-57-17.jpeg.3acbfc3083be3173ac892cd4d100ea39.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-4_17-57-17.jpeg.3acbfc3083be3173ac892cd4d100ea39.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Owner of the Happy Go Mart (Part time blacksmith also)


Passionate about her cause, she can become quite emotional and reckless at opportune times. If roused she is sloppy and often a mess at fighting. She plays her part as a hero, but has the heart of a farmer. She lacks the guts many times, unless highly provoked to severely harm or kill. While this is a moral high road, it does little when mercy may be your killer. Though just cause she isn't going to kill someone, she will most defiantly break plenty of bones and keep you bed ridden for a good month.


Asha is a very determined, hard working, and rather strong. Devoted to her cause, she has taken up metal working and is quite good with hooked swords. She is prepared and ready, being nimble and decisive. While not always a strength, she is a welcoming and kind personality and character.


Blending well, she is known in the community as more of a neutral standpoint, but in disguise, she does resist the harmful nature of Nighfall. Her greatest asset is remaining anonymous in her nightly actions.​




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TheFallenwhisper said:

Villain by day, hero by night.

Full Name:

Natasha Bankfoot


Asha and The Huntress (disguise name)



(Above) Full body armor/disguise; (Below) Business attire





Asha, born in a small city just beyond the borders of Nightfall, she grew up with five older brothers and a working extended family. Among a farm, her family spent their days working the fields while after dinner, she and her siblings crowded about the fire to practice reading, math, and science. Asha was a fast learner and quickly began to study at the local library for hours. Growing older her father encouraged her to pursue her passion for science and literature.

Sadly, her family was robbed, her father gravely injured before dying a few weeks later. At this, her extended relatives and her two youngest siblings moved further out west at a family cottage while she and her two brothers remained to tend the farm. At age twenty, her brother was beaten while out at the local barn, killed by thieves from Nightfall. By morning she had tracked them down and had slayed them in their own beds. Not wanting to endanger her family further, she convinced her brother to sell the farm. She promised to meet him at the train to head out west, but instead began her way down to Nightfall. Happy enough to spill villain blood. She has been blending her way into the crowd playing the part of a malevolent villain for nearly five years.


Pair of hooked swords with a ivory blue leather handle.

View attachment 117909


Owner of the Happy Go Mart (Part time blacksmith also)


Passionate about her cause, she can become quite emotional and reckless at opportune times. If roused she is sloppy and often a mess at fighting. She plays her part as a hero, but has the heart of a farmer. She lacks the guts many times, unless highly provoked to severely harm or kill. While this is a moral high road, it does little when mercy may be your killer. Though just cause she isn't going to kill someone, she will most defiantly break plenty of bones and keep you bed ridden for a good month.


Asha is a very determined, hard working, and rather strong. Devoted to her cause, she has taken up metal working and is quite good with hooked swords. She is prepared and ready, being nimble and decisive. While not always a strength, she is a welcoming and kind personality and character.


Blending well, she is known in the community as more of a neutral standpoint, but in disguise, she does resist the harmful nature of Nighfall. Her greatest asset is remaining anonymous in her nightly actions.​


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"Oh. You like the hammer? I call her Precious. Not that that matters to my precious victim."

Neutral Sided

Name: Loretta

Alias: Akuma

Age: 29

Appearance: The picture above

Background: Loretta grew up in Nightfall but was raised by a Villian and a Hero. Her mother was murdered by a group if Villians for marrying a Hero and her father died by the same group for being a Hero. She took her mother's outfit and her father's hammer and vowed to kill villians and heroes just to help her parents.

Weapon(s): Precious (see above picture),

Dual revolvers


and sniper/scythe hybrid.

Strengths: Very strong, good aim, fast reflexes.

Weaknesses: Slow attacking, doesn't leave home unless needed, can't go out during day with her gear.
TheSaiyanKami said:

"Oh. You like the hammer? I call her Precious. Not that that matters to my precious victim."

Neutral Sided

Name: Loretta

Alias: Akuma

Age: 29

Appearance: The picture above

Background: Loretta grew up in Nightfall but was raised by a Villian and a Hero. Her mother was murdered by a group if Villians for marrying a Hero and her father died by the same group for being a Hero. She took her mother's outfit and her father's hammer and vowed to kill villians and heroes just to help her parents.

Weapon(s): Precious (see above picture),

Dual revolvers


and sniper/scythe hybrid.

Strengths: Very strong, good aim, fast reflexes.

Weaknesses: Slow attacking, doesn't leave home unless needed, can't go out during day with her gear.
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