Night of Fireflies [Inactive]


Master of Dreams & Nightmares


Night of Fireflies -

A legend that ties two people together forever...


Night of Fireflies


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Nicolas (Nick) Layland




A young man living on the farthest North of Victa Island. Separated from his brother at young age and craved the attention he once received when he was young. So now he lets his mind drift away with handiwork. Making things from small clocks, to a new coffee table. On Victa island he lives solely with his father on the higher edges of the hillside.


Nick is a very social person and admires a conversation whenever approached but is considerably withdrawn and often found in a world of his own.

On first glance, Nick is a happy-go-lucky guy with a chip on his shoulder. Under the surface when he's caught staring out a window toward the space between the trees, he longs for the affection he once had. And wished all the more to leave this place and travel the world in search of something to captivate his heart.

The good things in life are worth looking for.



Played by: @Aperire Animo



Audrey Lilith Cornett




Audrey has lived on Victa her whole life with her mother and father. Due to the fact that she's an only child she was spoiled for much of her childhood, something that changed drastically when her father died. After that - with her mother now working - Audrey had to take care of herself and became a very independent person because of that. She's currently going to the University on Victa (Which is how she knows her 'Prince').


When she was younger Audrey was a spoiled and rotten child, taking advantage of her parents good will. It was a rude awakening for her when her father died and she had to become more independent. It was good for her though. She is now a very independent person, not afraid to speak her mind or get in a fight. She's one of those people that wears her heart on her sleeve and is easier to read than a book.



Played by: @MisfortunateDreams


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Slowly but surely, the sun began to set behind Victa Island leaving small beams of light to bounce lightly from the snow.

Nicolas was still reading beneath the porch, snuggled up with a light blanket over his shoulders and sipping away at his warming cup of tea.

Once he noticed the sky getting innevitably darker, Nick rose from his bench and revealed a thin, red velvet rope from his pocket with which to mark the place in his book.

After streching his legs, Nick stepped forward and tipped out what little was left of the tea and looked out over the town.

Then something caught his attention, a small group of screaming girls off in the distant. Maybe they had just made plans for the summer holidays two weeks from now.

Which reminded him, Nick hadn't. Just as last year, he hadn't made a single plan for the time off.

No trips abroad, no family visits. Not even the notion to camp with a tent in the backgarden.

I wonder if this year will be different? Nick contemplated as he lifted his chin and stared out across the clouds.
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"Eh! It's this late already?" Audrey's voice echoed off the empty school building as she spoke, the sun painting the walls around her in an array of bright colors. If it was sunset already that meant it was getting late. If she didn't get home by the time the sun set she'd get scolded by her mother. She was already a university student but for unknown reasons her mother refused to view her as one. Instead she was more strict then she had been when Audrey had been in high school. She made a face as she jogged along, reaching the cliffs and pausing to catch her breathe. The sun seemed to light up the cliff face and pink trees. She would have stood their longer if the squeal of a girl catch her attention. Glimpsing around, Audrey noted the cluster of girls happily talking.

"Summer plans?" She mumbled to herself, "Must be nice." All her friends were leaving the island for the vacation. Her family didn't have enough money for a trip, which was an shame because Audrey would have loved to go somewhere. Things weren't all bad though, it seemed Christopher would remain on the island as well. He had promised her that they would spend time together. The though made her heart flutter slightly.

"Oh..." Her eyes snagged onto a solitary figure, "NICK!" Reaching her hands above her head she waved them around, jumping slightly and calling his name again so that she could get his attention.

While Nick turned to his door, he couldn't make out the voice, but when she called again he turned his head back around to look for the caller. Off to one side with her hands held high,

Nick caught himself smiling alot more than he was already as he stepped of the porch. He wondered what she wanted, but at the same time didn't really care.

Not out of spite but for the fact he now had a reason to speak to her again.

Say something cool-ish, something that says 'I wanna talk' but also says I'm busy so I cant stay long... Alright I've got it...

"Hey!" He said waving the the corner of the blanket along with his hand.


As Audrey drew closer, Nick couldn't help but admire her all the more. He didn't attend any College or Uni since he finished his grades and worked with his father. Meaning she was the first person he would have spoke to in a over a weeks time.

He couldn't wait.
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"Hey, my mom wanted to thank you for fixing our door." Audrey said hurrying over to Nick's porch and leaping lightly onto it. "She wants you to come over for dinner sometime. You and your dad of course." She gave him a good once over, taking in the blanket and empty mug. It was strangely appropriate for him but she'd never tell him that in person. Nick was her childhood friend, probably one of the only ones that she still talked to that is. He was a nice guy, gentle.

"Are you taking a break right now?" She asked suddenly realizing that he was usually fiddling with one this or another whenever she saw him. "Do you want to come have dinner tonight? I'm sure my mom would love to see you!" She lifted her eyebrow expectantly, looking around his porch and through his window. She hadn't seen Nick for a few weeks, the last time being when he came to fix the latch on their door that wasn't working quite right. He had always been good as fixing things, a skill Audrey had been jealous of.

"Oh that? It was no problem really, plus it gave me a chance to come and see you."
Nick said looking down to his hands, already playing with the blanket.

His smile faded as he glanced over his shoulder at the house, his dad wasn't happy lately. Shuffling around the house, drink in hand.

It was coming up to that time of year that his mother left and his dad was left to remember the times before it.

"My dad's been kind of busy lately," he turned back locking eyes with Audrey, before long the smile returned too. " he might not be able to make it. And I can't really come alone can I?" he asked chuckling, secretly hoping she'd say 'yes'.

"Anyway I can't come over in something like this." Nick signaling to the rugged jumper he was wearing beneath the blanket.
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Audrey looked over his outfit, rubbing her chin. "Hmm... You're right, you can't go like that." She then flashed a smile tugging off his blanket as she pushed him toward his door. "So go change!" When she had positioned him in front of his door she stepped back, waving her hands in a gesture for him to go. "Hurry, I'm supposed to be home by sundown." It had been a long time since she had really talked to Nick, which was a shame because he had always been a good listener. She felt like she could confide in him about anything. Even if it was about the person she liked. Audrey had a plan after all, with Christopher agreeing to spend time with her over the vacation she was going to make him fall in love with her. Then, after he that, they would go to the Firefly Meadow and catch their very own firefly! The legend range in her ears as she happily skipped off Nick's porch to wait down below.

"It's going to be a good summer!" She chimed happily to the sky, "So good!"
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Nick smiled to himself as he pushed his way into the house, he closed the door behind him and walked through the hall to the staircase.

Before he could climb the first step he heard a faint smash from the kitchen.

With a sigh, Nick made his way through the house toward the sound. The kitchen door creaked open as he peered inside, his father, William, was stood at the sink. A single plate lay shattered between his feet.

"Dad?" Nick called his father in hope of any response... Nothing.

William simply stood there.

Nick shook his head and left to walk upstairs, leaving the kitchen door to close over behind him.

William looked down at the plate, finally some cogs began to turn. As he picked the first large chunk from the floor, the single shard cut through the skin of his thumb causing him to drop it once more and shattering it into even smaller pieces.

Nick heard the second smash before entering his room, it didn't phase him. He knew this was only the start of something much bigger.

Nick searched his closet from something a little more formal to turn up in. Stripping himself of the jumper he decided to wear one of his longer sleeved white shirts with a pair of black jeans.

After brushing his hair with his fingers, he was finally ready to rejoin Audrey outside and head out for hopefully a few hours to escape the depression that lay waiting for him to return.

Finally making his way to the front door, Nick grabbed his key from the coat hooks.

He didn't give it a second thought before leaving the house.

Closing the door quietly behind, he snuck up and threw the blanket over Audrey's head and hugged her tight from behind as a surprise.
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The sudden blanket falling over her head blocked out the view of the cherry blossom trees that she had been watching. It also brought with it a slight sense of panic, her mind reeling with dreadful reasons someone would have to throw a sheet over her. She was sure it had to be a kidnapper but didn't know why they'd want her. Plus there was the fact that she hadn't seen anyone around just a few seconds before. It had to be someone shady though, perhaps they had been hiding under the porch waiting for the right moment to strike. She was about to scream when arms wrapped around her, squeezing her tightly in a hug.

"D-don't do that!" She stammered, flapping her arms so that the blanket slipped off her head. "Do you want me to have a heart attack! I almost died at such a young age!" Still unable to moved because of his arms she did her best to look upward at her hair, flustered when she saw the mess her bangs were in.

"Ah! My hair..." Audrey moaned looking a the strands of black hair that poked out in odd angles.

Rolling his eyes, Nick laughed at her fluster. He took the blanket and put it back on the bench before accompanying Audrey on the walkway.

Being taller than her, he bent over slightly and ruffled her hair in a tease,
"Awww, you'll be alright, besides I thought you didn't have a heart?" Nick said raising a coy smile.

"Now," He said looking at where his watch used to be, realising he left it on his bed when he was getting changed. "I have no idea what time it is but it's getting later so we should probably head back to yours if you want to survive the night."

In a notion he extended his arm toward the end of the path,
"Shall we?"
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"Mmm... Don't try to charm your way to another subject," She stated, eyeing him as she tried to force down a smile. "I'm still mad at you for what you did to my hair. You won't be able to get off that easily, so you had better watch out." Leaning to the side she nudged his arm with her shoulder, playfully pushing against him. Nick had less of chance for her to be mad at him then she had of winning the lottery. She had no idea why that was but she simply couldn't hold onto any sort of grudge when it came to her friend. She wondered about that as she looked out over the town, a few houses had already switched on their lights because of the fading sun. It was almost a tranquil setting, as if the scene could be frozen in time and no one would care.

"So, how have you been?" She finally asked, referring to both his health and the anniversary of his mother's departure. She had never been given the full story but it seemed Nick's mother left them. Audrey vaguely remembered Nick's mother, mostly because it had been rare for them to ever go to his house when they were young. They had spent more time around the island with the others. Sometimes she wondered if Nick ever regretted it, wasting the amount of time he could have had with his mother by spending it with Audrey.

Nick smiled and looked at Audrey for the right moment,
"Well it's good to know I can charm you in the first place." he said cocking his head back a little and chuckling pretentiously.

Secretly he actually did like the idea of being able to charm her, not only would it prove that he wasn't completely hopeless with girls but like every guy would, he thought of the two being together and didn't find a bad thing against it.

Nick tried snapping out of the thought and focusing on her properly, he watched her steps and then nudged her back causing her to loose balance a little,

With the fade of his laugh he looked to Audrey, then down to watch his feet while they were walking, his smile slowly hiding away. His mind drifted back to his father,
"Ahh you know ups and downs." but Nick looked over and cheered up, "But I'm okay, keeping myself busy as usual."

He tried not thinking about his mother, the rest of the evening would only go further down hill.

After looking out over the town and he suddenly remembered,
"Oh! That reminds me, what are your plans over the summer? I can find things to do but I want to actually go out this summer. Finally experience what everyone keeps talking about." He muttered with a smile.
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"What do you mean? So the summers we spent together as children weren't summers like the 'ones everyone talks about'?" She asked, pouting out her lip a bit hurt. She had always enjoyed her summers with Nick and the others, they were certainly some of her best memories. Still she knew what he meant by his comment. Even Audrey wondered what a summer of true excitement was like. Somehow she felt as though being stuck on the island all summer was going to make that kind of vacation impossible. She knew her hope for an enjoyable break from school would have been totally dimensioned if she didn't have things to look forward to.

"You know, our old group is meeting up at the start of the break." she said, "I know they would like it if you went as well, they're always asking about you." Audrey and Nick had gone to school together for as long as she could remember and had somehow been dragged into the same group of after school friends. However when high school hit many of them decided to take a boat across to the mainland for school. It was harder to hang out at that point and finally when University rolled around they were only able to meet up during vacations and long weekends. Audrey talked to them as much as she could. "You should come, it's about the only vacation that I'm actually going to be taking this summer." She shook her head in disappointment, "Is it sad the only the only thing I can afford is a cheap hotel room on the other side of Victa for a few nights at the beach?"

Nick always remembered the days they spent together as children, whether over at eachothers houses or out playing in the streets. Happy as kids could be. But over the past couple of years Nick departed himself more and more from any type of social situation.

It had been so long since he had fun, without a care in the world.

Nick squeezed her closer with a reasuring hug,
"You know I didn't mean it like that," he said before kissing the top of her head. "It's just been a while a since I've even been out." He let Audrey free and put his hands in his pockets, thinking back to the times when they used to all go out together. "I guess it would be pretty nice to see everyone again."

Nick took out his phone and typed a few things down to remind himself,
"Alright, I'll come along," he said looking over, "As for the hotel situation, I'm sure I can get some money together and get a spacey 2-bed room in the one by the bay?" he remebered back to when his older brother told him the stories of getting a suite for him and his 3 friends in some fancy hotel years ago, how when they weren't sharing the beds they'd get all the pillows and blankets and sleep on the floor with a few drinks watching the shitty movies from the VCR collection. Nick knew he could get enough money together for the same room, maybe he could have just as much as fun as he brother did with his time off.
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"R-Really!?" Audrey stammered excitedly, "You really think we should get a big room?" Her gazed drifted off as she thought about it, figuring that it would probably cheaper that way then everyone getting separate rooms. They were adults now so it shouldn't bother anyone's parents and most of them were students so it'd be better to spend less money. The thought made her wish the trip was sooner as an elated giggle escaped her lips.

"Ah! Now I'm to excited!" She stated happily, "I won't be able to concentrate in class anymore." She even felt compelled to skip the last few feet to the gate outside her house, tugging it open so that she and Nick could go through. "Oh! I almost forgot that I have something super important to tell you also." She said turning to wink at him before pushing open her front door, "MOM! I brought someone back to see you!" The smell of meat drifted through the air to meet her nose, making her stomach growl as she headed for the kitchen after tossing her shoes and jacket by the hook next to the door. Her mom was a splendid cook, one of the best of the island if you asked Audrey. Not that anyone even had to, her mother's restaurant was the most popular in town.

Nick stepped in, took the school bag from his shoulders and walked into the kitchen. The smell of home cooking overwhelmed his senses while the steam of the vegetables fogged his glasses.

"Hey sweetie."

Her voice was heavenly, every time she spoke he would drift off to a much happier place.
"Hi mom." Young Nick replied smiling innocently. After clearing his lenses clean he did nothing short of running over and hugging her waist. She turned and held his head closer before lifting his cheek, "Have you spoke to dad yet?" She asked. Nick only replied by shaking his head. "Well go on then" She laughed pushing him toward the door, "Dinner's nearly ready so you can call him down while your at it." Nick smiled and turned to the open door. With a blink of his eyes the colours changed and the walls moved.

He was back at Audreys house.

Nick drew a deep breath and wiped the tears from his face. The only thought was hoping that it didn't show.

He hid himself with a smile and stepped into the house, waving through to the kitchen.
"Hi misses Cornett!"

Nick followed close behind Audrey tugging at her hand.
"What was it that you had to tell me?" he asked taking another long breath.
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