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newbie seeking for group


certified corrupt circus creature
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hi i'm Zed. I'm not new to rping but I'm new to the dice forum at rpnation.
I'm looking for someone to DM/GM as well as a fellow group. I don't expect too much just a fun group with a silly game premise. Laid back, not to a strict schedule.
Any sort of fantasy like normal DnD or like a magical-modern world.
Either DnD or any other table top rpgs : )

I don't have too high expectations and totally looking for someone who doesn't have the same expectations
Hey! I might have just what you're looking for. There's actually NO set story, and your activity can be as high or low as you'd like it to be. You can check it out by going here: Ethium | Interest Check

If you have any interest after reading that, feel free to comment on that thread or send me a pm!

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