

New Member

Well hello there.

Name's Neon, glad to make your acquaintance and all that.

I've been Role Playing for several years now, but have grown up loving the idea.

I'm an avid writer and reader and, thanks to the wonders of my laptop, have access to Rping sites almost daily.

Something of a dream come true right?

So that's basically it. I'll be around, creeping on Rps that I deem worthy, and obsessing over wonderful plots.

Probably will join some later on, once I get a better feel for this /awesomesauce/ site and what not.
I guess I get to be the first to welcome you to the site, although I am sure that the others shall be along shortly to give their witty, and often times pithy welcomes that will, invariably, turn men harassing each other in a manly fashion and which has absolutely nothing to do with you. But it's fun and it can be hilarious as they try and one up each other.

My suggestion: Pull up a chair, pop something popcorn and watch.

There are, as the Captain will tell you, plenty of rps currently looking for players and, once Medel sees you, he'll try and get you into 2020, which isn't a bad game, if I say so myself. But I think I shall allow the menfolk and the ladyfolk introduce themselves after their own fashion.
NeonSpirits? Must be some East-Asian Liqueur or Apéritif, personally I prefer continental spirits, but we shaln't share preference, it makes this social encounter far more interesting than ever deemed possible. You have now taken your first steps into the overwhelming and to some, pleasant experience that is, or as we of the old guard call it, The Dome. It is a pleasant inn which you might or might not find to be of your liking, but as I said, we shaln't share preference, it is far more interesting this way.

The inns and outs of this, oh so grand "Website" are not of the simple kind to the simple eye, but make your eye sore and you shall find that the mess becomes a far more understandable mess, a mess so sweet you might think about hugging it, or kissing it. But such behavior shaln't be tolerated unless it comes from a place of grace and respect, not affection or perversion.

You are very welcome to join me on one of the adventures of which I partake, they are a selected few that meet certain requirements, the requirements of my preference, which we shaln't share. So therefore I can not assure you that you will find them to your liking, but I can assure you won't regret throwing yourself at them, because they will accept you with open arms, unless you're not meeting the requirements, the requirements of it's preference, which you shaln't share, but might bare with as it is an experience few will ever partake in, which is why you must partake and share.

Questions are forwarded to Captain Hesperus and Doctor Calgori, they will most probably tell you not to take me seriously, or throw some kind of heavy, blunt object at me. And really, that kind of behavior... Yea, I can't defend myself in that regard.

Welcome to the Dome.
medelsvensson said:
we of the old guard call it, The Dome.
No one except you calls it The Dome >_>...Infact the dom in RPdom is not for Dome.

Welcome to the site NeonSpirits! If you ever need anything please don't hestitate to contact me or any of the other staff members :) !

What type of genre do you like? If you like Scifi I could recommend my Megalopolis game or you could check out Medel's 2020. There are also dozens of other amazing games on the site that deserve attention if neither of those are to your liking.

Again, Welcome to the site :)
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]No one except you calls it The Dome >_>...Infact the dom in RPdom is not for Dome.

Correct, and correct. Also, who would be this old guard, since the RPdom name is still relatively fresh?

But to welcome our guest: I'm Wolf, and you are welcome. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay and join some games before long :)

As we say in Europe: Woof.

It's a pleasure to meet you then. Thank you for the advice, my original intentions were more along the lines of slinking into the background until I could find a suitable Rp to join- but perhaps I'll stick around for a while longer. I appreciate the greeting.


My name relates more to the neon lights and having good spirits, than the element or a long dead acquaintance. Or at least, that's what I'll pretend for the sake of argument. Though as you said, to each their own and all that. I'd like to thank you for the greeting to this site, and as for whether or not it's to my liking, that is something only time itself can tell- though it does show promise so far.

I will try to keep this in mind, and thank you for the warning- it may prove to be useful in keeping my laptop safe from such attacks.

As for your offer, I'd like to thank you for it. It does sound like it would make for some interesting times if nothing else. Unless I don't meet these 'requirements' of which you keep so well hidden, then I would have to wise you the best as we went our separate ways. Perhaps I will partake- if you'll have me?

I will keep this in mind as well. Such things are good to know, so I thank you for sharing them. In the same regard, I should warn against myself- or rather, not to actually believe that anything I write will accurately reflect me or my personality. Thank you again for the warnings and advice, I will try to heed them to the best of my abilities.

@The Dark Wizard

Thankyou~! For the moment, really any genre is good with me- though I've been looking for something that perhaps challenges me a bit more? Perhaps like a horror Rp? Though I will definitely check out your suggestions, thank you ^^

@Renarion Arenimon

I will try :3 Thank you for the greeting, and as they say- or at least me- in reply to that: Meow.

/Oh God so many people @u@ Again, thank you all for the greeting ^^

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