

One Weird Winker

Sign up sheet(s) (please read overview and the in rp tab before signing up)





(picture or description)



(during the day what do you do?)




(give reasoning to how you got that rank e.g minor theft makes you the bottom of the ladder)


(At least three)


(at least three)


(how you're associates with nightfall)


(stuff I may have missed out)




Appearance:(picture or description)



(how you came to this city)




(At least three)


(At least three)


(stuff I may have missed out)






(Picture or description)



(where do you work or what shop do you own? you can make up your own shop, but if so please include picture and description, as I will post it in the overview)


(stuff I may have missed out)
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Name: Taylor "Noctis Dentia"



Age: 26

Occupation: Hobo

Personality: Cautious

Weapons: A small dagger and three silenced pistols

Rank: Scavenger. He's been on the streets since he was twelve so he knows how to set up a small shelter and scavenge for things he needs.

Strengths: Can use a pistol like a soldier. Is very skillful with a knife. Has great upper and lower body strength. Is extremely nimble and acrobatic.

Weaknesses: Lives in an alley with a bunch of rats. Can easily get rabies from said rats. Only has street smarts and survival skills so he doesn't know as much as educated people. Doesn't have money. Doesn't have a proper way to get needed materials.

Background: Taylor lost his mother at birth and was raised by his father. His father died when he was eleven. At age twelve he decided to live on the streets and beg because he thought people would pity him and give him things. He was wrong. After a week without being successful with begging he started to steal from delivery people and used that stuff to survive. When he was 16 he killed his first victim and looted their attire and still wears it to this day. He needed a fitting name so he went with Noctis Dentia or as it's said in English "Midnight Chime".

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TheSaiyanKami said:
Name: Taylor "Noctis Dentia"


Age: 26

Occupation: Hobo

Personality: Cautious

Weapons: A small dagger and three silenced pistols

Rank: Scavenger. He's been on the streets since he was twelve so he knows how to set up a small shelter and scavenge for things he needs.

Strengths: Can use a pistol like a soldier. Is very skillful with a knife. Has great upper and lower body strength. Is extremely nimble and acrobatic.

Weaknesses: Lives in an alley with a bunch of rats. Can easily get rabies from said rats. Only has street smarts and survival skills so he doesn't know as much as educated people. Doesn't have money. Doesn't have a proper way to get needed materials.

Background: Taylor lost his mother at birth and was raised by his father. His father died when he was eleven. At age twelve he decided to live on the streets and beg because he thought people would pity him and give him things. He was wrong. After a week without being successful with begging he started to steal from delivery people and used that stuff to survive. When he was 16 he killed his first victim and looted their attire and still wears it to this day. He needed a fitting name so he went with Noctis Dentia or as it's said in English "Midnight Chime".

Kami there is image insert icon in the bars above! Insert the image url in there! Never mind I fixed it up! Accepted!
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Full Name: Silas Williams

Nickname(s): Sy

Titles: The Dark Angel

Rank: Prince. He was adopted by count and was molded to be the second most evil.

Occupation: None

Age: 15

Date of Birth: August 10th

Bloodtype: AB

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (If you can wiggle your way into his cold heart)

Current Relationship Status: Single

Crush(es): No


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 145lbs

Body Structure: Lean with wirey muscles

Eye Color: Brown/Blue

Skin Tone: Pale

Hair Color and Style: Short wavy light blonde

Distinguishing Marks: Freckles dusted across his face

Health: He has a diagnosis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

Other Appendages: None

Usual Clothing Style: Dark clothing, mostly black


Hobbies: Watch anime, draw, read, write, surf the web.

Strengths: Agility, Intelligence, Accuracy.

Weaknesses: Brute force, he's not very muscular.

Quirks/Habits: Silas likes to put people in strange situations just to see how they react, He sees himself a sort of God, he tilts his head when confused.

Likes: Books, Dark Colors, Sweets, Humans, Conflict, Games

Dislikes: Bright Colors, Goody Goodies, People getting in his way

Usual Demeanor:

Silas is a cold and psychotic person. He gets his kicks from causing harm and chaos to others, he finds his little 'games' fun. He can be very mocking and cruel. He doesn't know how to show many emotions as he was told that love and compassion are useless and a weakness. He likes to put his 'subjects' into situations that he can observe their reactions and how they overcome it, he finds it amusing. He sees them as his play things. He's a ruthless soldier and only serves and takes orders from one person and that is his leader. He is a very dangerous person and will not hesitate to kill you if you cross him. He has a short temper and is very prone to mood swings, hearing voices and hallucinations.

Quick to Swing Moods or Difficult to Swing Moods?

Easily Approachable or
Not Easily Approachable

Ambivert, Extrovert?



Silas was always a problem child, causing trouble and harming others. He found it fun, his parents on the other hand didn't know how to handle him. Fearing for their lives they were planning to send him off to the live in mental institution. Silas found out about this and didn't want his freedom taken away. He took a knife from the kitchen and murdered his parents. With a gleeful laugh he ran away from home. Soon he was found by the count who took him in and brought him to Nightfall. He was raised to one day take over for Count when he retires.


Scythe, Switchblade

Nico said:



Full Name: Silas Williams

Nickname(s): Sy

Titles: The Dark Angel

Rank: Prince. He was adopted by count and was molded to be the second most evil.

Occupation: None

Age: 15

Date of Birth: August 10th

Bloodtype: AB

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (If you can wiggle your way into his cold heart)

Current Relationship Status: Single

Crush(es): No


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 145lbs

Body Structure: Lean with wirey muscles

Eye Color: Brown/Blue

Skin Tone: Pale

Hair Color and Style: Short wavy light blonde

Distinguishing Marks: Freckles dusted across his face

Health: He has a diagnosis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

Other Appendages: None

Usual Clothing Style: Dark clothing, mostly black


Hobbies: Watch anime, draw, read, write, surf the web.

Strengths: Agility, Intelligence, Accuracy.

Weaknesses: Brute force, he's not very muscular.

Quirks/Habits: Silas likes to put people in strange situations just to see how they react, He sees himself a sort of God, he tilts his head when confused.

Likes: Books, Dark Colors, Sweets, Humans, Conflict, Games

Dislikes: Bright Colors, Goody Goodies, People getting in his way

Usual Demeanor:

Silas is a cold and psychotic person. He gets his kicks from causing harm and chaos to others, he finds his little 'games' fun. He can be very mocking and cruel. He doesn't know how to show many emotions as he was told that love and compassion are useless and a weakness. He likes to put his 'subjects' into situations that he can observe their reactions and how they overcome it, he finds it amusing. He sees them as his play things. He's a ruthless soldier and only serves and takes orders from one person and that is his leader. He is a very dangerous person and will not hesitate to kill you if you cross him. He has a short temper and is very prone to mood swings, hearing voices and hallucinations.

Quick to Swing Moods or Difficult to Swing Moods?

Easily Approachable or
Not Easily Approachable

Ambivert, Extrovert?



Silas was always a problem child, causing trouble and harming others. He found it fun, his parents on the other hand didn't know how to handle him. Fearing for their lives they were planning to send him off to the live in mental institution. Silas found out about this and didn't want his freedom taken away. He took a knife from the kitchen and murdered his parents. With a gleeful laugh he ran away from home. Soon he was found by the count who took him in and brought him to Nightfall. He was raised to one day take over for Count when he retires.


Scythe, Switchblade

Oh my Lord, he's.... Perfect. Accepted definitely so, *squeals*


"What's going to happen when it all goes down?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_nggj18QJuj1ru4tifo1_500.gif.5ae9fb8f6c2031e0177ec7a61688ff6f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48549" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_nggj18QJuj1ru4tifo1_500.gif.5ae9fb8f6c2031e0177ec7a61688ff6f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Noyeh 'Cika' Zhujiao




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mzei4ov90z1tn6tvao1_500.gif.99239e28802dd7c7248eb9d6620a12ac.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48550" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mzei4ov90z1tn6tvao1_500.gif.99239e28802dd7c7248eb9d6620a12ac.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

69 Inches tall. 145 lbs. Black Scruffy Hair, matched with some dark clothing. Followed up by a Gray Scarf and Jacket.



Date Of Birth:

December 17


Alad's Mechanics Shop/Smuggler's Glove

/Delivery Person\


Noyeh is a kind type, he usually takes thinking hard and plans out good solutions for everything. He was born with a certain brain malfunction, but it's not bad or anything. He's just very prone to headaches, as it happens too much and lasts too long. And so he can barely live through it.


(Hidden in Jacket.)

Noyeh carries around a small caliber pistol, a knife, and a few bombs. Most of the bombs being Flashbangs and Some Grenades. Holding onto some Sticky Bombs to get into places.

(Out in the Open.)









Not Strong




Explained through RP



(Might need to add something.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mxm9w0ECxB1rwvbmlo1_500.gif.3f409ac557beab2bc840a0086fa5366b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mxm9w0ECxB1rwvbmlo1_500.gif.3f409ac557beab2bc840a0086fa5366b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Is this okay? PM or Tag me to tell me to fix or add anything! Bye!)​



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Noyeh said:


"What's going to happen when it all goes down?"

View attachment 112817


Noyeh 'Cika' Zhujiao




View attachment 112818

69 Inches tall. 145 lbs. Black Scruffy Hair, matched with some dark clothing. Followed up by a Gray Scarf and Jacket.



Date Of Birth:

December 17


Alad's Mechanics Shop/Smuggler's Glove

/Delivery Person\


Noyeh is a kind type, he usually takes thinking hard and plans out good solutions for everything. He was born with a certain brain malfunction, but it's not bad or anything. He's just very prone to headaches, as it happens too much and lasts too long. And so he can barely live through it.


(Hidden in Jacket.)

Noyeh carries around a small caliber pistol, a knife, and a few bombs. Most of the bombs being Flashbangs and Some Grenades. Holding onto some Sticky Bombs to get into places.

(Out in the Open.)









Not Strong




Explained through RP



(Might need to add something.)

View attachment 112828

(Is this okay? PM or Tag me to tell me to fix or add anything! Bye!)​


Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"


16 years old


Hair colour: Pitch Black

Skin colour: Paper white

Hairstyle: Always in two pigtails with a ribbon

Eye colour: A mix of purple and pink

Height: 155 cm


Unpredictable in nature, she is the most quiet of the sibling and most residents in the city tend to avoid her. She is appears to passive, but the next moment could be stabbing someone. Does not have good social skills, and is therefore always alone, with the exception of her older brother. However when it comes to animals she loses the cold demeanour, and brings out her inner animal lover.






Handles the Scythe Gun as if it's her own arm

Can sense a presence nearby

Has a good aim

Is extremely fast


Is blind and therefore unable to see her background or people, so only able to recognize someone because of their voice.

When confused she becomes vunerable.

When she goes too fast she can get dizzy and has to have at least 5 minutes before she can continue


Mei and her brother had grown up in the city of Nightfall and now works under the Count,to take out the "heroes" who have come to this city. They have no parents and she has only two people she looks up to, The Count and her brother.


(stuff I may have missed out)


Zheng Xun


"If want to play, please step outside of the shop first"


17 years old


The oldest of the two Xun siblings, he is quite protective of his younger sister, Mei. However unlike his sister he does not actively participate in Committing evil deeds. He manages the shop, The Happy Go-Mart during the day.


He is quiet and doesn't speak much. His emotions aren't clearly shown on his face, he tends to speak one sentence in response to situations.


Manager at the Happy Go-Mart


Carries around a spare hand gun

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Name: Noah Hemlock

Appearance: Noah is a wiry aged man. He commonly wears a "I'm tired with this bullsh*t " demeanor. He is tallish at 6' but has a slouch that reduces his height by a couple of inches. Some of his fair is disappearing and whatever is left is starting to turn grey. There is a slight layer of stubble on his chin/neck area.

Age: 68

Occupation: Happy Go-Mart (Is it possible to be a poisons dealer?)

Personality: Noah is an unenthusiastic person. Time has wearied him and he barely shows any emotion except for anger and frustration. If you have amused him enough, he might lift his eyebrows. Noah tends to look bored all the time. Unless you present yourself with some usefulness, Noah typically ignores or will not care for you. If you are an enemy, don't get caught by Noah. He has a cabinet of nasty poisons that create a dreadful death.

Weapons: A variety of poisons he keeps on hand, small dagger, and a blowgun with small needles that can be tipped with poison. Commonly keeps paralysis toxins on him as well as some that give you bad vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

Rank: Vendor (On uncommon occasions assassin)


High Knowledge of human body and its weaknesses

Poisons Expert

Resistance to pain


Slow due to age

Not strong due to age

Senses are dulled


Noah has always had a fascination with poison before he came to Nightfall. He delighted in being able to inflict pain and death upon others with his poisons that he had created. However, where he lived Noah couldn't indulge himself in his poisonous habits. His parents also found out his secret storage of poisons. Tired of his life in a regular city, Noah killed his parents before moving to Nightfall. Occasionally he was hired to poison heroes who came through but many came to buy poisons from him. Living in Nightfall has dulled his more human senses but his lust for killing has not yet faded.

Other: Only Noah has the cures to his poisons. To make a cure, one would have to be just as skilled in poison/chemistry
Noah said:
Name: Noah Hemlock
Appearance: Noah is a wiry aged man. He commonly wears a "I'm tired with this bullsh*t " demeanor. He is tallish at 6' but has a slouch that reduces his height by a couple of inches. Some of his fair is disappearing and whatever is left is starting to turn grey. There is a slight layer of stubble on his chin/neck area.

Age: 68

Occupation: Happy Go-Mart (Is it possible to be a poisons dealer?)

Personality: Noah is an unenthusiastic person. Time has wearied him and he barely shows any emotion except for anger and frustration. If you have amused him enough, he might lift his eyebrows. Noah tends to look bored all the time. Unless you present yourself with some usefulness, Noah typically ignores or will not care for you. If you are an enemy, don't get caught by Noah. He has a cabinet of nasty poisons that create a dreadful death.

Weapons: A variety of poisons he keeps on hand, small dagger, and a blowgun with small needles that can be tipped with poison. Commonly keeps paralysis toxins on him as well as some that give you bad vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

Rank: Vendor (On uncommon occasions assassin)


High Knowledge of human body and its weaknesses

Poisons Expert

Resistance to pain


Slow due to age

Not strong due to age

Senses are dulled


Noah has always had a fascination with poison before he came to Nightfall. He delighted in being able to inflict pain and death upon others with his poisons that he had created. However, where he lived Noah couldn't indulge himself in his poisonous habits. His parents also found out his secret storage of poisons. Tired of his life in a regular city, Noah killed his parents before moving to Nightfall. Occasionally he was hired to poison heroes who came through but many came to buy poisons from him. Living in Nightfall has dulled his more human senses but his lust for killing has not yet faded.

Other: Only Noah has the cures to his poisons. To make a cure, one would have to be just as skilled in poison/chemistry
Accepted and sure you can be poison dealer! Or would you prefer I make a shop that deals with poison making?
Nah it's fine. Technically poison is a weapon and therefore it can be sold in the weapons market.



Hunter Clemens

(( Goes By Grim ))






He was called upon by a unknown source. They seemed like they needed help so Hunter said he'd help. So now he is here in the city to help rid of evil. (( There isn't much on his past but the fact he was living under tyranny rule ))


Sniper: High powered/silenced

Handguns: Dual/Silenced/Unsilenced/Extended Mags/Armor peircing ammo

Combat knife:Dipped in poison/Made from a unbreakable metal

Assault Rifle/SMG:


Assassin/Hero for Hire


+More Ammo



-Size(( Compared to some villians ))

-No Ammo(( Which forces him into hand to hand or he has to use his knife ))

-He has a bad forearm (( Broke it when he was on a job ))


Hunter is capable of using any weapon on his disposal. He also picked up a few abilities from being experimented on:

Faster than than thr average human


High pin point senses

Keen reflexes
Roman said:



Hunter Clemens

(( Goes By Grim ))






He was called upon by a unknown source. They seemed like they needed help so Hunter said he'd help. So now he is here in the city to help rid of evil. (( There isn't much on his past but the fact he was living under tyranny rule ))


Sniper: High powered/silenced

Handguns: Dual/Silenced/Unsilenced/Extended Mags/Armor peircing ammo

Combat knife:Dipped in poison/Made from a unbreakable metal

Assault Rifle/SMG:


Assassin/Hero for Hire


+More Ammo



-Size(( Compared to some villians ))

-No Ammo(( Which forces him into hand to hand or he has to use his knife ))

-He has a bad forearm (( Broke it when he was on a job ))


Hunter is capable of using any weapon on his disposal. He also picked up a few abilities from being experimented on:

Faster than than thr average human


High pin point senses

Keen reflexes

Aye Roman welcome to the rp! and congrats on being the first hero! You can start posting now! Accepted!

Marcus Riviera

Nickname: Marc




Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Marc is oftentimes mistaken to be a villain because of his cunning nature, but in fact, he is a hero. However, he has an odd sense of justice. He is rather laid-back and has a friendly demeanor, but by nature, he is sneaky and cunning.


His father was a hero, so Marc became a hero as well. In search of the Count, he came to the city of Nightfall.

Weapon: A pair of Tonfas

Occupation: Wanderer


-Terrible sense of directions

-Low stamina; he runs out of breath easily

-Low tolerance for alcohol


-Very cunning and skilled at lying

-Quick at escaping



-His sense of morals and ethics are questionable.

-He's in love with the Count.
Name: Carla Farron

Age: 23


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/207.jpg.6421772f8025c02593a674e75aa07302.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49550" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/207.jpg.6421772f8025c02593a674e75aa07302.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Carla is the Daughter of Career Criminals who have spent their lives running from the law and evading Justice. Her Father was a Thief and her Mother a Contract Killer. As a result of her parents' choice in career, Carla never really developed any of the Social Skills that she would need later in life or receive the Education she would need to survive when she goes out into the World. For a long time, she has stayed in Nightfall, with nowhere else to go and not very much to lose. In contrast of her parents, Carla has chosen the lawful path and decided to make an 'Honest' Living. However, her short life just got more complicated after a One-Night Stand leaves her pregnant.

Occupation: Carla works the Nightshift as a Bartender at Grelle's Shots, instead sleeping during the day and caring for herself in the Afternoons. She tries to conserve her Energy, especially when she works on the weekends, as it is tough for a pregnant woman to walk and stand for an extended period of time.


-Seven and a Half Months (Up to Thirty-Two Weeks) into her Pregnancy

-Midwives have predicted a Boy



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AddictedtoPaper said:
Marcus Riviera

Nickname: Marc




Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Marc is oftentimes mistaken to be a villain because of his cunning nature, but in fact, he is a hero. However, he has an odd sense of justice. He is rather laid-back and has a friendly demeanor, but by nature, he is sneaky and cunning.


His father was a hero, so Marc became a hero as well. In search of the Count, he came to the city of Nightfall.

Weapon: A pair of Tonfas

Occupation: Wanderer


-Terrible sense of directions

-Low stamina; he runs out of breath easily

-Low tolerance for alcohol


-Very cunning and skilled at lying

-Quick at escaping



-His sense of morals and ethics are questionable.

-He's in love with the Count.
Accepted! You can start posting now!


[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]
Name: Carla Farron
Age: 23


View attachment 114456

Background: Carla is the Daughter of Career Criminals who have spent their lives running from the law and evading Justice. Her Father was a Thief and her Mother a Contract Killer. As a result of her parents' choice in career, Carla never really developed any of the Social Skills that she would need later in life or receive the Education she would need to survive when she goes out into the World. For a long time, she has stayed in Nightfall, with nowhere else to go and not very much to lose. In contrast of her parents, Carla has chosen the lawful path and decided to make an 'Honest' Living. However, her short life just got more complicated after a One-Night Stand leaves her pregnant.

Occupation: Carla works the Nightshift as a Bartender at Grelle's Shots, instead sleeping during the day and caring for herself in the Afternoons. She tries to conserve her Energy, especially when she works on the weekends, as it is tough for a pregnant woman to walk and stand for an extended period of time.


-Seven and a Half Months (Up to Thirty-Two Weeks) into her Pregnancy

-Midwives have predicted a Boy

Accepted! You can start posting!

Ryan Casures

Appearance: (Whoops, wrong pic xD )



Background: Ryan moved to Nightfall roughly one year after graduating from college to find work. His electrical engineering degree wasn't netting him the opportunities that he’d hoped, so being one of the only electricians in Nightfall became an appealing option. After Ryan witnessed the city’s bipolar existence, he decided to try his hand at being a hero and bringing hope back to Nightfall.

"Anyone can make a difference, right?"

Personality: Ryan is enthusiastic about life, which leaks into everything he does. He always has energy to connect with people and, despite the city around him, strives to see the good in everyone. He is friendly to most people unless there's a good reason not to be. His nature can be a source of weakness as it is easy to get close to him.

Weapon: Stun knuckles and boxing technique

Occupation: Electrician/shop assistant at Alad’s Mechanic’s Shop (Ryan is unaware of the smuggling operation at present)


Short sighted

Empathetic (can be exploited)







Other:Ryan designs and builds small devices and circuits in his spare time (and often shocks himself in the process). He doesn't want to kill anyone, even the Count. Sleepwalks.


name: Sunshine

Appearance: Small black cat with yellow eyes

Demeanor: Sunshine is, as his name implies, friendly for a cat. He goes with Ryan everywhere, either riding on his shoulders or sitting in his backpack.
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Syfyre said:
Name: Ryan Casures


Background: Ryan moved to Nightfall roughly one year after graduating from college to find work. His electrical engineering degree wasn't netting him the opportunities that he’d hoped, so being one of the only electricians in Nightfall became an appealing option. After Ryan witnessed the city’s bipolar existence, he decided to try his hand at being a hero and bringing hope back to Nightfall.

"Anyone can make a difference, right?"

Personality: Ryan is enthusiastic about life, which leaks into everything he does. He always has energy to connect with people and, despite the city around him, strives to see the good in everyone. He is friendly to most people unless there's a good reason not to be. His nature can be a source of weakness as it is easy to get close to him.

Weapon: Stun knuckles and boxing technique

Occupation: Electrician/shop assistant at Alad’s Mechanic’s Shop (Ryan is unaware of the smuggling operation at present)



Empathetic (can be exploited)

Highly emotional






Other:Ryan designs and builds small devices and circuits in his spare time (and often shocks himself in the process). He doesn't want to kill anyone, even the Count. Sleepwalks.
(( Is he a hero? Please be a hero xD ))
Syfyre said:

Ryan Casures

Appearance: (Whoops, wrong pic xD )



Background: Ryan moved to Nightfall roughly one year after graduating from college to find work. His electrical engineering degree wasn't netting him the opportunities that he’d hoped, so being one of the only electricians in Nightfall became an appealing option. After Ryan witnessed the city’s bipolar existence, he decided to try his hand at being a hero and bringing hope back to Nightfall.

"Anyone can make a difference, right?"

Personality: Ryan is enthusiastic about life, which leaks into everything he does. He always has energy to connect with people and, despite the city around him, strives to see the good in everyone. He is friendly to most people unless there's a good reason not to be. His nature can be a source of weakness as it is easy to get close to him.

Weapon: Stun knuckles and boxing technique

Occupation: Electrician/shop assistant at Alad’s Mechanic’s Shop (Ryan is unaware of the smuggling operation at present)


Short sighted

Empathetic (can be exploited)

Highly emotional






Other:Ryan designs and builds small devices and circuits in his spare time (and often shocks himself in the process). He doesn't want to kill anyone, even the Count. Sleepwalks.
Accepted! You can start posting now!


Name: Caroline Samuels

Age: 17

Occupation: Waitress at Farlen's Cafe (She takes requests for hits on people there secretly)

Personality: During the day, Caroline seems like a normal, studious girl. She keeps to herself and doesn't speak much to others aside from an acquaintance here and there at school. Her mood is neither positive nor negative, but she can be more truthful than some can take. During the night, she's almost completely different. She's outgoing, strong, and snarky. And she murders without relent.



Rank: Assassin. She murders each night, the number depending on how many people requested her services.

(give reasoning to how you got that rank e.g minor theft makes you the bottom of the ladder)



Very Fast


(At least three)


Not strong physical wise

Can overthink easily

Becomes upset when her day life and night life mix

(at least three)


Caroline grew up quickly knowing that it's not safe to just be a citizen in Nightfall. It was only her twelfth birthday she was made an orphan. Her parents were assassins and taught her a lot of what she knows but were disliked among the nightlife. So, she began to try such things herself. And she murdered the people who killed her parents. Finding satisfaction in the blood she drew, it became her life.

(how you're associates with nightfall)


Most commonly underestimated for her innocent and weak appearance.

(stuff I may have missed out)

Maxwelle said:


Name: Caroline Samuels

Age: 17

Occupation: Waitress at Farlen's Cafe (She takes requests for hits on people there secretly)

Personality: During the day, Caroline seems like a normal, studious girl. She keeps to herself and doesn't speak much to others aside from an acquaintance here and there at school. Her mood is neither positive nor negative, but she can be more truthful than some can take. During the night, she's almost completely different. She's outgoing, strong, and snarky. And she murders without relent.



Rank: Assassin. She murders each night, the number depending on how many people requested her services.

(give reasoning to how you got that rank e.g minor theft makes you the bottom of the ladder)



Very Fast


(At least three)


Not strong physical wise

Can overthink easily

Becomes upset when her day life and night life mix

(at least three)


Caroline grew up quickly knowing that it's not safe to just be a citizen in Nightfall. It was only her twelfth birthday she was made an orphan. Her parents were assassins and taught her a lot of what she knows but were disliked among the nightlife. So, she began to try such things herself. And she murdered the people who killed her parents. Finding satisfaction in the blood she drew, it became her life.

(how you're associates with nightfall)


Most commonly underestimated for her innocent and weak appearance.

(stuff I may have missed out)

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